what is going on everyone we have
several announcements to make if you're
at the time of the video I'm sure you
know what they entail we have three
giveaways to either announce the winners
of or announced for the future actually
we're only giving away one more graphics
card if you if you weren't following me
on social media Twitter Instagram Wow
you really missed out so first up we
gave away an RX 570 on Twitter I forget
the name of the gentleman we messaged
him we deemed him we're gonna mail this
right after Christmas gonna be pretty
hectic trying to ship this on the 24th
or 25th but he is winning an RX 570 from
XFX I did buy this card myself actually
from Best Buy a while back it's been
sitting in my closet and I figured
someone else would probably make better
use of it than myself so that's why I
chose that car for a giveaway and then
we stepped it up a notch the next card
this one actually was also something I
bought myself I bought it on eBay so
this is a used card already but it was a
gtx 1080 super clock from EVGA not the
newest edition of the gtx 1080 but it is
pretty sweet especially for me now if
you buy these yous are like three 350
bucks or so actually this one I got for
about three hundred dollars I bought
three or four of them and people were
like why are you buying so many graphics
cards don't you already have enough of
them well if you were just a little more
patient you would have understood that I
plan on giving away at least some of
these and then the last giveaway that
this one by the way was for Instagram
we're gonna announce the winner of this
one on on camera right now I'm gonna do
the random pic I'll show you how I do
that and then the last card we're gonna
give away in this video for youtube so
we did twitter first then Instagram and
now we're gonna do YouTube is a r-tx 20
almost at GTX 20 RTX 20 80 from gigabyte
I'm pretty sure gigabyte had no idea was
gonna give this card away after testing
it but this is the card we actually kind
of tore down and then replaced with
liquid metal compound I'm gonna ask
whoever wins this if they want just
stock thermal paste back on the GPU I
totally get that do you want to play it
safe it's just an experiment we did with
that card and again that one's been
sitting in the closet ever since so I
figured we'd step it up each time rx5
71st and a GTX 1080 then our TX 2080 for
the YouTube giveaway we're gonna talk
about how to enter in a second but first
I want to do the Instagram giveaway cuz
I know you guys are anxious especially
those of you who already liked
the picture I am going to now count all
of those I kind of messed up here
because in order for me to actually use
like a random picker you know a random
name generator for Instagram I have to
have you comment so only those people
who comment would enter if I used any of
that software that's not fair to those
who just like the picture like I asked
so what I'm gonna have to do I really
have no choice here we have on this
picture here thirty-six hundred and
eighteen likes as of right now so all of
those people are gonna be entered and I
have to now open a random number
generator and list the maximum number is
thirty six hundred eighteen and then
physically count however far down that
is I'm just gonna open up the number of
people who liked huh I know you can't
really see it from there but I'm gonna
click on this then you can see names of
everyone who like this photo again over
three thousand of you I'm glad all you
entered I appreciate that and I'm gonna
have to count down however many names
are here depending on the number that's
generated by the app so I have a number
generator app here and we have 36 18 so
I'm gonna do it right here for you guys
to see from 1 to 36 18 now I'm a little
biased toward the lower numbers because
that means I have to count less
physically it's gonna take probably over
an hour to count through 3000 names if
it happens to be somewhere in the 3000
range so I'm kind of hoping it's higher
up but again totally random here so this
is how we have to do it it's my fault
here we go
692 okay so whoever was the 690 second
like on the picture you are going to be
the winner of hey super clock GT X 1080
from EVGA so yeah I guess I should start
counting now don't worry I won't have to
watch this part 2,000 years later and a
number 692 is Josh the boss
double-oh-seven his name is joshua
ortega and so i'm gonna go ahead and
follow him back died okay he has to
accept my request I'll wait patiently
anyway 600 was actually pretty easy to
count too because I knew how many names
were on screen so I was just counting
and basically groups of 9 all the way
down I'm not sure where josh josh ortega
it lives
but he will receive a message from me
very soon hopefully soon if he accepts
my request soon and then we can get the
GTX 1080 out to him hopefully right
after Christmas again if he's in a place
where I can't send him the card what I
always try to do is ship the value of
the card in cash via PayPal or some
other like safe way to transact money so
if we end up not being able to send the
card he lives in like Afghanistan and
I'm picking a country can be very
difficult to ship to then I will just
send him this card I would send him like
three hundred fifty bucks cash and then
he could spend it however he wants he
could go out and buy a card like this
although I'm sure it's probably more
expensive in this country it's just that
it's the best I can do because if I ship
it to a country like that this card
might cost 500 bucks u.s. to actually
ship when the actual value of the card
is only 300 or so I think that's just
that doesn't make any sense for anybody
especially myself because all this is
coming out of pocket so hopefully he
lives a little closer than that but
again you're gonna win something pretty
substantial either way we have the last
card here to give away this is in RTX
2080 it's the Beast again I can swap the
the liquid metal for typical thermal
compound if you want whoever wins this
card now all you have to do to enter to
win this is comment down below and make
sure you're subscribed the subscription
is not something that is mandatory for
the giveaway itself but it's just a way
of me kind of getting something out of
that you could totally unsubscribe after
the giveaway if this is all you're doing
it for it I can't really control that
but it does give me a small bump and I
do appreciate all of you entering even
if you're not winning these I just I
would I don't want you guys to feel too
upset I mean the odds are pretty low but
I think the way that we're doing this is
still giving you better odds overall
because if I open this up to gleam and
then I shared this across all my social
media outlets at the same time then
we're gonna have many more entrants
especially if we were pairing up with
like other tech tubers with different
audiences so when we did Twitter we only
had I think two or so thousand retweets
I may be totally wrong but it was only
you know low thousands and that's
considerably lower for a graphics card
than most graphics card giveaways of
channels my size are bigger and then
same thing with Instagram only about
3600 or so that's still pretty low so
the odds are higher
then they would be normally if we did
some big you know group tub giveaway of
graphics cards with other people so
hopefully at least you can appreciate
that aspect of it but somebody I can
guarantee is either gonna walk away with
r-tx 2080
or whatever this is in cash I would say
fair value this is uh 700 750 it
probably sells for closer to 800 bucks
but I did see today one r-tx 2080 from
EVGA selling for $6.99 which is really
good price so I might just give away 700
u.s. dollars if I can't get this card to
you physically but whoever wins is gonna
win either the 700 bucks or this car
depending on the shipping hassle
involved so again all you got to do
comment down below that's your entry
subscribe I'm gonna verify your
subscription that's the one thing I'm
going to do and we do have common
generators basically a generator that
will pick a random comment in a video I
did verify that beforehand so we don't
have to do the physical counting again
and that's all you have to do to enter
if you're under the age of 18 I'll have
a parent or guardian represent you in
the process that will keep things in
check from a legal standpoint and we'll
be good to go now I hope you guys have a
Merry Christmas this is my way of kind
of giving back to the community last
minute again more giveaways coming soon
I've been buying tons of graphics cards
and I expect I'll be giving a lot of
them away very soon especially after we
do our builds with them and our
benchmarks with them they kind of just
sit in a closet and I'd rather these go
to people who will actually use someone
a daily basis so I think that's the
least I could do for all of you give you
guys a chance to win one of these great
cards again Congrats to our Twitter
winner as well as the Instagram giveaway
winner and best of luck when it comes to
the r-tx 2080 I think you'll enjoy this
card it's a phenomenal card around gtx
territory which was the best card until
touring through lease so you're gonna be
set I can pretty much guarantee that
assuming you don't have a very old CPU
but maybe we'll do some CPU and
motherboard giveaways in the future I
have plenty of those laying around as
well I appreciate it thank you guys for
entering and for supporting the channel
this far if you guys like the video
thumbs up you know what to do subscribe
especially if you're gonna enter I
encourage you to subscribe if you
haven't already comment down below
that's your official entry and I will
catch you in the next video no live
stream tonight if you're watching this
on Sunday night Central Standard Time we
will be back more than likely next
weekend for another after-hours
livestream this is science studio thanks
for entering giveaways with us by the
way one more thing I know that you guys
don't like Glee my feeling is on the
phone so I'm actually in the process of
editing the video and I realized that I
didn't talk about this and this was
something I wanted to bring up earlier
we're not using gleam for this giveaway
or for either of the two previous
giveaways I talked about this in a
previous video but I'm I'm still trying
to figure out how I want to do giveaways
in the future but the way we did these
we just had you guys either like or
retweet a photo or a post and that was
your way of entering and you also had to
follow me so that I could DM you without
any issues there so I didn't have
trouble contacting you and I get a
little something out of a - right I get
a follow out of it so you guys have a
chance to win a giveaway worst case you
don't win any unsubscribe right that's
or whatever you unfollow that tends to
be how people will handle those kinds of
giveaways now but anyway I want to know
what you guys think I want your feedback
those who watched all the way through
the video
I cherish your opinions and most because
you guys are diehard fans and I
appreciate that so going forward if you
like this style format then we will keep
this in the future we'll do giveaways in
this way I might have no it's just a
giveaway exclusively on Twitter or on
Instagram but that will be how you enter
we're not gonna use gleam unless we're
working with some company that requires
us to use gleam because I know you guys
really don't like that and we're gonna
try our best even when working with
these companies to avoid that website
because there have been many problems
especially recently with some larger
giveaways that and you know if you have
issues you can't enter it's not really
your fault
it's a gleams fault but at the same time
there's nothing we can do about it
because it is an our platform so again
let me know down below also if you
comment you're gonna enter the giveaway
automatically for the 2080 so I guess
it's a win-win there I appreciate your
feedback and I'll catch you in the next
video I was filming someone picks all
three by the way how does the audio
sound I heard it's pretty trash
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