I've finally done something about the
annoying echo in this room if you recall
my original studio tour video when I
moved back to the University of
Louisiana where I am at currently and
check that video out right here by the
way I was bombarded with echoes from
every which direction in this room it
was clearly not designed for content
creators I threw in carpet in a bunch of
furniture but the echo still prevailed
many of you suggested that I do it the
old fashion DIY way and basically layer
towels and frames and while that would
certainly be effective it wouldn't have
the portability I require being that I'm
constantly on the move and on top of
that a towel frame would weigh
considerably more than foam I can't nail
anything to these walls because this
apartment is being rented so foam it was
and at that very moment almost perfect
timing actually arrow zoom reached out
to the studio
arrow zoom offers a great variety of
panels for any style room and any
content creator you can choose between
pyramid hemispherical egg-crate striped
or beveled tiles most of which come in
either 25 or 50 centimeter lengths and
widths the particular dimensions of the
ones I'm using are 50 by 50 centimeters
and 5 centimeters thick for this
application the thicker the better and I
opted for the pyramid design because it
offers more surface area for which to
absorb sound and that's kind of the
point here I would say though that under
most circumstances it's just going to
come down to preference what you think
will look good on camera on top of air
assumes great design selection you also
have the freedom of choosing your foam
panel colors and as you can see black
and white all the way from me what a
dope Ryne white obviously complements
Walter White and the black kind of fills
in the gaps I've got a bit of a
checkered board theme going on right now
but I actually don't mind it and of
you can go with any color combo you'd
like or just one color though I
recommend you divvy it up a bit the foam
panels themselves from a quality control
standpoint are exactly what I expected
them to be thick flexible and light
again I want to emphasize the fact that
foam panels are not the best solution
for dampening sounds it's just the most
ideal solution for someone like myself
these required zero maintenance zero
prep save the mounting tape and are very
easy to store and relocate perfect for
me for added benefits you can purchase
arrow zooms based wrap kit to absorb
even more of that unwanted feedback
particularly the lows and if you have a
very sensitive microphone like I do
can't you can't see it it's the blue
Yeti nothing new but if you have
something like that the base trap kits
going to come in very handy actually
plan on obtaining that next so on to
mounting I didn't realize this but most
of these kits actually include mounting
strips then little pieces of 3m tape
that do the job I purchase 3m scotch
tape which I still recommend for peace
of mind as they're thicker and stronger
one roll was enough for 12 panels and 5
pieces on each originally I plan to use
only four cuts for each panel but the
middle was always kind of slightly
bulging adding that fifth strip into the
middle corrected the minor issue now in
terms of layout what you place where
kind of depends on your room I spaced
each individual tile out originally with
about three inches in between and found
that it didn't dampen the sound as much
as placing large chunks of them next to
each other did fix
mint a bit until you find your ideal
sound the good thing is 3m tape is
safely removable just ensure that you're
pulling the tape up from the wall and
not the foam up from the tape that
wouldn't really be cool so here's what
it sounded like recording with the
camera's microphone when I first moved
into the studio if you saw my last video
about the aukey keyboard then you've
already kind of seen this whole set up
but I wanted to show you in a
first-person kind of perspective what's
going on with the new setup in the new
room the new apartment and here's what
it sounds like now with the foam panels
installed okay this is an audio test
with the foam up in the studio big
difference like I said I can just
hearing myself talk in this room it
doesn't sound like it's this small and
doesn't sound like it's lined with lead
paint which is just not good in general
health-wise but it is so much better in
here and the echo is minimal you may
even be able to tell the difference just
from listening to me here the blue ad
does a great job at suppressing
background noise especially in cardioid
mode but even so I still to compress and
tweak audio levels after the fact I'm
doing the same thing right now in this
video but I can very clearly discern
between the two the audio before the
panel still had a slight echo and I know
that those of you with high quality
headphones could definitely tell at this
point I'm being held back by my
microphone more than anything else but
now even just hearing myself talk sounds
completely different in this closed off
room reverb is minimal lows or crisp and
my voice stops exactly when I want it to
stop something I wasn't accustomed to
before be sure to check out arrow zooms
website linked in this video's
description build your own kit and give
them a shot cheap knockoffs from Amazon
a thinner lighter and overall less
reliable I would know I purchased a
cheap set of red and black acoustic
panels from Amazon before immediately
returning them for these and the
difference is night and day if you liked
this video be sure to give it a thumbs
up give it a thumbs down if you looking
good opposite and subscribe for more
content like this I have a cool review
involving the new g.skill peripherals
well not new but they are relatively new
the gschool gaming keyboard that well
will be linked in that video description
and then also the gaming mouse to
accompany at very nice complements they
complement each other very nicely so
that's coming up as well as a gaming
chair from a kei racing that I hinted at
on Twitter follow me on Twitter if you
haven't already it's pretty much all I'm
gonna say in this video
this is science studio thanks for
learning with us
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