oh yeah here we go 29,000 115 bucks for
an NEC 98 inch 4k Ultra HD LED TV whoo
what a bargain I didn't want to do this
live because I want to you know I don't
want to just be scrolling through and
you guys have to just watch me scroll
through things so I'm going to edit this
myself and then upload it hopefully
sometime in the next few hours it's
11:35 a.m. here Central Standard Time
and I want to get this out before
roughly 3 or 4 p.m. so let's see let's
see how fast I can do this but if you
want to follow along with me and see how
these deals have changed over time you
can click go to new eggs regular
homepage and click on the cyber monday
starts now things so that bar right
there click on that it will take you to
something that should look like this is
to some similar products here starting
off with the gtx 1050 ti4 140 bucks look
at it I mean a $10 discount really isn't
worthy of cyber monday in my personal
opinion that's decent but that's still
expensive for a hundred Hertz 1440 peal
to my display there were a few things
that I came across when I was just
generally scrolling that did catch my
eye I will point those out to you you
see right here gtx 1070 from gigabyte
for 399 bucks any gtx 1070 you can get
that has a backplate and that has a
decent heat dissipation for under 400
bucks is a pretty good steal so I
recommend something like this if I was
just building another PC from scratch
and I wanted a 1070 in the rig I would
probably purchase this graphics card
here just because it is relatively cheap
and doesn't compromise on cooling
potential or a backplate which is a big
deal for someone like myself
we're aesthetics or a little higher on
the priority list here's another one
that was cool if you're looking for a
whitish or silver build msi gtx 1070
quicksilver edition the 8 gigabyte 1070
of course that is not read like it
usually is but that is silver I don't
know how silver this is I haven't owned
one but it looks to be pretty close to
like just a general white coating see
even the back plate is a silver metallic
looking this will look excellent
with their x99 titanium motherboard or
even the z170 variant where that PCB is
actually silver this would look really
nice in a case like that it even may
look okay and Walter white I don't know
how again how silver it is or how wide
it is but that's definitely a unique
looking card and you can get it for 399
bucks whatever 400 dollars I'll go ahead
and start rounding these ooh
check this one out another gtx 1070 from
gigabyte this one isn't as as efficient
and it isn't as highly clocked as the
other one was this one has only two fans
here but 380 bucks so you're saving $20
and you're still getting a boost clock
of 1771 megahertz that's respectable I'm
only pushing 1,800 on my EVGA s these
are just regular HD x 3.0 cards so
they're not super clocked or for the
lane additions but or anything around
1800 megahertz is still pretty solid for
a 1070 and I expect this card won't get
much hotter than about 70 to 75 C so
really great price on a GTX in 70 that's
probably the best graphics card deal so
far again anything under 400 bucks
remember that you can even get a hybrid
gtx 1070 for just four hundred and
twenty dollars granted the the GPU core
and boost clocks aren't very high on
this I mean you'd expect these to be in
the 2000s considering they're
water-cooled but you're only getting
1784 boost out of it I'm sure you could
overclock these more but out of the
boxes it still should be a bit higher
than that I haven't noticed too many
excellent processor deals you can see
here an i7 68 50k this is the 6800
equivalent with 40 PCIe lanes 15
megabytes of l3 cache 500 bucks versus
609 which is apparently what it usually
is it's it's not stellar and again the
8350 isn't looking too cheap either
there was another processor somewhere up
here the 6800 k 379 someone was telling
me that at micro Center they're selling
it for 320 bucks now so if the micro
centers anywhere near you I recommend
just driving to one you'll save money
even if you have to pay for gas you'll
still save money
maybe not time but at least you get that
enjoyable Micro Center experience just
wrap your wallet and duct tape so you're
not tempted to spend any more than you
have to
I 560 600k still 220 bucks I wouldn't
buy this unless you saw it for under
$200 so stay away from anything that
looks pretty close to what it usually is
these deals aren't really deals if you
if you really look at them let's see
three gigabyte GTX 1060 not that great
of a deal that's a decent discount on a
three hundred and four dollars for five
bucks but I would just buy honestly if
you're going to build an i3 rig just buy
a used one for 80 bucks and you're going
to get roughly the same performance the
IPC increased from hospital to skylight
for example is only about five or six
percent so nothing stellar they're an r9
fury this is the one I purchased for the
build you can check out I think it's
right there I think the cards going to
show up on that side I bought this for
two hundred and seventy nine bucks and
right now it's two hundred and sixty
bucks so yeah another $20 off there and
if you're interested in doing the rebate
thing you can get another $20 off two
hundred forty bucks for an r9 fury that
will demolish an RX 480 that's a great
price now if you're looking for a
motherboard maybe want to upgrade your
motherboard or just build a pc from
scratch I recommend using new egg I
think new egg is going to have better
prices than Amazon will but I haven't
seen I'm just in general I haven't seen
any fantastic motherboard sales an okay
deal on sapphire are X 480 likewise for
the 1066 gigabyte yet this is a six gig
card make sure you pay attention to the
vram amount on the ten sixty or forty
you're looking at if it's an RX 480 and
it's only a four gig card i wouldn't pay
any more than about 200 bucks for it and
if it's an RX 488 gigabyte card about
240 dollars is your sweet spot there now
this is a beautiful motherboard here if
you're looking at x99 board I recommend
this I might even just purchase this for
myself just to have on hand but this is
actually an RGB LED board so you can you
can light it up you know get whatever
color scheme you want going with that
board and have your peripherals to match
it so that's really nice and it's an
all-black board so it's not going to
look really ugly or anything in pretty
much any case you throw it in 280 bucks
it's about $40 off if you're going to
buy an excellent on board I wouldn't
spend any more about $300 that's just my
personal take on x99 boards at this
point gtx 1080
strain from gigabytes 659 bucks if you
can find a GTX 1084 around $600 you're
gold it's going to be tough but if you
can find one and you're looking for one
I would buy it now this is something
interesting this is actually a decent
deal on an OLED TV they're still fairly
expensive because the technology is it's
not new but it's new to TV so they keep
the prices high just because it's a new
thing but 1800 bucks plus you get $100
promotional gift card for Newegg oled so
this means you're gonna have infinite
contrast ratios each individual pixel
produces its own light there's no LCD
backlit thing going on you don't have
active zones or anything like that so
blacks are truly black and your picture
just overall picture quality is
top-notch plus check out how thin this
thing is you see that yeah that's the
thickness of a TV lease for the upper
portion that's thinner than my macbook
just FYI here we go be wary of these see
pricing card things with no it's very
simple I can do is click it and it'll
throw it in your cart know if you can
see it no you can't see it it's in a
separate a separate window but this this
card's price is five hundred and eighty
bucks now granted this is and a blower
style cooler but like I said under $600
42 X 1080 is a good good steal no matter
how you look at it here we go with the
Carrigg h7 you're looking for a decent
CPU cooler I recommend this over the
hyper 212 Evo of own both and this thing
definitely takes the cake and for 30
bucks which isn't far off from the Evo's
price normally this is a this is a steel
bar it makes very great coolers I've
played with several of them actually
have the r1 Universal coming in for the
AMD build but for 30 bucks this is a a
recommended from me if you're looking
for a super snazzy cool looking case for
your new PC I recommend the NZXT s340
so the great case even though the elite
does in my opinion look a bit better
the SP 40 is a great more
budget-friendly option check this out 70
bucks it's it's hard to find these cases
for 70 bucks in stock and with free
shipping so if you order through Newegg
I'm pretty sure you get just this the
standard three to five day shipping
order five to seven days shipping for
free or if you have premiere or if your
Amazon customer even Amazon offers free
shipping and depending on whether or not
there's a sorting facility in your state
you may or may not have to pay taxes on
Newegg I haven't had to pay taxes period
keep that in mind if you if you live
outside of the United States I don't
really know what to tell you here this
video is more for people who live in the
States just because it's it's more of a
American tradition I guess I should say
if you're a die-hard AMD fan looking for
an FX 8350 or the light you can pick up
one with a wraith cooler for $150 I
believe that's only a $10 premium over
the 8350 that doesn't include a Wraith
cooler so if you are looking to just you
know cool your CP with something it
doesn't cost very much 10 bucks for rape
cooler I think is worth it and oh here's
the beauty this is one of the ones I was
talking about if you pair this with the
Quicksilver gtx 1070 that we showed a
bit earlier check that out a very unique
looking board similar to the a suit
tough saber toothed board I reviewed in
a video you can check out right here but
this one is from MSI and it's a bit more
silverish so not as white but it would
look excellent it will look great with
thats Quicksilver a gtx 1070 we saw that
earlier the deep cool captain 240 X
which I featured in another build you
can check out right here is available
for under a hundred bucks if you can
pick up a 240 or 280 millimeter all in
one water loop for under 100 bucks I say
jump on it that's from a reliable brand
now this is something I want to touch on
because when it comes to reliability
people tend to look at reviews to kind
of get a sense of how good or not good
the cooler is now something to take note
of most of the people who jump on to
sites like Newegg and write reviews
either have some really good things to
say about the cooler or really bad
things to say about the cooler so it
tends to kind of skew your results if
you know the company sends out a hundred
all-in-ones and five of them are
defective chances are only those five
people are going to come back and say
yeah this was defective and then you're
going to end up with a product appearing
on the way to not be good because you
know five people reviewed it and it all
got one egg out of five so don't just
rely on one site with its own review
category to kind of judge how the
coolers in general sometimes you gotta
get a feel for most of these people said
it was a decent
cooler and it is I've owned one of these
personally I still do and it's a great
cooler no leaks and cools the CP very
well now this was one of my favorite
cases at one point I don't know why the
that's weird the sights still loading
but the price of this is 60 bucks and
that's a great steal for an eclipse p400
this case is very similar to the NZXT
s340 in almost every way plus you get a
few extra features so if you're looking
you know looking to to expose your pc's
internals with a nice big window and you
want that RGB LED support then I
recommend the fantex Eclipse great case
I have a review of it somewhere I don't
know how many cards I can put in one of
the I think five so I'll have links to
this stuff in the video's description
now I want to hop on over to Amazon for
a second this is not a an online
marketplace that's targeted towards a
specific consumer it's more general and
developing so it's going to be a bit
tougher to find graphics cards gonna be
a bit more difficult to find
motherboards and CPUs at really great
prices on here you would have to just be
at the right place at the right time to
find one here on Amazon and I'm gonna
kind of run through what I what I do
when I look for good deals on Amazon so
let's see we're on the cyber monday page
and we want to go over here and click am
i covering it up nope okay let's see
computers and accessories let's just see
what what pops up here so it looks like
a bunch of laptops and alright so check
this out I actually share this on
Twitter you'll have to wait a bit for
this one a buddy might just purchase the
i7 variant of the razor blade stealth
and it is in fact a beautiful laptop I
cannot wait to compare it to my macbook
into an XPS 13 I'll have those videos up
momentarily so this one caught my eyes
well save on Dell XPS laptops we're
looking for an ultrabook
this will kind of be your sweet spot in
my personal opinion the XPS lineup is a
great lineup you get that beautiful
infinity display is that what they call
it infinity display pretty sure but this
is a 13.3 inch laptop with a 12 inch
form factor of sorts this isn't much
larger in terms of length and width than
my macbook my 12 inch MacBook
this literally just changed from 98%
claim to 100% you can't buy this anymore
but this is an example of a great deal
adele XPS 13.3 inch laptop with an i-5
7200 u @ 3.5 gigahertz not much
different than the i7 variant it's still
clocked the same I think there's just a
l3 cache difference I want to say but
still a gigs of ram 256 gig SSD and a
qhd+ display which is actually a higher
resolution than the Razer Blade stealth
we just saw a bit earlier all four 11:49
which the Dell XPS lineup is always a
bit more expensive than its competitors
you're getting that uh you know carbon
fiber keyboard cover the infinity edge
display which is beautiful I think
that's just an icon of Dell at this
point and it's it's just a beautiful
looking well-built aluminum brushed
laptop for 11:49 you can see it was
originally 1379 you're getting that KB
Lake processor the newest and best for a
great price and Amazon actually did a
pretty good job grouping all of the XPS
laptops into this little page here but
you can see how it's kind of difficult
to navigate through I guess this isn't
too bad it's just a different
I don't know organization strategy it's
- in my opinion it's harder to sift
through the stuff on Amazon that it is
on Newegg just because I think it's not
categorized as well it's just kind of
all over the place
EVGA this is my exact card here I paid
420 bucks you can get it for $400 now
you see at C's you purchased this item
October 17 it's howling outside if you
hear some like weird cries it sounds
like it's actually wind we're going to
tornado watch here on November 28th
maybe this is interesting so prime early
access so I've Emma's on prime 2nd
access as early
34:40 by 1440p nice to see on a 34 inch
ultra wide I've seen 32 inch ultra
whites that are only 1080p ultra wide
which is pixel resolution at that point
starts degrading especially we're
sitting that close to the monitor now
but srgb over 99% so very accurate color
gamut and of course 21 by 9 form factor
curved which is pretty cool all for 550
bucks that's a decent deal considering
it used to be 750 dollars i 760 700 K
for $300 I recommend this for anybody
looking to do any kind of multitasking
if you just want to keep a few chrome
tabs open while you're gaming or if you
want to surf the web while your video is
rendering the i7 is the processor for
you I have videos that should help you
uh figure out which side of the aisle
you're on which side of the aisle that
how the metaphor goes which whatever you
know which which side you're on but if
you want the i7 I'd say this is the
place to get it I'm sure there are other
places selling it for cheaper but if you
have Amazon Prime especially you can get
this thing tomorrow if you order well
maybe not now when I upload the video
but you can see it always tell you you
know up nine minutes I got nine minutes
left if I want it tomorrow that's a good
deal on an i7 let's see here 600 K not
much of a discount there so I probably
wouldn't recommend them for for that
1,600 K again nothing stellar this price
here for the 69 50 X is almost identical
to the price and micro Center so I know
my Cressona is typically cheaper so
that's actually a decent price for
Amazon it's still not catching my
interest yep I mean that's that's it for
Amazon nothing spectacular in the CPU
arena let's see we just type in graphics
card will come up here a bunch of cards
that aren't appealing and then we start
getting some of the newer stuff okay so
1060 1050 Ti that price is not
competitive rx 460 that's these prices
aren't really that great either you know
being this a cyber monday you think
they'd have better deals on stuff that
you know is tied to computers but I
haven't really found them on Amazon I
guess it's just the vendors themselves
aren't willing to mark down the prices
but I'm just not seeing anything
very compelling here on Amazon for those
you ever noticed how TV prices tend to
increase exponentially as diagonal size
increases that's just something I've
never really understood yeah not seeing
too many awesome deals on TV
he's either just and I hate looking
through this thing I hate going back
here because this organization is
terrible think what is it what is deals
of the day it's Cyber Monday there
should be no deals of the day that
they're all deals it should be what is
this moto Z unlocked
500 bucks not bad for an unlocked phone
okay this is a pretty good deal here now
I've owned the Nikon d50 100 a majority
of my videos after I got rid of that
original Nikon L 840 whatever it was
called were filmed on the d50 100 which
is a 1080p 30fps camera this one is ad
3400 which films in 1080p 60fps or 50 or
24 30 and you get two lenses the this is
the 1855 millimeter as well as the 700
excuse me 70 300 millimeter 700 yen be
like a telescopic lens but this is your
typical DSLR camera nothing special no
fold-out screen or anything but you do
get the DSLR experience you get a 24
megapixel CMOS sensor and native ISO up
to 25 6 600 that's that's all standard
now but the fact that you get a extra
lens a 70 to 300 millimeter lens makes
this deal very compelling and c-list
price $1,000 er right this this cameron
worth $1,000 but for 500 bucks this is a
pretty good a pretty good investment I
thought especially for the intro
photographer and intro videographer I
almost thought about picking one of
these up I might do it just have a
second camera on hand like from a
different angle especially if I'm
building a PC or something it would be
nice to have that second camera there I
also thought about a GoPro I don't know
if I should get a GoPro or something
like this more professional or more
portable we'll see I guess we'll talk
about that on Twitter these prices are
just not as good as I remember them back
in the day that's not a bad price there
for 25 bucks for 128 gigabyte PNY micro
SD card that's a good deal
guess I spoke a little too soon there
but I think what I said still stands
that these deals are awesome you know if
you disagree with me let me know
being do get out but I do think that a
majority of the deals are targeted
towards consumers who aren't necessarily
PC builders so I guess what we should do
at this point is move on to a different
site you know I was super excited for
this one and then I saw that it was only
1366 by 768 it's only effectively 720p
Wow just nothing spectacular even there
SSDs aren't that cheap I bought mine for
39 bucks back when it wasn't a holiday
maybe that's why they're keeping the
prices up just because I know people are
going to be looking for this stuff but
then what's the point of cyber monday
yeah price is here fairly expensive just
off the top of my head you know when you
first go to a website on Cyber Monday
you should expect to see a lot of great
deals upfront within the first two or
three pages that you click on I'm not
seeing any of that I mean even these
that they're showcasing on their front
page aren't really that great let's see
what Micro Center has to offer maybe
Micro Center can come to the rescue I
expect they'll have decent deals from
what you guys have been telling me I've
been missing out I need to take another
trip to Houston or something and check
out their Micro Center deals I 560 600k
check that out 180 bucks that's a good
price for an i-5 unlocked SKU yep
I would definitely seize that deal if
you are in the vicinity of a micro
Center of course most of this you have
to be in store for so keep that in mind
you'll have to make a drive long or far
though I still think it's worth it to
save that kind of money on a processor
and potentially other components for
your PC here's the one I purchased
recently the FX 8320 II for 80 bucks
this is a good deal while I don't
recommend FX processor simply because
they are outdated if you're looking to
build a you know ultra budget PC for
somebody who's not looking to upgrade
anytime soon they just need something to
surf the web with and play the
occasional game 80 bucks is a compelling
offer for a 8 core processor now for you
Apple lovers out there I'm sure most of
you watching this channel aren't fans of
Apple I kind of got that idea when you
you know just automatically dislike my
Apple videos just because you happen to
no hate no hate just pointing out
something I observed an Apple MacBook
Pro with Retina Display 13.3 inch screen
of course and i-5 it believe this is the
50/50 200 you this yeah this isn't the
skylake version this isn't the newest
one but you are getting retina display
hundred twenty eight gig SSD and eight
gigs of ram for just over a thousand
dollars I think this is a really good
price for the last gen macbook not the
newest gen but the last gen so you're
still getting those there's a you know
typical USB ports and the light you even
get an HDMI port with that that's a
little strange I don't remember that
being on the on the last gen MacBook but
yeah you can all that good stuff for
just over a thousand dollars that's a
good price let's see ddr4 if you happen
to be looking for some RAM is micro
Center the place to go in my experience
personally they haven't had the best
deals on Ram they just they just never
have let's see power supplies
this can be iffy for a store like this I
purchased one that I found even cheaper
at Best Buy
that was just my fault for not doing my
research beforehand now prices aren't
that great on power supplies and if
you're if you're doubting whether or not
I can actually sift through this much in
for that quick I am I'm just skimming
through I'm looking at the wattage
looking at the brand looking at the
efficiency rating and then checking the
price and kind of skimming through each
each row as I scroll so let's see here
Intel motherboards Wow their site is
slow today I think I think a lot of
people are on micro centers website
right now
okay well micro Center is giving us
issues we're going to move back on a new
way I'd say this is your best bet for
most computer components at least in the
States so this actually gives you the
option of orienting your graphics card
vertically versus horizontally and it's
got a window that kind of curves up and
over so check us now this is from the
from the where's the top-down view it is
right there yes check it out so from the
top the window actually curves over the
top panel you can kind of see down into
the case from from above if you happen
to put your PC on the floor or something
but it's just a unique aesthetic I like
how Thermaltake did that definitely sets
them apart and it looks like you got
plenty of space in there I'd like to get
my hands in this case do it maybe a case
review and a build inside of it so yeah
what I'm getting from this is that cyber
monday really isn't what it used to be
at least from what I can tell it's not
as exciting I'm not seeing as many
awesome deals and the things that I used
to be interested in you know ipod
touches you know the mp3 players cameras
GoPros home theater systems things like
that I'm not I'm not seeing those deals
like I used to what I am seeing is quite
a number of 4k TV deals and a few
monitor deals and everything else is
marked down but not a lot I mean these
are standard discounts that kind of run
all year long so nothing special for the
holiday if you want to call it that so
that's how I'm going to end the cyber
monday shenanigans video on a bit of a
sour note I just don't remember these
deals being as weak as they are I
remember my brother last year built his
entire PC for basically half off you got
graphics cards power supplies all that
stuff for much cheaper than what they
usually run but right now even on Newegg
I'm not finding those deals or a few of
them the other decent deals but they're
not like whoa you're going to buy this
right now those kinds of deals which
used to be what made Cyber Monday so
awesome and so exciting not seeing those
exciting deals anymore let me know if
you have any deals in mind that you find
on various sites link those in the in
the comments below help other people out
and I'll be sure to upload another video
tomorrow on my new light kit that I
bought from Studio Pro I'll give you a
full on like setup guide and you know
the differences between having them and
not having them especially for a camera
like my FC 1000 which isn't the best
camera out there needs a lot of light to
get that picture looking nice and nice
and crisp if you like this video be sure
to give it a thumbs up give it a thumbs
down if you look it up so if you hate
everything but light be sure to click
Subscribe in hammer to stay tuned for
the video I just talked about this is
Salazar studio
happy hunting online best of luck pretty
sure you're going to need it
unfortunately thanks for learning with
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