Birthday Live Stream! - Science Studio After Hours #28
Birthday Live Stream! - Science Studio After Hours #28
okay I think we are streaming this can
be really awkward if not and I'm using
the setup I used last week which is a
Sony as7 - hooked up to an a burm edia
capture card this should focus is it
focusing yeah it looks like it is I need
to be slightly further to left to be in
a shot okay there we go again sorry
about the wait and I'm totally gonna
blame my software incompetence here
actually part of that wasn't my fault
but I did have to kind of rebuild the
Walter White I guess is what we're gonna
call it or Heisenberg back there
I had to swap out the stock card that
was a no it was a 1070 TI from Galax I
swapped that with a 2080 from a soos
gonna run some more long-term tests for
that card I also want to just kind of
test run it in in some games and see if
it's you know worth the up grandma
obviously it's gonna be a better card in
the 1070 TI but it's really difficult
for me to justify buying the car in the
first place so I feel kind of dirty
using it even though it is such a good
card it's just so overpriced right now
so yeah this is a birthday stream and I
have nothing planned yeah it was kind of
a you know a pretty normal day for the
most part my parents brought some some
goodies back home and you know I'm not
sixteen anymore but it was nice too and
I celebrate a little bit with them
they're still in the process of having
the insurance and all that stuff handled
the house their house is pretty much
gone so a lot of that is gonna take
place tomorrow took a while for the
insurance to even come out look at the
place they're gonna do that tomorrow
that's been what two weeks since the
hurricane hit so there's been a bit of a
delay I guess you could say and that's
largely due to the volume of people you
know having to get insurance companies
to come in there and and adjust and all
that stuff because the whole city
basically was was wiped out so no cake
we actually had what was it we had
cheesecake so I guess that counts
cheesecakes cake alright
then we had my mom bought some really
good cupcakes she brought over so it's
really really nice they've actually been
staying with me for the most part my
dad's been back at the house cleaning up
and setting things up but the rest of my
family's been here in this small
apartment with myself and I have some
good news it's kind of an awesome
birthday present we actually found out
last week I want to say or a week before
that Lisa my wife Lisa is going to be
coming here for approximately five
months and hopefully by the time that
her visa expires which it's a six-month
travel visa a tourist visa but she she
used it she applied for on the merits
that she was gonna come and see her
husband and that that would be you know
a long enough time for them to process
her her I 130 application which is
basically her marriage visa spousal visa
and that will allow our state your
permanent to get a green card and then
you know stay married for like two years
or something like that and then you're a
full-time citizen so yeah that's
exciting because show gonna be here at
least for five months which is the
longest we've ever been together and
then hopefully by the end of the five
months sugar to stay here permanently
could show the green card worst case she
goes back for a couple months whatever
and then she comes back permanently but
at least we get to be together for a lot
longer this time which is great news she
is sleeping right now it's like 3:00 in
the morning over there but I'm really
excited so she'll get to she'll get to
come here actually this Friday Friday or
Friday to be her Saturday
she'll be here so I'm really excited
about that to be a great birthday
present so I really had no plan for this
livestream I think that the fact that
it's a Sunday night we usually do live
streams on Sunday nights so if you're
watching right now the 140 or so who are
I appreciate all of you especially if
you have school the next morning again I
emphasize school I want you guys to
prioritize school above all else if that
is your full-time job if you will
school's most important thing in your
life right now and people are gonna tell
you school doesn't matter you can be
successful without school fact of the
matter is if you have a degree if you
have a high school diploma it's going to
help you it's gonna give you that kick
through the door and it's gonna put you
on the top of the stack versus the
middle of the stack because honestly a
lot of people will just kind of
you have a bachelor's degree does he
have a high school diploma in it and
they'll start action people just because
you don't meet certain criteria that's
straight up how they just you know they
they separate the cream of the crop from
the rest of the bunch because obviously
if you're gonna hire somebody you want
to hire the best you can and it doesn't
mean that if you have a degree you're
the best out there but it's just one of
the ways in which they they do things
and when I say that I'm talking about a
majority of companies and you just gotta
play the game that's that's really all I
can say there so you just got to play
the game and and try your best and
that's why I still have a couple of
people saying hey I've school tomorrow
I'm up really late but I want to watch a
live stream the streams gonna be
archived I know you want to ask
questions and stuff but I encourage you
to prioritize school first that is
something that I cannot reiterate enough
so we're gonna move on to I see a bunch
of questions I guess we're just gonna do
a QA you guys always ask really good
questions and I love that I love I've
seen the same kinds of people in the
live streams every week that actually
really is encouraging so I appreciate
you guys dropping by again on this
Sunday night Sunday night here might be
Monday for you in your part of the world
so let's see here
gate gate old man gate Imam tell tailmon
I prioritize my retirement that's
totally my dad right now like he's like
he's in that like you know that zone
right he's just trucking through work
he's like amped about retirement and and
I guess he's at that age like mid-50s or
so we start looking forward to that
cuz he's been with he's been with this
company for a long time so he's pretty
excited about that too I totally can't
relate but hopefully I live long enough
to be able to relate someday let's see I
to pin it to pin is a channel member I
appreciate your three is that three
months of membership or service whatever
you call it thanks a to pan do you think
in video will release a high end card
say a GTX twenty DTI with outrage racing
that's a good question um I don't I
don't think that's the route they're
gonna go I think they're going to
release the lower end cards without rate
racing that's my that's my belief it
wouldn't make sense in my opinion to
throw r/t course and tensor core isn't
to lower in like 20 sixties or 2050s if
you catch my drift so I'm expecting them
to 2x out the r/t cores in the lower end
cards I don't think we're gonna see a
totally like stand
family of cards that compete with the
r-tx lineup that don't feature Artie
Coors right so GTX 28 ETI versus r-tx 22
t I think that's gonna create a lot of
internal competition right now in video
pretty much dominates the high-end
market so I don't really see a point in
including more because people are gonna
buy these anyway because they're the
best and then if you throw more cards
into the mix it's just more production
time and cost and effort marketing all
that jazz to get a new lineup out there
so that's my take I don't have any
information to confirm or deny that just
my table DP tks happy birthday Greg have
a great day ahead I appreciate that DP
thanks for stopping by I see a twenty
dollar super chat from bazinga
I think XE we're all wait you just
you're a really good person to see him
you are a super chat Phonak I really
appreciate it he says you you say we can
ask anything so how far can you walk
into the woods is that like is that I
feel like I'm missing something here and
y'all are all laughing at me behind my
back I said is that saying is there
something implied there this is the
problem with being a one-man
livestreamer because I can't defer to
the person next to me and ask that
person what that saying is or maybe
you're just straight up maybe does maybe
it's just a legit question you're
actually talking about real woods I have
no idea I don't know how to answer the
question but I hope you got your 20
bucks worth bazinga because I am pretty
embarrassed right now okay moving on
I see ship Shivam oh gosh I just skipped
through a bunch a bunch of stuff
throwing up here let's see Siobhan I
want to be able to play destiny too in
1440p so I'll probably buy a 1070 as for
CPU i5 or horizon I would be taking this
PC to college so it could rise and
benefit and multitasking CAD yeah I
haven't tested a lot of workloads
specifically in CAD to decide whether or
not it's an Intel dependent or you know
kind of a free-standing software I know
CAD widely used we used it a lot in our
engineering program as well but I think
that if we're just gonna kind of throw a
blanket statement out there for a
program like had I would definitely want
to have as many threads as possible at
my disposal which is why I would
recommend in this case horizon 5
and you're only gonna see maybe if 10%
or so frame rate Delta between an i-5
and an r5 so I think you're getting the
best of both worlds with Verizon five at
this point I would only go for an i5 CPU
if you can get one really cheap or if
all you're really doing is gaming and
that's all you're gonna be concerned
about for the next three or four years
and I think the i-5 is a better bet
because you will get that higher frame
rate and you'll experience that for a
lot longer so just my take on that
Sebastian Sebastian is a three month
member I appreciate your Sebastian well
I will self-study to be honest I got my
GED dude that's awesome man and I liked
it that's it's really difficult to and
this is why I did everything all up
front cuz everyone kept telling me it's
super difficult to get out of school and
then have to go back later on once
you're in the you know the groove of
things and you have a steady job or even
if you don't have a steady job but you
just have life to deal with and then
you're asked to go back to school right
you're like you have to commit this
whole chunk of five days a week
basically unless you're you know taking
night classes or what-have-you
it's a big investment and to have to go
back and do that on top of all the other
things that are happening in life that's
a big accomplishment honestly I would
say that's probably harder than just
being in high school because that's your
only job in high school is to go to high
school maybe you might have a side job
but it's ultimately irrelevant if you
live with your parents who basically pay
for everything so yeah kudos to you man
that's awesome I appreciate you sharing
that with us and keep it up seriously
let's see here scrolling down crew
crafters that's science to do you know
schools that offer culinary arts no not
really like the only that comes to mind
is like the Art Institute only because
they see like the commercials for it but
I want to see have no idea if it's even
like I've been like I know like a
culinary school probably not I don't
think it is
I just know because it has art in the
name I do have a couple friends though
who went to culinary school I didn't
expect them to you know like these
people I went to high school with like I
knew how they were in high school and
I'm like the like these guys they didn't
they couldn't tell pork from chicken and
now they're like chefs and that's fine
like I would trust them now but like
back in high school I definitely
wouldn't have so it's just kind of funny
how that all works out it's also very
weird that I'm sitting off-center from
the camera because the way I cropped the
anyway okay that's going down Nick
Salisbury hi Greg maybe you can take a
look at the force caster kinetic nanobot
wand please up to you thanks what the
heck is that I've never heard of that
but that sounds pretty cool let's see
buzzing experience counts education only
is call and educause an educated idiot
education I'm confused but I think I
know what you're saying I think I never
saying yeah I mean experience is
definitely where I think you go to
school like like I'm only gonna speak
about engineers here because that's what
my degree might might match up my
bachelor's degrees in that but I think
you go to school to be an engineer only
to be able to understand and explain on
paper or why things work the way they do
versus in the field with the experience
that you have the experience is
something that you just understand
fundamentally cuz you've been doing it
over and over and over and I'm just know
at this point it sucks that I don't have
as much experience as I would like to
have in the field I think that I should
have probably taken an internship or two
but what my internship really was was
this this channel this was what I was
running full time while I was in college
and I think my by the time I was a
senior in college I was doing this
full-time and I could have totally made
a living full-time on YouTube and and
that's what I ultimately did I had a
summer job I worked at a grocery store I
was a seafood associate and I guess I I
worked in the seafood department next to
the to the butchers and good people over
there and I actually never went back my
summer I just told them over winter
break ice okay guys like that you know
YouTube's doing well enough I want to
devote all my time to that especially
over the summer because I think that I
could turn this into a full-time career
when I graduate and not have to use my
degree which was ultimately the goal not
something I saw myself doing especially
three years prior but it was something
that I wanted to at least try worst case
you know YouTube failed and I could go
be a petroleum engineer or I could be a
financial analyst with my MBA or
whatever like that's why I have those
degrees but I totally get like
what you're saying about the experience
part of it because if you could have all
the degree you know all the degrees in
the world but if you've never actually
set foot on an oil rigger or worked on
an engine for five seconds and there's
no way that you're gonna yeah you might
be able to to explain what's going on on
the engine but you're not gonna know
what this bolt is where this goes where
this vacuum line goes like all that
stuff is it's very you know you have to
be hands-on with that stuff I guess what
I'm trying to say I'm gonna stop
rambling now but you guys know exactly
what I mean well let's see dirt b6r age
my dad's birthday is today and happy
birthday to you I appreciate that
thirty-six thank you for that Musca the
kerr happy birthday thanking my dude
let's see seer noise see your noi
totally butchered that at science studio
do you think pc building slash service
is a real job i think you could turn
anything really into a job i mean
anything that makes enough money for you
to feel comfortable you know making a
living on is a job i mean i mean there
are small jobs big jobs if you can turn
something into a full-time job then more
power to you and if it's pc building
that's awesome to me that would be an
awesome job i would love to have like a
service like an office where people
bring in pcs and they say hey what's
wrong with this what's wrong with this
and i can just kind of be hands on it
fix it right there charge them a flat
fee depending on how long at work you
know twenty bucks an hour or whatever
and there you go and then that clients
hopefully happy he or she walks out with
a thick system and there we go and i
keep repeating that over and over every
day to me that would be awesome and i
could film in the studio or I'm fixing
PCs and I like kinda like what rossmann
does right in New York so something like
that would be very cool on like a
hardware level but at the same time I'm
always preaching on the channel to to be
independent and want to do you know be
hands-on yourself so if I'm really
practicing what I'm preaching I should
be the one teaching people how to do
this themselves versus me doing it for a
profit now that that's just my
prerogative but that you know someone
else could totally be fine with a PC
building or inspecting repair service so
yeah I think it really just depends on
the market and like if you can make a
living off of that more power to you
let's see ground hawk happy birthday
Greg thanks for all your content
Ford a much more thanks crown Hawk I
appreciate it I see Johnny Winter for
that what does DK cab no idea what that
is but he sent 20 DK K's I appreciate
Denmark's and then work something says
happy birthday from Denmark I appreciate
that thank you for your support Johnny
and it's actually really it's gotta be
really earlier
yeah really early in Denmark right now
right so you're 7 hours ahead of central
time zones so 6 4:30 in the morning my
dude that is that is bright and early
wow I'm impressed
let's see Hugo viana oh a to pants T
bomb I knew that why'd you change your
name T bomb now I don't realize that
your t bomb until I see a tube in his
tee ball okay there we go Hugo viana for
the recent leaks and news what
performance and clock speeds do you
expect from Zen to horizon 3 I'm really
hoping that we can get around 4.5 easy
on rise in three years into whatever you
really want to call it I think that 4.5
is certainly achievable I'm just not
sure with the node shrinkage what we're
gonna see from an IPC perspective
because we went what from 14 to 12 and
mine is at 12
I'm pretty sure at 14 to 12 we didn't
see much of a difference there but we
did see better power management and
voltage management the CPUs were much
more stable at higher frequencies up to
a point and then it just completely goes
off the charts we also saw XMP
improvements which is a really good
thing especially for Rison and infinity
fabric I'm not sure I really don't know
I know it's gonna be good though
definitely you know 10 nanometers or 7
nanometre all this stuff is looking
really sweet although we are getting
very close to that to that limit there
we're gonna start encountering quantum
tunneling issues and other other issues
associated with dye shrinkage with node
shrinkage the transistor is becoming so
tiny to the point where they don't even
function like transistors anymore
because they're only atoms wide I'm
pretty sure it was IBM or was it Intel
one of the I don't remember one of the
companies out there turned a single atom
into a transistor or made it behave like
a transistor basically
so in the right environment you can you
can kind of set these things up but I
think on a large scale it's gonna be
very difficult to mimic this stuff is
quite beyond me but I love reading about
it because it is just interesting to
think you know about how we are going to
solve these issues as a species because
thirty years ago I mean to think that
you could fit trillions of transistors
not really billions of transistors into
the size of a corridor like a servicer
of a corridor that that would that would
have made you sound super crazy back in
1980 so I'm really excited but I have no
idea where it's gonna go
I really don't and I think 7 nanometre
is is gonna be pretty darn close to the
end of what we call conventional
transistor theory we'll see let's see
how son Aslam is there a new Titan XP
ray tracing variant coming out next year
now I don't think so I mean we have the
Titan V we have the 20 atti which is a
very miniscule II cut down full GP 102
pretty sure yeah
so not GP well what do they call them
our T's our T no I don't remember Turing
tu 102 yeah there we go
there's so many different GPU names
anyway yeah I'm pretty sure the 28 DPI
is only a slightly cut down full-on tu
102 assuming the T is what it's called
and so I I have my doubts as to whether
or not yet T you wanted to there it is
so I have my doubts as to whether or not
they're gonna release something like
that because they would have to use at
the TU 100 and tu 100 is like just like
that's pretty much gonna be for the
high-end high-end stuff you guys I'm
talking about like the 3d rendering on a
large scale it costs 20,000 dollars a
pop yeah so that's my take on it I'm
pretty sure this is a consensus at this
point I'm on the tech tuber community
wouldn't make sense for them to release
a card that's very comparably priced or
comparably expect to a 20 atti already
which is why I think they went ahead and
released a 22 TI
right off the bat with the 2080 and 2070
okay I missed a couple super chats I'm
gonna scroll back up here cuz I feel
like I feel like I miss quite a bit
I see ID Aditya sir off a hundred
I have no idea what that is but I do
appreciate your contribution to the
channel and let's see the message here I
know this isn't much but happy birthday
mate I got to go now leaving for school
of your constant hope this new year
brings new successes I do appreciate
that thank you for the kind words
hopefully you see this if you're if
you're not already if you're not here
still hopefully I'll see this tomorrow
if you come back and watch a live stream
these will be archived by the way so if
you miss anything if you have to leave
early if you just popped in you can
watch the entire live stream after the
live stream is over you might be able to
scrub back now but you'll be able to
watch this archived about an hour or so
after the live stream ends so just to
bear with me
let's see bazinga gave me another give
me another comment here another $20 do
you just keep throwing 20s at me bro
bazinga ex how far can you walk into the
woods halfway for then you are halfway
for then you are walking out I'm so
I feel like you're just like not getting
your money's worth I have no idea what
you're talking about
oh gosh Northern Light lately go Nair
Legionnaire hello that Legionnaire I
said hey smokey Jenner that looks so
he says happy birthday assuming it to
heat thank you I appreciate that
let's see Jayden Davidson $5 super chef
my dude yo my birthday is tomorrow
Scorpio squad and joy all right Jane
like a boss happy early birthday to you
thank you for your support and hope they
could stick around I don't know what
we're gonna be talking about the end of
this livestream again that's just the
birthday stream whatever happens happens
but I just try to be personal with you
guys I try to communicate with a chat as
much as possible because that's just to
me you don't see enough of that on
YouTube you see like the even tech
tubers do this like tech tubers will get
in front of cameras and they'll just
talk amongst you know like they'll have
a host or a co-host and they'll just
talk amongst themselves about news and
stuff and then they'll kind of slightly
address the chat but like I want to
completely change that vibe like I want
to focus totally on the chat to me that
is uh that's just a more interactive
more fun way for for me to get you guys
so hopefully you appreciate it if not
mean whatever has just my take I'm
trying to be a little different here so
uh cut me some slack will ya
let's see bright Gibson what do you
think about the gtx 1050
for VR do you think it's okay or others
please Albanian definitely unless you
want to really really drop in game
settings VR requires a roughly 90 FPS
from a frame rate of roughly 90 I should
say so
you're gonna have really dropping game
settings we're talking about is it if
it's 1080p it's 1080p ultra wide I don't
remember the exact spec I know it's a
1080p vertical resolution pretty sure at
least for the vive and the oculus
original ones
so 1050 is not in spec for VR a 1060 I
believe is but a 1050 is not so you're
really dropping game settings and even
then you might not get that framerate
you're hoping for and that's gonna give
you a serious headache trust me playing
at anything other than roughly 90 fps
especially when that screen is like
right and fry your face it's gonna it's
gonna it's gonna hurt a lot it's gonna
give you a serious headache
just because in real life right you
don't really see in frames but
everything seems super fluid but when
you have a screen it's like skipping
hardcore it just it throws everything I
don't trust me okay here Kirby would
this is a good question do you see any
long-term usage cases for a CRT monitor
not really I don't think I don't think -
in today's day and age it's really
difficult I mean I get like that like
the zero latency thing or whatever
people always talk about it's why they
were great for gaming in the beginning
but CRT this cathode ray tubes from
people I don't know the older monitors
with the really fat backs right so I
think that I just think that they're so
outdated now you could certainly game on
one if you really had to but oh gosh I
just can't picture having like really
fat monitors laying on this day like the
the monitors themselves are wider or
like deeper than the desks are wide so
that would look really awkward
yeah we just isn't it weird how like we
design our furniture and stuff now all
around the technology that we have
currently available so these that's
would have to be like twice as wide to
support all the fat Hardware CRT is
probably a cool vintage thing but I
would never take it up myself that's
just my take on it William Gingrich five
Canadian dollar my dude I appreciate it
didn't know it was your birthday he says
happy birthday if a GPU falls in a
forest is it RTX on
oh that's good oh that's great
common-sense finance do you think that
we can live on Venus I totally
understand that reference that's so good
that means you are a longtime supporter
that or you decided to go back to the
very beginning in this channel I
appreciate that I love astronomy that
was that was probably what drove me into
the science field in the first place I
always knew I wanted to be a stem major
because I just I loved astronomy I loved
physics I loved understanding or trying
to understand why things work the way
they do and computers to me is like a
way to blend the art form of that with
the technical side of it so to me it's a
beautiful harmony and when done
correctly we're not blowing up power
supplies or whole computers with your
few pluses because we think that we're
using the right cables and we actually
aren't it's actually a really fun
experience so I've learned a lot
definitely since the channel started and
I know I'll learn a lot more in the
future especially with all this tech
changing all these new things coming out
perfect for a minute science and crash
course playlist noise bleed will you
make a mini ITX streaming PC for a mini
ITX for streaming I'll probably put a
dual system in the evolve X just because
I think that case is probably most
compact dual system case available I do
have a couple I TX built on the channel
though so if you want to watch those I
have a really sweet looking one the
fractal fractal node 202 with custom
cables custom length cables I think it's
a again a really clean ITX built like my
favorite eye takes built to date that
you can check it on the channel but for
streaming specifically I think I'll wait
and throw an ITX build into the evolve X
along with the full-size ATX build and
then we'll probably do some streaming
off of that smaller system that's at
least that's what I plan to do on paper
we'll see if that actually works out ok
Kruk raptors says at science - do you
know Gordon Ramsay of course I know
Gordon ran I used to watch Hell's
Kitchen all the time and then I got into
I got into Kitchen Nightmares he did
that hotel hell for a little bit that
was still that was still fun to me cuz
like Ramsay just like just a straight-up
just he's just he's a gangster in the
kitchen like that dude he can talk talk
and he can walk the walk
and those kinds of people like you know
they're humble in a way at the same time
they know that they're awesome at what
they do and like the knowledge this guy
has like these ability to cook basically
anything really well I actually went to
is a one of his restaurants in Vegas
under Caesars and that was really good
they didn't cook my they they
undercooked my steak just a little bit
they did and I ordered medium rare which
I think is the way a steak should be
ordered but they gave it to me just like
straight-up raw in the middle here's how
you know if a steak is raw versus
medium-rare I'm saying raw versus I'm
replacing the word rare with raw because
it's there's a fine distinction between
the two but if you order your steak rare
it's not gonna be cold in the middle but
it's gonna be tough to cut through and
that's why I don't know what rare I
order medium rare because it's easier to
slice through but this steak wooden I
mean this was a good you know this was a
choice steak heading was a strip in a
New York Strip and I was cutting through
it had a really nice steak knife and
then you get to the center like the
center like maybe one to two centimeters
in the middle of this steak it was
probably for Suppan well I would say
inch and a half two inch thick steak and
you get to the center and that that
knife just it feels like you're cutting
into like a I don't know like a really
like liquidy metal all right and you
just can't get through it and eventually
he's gonna stab your knife all the way
down in there and just hope that you can
pull it all the way out and then keep
doing it and eventually I got tired I
was like yeah I don't mind eating a rare
steak but I do mind taking all this time
to cut through it so I can enjoy it
properly so I I was that guy I called
the waiter I was like hey dude like I
you know this egg is too rare for me I
can't cut through it and then they
brought it back out it was perfectly
fine I just told to refire it I didn't
want a new steak or anything and yeah
that was it so I think it's kind of
funny that I was in Gordon Ramsay's one
of Gordon Ramsay's restaurant you know
it wasn't him cooking it but it's his
name and I had to get my steak cooked
but I mean it was a really good steak I
will say that definitely good state
Steve I wanted to go to Duke University
but ended up just getting my GED Steve
what are you doing now I'm curious know
what your career plans were and if they
changed by you're just getting your GED
or not but hey look if you thought that
was the best decision for you and you're
doing okay right now then no regrets
right curb you would do you like science
more than software and it's kind of a
it's kind of a vague comparison I
definitely not a software guy I would
never characterize myself as someone who
was like an expert in software a hard
word yeah I would say I'm probably maybe
not an expert from the technical side
but I'm an expert in the sense that like
I know what works with what and I can
pretty much recommend whatever based on
your preferences so in that sense
probably an expert but I wouldn't say
I'm an expert in software by any means I
think will is definitely an expert in
software that's what we'll does for a
living I'm walking writing like 50
different for in software languages like
the guy's a wizard but that's just not
my cup of tea which is why I'm good
friends with will because never hurts to
uh and I'm not friends with it because
he's a software genius but we did get to
talking again one time I thought that I
thought my PC was being hacked totally I
just random I was getting all these
weird window is popping up and the
random message is being typed in the
window is on my screen I'm like who the
heck is controlling my screen right now
someone someone's got some kind of you
know some kind of tracker whatever
they're just they're getting onto my
desktop you know like you're like you're
sharing or something uh what are those
programs I totally forget the name of
the program that we always use when we
share screens you know and that's what I
thought was happening so I called will I
haven't talked to will since high school
that was like four years and I was like
dude well like something's going on
so he he you know tunnels in my PC and
he's like he's looking through all kinds
of stuff going like him that shouldn't
be there that shouldn't be there he's
like MoMA but I can't really find
anything it's like you know straight up
packing I don't say anything like that
and then turns out I am I had a macro
enabled on my computer I had some like
pry I guess I had click the button
accidentally and was typing something
out and then that macro was set to run
coincidentally like every 10 minutes so
every 10 minutes or so I would get a
bunch of just random key actions that I
wasn't aware of and I get windows
popping up and it would be my own words
being typed and
the windows that would pop up that's how
I knew that it was something I had done
myself because it was literally stuff
that I had typed anyway yeah it's not
really stupid right now I'm doing it I
was I I had no idea you know that I had
done that I'd never seen a keyboard
straight up type entire messages based
on like some macro diets that but yeah
so that was how ill and I got to talking
again it was like two years ago and then
Will's been kind of doing stuff behind
the scenes for the channel ever since he
goes with us on all our trips he went to
CES with this copy Tex
and hopefully he'll stick around cuz
we'll definitely knows his stuff and
he's a good guy he really is Logan
records Logan records stuff totally
butchered that my bad Logan foul
Canadian super Chad dolla I appreciate
that hey science studio happy birthday
do you have any hobbies other than
computers or technology yeah guitar
astronomy and I think music in general
like guitar fits into that but yeah
music is just something that I I'm
definitely passionate about space
astronomy all that stuff have been
passionate about since I got my first
telescope and I think now I'm starting
to get into the the filmography like
photography hobby I'm definitely not a
pro I'm still I would say like mediocre
sub amateur but it's fun to learn and I
like just kind of messing around with
lighting and shots and stuff so maybe
it'll be my next big thing I just kind
of take off with that and do some cool
projects for you guys to check out we'll
see here Manuel Matt he just super
chatted ten dollars he didn't even leave
a message I appreciate that Matt I
encourage you guys if you don't have to
super chat nothing like that it's not
I'm not trying to solicit for any of
that I'm just trying to have fun here
and I always try to last about an hour
or so on these live streams but if you
if definitely though if you're gonna
super chat please ask question now feel
like you're getting something for it
because otherwise I'm just kind of
sitting here looking a little dumb so
help me out a little bit I mean I
appreciate it though Matt I really do I
thank you all for watching two hundred
and thirty or forty or so watching the
live stream on a Sunday night slash
you guys are the mr. Lee linic
mr. lil nick says happy birthday G thank
you dude I appreciate that let's see
Co fossa at science studio why didn't
you study some hardware related stuff
what you mean in school it wasn't like
it's really difficult to major in
something that's like straight-up
hardware unless you're like a mechanical
engineer electrical engineer is there's
still a lot of software involved with
that and that was kind of why I was I
kind of why I shot away from that
because my dad's an electrical engineer
I see the stuff he does I could I could
probably pick that up fairly quick I'd
have to go to school to learn about the
specific you know machines he works on
but I I could I could probably be okay
with that he doesn't touch much of the
software aspect of it unless he's like
reinstalling software you know images
all that stuff but that's about the
extent of it but when you're in school
for for an e degree there's a lot of
software that you get it you know go
through a lot of just programming
classes what-have-you and all that kind
of scared me I've never been big into
you know like c-sharp C++ all that stuff
so you know I can barely do html5 and
CSS just a little bit of that I'm still
learning that very slowly so that tells
you anything it's just not my cup of tea
and that's kind of why I stayed away
from the hardware aspect as well because
they go hand in hand and you can't
really get a degree in just the hardware
aspect of it you can't happen to the
software to at least most of the person
I was looking at it so plus petroleum
engineers make like a hundred K a year
plus and that that was like oh yeah
that to me is all I need to know that's
like I'm gonna make six figures as an
engineer right off the bat and I have
plenty of friends who are right now
currently friends working for Chevron
Baker huge slumber shave what-have-you
and and straight out straight out of
college with a four-year bachelor's
degree in petroleum engineering making a
hundred K plus with ten 20 K signing
bonuses right now I can name them right
now and and frankly of all of those
people who I know are making a lot of
money I had a higher GPA and then I'm
pretty sure all of them but one so I
mean I would have blended you know I
wouldn't have been the best but I would
have blended in I had a 3.8 GPA I'm
pretty yeah 3.8 GPA coming out of lander
Brad so you know I could have done that
and if I had tried really hard in school
to get internships and stuff I'm pretty
sure I could be there right now making
100 120 K you're doing something
offshore whatever but you know I I
really I just saw that it's kind of like
well it's a good way to make money but
I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna enjoy that
living just because it's you know it's
you just you're on a rig somewhere
whether it be on show or off it's not
really that exciting to me it's just a
good way to make money as an engineer
and so that was that was kind of like my
rationale behind it I don't recommend
you pick a career just because it pays
well you have to at least be passionate
enough to want to go to school to learn
it especially if it's a career that
requires that you go to school but you
know if you if you have enough drive to
want to be successful in life you're
gonna go through any obstacle that you
have to to get to the point where you're
living off fairly well I just what's
growing the channel at the same time I
was doing this I talked about this
little early and live stream and that's
why I kind of just for I decided to
forego what could have potentially been
a six-figure salary off the bad because
I like doing this more and that's
literally my only excuse like I really
like getting to be my own boss in a way
and not have these you know super strict
schedules and all that stuff having to
wake up every morning it's 7 8 a.m. you
know I'm kind of I'm kind of forced to
be I'm forced to be very what's what I'm
looking for I wanna say like like strict
I have to be you know self dependent and
I have to be accountable for my own
schedule and in a way I like that it's a
challenge but at the same time it's it's
fun so yeah win one let's see Anthony
cast what does a petroleum engineer do
petroleum engineers they either drill
for oil they refine oil it's it's all
about oil and the petroleum is any sort
of hydrocarbon mixture the extract from
the earth I if any story actually I used
to think that when these when these oil
drillers would with drill thousands feet
into the ground weather let's assume
it's onshore
right and geologists are surveying the
ground and then they're
either using you know all these
different mapping techniques to give you
like this three-dimensional image of
this reservoir right and they say here
this spot right here see this hot spot
this is all oil I used to think that it
was just like a huge tub of oil like a
picture you know a thousand swimming
pools of just pure crude and I was like
okay yeah so we're drilling to this
point in the earth where all this crude
exists and we're just gonna let the
natural pressure inside there force that
crude up into our barrels on the surface
but who didn't know how it works at all
in fact that's not even how oil
typically exists now there are some
cases in which you'll find oil and
there's like very crude amounts right
and pools but for the most part it's all
trapped in pore space
so even miles under the earth there are
pores tiny empty pockets of air usually
it's water or hydrocarbon or gas or
something is its filling that void where
otherwise the sudden it would exist and
so what you're doing is you're drilling
down to this point where you find a lot
of oil and gas trapped in these tiny
little bits picture rocks like sponges
right and in order to get the the water
the the flip fluid out of the sponge you
have to kind of squeeze it right so the
sponge is already being squeezed because
of natural pressures especially that far
down into the earth all you can do is
just get there with a drill and so when
you get to that point then typically I
mean unless it's a super under pressured
reservoir which is very rare especially
that far down unless it's a shallow
reservoir then you're gonna hit that you
know hit that area where all that gas is
trapped in the rock space you're gonna
send off charges you're gonna increase
your your you know surface area contact
with that reservoir and then that oil or
gas is just gonna flow to the surface
along with your drilling mud unless
you're just in production mode in which
case you're not in drilling anymore so
that stuff is just really fun to me to
picture I like geology I think I like
geology more than I like petroleum
engineering but I think they have to go
hand-in-hand so I really enjoyed the G
the geography geology aspect of it and I
took I actually minored in geology I
like three or four extra geology classes
that by no means makes me an expert but
it just confirms my suspicions that I
probably like that a little more so if I
had to go into the field I would
probably try to be like a reservoir
engineer which is still a petroleum
engineer but it focuses more on the on
the dynamics of the reservoir itself you
have to be very communicative with the
geologist on hand because they're the
ones surveying Al and telling you where
to drill and why to drill there so
anyway that's uh ninja sauces I just
logged in and I'm really really confused
I'm so sorry I went off on a tangent
people were asking someone asked about
what a petroleum engineer does so I gave
a little spiel back from my college days
and it was weren't that long ago anyway
so back to the good stuff I see not show
CTM he says hey how are you guys haven't
been able to be in one of these streams
for a while now hope you are all doing
okay what's going on nacho I am glad you
decided to join us thank you for
stopping by
let's see Jason Azevedo sort of like the
movie Armageddon when they drill the
asteroid yeah that movie was so cringy
okay so they actually pulled what we
were supposed to be petroleum engineers
right they're drillers or derrickman
whatever and they pulled them from this
rig and say you got a drill on an
asteroid so we got to teach you
everything that astronauts need to learn
in years all within like what a two week
time span or whatever they say it is the
might be a longer boat you get my point
it's in a short amount of time so then
these oil drillers become astronauts and
they're sent to this solid ferrite
asteroid and they're told to drill 300
meters I want to say or something like
ferrite is iron okay so it's a form of
iron and if you are going to drill
through solid iron you're going to need
a special drill that somehow does not I
don't know does not just succumb to the
laws of thermodynamics for one because
you're going to incur so much friction
drilling through solid metal right first
off because when you're drilling through
the earth right you're drilling through
sediments you're drilling through
granite you're drilling through shale
these are hard rocks but I mean we're
talking 'add iron here that's gonna
really heat your bit up and
did not appear as though they were using
any drilling fluid which is another
no-no but then again you're in space so
how do you even use fluid if it doesn't
behave like fluid on earth does so I
don't I don't really know also I'm not
sure what the temperatures were maybe
the good I mean maybe the temperatures
were cold enough they didn't even need
fluid but then you would still have to
worry about the effects of friction on
the bit itself they would have probably
had to have used diamond bits
I assume that's I mean it's probably the
only thing you we used diamond bits a
normal PVC poly diamond carbonate what
do they call them Potti forget PVC
stands they use these diamond bits to
get into very special places deep in the
earth and I'm assuming they'd have to
use that too I don't really know if I
had to like create some episode where
I'm like trying to prove or disprove in
real life what would happen if this
movie took place anyway yeah let's see
Bulba 17 says in 2011 I used to do all
the pipe fittings for the well heads in
Central Arkansas dude that's pretty dope
moving faxes temperature will not be
lower it is a vacuum so funny story
the reason why space is cold is well
space is cold but it doesn't pull the
energy from you very quick right which
is why when you take your spacesuit off
you don't instantly freeze the reason
for that is because typically if you
think about deep space there's only
about five or so molecules per cubic
meter of deep space so five molecules
right let's assume that's the real
figure five molecules versus a space
like this where there are literally
millions and millions of molecules all
around you so let's say we got this room
down to a really chilly negative 400 and
let's just say negative 400 degrees
Fahrenheit right
what negative 200 negative negative 273
absolute zero so let's say negative to
negative 200 if we got it down that cold
but we kept the atoms in the room where
they are the molecules where they are
then those molecules will be begging to
strip the energy from my body my warm
comfortable body into the atmosphere
because it's like treated like a
pressure differential right if one area
is really high pressure now there's
low pressure than the high pressure is
gonna want to just sucked into the low
pressure low pressure zone the same kind
of thing with with heat weather you know
you have different ways of transferring
heat convection conduction radiation but
all your heats gonna be sucked into the
atmosphere because the atmosphere is
much colder than you are it's gonna try
to reach an equilibrium very quickly
your body will match the temperature in
the atmosphere but in space you don't
have enough molecules to strip the
energy from your body because your
body's composed of many more molecules
and then space is the bigger concern and
space would be the pressure differential
because your body operates at a
comfortable pressure I'm not sure
exactly how that differs from typical
atmospheric pressure here on earth of 14
point 7 or so psi but that's still
considerably much higher than what
spaces which is practically zero so with
an almost literally infinite pressure
differential you're gonna struggle to
keep all the stuff inside your body
right because yeah it's like squeezing a
balloon really tight so you're gonna
feel pressure in your lungs just wanting
to be expelled you're gonna struggle
with all of your orifices trying to keep
all of that matter inside of your body I
actually have a video on this what
happens if you take your space suit off
in space anyway yeah like like Rick
Bearcat says you need a medium for that
heat transfer that's exactly right
space really has no medium because
there's nothing in space and that's why
again I emphasize the three different
ways to transfer heat radiation
conduction and convection so yeah it's
really fun stuff and again I have a
video talking about exactly what would
happen and we do have it was that video
was referenced on articles that I read
from NASA so I did do quite a bit of
research there to make sure what I was
saying was accurate but to invite you to
go watch that video if you're more
interested in the topic like that that
stuff kind of gets me excited anyway
platon platinum fox says so you're
basically a meat bomb without a suit in
space yeah basically yeah you're a
really highly pressured bomb and that
you're much hotter than spaces at the
molecules in space do1 emphasized
molecules in space are typically moving
very slow I mean they don't have much
energy unless we're talking about
photons like photonic energy
radiation in general background
radiation but if you just have you know
molecules zooming through space they're
naturally going to lose energy over time
and that it is just one of the ways in
which we characterize space is being
very cold because there is just not much
matter there and the matter that is
there it just doesn't have a lot of
energy in it stagnant state unless again
you're standing in front of the Sun and
then you're receiving the sun's energy
and that's a totally different totally
different toppings oh yeah okay that was
really fun it's funny how I don't see
many questions and how about PC sake you
guys just gave up on that but please ask
questions about pcs totally welcome to
do that again
I am I am here just to hang out with you
it's 9:57 right now I want to go back
and see if I missed any of the super
chats I'm pretty sure I did I feel bad
for not addressing those as quickly as
before let me swing over to this screen
real quick so I can see those I really
need a second second keyboard and mouse
preferably wireless so I can just pivot
without awkwardly reaching okay
okay ICT bomb a two-pin donated $2
through the super chat he says we are
spamming a birthday cake emoji at the
end okay that'd be really cool actually
like that's a good idea we always do the
emoji spam but I think the birthday cake
spam is gonna be lit all right Michael
Lehrer donated 50 SEK I have no idea
what 50 SEK is I'm very sorry about the
autofocus going out of whack but just
just roll with for a second okay a
couple more Super chats let me get to
these questions I see I see Pat I see
juicy I see some I see some questions I
see rod rodimus a couple more here
let's see Michael asks has I five
hyper-threading fused off or microcode
or not implemented at all happy birthday
I'm happy for you and Lisa it's a good
question I do not know the answer to
that I have a feeling it's just turned
off I mean hyper-threading is not really
a hardware asses it's not a hardware
aspect of a CPU we do have videos on
hyper-threading it's more or less just
as it's it's it's making the scheduler
behave a little more rationally and that
in turn expedites your processes you
treat a single chorus to logical cores
and an effort to kind of order packages
being sent for processing so again watch
that watch that made a science video for
more for more kind of condensed dense
explanation of that but I'm pretty sure
it's just it's just something you enable
I want to say I don't think that there
are any differences between the dyes I'm
pretty sure they're all the same dye
it's just something that you have to
unless they turn on and off it's a
little more I think it's a little more
complicated than that but I'm not too
sure so I'm gonna go actually look that
up before I say anything else might be
my being correct and I'm gonna see
because I feel like if it was as easy
just turning on people would be turning
it on but there's probably more to that
again it's proprietary so it's not gonna
be easy to do even if you could you know
even if you knew how it was done so
we'll see and then let's see we have two
more super checks Dennis Rigden he
donated $20 Dennis what are you doing
he says happy birthday to you we all
come from a zoo
we once threw poo but that's okay we all
love you that's pretty good did you
steal that from somebody write that
yourself not actually this that was
clever I like that
science rules okay and one more from
mst3k mystic I think it's how you say it
pretty sure I appreciate that thank you
mystic soon as they say your name
happy birthday mom man typing on my new
Corsair k63 ten kilos and I highly
recommend it you know I've been meaning
to switch to ten kilos for a while now
and I actually used a ten kilos from I
want to say it was keep mechanical
keyboards calm is that the name of the
I wasn't sure if I wanted a full fledged
review on it because it's just a it's a
keyboard like any other keyboard and
they're gonna have they're gonna have
their small differences but you can
mostly read this stuff on spec sheets
just wasn't sure if that was all for me
but I do want to try some of course
their keyboards I've actually never
owned a Corsair keyboard so maybe we'll
get them to send a couple and I can test
them out maybe throw a couple reviews on
the channel let's see here I want to
scroll down to a seven md4 UAE happy
birthday Greg wish you the best I do
appreciate that thank you very much
juicy ask buy a PC now or wait until
Black Friday I think at this point like
if you're already if you're at a point
now where you really need a PC sure you
can build one now
I think prices have come down a lot and
if you want to buy used then I think
that's the sweet spot from a value
perspective but if you're if you're
comfortable waiting a little bit I don't
think it's gonna hurt to wait until
Black Friday if you just can't be really
quick with the sales because I expect a
lot of the good stuffs gonna sell out
right away like it always does and
honestly the last few years I've been
kind of disappointing respect to Black
Friday and Cyber Monday because all I
really saw last year were just TVs for
sale and like I think everyone at this
point everyone and their parents have 4k
flat-screen TVs now like those are
that's the thing that everyone's
Hangover Black Friday and a lot of this
4k TVs are garbage so make sure you're
not buying a garbage 4k TV because some
of those they're only being built and
manufactured in mass for these events
right for Black Friday and Cyber Monday
so they can you know they have insane
margins and that's why I love that crap
in these TVs is garbage because they're
cutting corners and they're giving these
BS motion rates and crap in an effort to
sell something that ultimately just kind
of mediocre especially if you're like a
you know a screen guru and you you like
your sound your audio and all that crap
maybe TV doesn't come with a hdmi 2.0
what have you there's a lot of stuff
that you will be foregoing if you buy a
really cheap 4k TV so that's not to say
there aren't some good deals out there
but just be careful the 4k TV this is
like the thing now I was like I saw 4k
TVs at our local Best Buy come on down
get yourself 4k TV $400 like that's
every like the past three years has been
like that song and I know that because I
bought like two of them over Black
Friday so I'm kind of pooped out on 4k
TVs nugs says lit a F as the kids say my
dude lulz
cuca so how you say your name out of all
text stores you have been - what would
you say is your favorite definitely
Micro Center Micro Center is my favorite
by far because like it's just it's
sculpt it's so beautifully for you like
for builder if you build pcs you've
enjoyed building pcs you're going to
have a freaking fan fest at micro Center
I've been to for micro centers I've been
to two in Atlanta one in Houston I went
to one somewhere else I can't remember I
think was in California I want to say
was California I'm pretty sure it was
California anyway I know I've been to
more than yeah I've been to quite a few
and my favorite one I think was the
Houston micro Center because the Houston
micro center was like laid out so
beautifully for the for the Builder just
kind of moved through all the aisles
like oh you need a case first oh here's
your motherboard Z right and you know
your CPU right next to it and then they
had like this whole section i goes
custom like build a PC section where you
had everything else in like a beautiful
row beautifully arranged like a power
supply graphics car
Ram you're gonna need all this stuff and
it's just like making sure that you
don't miss anything and you know just
Isles of CPU coolers and everything else
you can imagine
Micro Center is definitely my favorite
PC store and that seems kind of cliche
but like there's a reason why everyone
says go to my croissant because they
pretty much have everything you can
imagine in a micro center moving frag
$10 superchip my date movie I appreciate
it and I have seen you quite a bit in
the live streams in the past so I
appreciate you moving frag on PC topic
going to water cool 2:20 ATT eyes ooh
that sounds lit should I go with
parallel or sequential loop on them I
will have a 500 60 ml radiator will that
be enough if I use if I only use it for
for the two GPUs and CPUs oh oh if you
only use it for the GPU CPUs will be on
separately oh yeah okay so 560 melts
plenty for 220 ATT is I would say you
could use a 240 for 210 828 et eyes and
probably still be okay I recommend at
least 120 mil worth of RAD space even if
it's only 25 30 mil thick just because
you know especially with RT x those
cords aren't gonna be really thermally
limited at all they're not gonna run
very hot and your fluid won't get very
hot so your fingers will be very
conservatively tuned and another thing I
want to say is with respect to parallel
or sequential loop it really doesn't
matter just make sure that you know how
you make sure that the way you set it up
is going to favor both so whether it be
you know in parallel where you have
let's say your radiators here and then
you have your pump and and reservoir
kind of set up in the same area and then
you have one tube go through the first
graphics card up to the up to the top
graphics card and then it's capped off
and then you have it come back down
through both graphics cards again the
other side of loop that's a parallel
loop and that's how I usually like to
run mine just because it looks a little
better in my opinion from a cooling
perspective I'm not too sure although I
will say all you're doing is basically
splitting the pressure drop between the
two you know between the two GP blocks
and two graphics card blocks so I think
you're getting a similar effect either
way this is like a fluid dynamics
question I took like one class in this
so with two classes but it's it's
something that I have to actually work
out on paper too
but the pressure drop I'm pretty sure is
going to be the same either way because
if you throw them in sick in a
sequential pattern then you're forcing
all the fluid to go through both cards
which is going to increase the back
pressure on the system and the fluids
gonna move a little slower anyway
because there is again just more grooves
and stuff for those fluid lines to pass
through so the back pressure is gonna
slow the fluid up gonna create more
resistance but at the same time if you
ran them in parallel then there's not as
much pressure pushing the fluid through
each card that's kind of split up in a
parallel parallel arrangement so you'll
get slower fluid velocities that way but
I'm pretty sure you're gonna get a
similar effect it's not the same effect
because the fluid you know the the the
pressure differentials between the two
are gonna be close to non-existent I
would say I'm sure there are papers out
there who have like done tons of
research on this but in my experience I
haven't noticed much of a difference
I've done both before and they both seem
perfectly fine so that's just my
first-hand account but for the science
of it I'd have to pull out a pen and
paper and pull up some equations that I
haven't touched in years Chuck Norris
says 2070 or 1070 it's a really vague
question Chuck Norris you have to be
more specific there I would say 1070 he
says I don't type out my full question
my dog jumped on me and accidentally
made me push Send
oh that's why I was wondering what oh
gosh I missed another one from Johnny
Winter Johnny went 220 DKK whatever
again I don't know what did it 4k TV
it's only good if you want to see if oh
it's only good if what you see is made
in 4k yeah are you but I think there's
some upsampling benefits to having a 4k
TV even if you're looking at a native
1080p picture that that's kind of like
scaled up to 4k but yeah 4k content
definitely looks a lot better on 4k 4k
screens and I think to an extent I mean
if you're sitting far enough away from
your TV you're not gonna really notice
the difference between 4k and 1080p
people swear there's a difference and
sure when you get to a certain distance
from the screen you're gonna see the
pixels or
see they kind of blurry jaggies with the
lower res panel but in general most
people sit I mean I sit my TV in this
apartment it's not a big apartment I
said probably 10 10 to 12 feet away from
the screen it's a 55 inch TV and
honestly if it was a 55 inch 1080p TV I
probably wouldn't notice a difference
that's just that's just me but maybe
maybe if I looked at them side-by-side
I'd see a difference there there is an
equation by the way you can use to
figure out what your optimal viewing
distance is for each resolution with
respect to diagonal screen size I've
done a video on this but yeah I think 4k
I mean it would make sense to buy an a
KTV and this it was a huge TV because if
it's a small enough TV your PPI so high
and I can be able to distinguish between
400 PPI and 200 PPI unless you get super
close to the screen right because like
for in a PPI we have that in screens
right on our on our phones and forward a
PPI is very difficult to you know you
got to get really close to see
individual pixels from those screens so
if you had that kind of pixel density
and a TB then there would be no point in
having that kind of resolution at any
diagonal screen size larger than larger
than 32 inches or so and because unless
you're sitting super super close to your
TV which literally no one does you're
not gonna see the difference right so
there is an argument for both sides of
the coin but I think for most people
unless you have a really big TV 1080p is
going to be okay 4k it's just an added
luxury if you can get them more original
just benefits of having a higher
resolution screen Shore and without
cheap they are I mean I guess they're
kind of forcing you to buy 4k at this
point something might as well yeah and
yes yeah Ben V Ben b33 and 6e whatever
yeah I always see you in the live strap
I just don't know how to say your name
but I always see you viewing distance is
a big deal often under emphasize and it
really is a viewing distance literally
determines what your optimal resolution
is given your screen size and there
they're all kind of all three of them
are kind of interchangeable so yeah
let's see crew crafters what time would
this livestream end I suppose I'm
supposed to be sleeping for school
tomorrow I suppose it should be ending
right now suppose that at 10 p.m. I was
kind of getting caught off from some
tangents I know there were plenty of
questions being asked in this live
stream I appreciate the 250 or so of you
who are still watching again if you like
this setup here what we're doing is
streaming at a 30,000 kilobits per
second bitrate which is much higher than
YouTube really allows so YouTube I'm
sure it's down sampling the heck out of
this thing which is why it probably
doesn't look super crisp right now I'm
watching it on the on the laptop and
what are we streaming at 1080p 60
doesn't really look like a 1080p 60 well
no I kind of does doesn't look too bad
for a live stream I think it's pretty
good and the audio I think is on point
for the most part - and that's wired
directly into the camera like the
cameras preamps are amazing so if you
want to check out some of the stuff I'm
using for this setup and for my setups
in general you can check out the
description down below those are
affiliated links so it gives me a small
kickback anyway folks I'm gonna get on
out of here
the white powder says you're my hero
science studio I'm building my first PC
because of because you're my hero I
don't know what did to deserve that but
I appreciate it I'm just out here I'm
gonna do my thing I love my loved pcs in
general I think it's a it's like an art
for me at this point and I love learning
at the same time so anyway I can kind of
spread the knowledge and encourage
people to dive into the details about
why their PCs work the way they do I'm
all for it that's why this channel
I have to learn just like you do and the
only difference is I get to also kind of
teach it right after I learn it and
that's a very fun aspect of this job if
you will so thank you guys for watching
what we're gonna do to end this live
stream I want you guys to tweet your
favorite emoji but this is the birthday
livestream so like every livestream
ending here in the after-hours playlist
yeah end with the emoji spam but I want
all of you to end this live stream with
a spam of birthday cakes there we go I
see him I see the birthday cake when you
get spam as many of them as your working
camera right now but who are we in the
live stream and that'll be your way of
wishing me a happy birthday I guess or
something along those lines I am 24
years old and most people think I'm
older than that I think it's probably
cuz I just refused to shave and really
because when I shave I look like I'm 19
or 18 cheese is probably younger than
that but it's been a good day it's been
a very relaxed today and I'm glad I was
able to kick off the ending with all of
you I see all the awesome but you guys
are freaking dope
I see how there's awesome hey come fast
was that is it honey I told you to tweet
your birthday cake tweet and honey pots
these honey pots in here you guys are
just trying to be defiant I see all you
well you not followers in the chat all
of you yet Jake see black rhino general
I see Dwight powder I see a juts I see
cake read I see sky Lee sky Latian I see
Michael I see a CBSE nacho driver I see
Brian I see kwid dog I see the hard
corpse turtle rules Turtles rules oh my
gosh y'all's names are difficult to read
very fast I see Michael I see Chabot
I see Co fossa I see Derek I see Zara
condi it's our condi Grissom good gosh
I'm butchering ninja sauce Anthony nubs
I see you guys are freaking dope I see
frags I see lols teri I see black rhino
haseo weasel oh you know those names are
really really testing my ability to
speak English right now crew crafters
Victor Jake Sebastian scar mints Gus
okay I have a headache now thank you
guys you guys are awesome I'm gonna end
the livestream right now if you are
interested in checking out more content
you do so I'm sure you'll see some
recommend it's on the right even if
they're not my recommended so I
encourage you to check more videos out
on YouTube I think there's a lot of
interesting stuff out there not just
from me I'm not gonna promote myself
here watch all kinds of channels out
there Paul is Hardware Kyle bit wit
watch gamers Nexus watch Jays two sons
Linus tech tips I don't care who you
watch but watch something that pertains
to pcs because
it's it's fun it really is you can do so
much with the stuff I mean the guys at
LMG I mean there's keys they're having a
ton of fun
I'm sure doing the crazy things they're
doing and I hope to one day be at a
point where I can just say you know
we're gonna do something really crazy
today and I'm gonna have my team with me
and we can just kind of set it all up
right now I'm still a one-man show for
the most part Lisa will hopefully be
changing that soon she'll be handling a
lot more of the post-production and
stuff but yeah I still see all the
birthday cakes you guys are freaking
dope I appreciate it and stay tuned for
the next live stream next Sunday at 9
p.m. CST after hours number twenty nine
twenty none of these again you guys are
dope I'm gonna slide on over here
awkwardly and end the livestream so yeah
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