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Building McLovin's First PC (Part 3)

they're deeply about your PCJ go everybody do I want the best for you all right for anyone let's watch this channel this is a Greg serious face we have a great being serious this is his face look at Stevie's he looked he wouldn't possibly want to screw McLovin out of his new PC woody oh it's actually a Jim I got into a graphics card there we are my god Greg it's just wedged in there Oh people are gonna not be seeing this actually you never know can we please do like a montage at the end of this video where it's like like we're trying to be serious with like how good it looks and play like really weird dubstep music it's got like chopped up vocals in it can we do that really good yeah like it's like it's like we're like trolling people thinking that it's like you know one of the best pcs ever built and it's like actually completely trash could we please do that you got the part they just broke oh dude sweet they bring stickers oh no they're not stickers I'm gonna say we're about to sticker this bad boy up looks like like a radiator from like a 1905 like Ford t-bucket for these thank you did you plug it up yeah most um most of them except for one what's the one the hard drive led what well it's only the it only shows up up I'll show you what I want the hard drive led I think the most subliminal thing you've ever seen it what does it do it just it's a little tiny little light up here it goes baby yeah I want that if your heart that's working when are you ever gonna use that I don't know I just agree cool be cool your great love is getting poorer I also replaced the LED fan bag I noticed that piece of crap like cheap black well it's not even name branded it's just a dude out of all of these boxes that you have yeah okay including you on the foul yeah you didn't want to give me a fan that was decent no okay I'm giving you a $150 case and a water cooler radiator that for nothing I'm not even charging you for them I no and I never hated that radiator I bought yeah that was an expensive radiator $100 I'm giving you all my oh yeah oh yeah look at it I cannot wait for this montage video yeah we got attention color this is color it now oh yeah oh yeah green baby I see yellow that's like whatever it's green I do like this this is actually kind of nice yeah that looks well Wow okay are you kidding me Greg this looks like it's for like 2006 because it's my lot this is my old uh this is my old tested so I used this before right it's this good on real data on it keep going okay folks we're using a phone to film for this segment of the video I'm sorry I thought I had both camera batteries charged but apparently neither of them were McLovin started filming and then five seconds into the shot battery just gave out so we're using the phone for now but we we have the build set up Jay go ahead and show them yeah oh yeah you can totally see just me in this reflection but that's fine like all you can see with me ah yeah let's get your green there yeah I got that green kind of hides the hideousness of everything else oh yeah Vance was pumped in Davey I just moving alright okay and we have Windows 10 already installed we have NZXT cam software so able to change the led to that nice-looking what do you call it Monster Energy green yeah that's what I'm talking about baby so this is an on overclockable CQ in the sense that we can't just up a multiplier and have a higher frequency of the result we have to over plug these in the base clock meant that what we're looking at stock right now our core temperatures that are hovering around room temperature Jacob we're about to stress yourseif you for the first time we're going to use a program called Cinebench which is right here in some icon and that Cinebench will basically give your your CPU a score for example my bill that you saw plenty of when you're at my house scored about a thousand see I think the highest I got was like 10:10 CB okay that was a 340 issue dollar processor so given that your CP was about 5 bucks how how well do you think yours will score 244 I think it's wrong to port like I'm thinking strong 244 I think you're being a bit optimistic I think with this 30-something inch TV we're gonna I say 244 TV is nothing to do this I don't I know 244 go 244 strong 234 right here she goes as I'm gonna load you still think 244 this thing is running so quick right look at this I'll fix a picture does a picture take up the whole black box yeah 244 yeah I think I've seen this a couple of times my guess i bench mark this before i couldn't remember what we just core it on it but you can check that out in the video right here if you're interested but don't look over there because it's not gonna be wearable but I'm expecting somewhere around 180 190 CV I think maybe 190 if you're lucky you have an overclock yet so remember these are stopped and they were rang a two point yet 2.9 gigahertz those are great what'd I say 244 what does that say oh my goodness all my goodness great are you feeling right now Greg oh my goodness 244 did I not call that are you kidding me like are you kidding me I'm not kidding you apparently look Oh what were you saying Greg Lee you should be screwing 180 like maybe one ending skip are just just a little my goodness know that I'm being honest with my viewers I will include this entire segment of the footage I'm not gonna act like I didn't even Linda got it right okay mmm yeah I was clearly wrong here I'll use for better at a stock frequency you scored better than Bo did with his Q 6600 the video which will be coming up very soon by the way he didn't even get that school with an overclocked to Q 6600 that's right that's impressive actually for a $5 CPU oh yeah look at this I'm on the board baby online take a look at this yeah feeling it in a super cool baby super cool yeah so we raised the frequency of the CPU its base frequency from 200 it was at stock to 221 times a log multiplier of 14.5 gives us almost exactly thirty-two hundred megahertz 3.2 gigahertz from our stock 2.9 gigahertz that we originally vented that you just saw so with that in mind we have no nothing utilizing the CPU let's go ahead and run some inch again and see if we can - can't hit that 300 mark we probably won't with this with this current frequency but we're going to keep pushing this thing because we do have that beast cooler is completely unnecessary so what's your estimate I'm thinking 280 285 ah if it scales when I think it will I must say 278 so 278 285 okay might we'll be back to you when it stops I said 278 I haven't worked over 1 or 278 - 78 what is it oh yeah man I'll ring you this thing 300 so we're gonna hop back into the BIOS and we're going to increase that base frequency from a 221 I think we're gonna go to 240 this time we're going to up the voltage a bit which we can do with this motherboard and then hopefully hit that 300 CV market so at this point we have our CPU clock address this is essentially our base clock frequency if you will then we have a PCI you want to leave that under that's fine the CPU multiplier if you look here the multipliers log so we can't go any higher than 14.5 so no matter what I try to change this - it's like it just that's as high as waiting up fourteen fourteen point five so we do have a locked multiplier it's not a black edition CPU but we still can change our CPU base clock frequency so at 221 times fourteen point five we're getting just over 3.2 gigahertz I believe so now we're going to do 240 what's 240 times fourteen point five I don't know he's like we're going to 45 and one other thing I'm going to do just in because I don't want to undergo this thing and I don't want to just crash on us randomly I'm gonna give it some extra juice or bump it up by 200 and let's do 150 no volts I don't know what the base voltage is like what you're finding it's stock but I don't know if those uh when you increase the frequency of your CPU you have to accommodate that by increasing voltage typically sometimes you have some Headroom past a certain point if no way we're going to that enough voltage to keep up the frequency but at what we're running it currently 3.95 3.4 gigahertz 150 plus over the stock it should be okay it's not well reset seamless we'll try again yeah I think I think we're okay at at this configuration I say 301 Greg what do you feeling oh you can get one today 301 yeah 300 up what is this oh it's like the price is right yeah what is this time you hungry I hope it's 302 for anything hi oh yeah I'm feeling strong 301 filling 299 oh yeah oh my goodness all I dislike is this like I recorded this whole thing - oh my god you you to be letting Gregg look at this for knowing nothing about computers - like all about it oh my goodness I need to get a lottery ticket we literally we need to go buy a lottery ticket right now I can't believe you got it on the dot I said 300 I was still so close to you oh my goodness to beat me oh I'm feeling it this thing's gonna be flying when we get done okay so the overclocking of 4 gigahertz didn't didn't go there how old did I go great so not well at all so we're gonna have to reset CMOS well now the glasses off we can actually get like good footage and we can see the blue motherboard yeah that is a drawback but that one is not on Giggy and X cubed NZXT looks good floating okay now let's see one of these files is 4 gigabytes so we're gonna try to import this 4 gig file in - Adobe Premiere Pro you I'm worried give you a crash just to be right oh great what is it oh my god for all those haters out there look how good it's working so yes this computer can multitask 112 you yeah so what are your impressions so far of how the computer is handling everything you expect to be able to do on it well from what you were telling me the whole entire time I expected a lot better but what were they telling you oh yeah this plays 4k videos like a dream I did not say that like yeah part 1 or part 2 after we went to Best Buy you like oh yeah this thing you can handle 4k at 60 frames per second I'm like okay this is great hi Jill I was joking that card is definitely not capable of handling poor kid 60p but other than that actually I'm kind of surprised to be honest with you but I thought I did a lot better than I was anticipating especially loading this I thought it what do you got honestly I thought of crash okay so it's finished now yeah all right Tom just posted to here okay so it looks like you can still edit at a half the native resolution now I put two full and let's see if the computer can handle full yeah Jacob looks like you can handle full 1080p 30p footage and it's a full resolution we need to go to 4k full 4k full baby and to win it now we want this exported in the YouTube h.264 formats so click h.264 that took a while you know here I go all the way down far down is it ere we go YouTube 1080p pause what I'm talking about alright so we are about to export in 1080p pull this up a little more and okay for some reason it's squished anyway we're at 30 P you can see the dimensions here and we're gonna hit export it's underneath the what is all this oh no no that's like all of them have been like the estimated time remaining so for a one-minute video file we're looking at a render time of roughly roughly 2 minutes based on what Adobe Premiere is so it's telling us it's a quick I don't know this is quick I have no idea but hey that render time is actually not bad at all and no your laptop would not perform this well I've seen the specs of your laptop it's pretty good isn't it no it's not look this is OK this is what you'll have to deal with when I'll be like a 10-minute video it's gonna take like an hour now it'll take about 25 minutes I got stuff to do drag I'm still young then multitask this is a good this is a good time this is impressive so at a basic 1080p 30 P looking it about 2 minutes for every 1 minute of video footage and that's exporting in the YouTube 1080p preset so not bad are you satisfied I'm actually pretty satisfied it looks cool I think my mom's gonna be on way more than I am that's the live with my mother alright see videos been exported well that's all we really needed to test was just how quick it would take to a render you know a sizable file one minutes not a lot but we can extrapolate that roughly to you know about two minutes for every one minute of footage you know I mean that's pretty good I mean it's a lot quicker than I expected by the way we hooked up the the fans on the radiator as well as the three chassis fans up to the included fan huh but with the entities case so now right now they're on low if we turn it to high all fans will turn on high simultaneously so Jacob are you satisfied overall oh I'm satisfied so I want to get your opinions uh what you think about the case how much money you spent and what your expectations were and where those expectations met exceeded under exceeded following my previous video or people thought I said tenth instead of tint I do like tinted glass so I do like to look at that negatives on it good gone now this is a reflection it really but other than that it's a lot quieter than I expected it to be am actually surprised that it ran YouTube videos as quick as it did that that was my neighbor one feature of this whole entire bill is like I can run stuff a lot quicker for the money I bought according to the comments that people so rudely put in I don't know I don't know how much these cost I guess I got a really good deal on like the power supply and then I guess like the SSDI you got you got ripped on the SSD of course we didn't press much that's by scrutiny again guys what's the first thing I totally wanted yeah Best Buy scrutiny before Emily screwed me again you kind of screwed yourself though we didn't price match the p-n wine SSE we could have hey no I wasn't spending the money and thought to you man I'm glad you can't see the motherboard yeah the motherboard is I know it's hard to tell because it is reflective glass you're pretty much seeing everything behind me but you cannot see the motherboard with this current LED setup which is great so the board looks black you can't see the mix match colors that we're going on that Foxconn board they're gonna appreciate that oh god oh god Greg really right at the end literally right when we started filming so this means that the the overclock was pretty dirty so we're gonna you have to lower your over Paul really okay so we'll just lower your clock speed from let's see two forty five megahertz base to 230 okay I don't know what that comes out to frequency wise but uh should notice that much more performance to cut yeah of course Vaughn alright I'm gonna try to have Jacob and the video like I usually do so I've seen like three of your videos so wow really with a thumbs up if you thought it was cool uh-huh or give it a thumbs down if you hate life no if you isn't that it you give them the option okay now you say give it a thumbs up if you thought the video is cool give it a thumbs down if you feel the complete opposite give it the thumbs down or or if you hate everything about not just like everything about life getting them sponsoring somebody like oh I'm so to start over I give it a thumbs up if give this video with on dunphy video a thumbs up if you liked it or you know giving thumbs down if you did like it or hate everything about life click the subscribe link the subscribe button it's not I'm not putting it there if you haven't already watch retarded oh no Saul so stupid this is sound studio thanks for letting like - thanks for don't don't skip over sighs thank you for this is McLovin signing off a science studio stay tuned for more content at sign cities thanks for subscribing thanks for learning with this was it Bill Nye the Science Guy no just just say thanks for looks for learning let the restart restart they go thanks for learning with us that's all I wanted that's all I wanted tell I want it no no don't say that that's all I wanted you you
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