hey everyone Greg here with science to
do very quickly I attached a link to
this video's description that link will
take you to an article that I personally
typed out the article itself details the
process behind installing Windows 10 so
if you're in the process of building a
gaming pc right now or you're looking to
completely upgrade your pc from out of
something ancient like windows XP then
this article will come in very handy to
you I think it's decently written
decently is it's that a word I keep
saying words though obviously if you're
familiar with the operating system
installation process this article really
isn't gonna be for you in particular
this is more for like the newbie if you
will somebody who hasn't done this
before and kind of needs a step by step
instruction list / article with cool
little pictures and whatnot I think this
article will come in handy for many of
you so be sure to you know link it to
your accounts share it with your friends
print it out dispersed and do whatever
you need to do this is just for you guys
that you know the installation process
is is much easier this is only for
Windows 10 but Windows 8 and seven will
work as well I vetoed all of that out in
the article itself so go ahead and check
out the link in this video's description
if you have any comments or questions or
concerns leave those in the comments and
we'll check those out also be sure to
LIKE the video if you think that the
article was helpful if you were to come
back to the video and then do that I
would appreciate that let me know that
was helpful for you guys pretty awesome
thanks for being such a cool little
community we are growing that's exciting
hang in there with us more stuff like
this will be coming very soon so thanks
for checking out the video thanks for
checking out the article this is signed
studio thanks for learning with us
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