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AMD Ryzen Custom Loop PC Build Log

so on the backs of those who accuse me of being an Intel fanboy I present to you a custom cooled Rison PC build I hope you enjoy what is up everyone this is my second custom lead PC build ever on the channel but I think things you can go by much more smoothly this time around I'm much more familiar with PT G tubing how to bend all that should be able to get this done in a day or two I don't have much going on in school right now so i'ma try and knock this out as quick as possible I will run through all of the gear but the first thing I do want to say in case you haven't already been able to tell this is all sponsored by thermal tape thermal takes sent all this and I wanted to make an effort to do a thermal take custom loop build because I feel like a few of you were pretty harsh with how you just automatically defaulted to you know this is a bad company they don't make it products you can't trust them with custom loop gear period I find that to be a bunch of malarkey I've worked with Thermaltake stuff in the past and you know apart from that one hiccup with the C 1000 coolant which I couldn't show you a clip of right now oh yeah you see oh that a you know that gunk in there apart from that thermal take is a very viable custom lead PC brand and after this build I do hope you will reconsider if you had a few harsh words to say beforehand so this is just a matter of proving a point you can use this this company and not have any issues for the most part we're going to go through every nook and cranny here and try to build inside of the p400s tempered glass Edition I reviewed this a few videos ago check it out right here and then I also will be including the gigabyte a X 370 k7 gaming I mixed up those what in whatever words but yeah this is a gigabytes best AM for board of course the rise in 1700 X already installed and then I have a surprise but for now we're going to using a gtx 1070 for our graphics card that will be water-cooled so we're going to take off the ACX cooler on there but we'll be replacing that with something else very soon I'm sure you already know what it is but this point but we'll also be custom cooling that and I think the plan is to fit a 360 up front which you can do there is room we've removed the basement door so we have room for a 360 going all the way up and then we're going to put it 120 tiny little 1:20 here it's kind of weird so small right in the back right there but that's the plan these are just 30 mil thick I believe 25 mil thick radiators and we should have plenty of room for for everything we want now because we're only using one graphics card I thought it'd be pretty cool to try out the old Tony method here and install the reservoir like that so we can mount it to the basement and then we can run of course our radiators or fans will run the tubing down and then we have a d5 pump that massive thing back there it's going to be tucked away in the basement nicely you do have a few extra things to include a drain port which is something that blue sky does not have currently I do highly recommend one and that should be it I don't expect we'll have many hiccups because of the case is very custom loop friendly but I think the most time-consuming thing of course will be the ptg tube bending let's see how much we get done in a matter of a few hours you you you you you you okay we're at the point now where I'm going to start seriously considering where I want to run the tubes we've got quite a number of ports but they're all over the place in the case here so we've got a 360 up top the two ports for the CPU block another two for the 120 rad and then we've got two right here at the base reservoir this is a fill port by the way so we're going to rotate the case up you know did the front side down and then you'll fill it up from that little drain valve there the fill valve and then we're going to have a pump here and the pumps going to have an in in and out and then we're also going to use another out for or drain valve or drain port so we've got quite a number of things going on here and I'm not entirely sure how we're going to be running this also keep in mind we have the graphics card I haven't actually done that yet but that'll be another two ports to worry about so there's going to be tubing running all over the place in this case but I think it's actually going to work out fairly well because it's going to fill up all this empty space there's still so much space left in the p400s and that's kind of surprising but it is very roomy in here you well I do hope you enjoyed the build log process the PC is not behind you right now because I'm working on a few things if you notice there were some flashing fans in there that weren't calibrated properly software wasn't working so I had to swap those out and I'm also in the process of cleaning up just a tiny little leak you'll also hear about that in part 2 which would be the upgrade video will replace the 1070 with a 1080 Ti as well as replace the stock red cables from Corsair with some custom sleeved ones from Tony at virility his channel link is in the video description along with all the parts used in this build you have any questions concerns leave those in the comments below be sure to like the video if you liked it give it a dislike if you feel the complete opposite or if you hate everything about life be sure to click Subscribe but if you haven't already and stay tuned for more content links on the channel this is cell as our studio thanks for learning with this my camera battery was dying so I kind of had to rush this you
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