hi everyone Greg here with science
studio and this video is going to be a
bit different it's gonna feel more like
a tutorial than anything else so I'll
cut right to the chase there have been
times in class when I don't feel like
pulling out my laptop or my tablet or my
phone or anything else the only thing I
have out on my desk is my graphing
calculator and if you're looking to
access notes quickly then what you're
about to see in this tutorial of sorts
might come in very handy now I
understand that this tool I'm about to
show you can be used for rather
mischievous purposes but I will refrain
from referring to those mischievous
purposes for the sake of just being a
good person and I mean come on science
studio is not going to condone you to
cheat that's that's just like against
everything that we stand for so study
hard and you will have to do this for
any reason whatsoever including the
mischievous reason that I just
accidentally mentioned but anyway I'm
going to show you how you can type out
notes on a physical keyboard and then
transfer those notes to your graphing
calculator now you see where I'm going
with this okay don't do it so if you
want this magical note transfer tool
follow these steps type in exactly what
I've typed in here on Google and
download the link I click here next type
in note folio
click on the first link and you're going
to see two specific downloads that
you'll need go ahead and sign in as a
guest here and download the note folio
TM application this is the application
that will transfer directly to the
graphing calculator the second
application is a note folio creator this
is what we'll use on our computer to
type up notes to transfer to the
calculator go ahead and install both of
them once they've downloaded in some
cases the application you download will
require a net framework one point one
not a big deal go ahead and type this in
on Google as well and download net
framework 1.1 don't worry this won't
affect anything else on your computer
once it is finished downloading also
extract it and install it also keep in
mind every one that you will need a
specific adapter you should have gotten
one with your graphing calculator but if
you for some reason don't have one you
can pick up one at any electronic store
I would assume you're going to need a
standard USB to mini-usb adapter now
this one right here is a little wider
than the one that you probably use for
your Android phone so make sure that you
get the correct one and it should
obviously just slide on in to your
calculator on one end and then into your
computer on the other so you can
transfer the application and also
transfer your notes that you type out on
the computer once TI Connect is finished
installing go ahead and open it up at
this point you should plug in your
graphing calculator to your computer if
you have speakers you should hear a
sound the connection between the two
devices has been made successfully a box
may pop up asking for you to select
which por your TI device is installed in
once the application does connect to
your calculator you'll find a list of
settings and programs now select the
note folio calculator application on
your desktop and drag it into this box
at this point the application should
notify you that the transfer is taking
once things check out the application
should refresh and the note folio app
should be installed in your calculator
next open the note folio computer
application and then select your
calculator version you can see there are
more than just ti-83 and ti-84 is in
here you also the TI 89 as well as the
TI 92 then most of you probably have the
ti-83 or ti-84 select your corresponding
calculator and then you'll be thrown
into the Creator at this point you can
type in whatever you'd like let's just
type in hello YouTube now if we wanted
we could send this straight toward of
ice but I'd like to show you that there
are a few extra things you could include
in these notes for instance these
symbols symbols here that you would
otherwise not be able to access within
the calculator can in fact be programmed
into the calculator from the computer so
something like this fee symbol what you
don't have standard on a graphing
calculator can be programmed from this
application this beta symbol can also be
programmed once you are finished with
your note you can go ahead and click
send to device make sure that your
calculator is hooked up to your computer
and turned on enter a name for the file
and then watch as the file is
transferred to your calculator go back
in the TI connect software and then
refresh the calculator screen at this
point you'll find the under application
variable we have the sc/st program so
before we confirm that a note has
successfully been transferred let's
transfer something else I'd like to show
you in this instance that you can
actually copy and paste literal text
from documents or webpages so let's hop
on over to sign Studios channel and copy
and paste the description for one of our
newest videos go ahead and right click
back inside the Creator apps and click
paste so you can see that everything has
copied successfully go ahead and hit
Send to device go ahead and type in a
title I need it though I mean it and now
let's go ahead and check out the literal
notes inside of the calculator within
the calculator itself select the apps
button select note folio and
press any key to enter the application
menu is under the graph tab so go ahead
and select the graph button and then
scroll down to open we see it's pretty
much like a computer in this case now
you see both of our transfer notes let's
open the first one
SC ST and there you have it hello
the fee symbol and the beta symbol so
you can see that both of the symbols
transfer it successfully and look pretty
legit even though the calculator doesn't
natively support them if you'd like to
switch between apps go ahead and select
the menu button again scroll down to
open and select the other do not cheat
or do not cheat in this case so you can
see that everything we copy from our
channel description has transferred
another cool thing about the note folio
application is that it does discern
between uppercase and lowercase letters
so while on manual programming you can
only stick to uppercase letters we can
include both within this app so this
whole thing is pretty cool so there you
have it your graphing calculator can do
more than just multiply divide perform Z
tests and graph things and pretty much
everything else that you probably
already know how to do it can also store
large quantities of notes that are
useful in the classroom but not daring
tests science student is not condone
cheating during tests so please do this
at your own risk if you plan on doing
something like that obviously we can't
make you not cheat but if you're going
to cheat that a backup okay just don't
cheat that's that's the rule here
science to do does not want you to cheat
but these are useful notes for variety
of reasons so yeah there's that give us
a thumbs up if you thought the video was
awesome give us a thumbs down if you got
the video with straight crap but come on
I mean who doesn't need this maybe for
like a 60 year old guy who I don't know
it's fixing to retire you probably don't
need to know this but you should have
known that when you clicked on the video
in the first place I mean I put the
title there for a reason so anyway I
hope that high school and college is
going well for the people who are in
high school in college and find this
video useful yeah subscribe and do that
other stuff be sure to follow us on
Twitter at sc/st salazar on instagram at
science studio and on facebook at
facebook.com forward slash science
studio fanbase so that's everything I
was planning to say this is science
thanks for
learning with us
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