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How PCs Utilize Resources: Ultra vs. Low Graphical Presets

let's jump right into the meat of this video I ran a series of endgame benchmarks using the Andromeda PC build behind me more details on it in the card right here in the 1080p preset which is pretty standard for most Steam users now the catch is that I ran the first set of benchmarks in the highest possible preset so ultra max whatever you want to call it I turn the dials up on everything the highest that they would go for each of the games tested and then I ran the exact same set of benchmarks again in the lowest possible presets the point of this video is to analyze CPU and GPU scaling how those changes in game settings change also we look at RAM allocation system RAM not via Ram it's pretty obvious how the vram works at this point but the system RAM change as we change in game settings and then we also take a look at frame times and frame rates for a few the games tested as well just so you know you can kind of get an idea for a system stability this at this point we have 210 80s in here and an i7 6700 K so we'll see which games bottleneck which part of our build so without further ado let's jump into our first benchmark which is as usual Grand Theft Auto 5 what we're looking at here are average and minimum frame rates don't worry our frame times will be in the next graph those will tell a better story than these two parameters alone will now intended to be ultra 119 FPS on average that jumps up by 50 fps and we lowered everything but our minimums are a bit interesting so our lowest FPS reading was 31 for our low preset but that jumped up to a whopping 80 when we set everything to ultra in a nutshell here's what's happening when you lower in game settings your graphics card will as a result not have to work as hard not having to include as many textures it will have to be as detailed with each frame right anti-aliasing all that it doesn't have to worry about so that in turn puts more stress on the CP because now the graphics card says well I can process more frames because these frames are as detailed so CPU send me more frames to process and the CP is like oh I'm trying I'm trying I can't keep up that's how you get frame skipping that's how you get these severe drops in fps like we're seeing in GTA 5 and we can see that happening in this graph here both of our GPU usages were cut in half as a result of lowering those settings our CPU usage also dramatically increased which gave us that CPU bottleneck we can see this happening from a frame time effective as well the y-axis is indicative of time it's the time in milliseconds it takes for each frame to be rendered the blue track is the ultra preset we don't see many spikes high up which is good we see the high spikes it means it's taking longer free frame to render that gives us a lower FPS frame times are literally the inverse of fpso frames per second its seconds per frame now the low track which is an orange resulted in quite a few frame time spikes which is not good all of these spikes here indicates some severe stuttering check out these toward the end when we were on the ground driving the Hummer these are incredibly large spikes in comparison to what the normal track is down below if you don't take anything else away from this graph remember this more consistent the line and lower the line is to zero the better this is not good over here not at all the next game on our list is City skylines now this game utilizes resources in a completely different way than grand theft auto 5 does and we see that first off with our GPU usages right off the bat GPU two's usage was extremely low in both scenarios which tells us that the game is not properly sli optimized the CPUs usage throughout was also very interesting it was 91% on ultra even though our graphics card was also being utilized heavily that didn't change much when we lowered in game settings and only jumped up by 5% but to be frank there's not much more room for the CPU to to be bottled like anymore than it already is this game is extremely CPU bound and that's why I like using it for just typical gaming benchmarks an interesting note though when we look at the frame rate graphs we know that we're not getting the whole story because we just looked at utilization so our CPU usage was pretty much maxed out even though we did see a pretty substantial bump in frame rates across the board also our second graphics card wasn't being utilized we would know that either if we were just looking at this graph here some of you might remember this next game universe sandbox - I actually did a full on dedicated video on this game and how it bottlenecks the heck out of most CPUs check it out in this card right here if you haven't already to be short and sweet this game doesn't utilize graphics cards much at all I imagine we could just swap these 10 80s with like 9 50s and the frame rate would probably still be similar to what it is on the next graph 86% for CPU usage though and the ultra preset that jumps up by 10% when we drop everything to the lowest possible preset giving us according to this graph here a higher frame rate with a much higher CPU usage notice that our graphics card usages didn't really drop by all that much in terms of just proportionately percentage-wise when we lower this in game settings so this game is extremely CPU bound no matter what but again if we look at just the frame rate graphs we wouldn't know the full story now the last game on our list is the complete opposite in terms of what it utilizes universe sandbox 2 took advantage of the CPU heavily didn't care much about the graphics cards Crysis takes advantage of as much graphics card horsepower practically as you can throw at it and doesn't care as much about the CPU check this out our CPU usage did not change from 20% when we lower settings from ultra to low while our graphics cards experienced a more than 50% cut in usage across the board see if you just doesn't care and while this is an NVIDIA optimized title I am pleasantly surprised by how well this game handled an SLI 1080 config despite its age again the same story with our average and minimum frame rate graph we saw a huge frame rate increase especially in the averages when we lowered it in settings but we would have no idea how our CPU or how our graphics cards were responding to this frame rate jump if we just change things that didn't look at usages in particular but before you go on thinking that the crisis developers had no idea what they were doing when they weren't utilizing the CPU as much as they possibly could have here's the frame time graph despite our CPU usage not changing only lowered in game settings our frame times were extremely consistent and a bit lower than our old charts which makes sense because our average frame rate for our low run was considerably higher than that of our ultra frame rate so this is a good sign I mean this is actually a really excellent graph or crisis considering our CPU wasn't being heavily stressed much at all in fact my temperatures for my i7 6700 K at 4.5 gigahertz didn't pass 50 C at all at this point something else I want to talk about that I mentioned earlier in the video how system RAM is allocated when we change in game settings and how that varies from game to game from this radar here GTA 5 utilized by far the most system RAM about nine gigabytes that dropped to about eight gigabytes when we lowered in game settings city skylines on the other hand actually increase in its system RAM usage when we lowered in game settings perhaps because our CPU usage did substantially increase universe and box really didn't care how much RAM we had in the system to Frank and neither did crisis but crisis is a considerably older game against CPU usage was extremely low and universe sandbox relies on physics calculations which deceive to you typically handles but not much memory is having to be temporarily stored to be drawn later it's just it's just space it's pretty much empty and alas we've come to our final compiled data chart I have RAM usage CPU and GPU usage all in here not frame rates though because those are typically a lot higher than usages by percent if you want to download all of the data that I've explained and showcased in this video you can do so by clicking the link in the video description tied to my dropbox account so you can download the excel sheet there and use it for your own testing your own videos whatever just say where you got this stuff from because if you don't and somebody asks you a pretty detailed question you're going to look kind of stupid when you don't know the answer lastly here are all of the average frame rates just make note of the system specifications which are also in the video description if you're going to use these somewhere else with that if you like this video or appreciate the data presented be sure to give this one a thumbs up thumbs down for the opposite click subscribe but if you haven't already helped catch you in the next video here's a special treat the i7 7900 X I think it's stupid for 99% of you but we're going to run some tests on it anyway what the heck's here right this is science studio thanks for learning with us you
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