Great USED Graphics Cards for 1080p, 1440p, and 4K Gaming
Great USED Graphics Cards for 1080p, 1440p, and 4K Gaming
yeah buying use can be risky business
but as I've explained in several past
videos including this one right here the
benefits usually outweigh the costs and
the costs are pretty low for used
graphics cards eBay remains one of the
best places to buy used PC hardware
thanks to its buyer protection guarantee
and high degree of seller competition
meaning lower prices and more selection
simply type in the phrase graphics card
into eBay search bar and you'll be
inundated with choices ranging from just
a few bucks to several hundred dollars
so what I've done is compiled a small
list of discounted used cards and
categorize them by resolutions of 1080p
1440p and 4k gaming cards hold on your
pants let's start first with the 1080p
resolution which is by far the most
popular according to Steam surveys in
this category we have literally dozens
of options at around a hundred bucks
starting first with a personal favorite
the GTX 970 now ignoring the issue
pretending to the last half a gig of
VRAM this card holds its own nearly all
modern titles in 1080p the EVGA models
are the ones which have the most
experience and run very quietly run very
cool and they've never disappointed you
can expect to work with at least two
6-pin supplemental power connectors
depending on the board's design power
draws pretty small by comparison
especially compared to some AMD cards
out there
this one here sporting dual sixes a bit
weird in today's day and age but a
worthy trade-off for a card at this
price point I have benchmarks the GTX
970 by the way in this video right here
no the second card I recommend the 1080p
category comes in at around 120 bucks so
just a little more expensive and that's
the AR X 480 from AMD or raid on a
little side note the RX 580 is
essentially the same card you can
actually flash 580 BIOS is over 40 cards
it's essentially yeah the same card and
the 475 70 variants are slightly less
powerful so all of these are pretty much
interchangeable to a degree but if you
can get all of these for around the same
price pick the one with the highest
number and the highest chunk of VRAM in
the title
check out the sapphire R X 480 for
example first of all it's an 8 gig card
which is great for stacking texture
packs and bumped in game settings it
also comes from a reputable board
partner the piece
çb is also totally custom usually a good
sign in terms of overclock ability power
delivery and thermals look if a
manufacturer is willing to put their own
stamp on a board or redesign it from the
ground up and use invidious or AMD's GPU
in the process I'd say they're gonna be
pretty reliable that confidence doesn't
come lately there are cheaper 4d options
out there but you can find one like this
here for 120 bucks and I'd say that's a
pretty good option for a
budget-conscious gamer another great
card for modern 1080p gaming is the GTX
1060 now I normally wouldn't recommend
the three gig variant of this card but
in situations where money is tight it
may be a good option at least
temporarily right to get your foot in
the door currently these can be bought
used for anywhere between 130 and 200
USD obviously the cheaper the better to
an extent but you should also keep the
brand and cooler in mind some of the
smaller variants of this card can run
pretty loud in my experience especially
the ones with a single fans my
recommendation is to stick with two fan
cards and an average pcp length nothing
super small this three gig model from
gigabyte for example is a solid choice
and only cost 130 bucks once you throw
in shipping that's a good deal in my
book the GTX 1060 is a better card than
say the GTX 780 pretty much every way in
case you're wondering about some of the
older models and is arguably better than
the GTX 960 4 gig variant from a value
perspective which is becoming
increasingly difficult surprisingly to
find for a decent price on ebay I've
been trying to find a gtx 960 like for
the past 6 months or so but I can't find
them for much cheaper than GTX 970 s and
it makes no sense to pay the same price
for a 960 that you can pay for a 970 so
one of these days I want to pay around
60 bucks for one I feel like that's a
good price point maybe 80 bucks with
shipping included but I think that's
pushing it a little bit if your budget
only allows for a graphics card on the
$50 price range one of two options there
you could drop your in-game resolution
to 720p and go with a cheaper card or
you can buy something like a gtx 950 it
won't push your frame rates or in-game
settings to phenomenal levels in 1080p
but it'll do the job much better than a
GT 1030 and won't venture too far from
the performance of a GTX 1050 in fact in
some cases a 950 will outperform the
50 which is something I don't feel like
a lot of people know about so sticking
with Maxwell in this case is the logical
choice if you're interested in saving
some coin and don't mind the additional
power draw next up are the 1440p cards
and I'll cut right to the chase here the
ones you'll want to consider are the gtx
1070 10 780 i 1080 vega 56 and vega 64
all 5 of these will range in used price
from around 200 bucks to 400 USD gtx
1070 s in particular are especially
great values right now they're very
efficient and runs very cool you can get
them on eBay for anywhere between 2 and
250 bucks so they'll pack a heck of a
punch in either 1080p or 1440p is this
video shows and I mean they're great
cards for the money I think they just
one of some of the best value cards I
would say that the 10 seventies were
already great value cards in a new
market and then considering the fact you
could get these for literally half the
price of a new card I think that they're
even better so if you have about 200
bucks to spend I think it's a no-brainer
buy a gtx 1070 if you can buy one of
those possibly a gtx 980ti
though it'll run typically a bit hotter
unless you get one with a really beefy
cooler they might cost a bit more or
less depending on where you're looking
and when you're looking they might
perform slightly better than a 1070 and
cuda accelerated tasks but they will
consume more power as well so all of
these things need to be kept in mind but
you know just from a black-and-white
perspective both cards are going to game
like a boss in either 1080p or 1440p now
as for AMD vega 56 has come down quite a
bit in price actually since the mining
craze and use prices are touching 250
bucks in a few cases so if you're a fan
of AMD and you don't mind the higher
power draw it might be the right choice
especially if you're already sporting a
free sync monitor and are concerned
about the support for free sync from
Nvidia cards because it's still a little
sketchy and primitive right now but if I
had to choose either between a 10 70 and
a 56 for the same price I guess I should
also mention that it be the 1070 simply
because it runs quieter it runs cooler
usually and it consumes less power I'm
just more familiar with Nvidia software
as well so that's kind of a kick in the
green teams direction there but both
cards are gonna perform very similarly
in some cases the 56 will perform
slightly better so it really depends if
I'm using Premiere
quite a bit and I want a card that is
supported by Adobe Premiere then I would
go with the 1070 because CUDA
acceleration does benefit us video
content creators so it is something to
keep in mind especially if you're
looking this from a content creation
standpoint but from a gaming standpoint
really either cards gonna do just fine
the only big difference is the power
draw if you have a power supply that is
capable of pushing that much power to a
card and not running outside its
efficiency peak then I'd say either one
whichever one is cheaper at the time you
are looking the GTX 1080 in Vega 64 are
the next steps up and performance for
this category and you can find them for
around three to four hundred dollars in
ebay and other use sites
I personally purchased 310 ATS from eBay
just before inventories right up for
around 300 bucks each so it may be a bit
more difficult now to navigate the use
market because you can't buy these as
often now in the new market but every
now and then you'll find a gem like this
one here whether it be from AMD or
Nvidia lastly the 4k options we really
don't have much to choose from here if
your games of choice support SLI or
crossfire then you could probably make a
case for like dual 10 80s or 10 70s or
even crossfire at 56 or 64 s I'm not
gonna like that power draw but it's an
option just keep in mind that a lot of
games are still not going to fully
support SLI or crossfire and you can't
really interchange them either right
some games are decent with crossfire but
they're terrible with SLI and vice versa
so it's kind of a mixed bag there I'd
suggest doing a lot of research into the
games you intend to play before you
decide to purchase two cards used or new
my preference would be to stick with a
single card and that leaves us with like
two or three options so I will try our
best here first up is the GTX 1080 Ti
I'm sure this was expected it's a
difficult one to recommend though for
the used market simply because prices
really don't differ too much from the
new market and at this point like why
would you pay the same price for a used
card that you can get new oh yeah you
can expect to pay anywhere between four
hundred and fifty bucks or so up to an
excess of $700 for some models which is
difficult to believe these are used
cards we're talking about after all but
this is what we have to deal with now
the Pascal supplies are trying
for online retailers sellers know this
and they're playing right into the
markets hand who can blame them
everyone's in it to make a buck or two
now the second option would be to
purchase something like I use Titan X or
a Titan X P never in a million years
that I think I'd be recommending a Titan
graphics card they've come down a lot in
price surprisingly so if you want one
just for the heck sake I guess you could
go out and buy one and just keep it for
10 years and sell it as a vintage item
but they were never truly targeted
toward gamers more or less just Nvidia
kind of flexing the muscles so yeah
maybe for the right price these would be
sweet 1440p and 4k punchers you might
get lucky and find a listing or two for
a Titan XP below 600 bucks at which
point in my opinion you should at least
consider it
okay yeah it feels super we're talking
about in recommending Titan cards it's
just that's not the nature of this
channel I think we'll stick to the new
market for the 4k strategy save a 1080i
the only other viable cards that aren't
outrageously overpriced at this point or
the r-tx 2070 and r-tx 2080 the latter
of which could certainly handle some 4k
60fps action but again for a hefty price
tag the only downside is yeah you'll end
up buying into a platform whose drivers
aren't fully developed and whose
developers haven't fully caught up to
the potential demand of RT and tenser
core is packed into these graphics cards
so 4k gamers are and will continue to be
in a bit of a bind through spec to both
availability and pricing
long story short until serious
competition from AMD comes to fruition
or until or if Nvidia decides to slash
its own prices which wouldn't make sense
unless they were interested in competing
with themselves which they already do
but maybe not from a price perspective
higher end cards will be expensive in
this difficult to obtain so I have this
video at least open your eyes to the
great deals that can be had especially
on the low end of the spectrum 1080p
capable graphics cards are widely
available on sites like eBay and I hope
you at least give them a quick glance
before jumping into your next PC build
especially if you're on a tight budget
by the way I've linked several graphics
cards down below in the video
description so Amazon and Newegg
affiliate links are tied to the new
cards if you plan on avoiding the use
market altogether thanks for watching
the video these are the ones to which
I'd give the strongest consideration new
now the ebay links are generic search
generated links tied to some of the used
cards we discussed in this video
they're not super fancy there's gonna
send you to a search splash page for
that particular card so you can kind of
hunt for yourself have a look and let me
know what you think about them in the
comments below if you're currently
sporting a two or three general card I'd
especially like to know what your plans
are for an upgrade and how much you're
looking to spend myself or others may be
able to point you in the right direction
also okay one more thing if you think
other cards should have been added to
this list and they're used cards
feel free to mention and link them down
below I you know it's easy to get like a
card that's super cheap from like a best
friend but like we're talking about
trends online like if you see a certain
type of graphics card selling for
considerably cheaper than it used to on
a site like eBay link that in the
comment section and I'll try my best to
heart as many as I can so they show up
higher in the comment section of this
page I appreciate you guys watching this
video thumbs up - thought it was cool
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or if yeah I hate everything about left
click that red subscribe button if you
haven't already and I'll catch you in
the next video this is science studio
thanks for chatting with us
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