Discussing the RTX 2060 and "GTX 1660 Ti" | Science Studio After Hours #35
Discussing the RTX 2060 and "GTX 1660 Ti" | Science Studio After Hours #35
okay I think we are ready to go as usual
if I am too loud or too quiet first
check your own volume make sure that you
have it set up the way you normally do
and if I'm still too loud or quiet let
me know scream at me in the chat and
that was an indication that that I need
to do something on my own so I am
streaming from a different perspective
than I than usual we've been doing
things behind me typically where I film
to like you know the usual videos I move
things this way so that I can use two
screens it was kind of a pain pivoting
between my laptop and the second desktop
we have back there so I figured I would
use my personal rig for both streaming
and editing and pretty much everything
else we'll see how long this lasts I
always change stuff so yeah power-up
says it's Gucci Greg that's good your
voice is distorting because too loud I
don't thinks I don't think I'm too loud
you probably yeah people are saying I
say it speaking for some reason oh
that's weird
let me turn it down a little bit just in
case you guys who had me okay bump me up
just a little bit and I can fix that I'm
barely touching yellow here although I
do well I say that but no when I get
close to the mic it does speak a little
bit I think you guys are correct about
that bends this is live the thumbnail
said live so I wouldn't I wouldn't be
that click Beatty and then a couple
others were saying that the GTX 1660 T I
had Sauk saying that name I hate that
name 1660s like the trashiest card name
ever they were thinking that was
clickbait it's it's not and I have a
good feeling this is actually going to
be a real card we've been seeing
supplemental data roll out about this
thing and to be honest I don't know very
much just the few articles that I've
read I've seen a few pictures there was
supposedly a press event where they
actually were you know in video was
talking with you know to itself in a
kind of a closed environment about this
card I don't know if that's super
commonplace to have it look like a
public event
so again take all this with a grain of
salt but I put gtx 1660 TI in quotes
because that is just the precaution
because if it comes back and haunts us
and people you know we find out that the
cards not real they're gonna come to all
of us and say with you guys we're
promoting a code that doesn't even exist
and then I can be like here's my cop-out
I put quotes around it so there's my
cover that's my little lot my little
disclaimer there but anyway thank you
guys for stopping by this is a
discussing our TX 2060 and gtx 1660 TI
video again that second one is going to
be in quotations because it's a rumor at
this point we don't have any official
statement from nvidia regarding this
card we just have several leaks and i
really try to stay out of hyping up
leaks every now and then I'll pump
something out just kind of talking about
what the leaks you know have been doing
to the industry what we've been seeing I
guess that's kind of supplementing it I
don't really know but it's not something
that I like to base the entire channel
on let's just leave it at that so this
video making it more less for the RT X
2060 we will also talk a little bit
about that I have a couple articles I
want to show you guys regarding suppose
it specs for the 16 60 TI and apparently
a non TI version that one is a little
less verified if you will a lot of
quotations in this live stream anyway
you guys get the point so let's start
first with the RT X 2060 this is one I'm
sure you guys have already seen reviews
of you've already seen how it performs I
wanted to talk a little more about this
raw to you guys before I assure my
official video because this is the first
card in videos released since Pascal
that I've actually been somewhat
enthusiastic about again this is not
it's not going to be a card that that I
think everyone look into game in 1080p
in 1440p should buy I think that it does
have a specific target audience and that
audience is going to be those who
possibly can't afford the higher-end
r-tx cards but still want the
future-proof nosov ray tracing and
whatever that might bring in the future
now we only have a couple games really
one that can actually do anything with
the ray tracing cores with the RT cores
with a 10
there's supposedly several others are in
development and some are coming out very
soon hopefully now but we'll see how
long this lasts again I really don't
know how how much ground this is gonna
cover within one year span of time I
mean we had just heard of rate racing in
the mainstream from Nvidia really they
were the first ones to bring it to the
forefront so that's kind of my take on
the beginning of it III really hope that
you guys keep an open mind when I
publish this review because I know you
guys already probably know how it stacks
up this card is similar to gtx 1070 1070
TI and more toward 1070 TI and those
cards you can buy right now for assuming
that the shortage is not gonna be you
know crushing the market anywhere
between three and four hundred maybe 450
it's starting to venture into 1080 1080
territory but i would say no more than
about 400 bucks or so and that's pretty
good because this card is launching it
MSRP 350 for that efi card it's a
beautiful design
I heard it's difficult to get into but
it is a very heavy beefy car it's gonna
run a little louder it's a you know it's
still a stock Nvidia cooler if you will
but it is definitely improved from the
previous blower style in my opinion so
I'll be testing that and I'll be testing
thermals so I'll be testing sound and
then we'll probably do a few benchmarks
outside about a filled 5 but I really
want to focus on DXR with this card
because this kind of ties into the 1660
Ti part I was really surprised to begin
with an Nvidia even included RT intenser
cores in a cart of this caliber and a 60
Series card so while I'm somewhat
disappointed with the pricing strategy
and vidi has been rolling out especially
with the higher entering stuff I think
that for a card in the 3 to $400 price
range it makes more sense in my opinion
to knock the RT intenser course
completely off the chip or you know I'm
not sure if the 1660 CI is going to have
disabled RT intents or chunks of the die
or if the die will have them completely
I haven't done enough research to figure
that out my assumption is they'll
probably still be in there if they're
not then they have two separate
processes going on behind the scenes but
I expected this card to not have Artie
and tensor course because I don't think
it's gonna be powerful enough to run
games that you know with the XR and and
DL SS and other things that are gonna
tax the heck out of cards like this and
especially cards that don't have any and
a behind-the-scenes tech trying to chug
this stuff along so my thinking is
alright a 2060 people are gonna buy this
because either one they can't afford the
higher end stuff which is fine honestly
I wouldn't spend twelve hundred thirteen
hundred dollars for a top entering card
so I don't blame you there and even if
you can't afford it you might not want
to spend the money on it again I don't
blame you so you might settle for an RT
X 2070 those are okay I think the
pricing is okay in that I feel slightly
better about the RT X 2060 but the
caveat is will it be powerful enough to
run things like DX R so what I'm gonna
do especially in the benchmark is in the
benchmarking video is stress the heck
out of the card in battlefield 5 I want
to see what the optimal settings are for
a card of this caliber in DX 12 with the
XR enabled and we'll kind of play with
some settings to see what we need to get
60fps see what we need to have 100 FPS
and then hopefully I don't know I expect
to even hit 100 FPS with this card to be
honest a lot of the higher-end turing
cards were struggling to hit 100 FPS and
1080p with the XR enabled so we'll see
well we'll see I have my hopes up
especially for the 1660 I'm crossing my
fingers hope and that thing becomes a
real card because if it does I think
that will be a much more viable option
for the average gamer so it seems like
Nvidia is kind of alienated the average
gamer with the release of Turing because
we've had tech packed into it that we
don't necessarily want to pay for but
that's in there anyway and then guess
what we only have one game thus far that
properly utilized excluding those weird
what was it what game was it that had
the there ray tracing the real-time
radiation the fool I saw it on Twitter I
can't remember it was an old game no
it's like doom or something I feel dumb
now even though someone will know in the
chat anyway
that was that was a really cool thing to
watch but yeah so that's the issue I
have with it right is it not being as
powerful as it probably should to be
able to run the higher end stuff in
games the XRD LSSI
we just don't know yet we only have one
game to test it with so and Cody says
I'm also okay with not getting 100 FPS
that's fine I mean look if you expect
you know 100-plus FPS running DXR
especially with an RT X 2060 you're
gonna be in for a rude awakening so if
you okay with that if you're content
with 60 FPS in 1080p then that's fine
but my thinking is if you're used
especially to the high refresh rates a
hundred Hertz plus then dropping down to
sixty Hertz just for better reflections
in a game then you're gonna be
disappointed with that and you're gonna
probably end up not using DXR in the
first place you're just gonna run it as
a typical card without Artie or tensor
core is really doing anything quake 2
thank you guys quake 2 that was it I
knew it was like I was thinking the
original doom but yeah quake 2 anyway
that is uh that's my thinking on the RT
x 26 TMI and my hope is it the gtx 1660
TI if this card is actually a thing and
it does hit the market supposedly in
march we'll get a couple articles here
in a second
then what we're gonna end up with is a
card that is probably gonna be priced at
around 300 bucks and i think that's
still pretty expensive for a 60 series
card but again this comes down to what
nvidia values to the degree to which
nvidia values their arty and tensor core
technologies so if they're willing to
AXYZ completely out of the die then my
assumption is they have a separate fab
going for this and that wouldn't
technically make it a tu die though so i
don't know what defines a tu dies at the
cuda cores or is it everything
technically it's everything for the
higher end card so I don't know
depending on how they do this we're
gonna end up with a card that I expect
will be priced around 300 bucks I'd be
very surprised if Nvidia prices card any
lower than $300 so really when that card
comes out the question you're gonna have
to ask yourself is whether or not you
value and look forward to developers
including support for ray-tracing
for real-time rates rates
and using things like DX are
implementing things like the XR in game
DL SS is another thing that's going to
be interesting to see how AI course work
with that but for the time being I'm
really looking forward to the 16 60 TI
because I think that it's going to be a
better value proposition for the average
gamer and they was going back to what I
said just a second ago about NVIDIA kind
of pricing out of large share of their
market typically how they do things they
launch the most expensive the highest
and cards first or somewhat first maybe
a little out of order the TI you know
the 1080 TI variant or whatever that
equivalent would be always comes a
little later it seems like but uh r-tx
kind of change things up a bit
but they release the higher end cards
first because they know that fewer
people buy those so they basically flush
those out of the market first and then
the heavy demand comes for the lower end
cards and that's where they start
selling in huge bulks and and that's
just that's just typical you know simple
marketing strategy right there so yeah I
don't know what do you guys think about
if you're if you're already considering
an RT X 2060 it's probably because you
want something in the 1072 1071 at
performance category but you can't find
either those cards right now because the
inventory the stock of those cards is
drying up so it makes sense for Nvidia
to kind of slide in here the intervening
opportunity they're kind of creating for
themselves to replace this card with one
that is similarly priced and that also
performs very similarly as well so we're
not getting a huge performance jump in
the same price category as we did with
Pascal but we are still getting more
tech we're getting more technology
granted we don't use we don't use it in
99% of the games we all have in our
Steam libraries but it's there for the
future if you're banking on that tech
then the the RT x 2060 in my opinion is
the best value buy right now
maybe the 2070 if you can find a really
good deal and one oh no gigabytes been
selling the 2070 s there are their
gaming OC cards for pretty cheap
relatively speaking some of those cards
that can still go for five six seven
hundred dollars and that's that's
borderline or
x20 Haiti territory there but anyway uh
that's kind of where I'm at with this I
think what I'm gonna do in my review you
guys are gonna get a little inside scoop
on this for people who are watching live
if you watch this a little later you
might not wash it in time but for the RT
x26 three of you I think what I'm really
gonna focus on is the battlefield 5
benchmark because I really want to
stress the viability of this card with
DXR enabled granted I know this is the
first title and I know it's still
unoptimized as heck like I was just
playing ba5 and I could not for the life
of me get my little mouse cursor to show
up on screen it was annoying as heck and
had a couple forced closes you know this
is like typical early launch stuff but
once they work out the kinks is this
card gonna be viable it does it make
sense for NVIDIA to pack our teen tensor
cores into a die that is just not going
to be able to pack enough punch to
handle the computational workload
associated with ray tracing with
real-time ray tracing so yeah that's
that's my stance on the RT X 2060 we'll
talk more about this I'm gonna take some
questions I'll try to answer some
questions you guys have will do the
typical Q&A we always do in the live
streams here in a second and I just
wanted to touch very briefly on the 16
60 TI and possibly even 1660 non TI
version because we do have I would say
credible rumors as like oxymoronic as
that sounds think you guys know what I'm
talking about these are coming from
sources that have been correct in the
past so I'm gonna pivot on over to that
you can see if this is a Tom's Hardware
article all these websites are basically
compiling all the same source
information so it really doesn't matter
which one you look at but this is kind
of a spec break down here this is the RT
X 2060 and you can see the 1660 ti with
asterisks basically as far as I know
indicating what did I just do indicating
this is not set in stone yet we don't
know for sure but if you haven't heard
of what the 1660 TI is supposed to be
this would probably give you a little
bit of insight we're expecting six big
buffer we expect somewhere in the realm
of 1536 CUDA cores and a benchmark of
ashes of singularity we all know how
semi reliable that is
was pitting this about what did they say
I want to say it was ten ten percent or
so higher than a GTX 1060 which isn't a
big improvement it's really not but it
is an improvement nonetheless again this
this generation of car is not going to
be comparable to the leap from Maxwell
to Pascal but it's it's just I don't
know this is really all we have and if
people are turning you know the stuff
into entire videos worth of information
I just don't think we know enough about
it at this point for me to properly
compile a video to present to you guys
which is why I'm doing in a live stream
and I might talk a little bit more about
it in my r-tx 2060 review which should
be up on the channel next weekend but
yeah I mean this is really all we know
right it's all these question marks we
know what the clock speeds will be we
don't even know what the memory clock is
gonna be memory bandwidth is really
nothing we can calculate here TDP I
expect that will be slightly lower than
160 just because it'll be a slightly
more cut down version of the 2060
transistor count not sure if they're
even including the RT and tensor cores I
it just makes sense that they would but
I don't know I mean I don't know enough
about the fabrication about the the
yields on these for me to really make a
an educated guess I'll let you guys
decide for yourself or or link articles
if you have any talking about that but
yeah this is it this is really all we
know so again about 10% performance
improve and expect that in the realm or
so over a ten sixty and that's really
all we have here so this actually this
article was talking about pallet that's
another manufacturer of cards more
prominent in Europe and they had listed
the GTX 1160 there's yep what was this
including graphics cards using in videos
rumored GTX 1160 GTX 1660 and GTX 1660
Ti no idea what I just I just read that
one for the first time this new listing
disputes rumors that the GTX 1160 is
fake they love a posted it previously
with a group of laptops so yeah we're
going to focus mainly on this one
because we have a little more
information backing up
this this ones viability but there you
have it so pretty much all I wanted to
show you guys just a rough sketch there
of what to expect again kind of I don't
know don't hinge too much on that ten
percent performance bump this is again
one game that we have to base this off
of and every game handles this stuff
differently but I'm expecting the price
I think the price is the most important
thing is when you guys really worry
about the most what you're getting for
your money I'm expecting around 300
bucks I would be very surprised with
NVIDIA charged any less than 300 dollars
for this card and that's just because we
kind of expect this from Nvidia at this
point I don't think people are gonna be
too disappointed with the price I think
they're just gonna kind of accept it as
fact and people who are gonna cross the
fingers and hold out for Navi are just
gonna be waiting a little while longer
so Nvidia is still controlling a large
chunk of the market and that's kind of
what we have to work with at this point
so if you're waiting you're gonna be
waiting a little while longer
and if you were waiting for more
specifically a 60 series card that's
actually affordable and it actually
makes sense especially if you're not
gonna use the RT intensive cores packed
into these chips then there's a bit of
hope on the horizon I don't think you'll
be waiting too much longer again I'd be
very surprised if these cards don't
actually exist especially the 1660 ti it
seems very credible a lot of tech sites
have already kind of just confirmed the
existence of this card but we'll see now
we'll see so that's pretty much the meat
and potatoes of this livestream and now
I'm gonna turn it over to you guys
you'll have the floor and I'm gonna
answer questions about anything and
everything related to tech even if you
wanna have some personal stuff I won't
get too personal with it but you know
just just some generic stuff you guys
want to know what's go excuse me what's
going on I do see bazinga donated $20
I'll do the Super chat bazinga you
wanted to boss Bing as always in the
live streams I do appreciate his support
he says watched you watch your video
about cable management as a fellow cat
owner I know the real reason was to keep
the cables away from Pepsi let me tell
you my dude he almost like he she she's
sleeping right right there my well
behind me but
on the floor she she loves it when I
build because there's always stuff
scattered everywhere and she gets to
kind of explore check she's sniffing
around shake she acts like a dog
sometimes checking things out want to
know what's going on by the way for
those of you who are members and you'll
know if you remember if you have a star
next to your name it's like five bucks a
month you get some perks and the
livestreams you get like badges next to
your name also in the comment sections
you also get access to emojis it's kind
of similar to twitch basically and if
you do the colon and then you do science
let me see if it were supposed to work
no no that's not working for me maybe
it's because I already started the
livestream anyway I have set up some
emojis for you guys to use and if you if
you know how to use those already it's
kind of just surround the text with a
colon anyway if you type in science and
then you do like cool then that is gonna
basically replace the text with one of
the three motors we uploaded so like two
of them are my face like just weird
faces Lisa actually took these from
videos and like cropped them and then
the third one is Pepsi so if you type in
science Pepsi then you get a picture of
Pepsi she's like leaping up on two feet
oh it's a cute pic but anyway it just
gives you guys who remembers a little
more bang for your buck I know it's
difficult to justify five bucks unless
you're just like a die-hard fan and I do
appreciate that it really does help
especially during these months because
these months are kind of a slouch for a
lot of tech channels people spend a ton
of money around Christmas time and then
you know I was expected it's just more
about coasting to the next holiday
season when the deals are running
rampant again so it's it does help it
really does I appreciate your support
and I hope that you feel like you're
getting something for your money anyway
I'm trying my best here to make this
worth your while and again I think that
the emojis are or whatever you call them
on their channel art yeah custom emoji
is what YouTube calls it if you do that
then it'll replace it with one of the
three that I uploaded so there's science
Pepsi the
Doug is live so Doug the way you did it
is how you're supposed to do it yes I
wish I could post I really wish I could
post am trying to figure this out here
yeah it's too small to even show you
guys let me see oh that's not too bad
okay I'll just swipe it over all right
here we go so that's the first one and
it's again this is Lisa's doing not mine
I'm to some weird wood I don't know what
kind of face you would call this but
it's it's my face and that one is all
you do type that one you guys can watch
the chat and it'll be a little delayed
is you got to do science and then cool
there you go
and then if you want to do science WTF
I'm slightly and this spilled that there
we go if you do science WTF then this
face comes up and this one this one is
the supposed to be the the WTF face
right so when somebody says something
weird and shat then you can flash from
this face not my proudest moment but you
guys have that at your disposal if you
are a channel member and then I actually
don't even think I can do it myself I
think members have to do it so if
there's a channel member in the chat try
it if you have a star next to your name
try it let me know if it works it again
it probably won't because I just added
them like wow the live stream was
getting ready to start so I'm kind of
kind of new to this I apologize and then
the last one if you type in science
Pepsi Pepsi is the name of our cat then
you get this picture and this is also
the work of Lisa all three of these so
this is my favorite one and she might
not look super big in the chat when you
type it in and it switches it over to a
to a custom emoji but anyway you have
that one there too perhaps he just woke
up she's got her
she's we've got this like little fishing
pole yeah and she it's got a little
feather title actually multiple feathers
tied to the end of it on the string and
so I can hold the little pole side I can
just swing it around back and forth and
she's always trying to jump up and catch
it anyway
yeah it's just a good way to pass some
time by seeing acts again bazinga
another super chap my dude I am
currently running oh sorry that was the
wrong one okay we now know what you
think but the important cue is what does
Lisa think about the 2060 and 1660 um
I'll be honest she probably doesn't know
too much about them every now and then
one of you guys will creep into her live
streams on Twitch and yellow asked for
some like technical question and I'm
like I'm listening to see how she
responds and like she does a pretty good
job actually she deals with it very well
like if she doesn't know something you
know and good enough detail to answer
properly she'll kind of just dish it off
to the side or say she'll ask me and
come back to whoever asked the question
but she she probably I showed her this
card earlier and she's like what's that
I was like it's a new car it's a new
graphics card check it out and she's
like oh okay and then that was basically
the the entire conversation so yeah it
wasn't too exciting anyway that's her
enthusiasm her enthusiasm for tech is
more like rooted in live stream tech
like obvious that's what she does so she
she likes to you know she just got a
stream deck so she's all about that
she's like tinkering with it like
setting it up exactly how she wants
anyway bazinga says it does not work
that is a shame darn it so oh wait yeah
I didn't come up yeah so what we'll have
to do I think you can do these two in
the comments section so after the
livestream posts after it's archived and
then uploaded officially as a video on
the channel you can view try to comment
with an emoji I'll put a pin comment up
there too with the three different emoji
text words if you just do the colon and
then science it should come up but
anyway then we can test it there I think
it's because the live stream
well I just collected I think it's
because the the live stream was was
active not live but it was active it was
already kind of pre-loaded when I
created the emoji so we'll try it again
it I think it'll definitely be up by
next time if YouTube gets its stuff
together I think we'll be good to go 1.7
m views asks so the gtx 1660 basically
is a turing base and 612 nanometer gtx
1060 yes so think of it like think of it
like a slightly slightly more cut-down
r-tx 2060 because it has fewer cuda
cores apparently I think 1920 in the
2060 and I think that the 1160 TI has
1530s 1536
so slightly more cut down again maybe 10
to 15% performance improvement over the
1060 depending on driver optimization
and the game itself and then it's not
gonna have tensor or RT cores is what
we're expecting and that's gonna chop a
good you know level they're off the
price so we'll see no we'll see I'm not
too sure yet but based on what we were
talking about earlier in the livestream
excuse me we will hopefully we'll know
soon and I think the cards will be
announced sometime around March so
awkward sit there the water all right
ghost potato of $10 super chat Mon dude
I appreciate that I am currently running
to GTX 1080s and SLI I did that for a
long time actually believe it or not
would upgrading to a single 20 atti
sorry about that bump 22 TI be a
significant improvement in performance
for gaming or should I just keep my
current setup so here's what I do guys
potato the 22 TI is definitely going to
be an extra kick look whenever you SLI
two cards a lot of games won't even
utilize the second card and if they do
it'll only be maybe 2 10 20 % or so of
like its full potential so you're really
not even getting a full second GT X 1080
out of performance so let's let's assume
you have just a single 1080 then the
jump from that to an RX
give me an R and RIT x20 DT is gonna be
pretty pretty substantial if you want to
compare it to other r-tx cards a 1080 is
gonna compare to an RT X 2070 they trade
blows a 1080 TI is gonna compare to an
RT X 2080 and then we really have
nothing to compare it to the RT X xx
atti it's just no matter how much money
you want to really spend on that card
but here's my thinking if you save those
two GTX 1080s just a little while you're
fine I'm assuming where you are those
are beefy cards they're still viable in
2019 perfectly viable there are actually
really good cards especially if you get
them used for around 300 bucks I would
wait a little longer let the inventories
drive just a bit more you got to play
the market there's nothing wrong with
this sell those cards when there aren't
really many places to buy them new so
that gives the used market an edge you
can kind of dictate your prices a bit
more maybe get a few more bucks out of
your cards if you decide to sell them
especially on a site like eBay so let's
assume you sell them in six months four
I don't wanna say 400 a screw it let's
say 400 bucks each I don't know what
kind of 10 eighties they are but let's
assume they're decent cards if you sell
those for 400 bucks each that's 800
bucks in your pocket then you only need
a few hundred more to get to a 20 DTI
and I think that's pretty good right
paying two to three hundred bucks for
that kind of performance bump is nice if
you can get your money out of those
cards those 1080s 400 bucks for 1080 is
gonna be a stretch it really depends on
the market I was paying 300 bucks for
mine used but that was before Pascal
inventories really started drying up so
it depends you gotta I gotta just play
the market you know feel it out if you
want to sell local that's really where
you're gonna have to kind of see what
other people are priced and their stuff
at start with a price that's slightly
higher than what you'd take at your
lowest and then just kind of haggle
that's that's the joy of selling use is
you can kind of barter your own way to
to an agreement with the opposing party
so yeah that's my take on that now Lucas
was cows was Koski I hope I said that
supid I looked $20 super chet I
appreciate that what happened to ati and
why don't they head the graphics card
for AMD weren't they always on par
with NVIDIA so this is gonna require
just a bit of research on my part I did
I believe at one point talk about ATI in
a previous video but ultimately what
happened was they were acquired and let
me see I'm gonna look this up real quick
to make sure how spill any information
that's inaccurate it's the joy of having
a PC right in front of me I can check on
this stuff for you guys I know you could
just google this just as well as I could
but from my understanding right ATI was
acquired in to 2006 yep and let's see
the acquisition of ATI was important to
Nvidia is not to Nvidia to AMD strategic
development of its fusion generation of
computer processors which integrated
general processing abilities with
graphics processing functions within the
chip since 2010 AMD's graphics processor
products have ceased using the ATI brand
name so to go back to your question what
happened to 80 I first thought they were
bought they were they were acquired by
AMD and then what a.m. he did was take
some of the stuff that ATI was bringing
to the table and using that to create
the fusion chips and the fusion chips
were some of the first ap use on the
market and an APU is a CPU and a GPU can
I combined into a single package into a
single die so this right here this right
here is a risin 5 2400 G now most
horizon CPUs do not have integrated
graphics processors which means that if
you were to build a rise in system and
not connect a discrete graphics card
like an RTI X xx 80 or even something as
cheap is like a GT 730 you couldn't get
any signal from your motherboard to your
monitor so even if you had HDMI out on
your B 350 year B 360 or X 370 X 470
motherboard with like a risin 2600 in it
you wouldn't get any signal to your
monitor because there's nothing to
process the graphics in the CPU and you
don't have a discrete GPU to do that for
so the G processors have basically these
are AP use they have Vega graphics built
in as well as Rison cores
so they will almost always end up
running a bit hotter consume a bit more
power because again they're handling
graphics and the external software
processing and that is in a nutshell
what an APU is and the reason why the
fusion processors were so prominent
backbends because they were some of the
first to successfully implement ap use
well successfully implement GPS inside
of CPU dies making them ap use and yeah
so yeah a little bit history I learned a
little something hopefully you learned a
little something and there we go since
2010 AMD's graphics processor products
have ceased using a TI brand name which
means that AMD wanted basically full
control full credit for this stuff and
it makes sense right if you buy a car
from somebody do you really want that
person's name on your car because it's
yours now so that's usually what they do
is it kind of phase it out slowly and so
it looks like they took the technology
that ATI was bringing to the table threw
it into its fusion generation of
processors and let's see click on fusion
here real quick designed to act as a
central processing unit and graphics
processing unit on a single die and that
my friends is an accelerated processing
unit that's an APU so yeah that's really
cool anyway awesome I hope I hope that
shed some light on it and yeah all right
so you guys questions I just got through
some of the super chats if you have
questions I am ready to go someone asked
if the 24 energy is good I think it's a
better solution a more viable value
conscious solution than pairing like a
cheap pentium cpu with like a g GT 730
or even like a 750 Ti
I think ap use especially the 2400 G I
think that that's that ap in particular
is a pretty good value so if we round a
hundred and what are they selling for
right now let's see 2400 G and selling
for about 150 bucks right now you get it
on B&H photo for 150 it's pretty good
let's see what amazon selling it for
maybe that's something yeah so for 150 I
think they're the right
5:24 energy makes a lot more sense in
the risin 320 200 G that hyper-threading
is gonna make pretty big difference
especially when everything's being
handled on on the core and then also
making sure that you pair this with
rising compatible RAM meaning that you
could overclock the RAM or reach a much
higher frequency just by running X and P
or something of the like
and then also running in dual channel
because that makes a bigger difference
with AP use then you'll be you'll be set
so anyway I just realized that yeah I
just realized that I'd click back to the
other to the other screen but yeah so
that is my take on the 24 energy I think
it's actually a pretty good processor I
think it for someone on a budget I'm
actually building Lisa's Lisa's mom I'm
gonna build her a system using a 2400 G
and I'm only gonna put that in it like
I'm not gonna put a graphics card in it
a discrete GPU just doesn't make any
sense so yeah I am Groot says 139 at my
Crescenta that's pretty sweet
I'm assuming you're talking about the
you're talking about the 24 G and let's
see here
Alex donated 50 SEK no idea what that is
but I appreciate a donation why is it
that there are literally zero reviews on
2080s without factory overclock are they
just garbage that companies want to hide
away and zero reviews of 28 eats without
factory overclock I'm confused someone
says I'm clipping a bit I don't think I
I'm not showing any clipping on my end
I'm barely touching yellow unless I get
really close and then I'm Michael if
just a tiny bit if I'm clipping any more
than that then it's probably something
on the sound board which is gonna
require me to really pay attention to
the setting I haven't touched stuff on
there since the last live stream so I'd
be surprised if it was hardware related
it's probably software on my end if
you're actually hearing that much
clipping anyway but yeah I would say
that the the 20 80s without factory
overclock I mean I'm just
when I did my 22 review of the asus
strix card i just ran it a stock i i
think i I don't even know if I
overclocked it because there was really
no point like the card was already
basically hitting its
like it's keep power draw it was limited
by the the BIOS power limit so yeah I
mean I'm not sure what your question was
but I just tested it as it was out of
the box keys most people are gonna buy
these cards and not even try to
overclock anymore they're just gonna
assume that the card is already good as
is and not bother with messing with any
of that other stuff
Grum says I'm not clipping you aren't
clipping it's probably on the other
dudes own okay well that's good to know
if I do clip you guys just just all
captured it's okay just don't spam but I
just all caps it Diego that's a good
question what is your audio setup so
right now I'm using a Behringer b1 I use
an 8020 35 which is right there right
there I use that for normal video so
anytime you watch a regular video on the
channel the 8020 35 is the mic that I
use but when I'm doing live streams I'm
doing stuff that requires me to be right
in front of a PC I use the b1 or I'll
use like a a rode videomic pro plus but
right now you want it is and then my
sound board is a Yamaha mg 10x you that
is a that has the U stands for like USB
so it means you can connect it via USB
so you get a 24 24 bit connect I thought
it was 10 bit anyway 24 bit 192
kilohertz which is slightly higher
sample rate for audio it's not a little
better but yeah so I used that mixer
it's definitely overkill I don't need
that mini channel so I just use one used
to use to you but one one is still
really under kill for this and then I
connect that straight into the PC into
the motherboard via just a
three-and-a-half millimeter adapter so
that's this yeah that's it that's
literally all it is I'm not a super
hardcore like audiophile
I do appreciate good speakers I have a
really nice clip set in the in the
living room and then I also actually
have a clip set here as well it's a 2.1
bluetooth clips that that I use like
just to listen to music here and then I
also have Edifier speakers that were
sent to me I did not do review on them
yet because I'm just really try I
I really contemplate them like okay how
am I going to get people to understand
these are good sounding speakers
can't just stick a mic up to them
because there's going to be some loss
and you know audio clarity there and
then it's gonna be processed and it's
just not gonna sound as good as it does
when you actually listen to it in person
so okay I kind of a problem there and
I'm just a little confused there was a
question from max fractal design mesh vs
two thoughts okay so if you watch my
define r6 review alright it's basically
that slightly different internal layout
that panel right next to the motherboard
tray is different it's more suited for
mounting water cooling gear like
reservoirs pumps things of that sort so
it's it's it's a case that I would
choose over the r6 put it that way and I
imagine that a lot of their sales are
gonna come horn out of the are to the s2
than they are to the r6 because they're
basically the same case basically the
same dimensions of course you have the
mesh front now so it's gonna have
similar airflow properties to that of
the mesh fic and then it's basically an
extended version of that so more water
cooling room you're not gonna have as
many graphics card clearance issues with
the s2 I doubt you'll have any at all
really unless you like pack a super
thick rat in there up front but anyway I
think it's a just much more roomy case
typical fractal design cable management
again very similar to my review of the
r6 and I'll be building in the SQ very
soon so stay tuned for that but it's a
very good case I think the price point
is pretty much right expected it's about
150 bucks that's not bad
look the PCO 11 dynamic is still in my
opinion a slightly better value but I
understand that not everyone likes that
design a lot of people like fractals
kind of like disguise look very you know
down to earth and and just simplify it I
don't know people say it's like this
Scandinavian design but it does look
very appealing it looks very what sort
I'm looking for I'm looking for like
like elegant it's like prestigious
looking almost and that that's why I
have no problem promoting like I love
fractal cases I've been using a mesh if
I see for all I don't know over a year
now and the s2 is just an extended
version of that
it's I think it's a good case anyway
yeah I would never promote anything that
I didn't think was a good value or I
didn't think I would ever use personally
and I'm actually going to personally use
the s to you very soon we shot those the
pre-roll that you guys saw in the last
video we shot that in Vegas with that
aventador man let me tell you that car
was insane I have never said I've set in
a few V tens driven a few V tens but a
v12 is just an animal like it is a
totally different vibe and and what they
were telling me is that that car is like
super expensive to maintain and like yep
mmhmm definitely not gonna own a v12 at
any point during my life so if I get the
opportunity to buy an expensive sports
car it will be at the most of e10 I know
the are rates and the Huracan they have
the the Audi source to be tens and them
are fairly reliable relatively speaking
but they were telling me the v12 is just
a pain to work on and then also the
McLaren's were also pretty expensive to
work on so yeah I love cars cars that
that's that's my second love but
actually I was into cars before I was
ever in a PC tech so I really it's my
first look anyway yes Vista Kate I like
that quite oh that's that's a good word
to describe it and a sophisticated look
for the fractal cases always have and
and that's why I just especially the
mesh if I see and now they the s2 I
really like the way that front panel
looks some people were saying that it
just wasn't like cohere and didn't look
simplified but I love that I think it's
minimalist looking it's just so sharp
little facets as little edges there that
reflect light differently makes it look
very elegant in my opinion anyway paid
paid Oh Pat oh Hernandez what do you
think it's the best em ATX case right
now tough call for em ATX cases I it's
speaking of fractal I think the that the
is it the mesh if I want to say it's the
I know the define is it the mini see
that is the smaller version let's see
here let's see ya define mini see ya
that's what it is I was trying to member
the case name yeah the define mini C is
very cool and that's the the m ATX
of the define C or the mesh spicy with
the solid front panel but still so I
think that's a really good em ATX case
again very similar internal structure
and it's going to go a long way in terms
of cable management I really like what
fractal does with cable management
they're tons of space toward the front
with which to manage cables and then my
another case that I haven't built in but
I know essentially what it
well what's comprised in it I have the H
700 I I also have the H 200 I but the H
400 I looks like a really great case
from NZXT and I wonder how many of you
guys have that that case look here's
what I really like about em ATX cases on
that topic whenever you have a build
like this one here I know you guys can't
see it but whenever whenever I have a
build with a single graphics card in it
no matter how thick that card is from
like a horizontal perspective there's
just so much a dead space below the card
right which just makes me want to put a
second card in there even though I know
that SLI is not very efficient I still
want to put a second card in there if I
can because it just makes the build look
so much more cohesive and filled up but
the problem is you have to pay what you
know two three four even six seven
hundred dollars to get a second card
that looks the same as the first one and
then on top of that the card is probably
gonna run hot and consume significantly
more power especially when you're doing
things that actually utilize both GPUs
to their fullest potential so my my
thinking is alright if that's too big
then and you only want to run a single
card then get an M ATX case slightly
smaller motherboard and now that
graphics card is just so much more
centered in the bill and there's not so
much dead space I know that's like super
picky and honestly the way a build looks
is not going to change much about its
performance at all unless we're talking
about airflow restrictions or something
of that sort
but you know if it's your build if it's
your baby you put that much time into it
then you want to make it look good and
in my opinion micro ATX builds that have
a you know look much better than
full-size ATX builds
if there's only one graphics card
involved unless you you know populate
the other PCI slots with like capture
cards or something like I'm using a
capture card here but it's so slim you
know like there's still a ton of dead
space there so you could actually get by
with running and like an H 400 I or a
define mini C having a 2 slot card up
top and then also putting a capture card
down below and still give me your your
graphics card enough room to breathe a
little bit so Colin Burgess says just
join what's going on Colin how you do
them on dude
bud Wayne says just vertically mount the
GP fists up the fills it up pretty well
well actually you can see what we can't
really see there that one's vertically
mounted and I really enjoy vertically
mounted cards I think they do look good
and they do fill up that space
definitely but they consume all of your
PCI slots so you're literally cutting
every opportunity you have out of your
system to throw in something like
capture card more USB Drive or USB ports
whatever you might use that you know
those other PCI slots for but that's the
problem with that so if you're ok with
that just running a graphics card and
that's it then yeah I agree the cable or
the vertical brackets especially from
like cable mod or coolermaster are gonna
go a long way but if you want to be a
little more versatile then you can't
release that Tim Horton asks can I tweet
a photo of my build to you and you tell
me what you think
go ahead Tim I'll keep a lookout on
Twitter I'll go and open my phone right
now this would be pretty fun and I'll
reply and if anyone else wants to see
what I'm looking at then they can check
out the Twitter handle Twitter is it you
if you check the video description you
guys can see it let's see checking some
other stuff and you're gonna Hulu
notification who is so dumb
whenever you if you register a device on
Hulu and then you don't use Hulu on that
device for a long time then it kicks
that device off of your plan that's
and then Hulu raises prices for the live
TV subscription of course so I might be
switching to youtube TV here's
but uh let's see
Dwayne forces mine is wide enough to
vertically mount the GPU and a sound
card and an MDOT two adapter yeah but
then that means you have a really really
big case and even then you're still
going to have dead space below or above
to have enough room to put those extra
things and those other PCI slots so that
it comes back to the same problem again
it's just too much dead space Tim says
he tweeted
let's see Tim I want to open it up here
I'm looking for it that's weird
I don't have I don't have anything on
here sorry for the awkward pause there
I'm trying to figure out why I can't see
his tweet yeah I can't see it Tim I'm
looking for it unless I have it filtered
to where I see tweets from people who I
follow and who I don't follow and even
those who aren't following me I don't
know why I can't see it though that's
really strange
I'm gonna figure out what's going on mr.
zombie says love my huge case thumpa
Dwayne says the sound card about to dr.
or mounted horizontally behind that deep
GPU okay do you have uh you have a case
that has like no PCIe brackets or know
like little slot covers running from the
motherboard side toward the left side
panel so probably like a like the PCO 11
dynamic doesn't have any of those
brackets and then like the Coolermaster
h 500 doesn't either as far as I know
not Adam says what are your thoughts on
navvies and to Greg I have videos
already talking about that Adam go ahead
and check those out my dude yeah null
says you can't see it either I don't
know what's going on I'm looking for a
Tim but I can't see it
Caleb's sent a tweet to do I have a
filter that just like complete maybe I
do know I've never realized that I had a
filter that prevented me from seeing
things that people tweet directly at me
maybe that's the problem
it's probably a mine I don't know what
I'm doing on here let me see alright
settings and privacy notifications okay
I have a quality filter on I don't know
what the heck that does
no photo tagging Twitter teams allow
anyone to add you to their team tweet
location this is really weird is anyone
else knowing I'm you guys when I'm
looking for right like for some reason I
can't see there's like filters like I
like it mutes or like audimute stuff
that people tweet directly at me which I
might have turned on and them in the
past I have no idea
mu notifications from people with a new
account turn that off
go a default photo no okay screw it I'll
just like take everything off now let's
see if I see it nope I still don't see
anything let me google it why can't I
see things people tweet directly to me
so when you tweet this when you guys are
talking about tweeting stuff to me are
you just like adding me like are you
like that's what I'm expecting you guys
are doing because if you try to send me
a DM I'm not gonna see it I have a
filter on for that I get tons of deems
if I didn't turn that on but if you are
just trying to send me a tweet like just
straight up out of nowhere just do at
science studio whitey and then attach
the picture or whatever it is and I'll
see if I can see I don't know I've
turned off all filters so I don't know
why the heck I wouldn't why I wouldn't
be able to see it hmm direct messages I
don't know what it's called yeah this is
gonna take a while to figure out cuz I
don't know what to see privacy settings
allow anyone to tag you in photos ah
I don't know I have no idea
notifications I mean there's like a
quality filter but I don't think that's
filtering that threatened accounts muted
words I've know muted words including
like that excuse me I don't know me I
don't know dude I have to figure that
out but if you guys know what I'm
looking for if you know I'm talking
about let me know people are sending me
pics and I'm not seeing them so if you
know what I'm talking about if you know
that that let's see yeah yeah click that
yeah the tweet to button okay so someone
looked it up I don't want to take up the
whole life stream looking that up but
someone look up how to unmute or unhide
direct tweets or whatever that is right
if you go to my profile page by clicking
that link down below in the video
description and then you click tweet to
and then you send me something figure
out how to turn off that filter because
obviously that filter is long that's why
I can't see any direct tweets which
sucks because that means it okay I see
Tim yo I see that one okay this is weird
so I saw a Tim Leung lund fist I see
that one he asked if I saw it so yeah
that I'm getting now I'm but I'm not
getting the others that's really weird
anyway chance II says keep your heads
high and have a good night good night
chants thanks for stopping by on the
live stream appreciate it sorry I got a
little dull here for a second we're
trying to trying to figure this out so I
can better communicate it yes ah cipher
I see it now this is a test lol can you
see this
that is a sexy-looking system my dude
all of you guys can see this but that is
whoops I just completely canceled it out
let's see yeah there we go yeah anyway
yeah it's gonna be kind of blurry we can
zoom in oh yeah oh yeah get all up in on
that fix that focus am i getting there
oh yeah there we go that's what I'm
talking about you guys see that so
anyway I can zoom away from my face
again sorry about that if my a my crispy
I can't tell
crispy or not yet see if I'm if I'm in
focus looks like it's good enough it
looks a little better yeah we'll see I'm
looking at myself right now screaming
that's weird alright uh still nothing I
got you Tim I see it now
rate my setup looking good Corbin
looking good is that an Xbox one over
there Xbox one s alright alright I see
you got your priorities straight though
you put a lot of money of that rig it
looks good I like that Corbin I can see
this Keegan you guys have nice setups
custom loop alright savage astronaut
that is looking sexy at the age 500
that's a good-looking build right there
my friend okay so we fixed it I don't
know what I did to fix it but we fixed
it so thanks for helping me out guys for
sending me pictures those are really
good builds by the way and that's good
so now I can actually see things that
people tweet directly I mean I didn't
realize that I couldn't see that before
so that sucks let's see yeah okay so uh
bazinga again Fidel super champ
bazinga oh my dude ten have eaten or a
wife you went with wife what were you
vito nov 10 or wife you went with wife
what were you thinking I am I reading
that wrong I'm confused I think I know
what you're trying to say yeah
I chose her it's hard it's hard to
resist she's so sweet
and you know like I always thought it
was silly when people would say oh I
locked eyes with this person and I
immediately fell in love like I I still
I don't think I necessarily did that
with Lisa but like when I met her I was
like wow she is beautiful and then she
would talk like I love her voice like
her accent is so cute and then on top of
that like she's actually a down-to-earth
chick she plays video games like really
well like better than I do and she puts
up with my crap so to me that's a win
win win win
and a v10 just isn't as I mean meat ends
are a dime a dozen but a girl like her
no way so I couldn't let her slide I
couldn't let her slip but but let's see
scroll down got a scroll down okay let's
boo man says these tech tubers seem to
have understanding of an Nvidia and you
mean Nvidia retirement how can 10 6g
tx/rx 60 chip be okay to be sold as 2070
while being low mid-range card something
is not right with tubers I mean I called
this out like I've literally talked
about this in my old review or not my
review but my coverage of it at CES the
2060s is an expensive 60 series card no
doubt about it and it's not bringing
much more to the table than a car that
already costs that price from the
previous generation already is the
differences we're getting our teen
tensor cores packed into it and at that
point are we really getting much more
out of it because again I can count on
one hand I can't count with just one
finger the number of games that's
currently utilized to any extent are T
intensive cores so yeah I've already
talked about this you can watch this
videos about it anyway let's see here
okay okay Dustin Gangji is how you say
named Angie hey Greg I was wondering if
you personally would recommend I get an
H 500 to find C or mash if I see for my
new build currently using an S 340 going
to the girlfriend so I've built in the H
500 H 500 P I think I've also built
under to find C mesh spicy so I think I
can give you decent insight here the
mesh spicy is going to be my favorite
case overall build in the H 500 is more
roomy so if you're concerned about room
then I would go with the H 500 unless
you're talking about NZXT if it's the
NZXT h 500
then then I haven't built in that one
the H I've hundred does look really
enticing I haven't built in it yet but I
plan to and when I do I'll be sure to
let you know but for right now I do not
think you'll be disappointed if you go
with the mesh of five-seat so if you're
on the fence about whether or not that
case is gonna be good for your needs
just make sure that you know if you if
you have a really long graphics card you
might have some clearance issues if
you're pairing that with an AI o that
you're placing upfront that's happened
to a few ace ace use cards and other
longer cards other than that though it's
a beautiful case and and decently priced
at that let's see okay so sook alicia's
would you buy a 1080 TI from a minor for
no not for 600 bucks no I didn't I I
only buy cards that are really good
deals that stand out in my opinion that
are like very different from how they
were in the in the new market 600 is too
close to retail for me to feel
comfortable especially from a minor
Savage astronaut hey Greg
1g not - I I only say that cuz like
whenever I see two G's and the word in
the name Greg at the end I always want
to say Greg Giga but my name is just
Greg so I just have one G pet peeve I'm
sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry about that
anyway astronaut do you have a discord
for your followers to chill and chat in
finite to considerate savage check video
description my dude it is there that's
our public discord and yep we share it
with Brian over at Tec es city so if you
want to join it go ahead and do that I
pop in every there from time to time we
also play some games with the discord
members from time to time as well we're
gonna get something set up - we're gonna
try to start getting the streams going
not streams but the games going again we
were doing pub G basically every weekend
so we'll do something like that again
soon we did it once before the new year
and then CES came up and everything got
screwed up but anyway victors 22 $5 New
Zealand Dollars my dude I appreciate
that good to see again victors hope you
were doing well my friend we talked a
few times in the past and he's always in
the live stream so I appreciate your
hey Greg I sent you a pic on Twitter
of my setup I can see you I said maybe I
already looked at I don't remember who
did or not let's see he victories I
think he did you oh yeah corporate honey
oh yeah ray my setup I like that it
looks good that was when I pointed out
sorry I missed your super chat but I did
I did mention it I did bring it up yeah
CJ RHD Greg good yeah see then hey Greg
good Oh Nikolas alright yeah yeah I know
y'all think I'm being super anal about
my spelling I don't know I just think
it's really weird to spell greg with two
g's like why is the second G even there
like it just doesn't make sense to me
Nikolas says I like your glasses
I appreciate that they're a little
bigger than I would have liked my last
set of frames were were slimmer and not
as wide on my face but I think I'm
starting to fill them out and people
getting used to it so over time I think
people will become more acquainted to it
and get used to it
Greg says I get called Craig it's
annoying oh god I know the same same
issue I understand that totally like
over the phone especially when you say a
just like a G sound like good it sounds
like you know over the phone so they
always think it's Craig and spelling
those like G like giant or haven't eaten
whatever the G callsign is but yeah I
know I know we could talk I think that's
every I think it's a problem every Greg
faces let's leave it at that
let's see any more questions my friends
I am looking
Katie says I see I saw you built in this
era cool style on many do you think are
moving the front panel like an inch from
the fans will be decent improvement on
airflow probably that case is not the
best for airflow I would buy that under
like an extremely like tight budget it's
it's just a cheap ER case like that's
the target audience for that's why we we
built in that case for that that budget
system that we put together and it was
like four hundred fifty bucks for five
hundred bucks something like that so we
use the Cylon money for that because it
was an affordable case still at RGB so
people felt like I think it customized a
little bit more and it got the job done
right it was not necessarily bare-bones
but it was definitely more
trip down than your typical ATX case
that costs say a hundred bucks
so yeah the front panel I think if you
remove the front panel or like spaced it
out a little bit more definitely you'll
improve your flow there I didn't really
critique the case on air flow because
it's just I don't think that's that's
what it's trying to do it's not gonna
absolutely suffocate your build right
even if you put fans up there but it's
definitely not optimized for air flow
let's put it that way let's see here
scrolling down Eddie Sawyer's would you
buy used computer parts on eBay Eddie I
literally have videos where I do this
thing I built an entire system from eBay
used parts so go watch that video mr.
zombie what's a good six gen M ATX
motherboard 6 gen so you talk in skylake
6 gen oh gosh see 170 I like the Asus
prime boards from from them I like MSI
has some really cool z1 70s in a while I
really like it as far as I know you can
use II 270 boards on them too I'm gonna
find many z170 boards on the market
anymore but c2 70s might still be there
and then also C 370 so it will depend
but we'll see Christopher Chris stoles
Chris is awesome I know Chris very well
and it's always cool to meet him at
parties and stuff at the events like CES
I just saw him again there so yes
speaking of game night how about playing
some C of these I've been playing a
little bit this past weekend is
surprisingly fun now with a group see if
thieves I'm gonna do a quick google
search of this let me get all up in this
business sea of thieves Oh doctor
disrespect believes sea of thieves could
be the next big game on one condition
uses the Unreal Engine of course this is
the stuff tech nerds always look at like
the game engine and okay let's see
Windows and Xbox one development ok
gameplay see if these is a pirate themed
action-adventure cooperative multiplayer
game based from a first-person
perspective features cross-platform play
between Windows and Xbox one console
that's pretty cool a group of players
traveling explore open world via a
pirate ship and assume different roles
such as steer
hoisting sails navigation firing that's
really cool actually so you have to you
have to rely on your teammates quite a
bit it sounds like in this game to
actually get anything time which is
exciting and also extremely frustrating
depend on who you're playing with
so no worry Chris I won't let you down
I'll check it out I don't have that game
I'll see how much it is and might even
if it's like if it's stable enough I
might even benchmark with it so we'll
see but thanks for the recommendation
because we just Lisa and I have just now
got into like some serious like
battlefield vibe playing we're trying to
feel it out see if we actually want to
like stream that stuff if she wants to
stream it on her Channel so we're not
too sure yet but funny again that's like
that is like you know intensive as
battlefield 5 but this still requires
you to actually put work in would be
pretty cool no one's seen him even get
my brother's to play with us - let's see
Dustin asks how and when did you decide
to switch to youtube full-time what are
you doing before that ok so I have a
video talking about this as well about
like how YouTube became my full-time job
before this so before this was really
just college student so I got my my
engineering degree when I was 22 and
then that was by that point the YouTube
channel had like a hundred and fifty to
two hundred thousand subs and with my
degree I could the starting salary and
with my degrees between 60 and 80 K
typically petroleum engineers make a lot
more than your average engineer but
they're very specific at what they do so
it's you know if the if the market is
well though if the oil market is bad
then it's a lot more difficult to get a
job and that's the downside of this so
it's risky but fortunately the YouTube
channel was already doing quite well I
didn't see the need to really push tons
of resumes into into that space I didn't
really feel like I I think I applied
like two positions but by that point I
didn't hear anything back and I was like
okay well I'm not gonna take this very
seriously than if youtube's already
doing its thing so I have a fallback but
the the next thing I did while I was
still running a channel I went online I
got my my MBA online so now I have a
master's degree and I don't use that
either I'd like to say that it helps me
a little bit with managing you
channel especially the financial side of
it my concentration theme Bay was
financed but it it really serves me no
real-world purpose at least like in the
corporate world so yeah I learned some
cool stuff from it and hopefully it's an
epic fall back if I something happens to
the channel gets deleted tomorrow I have
something to fall back on it's really
weird to look at that as a fallback but
anyway it's there and that's really what
I was working on before and daring this
and then how I started the channel I
have videos talking about that I won't
waste too much time for the other
livestream or life viewers but I have
video was talking about how the channel
started how I funded the channel all
that good stuff
Grum says the word engineer gets thrown
around to readily today to Reddit why I
don't know what you mean by that I have
a Bachelors of Science in petroleum
engineering so it required me to take
thermodynamics statics mechanics fluid
dynamics electrical circuits all that
good stuff yeah and then it was like
straight up petroleum after that which
was really a combination of civil
engineering and mechanical engineering
fight to describe it with with other
engineering branches because there's a
lot of statics involved there's a lot of
like pressure fluid stuff involved like
balancing equations mass flow equations
all that good stuff and then some
geology mixed into and I really like the
geology aspect of it that was really fun
excuse me and so yeah I think we're
gonna let's see also here in medicine
medicine also here Oh anyone here in
medicine Keegan you're in medicine Wow
that is I was considering med school for
a little bit and dad awesomely decided
that it was just gonna take away too
much time from the channel and from from
other things that were currently making
me money because what I wanted to say
was I could have been a petroleum
engineer I could have really tried I
could have really tried to be one right
I mean I had the degree but I have
really no hands-on experience on a rig
it's all just theory so I would have had
to have taken an internship and then
like really kind of work my way into the
industry that way which would have again
taken more time from the channel but if
I had done that I would have come out of
there making
between 60 to 80 maybe 100k a good
friend of mine who had similar GPA I did
got a he got a really good six figure
six figures starting salary and like a
twenty thousand dollar signing bonus
they it pays very well but I get to be
my own boss here you know I get to
communicate with you guys on a more
personal level especially in the live
streams I get to take in your feedback
and travel the planet talking about tech
and to me that's a much better job even
though it doesn't pay anywhere near as
much as that does so like after all the
stuff that I have to pay for every year
to even get this channel running like I
make significantly less than I would in
the field its petroleum engineer so
hopefully that changes it would be nice
to be able to like make more money and
it's getting better as the channel grows
the income goes up the ad spots roll in
it you know it's kind of a progressive
thing but yeah I think the real reason
why I chose not to really pursue it
heavily after I got out of undergrad
undergrad school was was just because I
like doing this so much you know I could
have played the game like everyone else
and applied for all kinds of things I
just just didn't really see no no I
wasn't as passionate about it at that
point because I was putting all my eggs
into the YouTube basket so it's been
treating me well so far you know
definitely has its hurdles but anyway we
are we're still chugging along thanks to
you guys thanks for watching especially
the live streams you guys are so cool
like 1017 p.m. on a Sunday night and 360
of you are watching I hope you at least
feel like you got something out of this
live stream especially toward the
beginning when we're talking about the
Arctic's 2016 16 60 I will be archived
in this live stream so stay tuned for
that if you want to watch from the
beginning if you can't scroll back I
don't know if you can or not you choose
and kind of whack again lately Lucas
what's Kowski we'll end with this ten I
like super chat from him I appreciate
come work in the oil fields with me Wow
what should I do with my pair of gtx 980
SCS i love a channel keep it up cool
Lucas I know you work Neola field I
wonder where you look at where you work
if you're in the States you're gonna be
up in the Dakotas or maybe in Texas but
you say up so up and I'm assuming it's
gonna be in the Dakotas that's my guess
or maybe even higher they may be working
like pretty Bey like I've in Alaska that
would be cool I wouldn't mind working
way up there but anyway with those nine
80s look if you got a pair of them I
would try to sell them individually try
to sell one on eBay feel out the market
see what you get for it and then sell
the other one after that you might be
able to get and on 90 days of selling I
bought nine 70s for about a hundred
bucks you might get 130 to 140 maybe
even 150 160 for a 980 you got to kind
of feel it out 90 these are very
comparable to 10 60s and 10 60s are
still selling for 250 to 300 bucks so I
think anything under 200 bucks is worth
trying and then you can make 300 bucks
out of the sale so you're getting some
of your money back at least that's a
good thing about selling use and then
let's see here uh go fasta ask good
question go fossa you mentioned that the
iPhone 10 r has a good screen but can
you tell the difference between HD in
Full HD 2k how noticeable is it by the
way why didn't you study something
hardware related so in my opinion like
to answer your second question first
engineering was hardware related like it
wasn't computer stuff but at that point
if I wanted to do something Hardware
related then I would have had to have
also learned the software side of it and
I was not as passionate about the
software side like you can't just go to
school and get a degree in like computer
engineering and expect to not do like
deal with software and the software
parts scared me a lot so that's why I
kind of stayed out of that part of it
I'm getting it a software slowly but
surely like I'm learning some Python I'm
learning how to write scripts I talked
about that today on Twitter and then
like html5 CSS like I'm I'm trying to
get to the point where I think I'll
blend all that stuff back in front end
but I I was just never as excited about
it and that was one of the reasons why I
never got a degree in like computer
science or anything like that
I really just stick with the hardware
and then I try to figure out how the
hardware works and if some software's
mixed in fine I learned something but
I'm not gonna just go to school and just
learn software like I just I'm not as
excited about that and then to answer
your other question yeah I can tell the
difference to HD and so HD 720 is what
you mean by that so that's official HD
and then Full HD is 1080 for those who
are wondering so yeah you can really
tell especially on like a monitor or TV
right when when
aspect just well when your screen size
is much bigger but when you're talking
about a six inch screen in my opinion
like if I hold my pixel three which has
a similar screen size to the iPhone 10
arm this is a 1080p screen that the 10r
has just slightly higher than 720p
screen I can tell the difference if I
get close if I hold it far back enough
away like if I hold it this far away I
can't tell it all I have to get pretty
close to see it and I have perfect
vision without glasses up close it's I
can't see far away so it's not that but
that that's really the that's I think
the issue I think people kind of blew it
out of proportion in my opinion I did
not think it was that big a deal look
I'm a screen junkie I can tell it Evers
between 1080p and 1440p easily but on a
on a screen on a cell phone screen if I
can it's like barely noticeable and even
then I would happily trade that slight
resolution difference for a severe bump
up in battery life and that was a
justification I was trying to make in
the video it was like look yeah it's
lower and people are gonna you know take
this bit of information and just like
completely take a dump on the 10r
because it's an $800 phone it comes with
a seven seven sixty eight ish P screen
but it really wasn't that big a deal to
me it might be to you it just wasn't to
me so that's why that's why I said it in
the video I'm not afraid to speak my
mind anyway microphone I'm using rayon I
said this a little earlier in the
livestream is the Barringer b1 paired
with a Yamaha mg 10x you mixer that
stuff is linked down below maybe not the
behringer I use an 80/20 35 behind me
for most videos on the channel but for
live streams it's the behringer anyway I
am going to sign off bloodbath as to the
1660 I is worth it check out the
beginning of the live stream I talked
about all the stuff in the beginning if
you're just now tuning in I appreciate
you guys for watching I'm gonna sign out
because it's a little over 10 20 right
now here it's a little late I know it's
even later or possibly even earlier the
next day for some of you depending on
where you are on the planet but I
appreciate you guys watching hopefully
you had a little fun here in this live
stream and again we do this pretty much
every Sunday night unless something
comes up like CES or I'm like severely
sick so stay tuned for next Sunday's
livestream we'll pick
other pairs of interesting stuff to talk
about I'll also be I think appearing on
Brian's stream as well over at ekia city
so stay tuned for his live stream if you
want a bit of kind of a co-op over there
Brian's a good guy and we have fun kind
of just firing ideas off of each other
so anyway I'm excited about that you
guys have been awesome tonight I will
see you in the next one actually the
next video which I'll upload I think
Tuesday don't hold me to that but it'll
be probably around to you I do
everything really myself I don't have an
editor I don't have a cameraman I don't
have a script person like it's all done
by me so it kind of just depends on how
quickly I can get something done without
compromising the quality and that's
ultimately subjective so sometimes it's
not gonna be as good but hopefully the
information contained in the video is
still spot-on and that's what I think
you guys value the most about this
channel because when I started I was
filming on like a POS like Nikon I don't
know is Chief like a hundred dollar
camera watch some of our first videos
wanna know what that looks like
anyway I'm signing off you guys have
been awesome this is science studio and
we'll catch you again next video
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