for those of you who have been asking me
for a graphics card overclocking guide
your wait is finally over we're gonna
kill two birds with one stone in this
video the first bird we're gonna kill in
this bed I'm not gonna now it's a bad
analogy has to do with the tutorial
itself I'm gonna show you guys how I
personally overclock all of my graphics
cards assuming they can be overclocked
further than they already have been out
of the box and then I'm gonna show you
the kinds of performance benefits you
should expect to see with such an
overclock now just for kicks
I've also down clocked my GPU in one
scenario and down clocked my memory in
another scenario so you're gonna see
four separate trend lines and four
separate bars in these graphs but that's
just to give you a feel for what you
should expect the overclocked one or the
other or in this case under clock one or
the other that's just like coming from a
from a reference cooler kind of
standpoint so reference coolers always
have lower clock speeds and then the
third-party coolers you know made by
brands like gigabyte MSI Asus all those
will generally have higher core clocks
and memory clocks just because the
coolers are usually better than the
blower style coolers of nvidia and AMD
so with that before i jump ahead of
myself i'm gonna show you the tutorial
takes like two minutes
don't bother taking notes it's very
simple let's go and jump into that first
up we need to download our overclocking
tool i just shoot for msi afterburner
though programs like gigabyte OC guru
and sapphire Triax are just as viable I
prefer afterburner for its versatility
you can't amp with practically any
graphics card setting including those
rather obscure shader frequencies and
even fan speeds once you've downloaded
and installed afterburner open it up and
get a feel for the user interface the
left contains several slider tabs
voltage control which we won't be
tampering with in this video the power
limiter core clog memory clock and fan
controller you can also program several
overclocking profiles for various
scenarios and store them into After
Burner itself on the bottom right are
the apply reset and settings buttons the
apply button will save and execute the
current clock fan voltage and power
settings you've just toggled the reset
button will restore the car to its
original settings and the settings
button opens up an entirely different
window with literally hundreds of
different control settings monitors and
editors I'll let you play around with
on your own time after the East is the
hardware monitor which provides a visual
live feedback of what's going on with
your system
anything from GPU temperatures card fan
speeds it even CPU and memory usages can
be found on this tab you just have to
scroll down quite a bit once you are
comfortable with the software tool
prepare to overclock are you ready this
can get pretty intense pay very close
there we go oh you were expecting more
no that's that's literally it that's how
you overclock a graphics card I should
confess I raised both by 100 megahertz
prior to this and my card crashed so 50
megahertz is likely the threshold for
this car which was already severely
overclocked out of the box mind you I
should also know that you can raise or
lower one without raising or lowering
the other and vice versa the memory and
core controllers are entirely separate
on these cards by the way if you're
suspecting that 50 megahertz isn't all
that much and probably not worth it just
wait till you see the benchmarks once
you're satisfied with your preset -
click apply and close the software if
you want to have your settings initiate
upon startup you can click the button on
the bottom left hand corner of the
afterburner panel though I don't
recommend doing this until you've
verified that your overclock is actually
stable and to do that we'll need to run
the heaven benchmark which will stress
our GPU in a well rounded series of
cutscenes you can also play your
favourite GPU intensive triple-a title
for a few hours to ensure that
real-world stresses won't deal the
driver crash either if this does happen
hop back into afterburner and adjust
your settings accordingly at first it
will be difficult to gauge your car's
overclocking tolerance however as with
the CPU you'll get a feel for just how
stubborn you chip actually is can't say
I didn't tell you so write a very simple
process just be mindful of slightly less
bars too far to the right especially if
you already have a car that's that's
factory overclocked like this one so
you're not gonna have much additional
overclocking Headroom I was able to
squeeze out that additional 50 mega
Hertz in both the GPU and memory but
after the benchmark finish I decided to
open up after Africa I decide to open up
and you know record the screen so I
could show you the results live and that
didn't happen that the car crash so we
saw the Nvidia driver crash notification
on the bottom right-hand side of the
screen sometimes your screen will shut
off it'll reboot and then it'll pretty
much run your car to stock maybe even in
safe mode like mine did where I was only
giving like 22 FPS after that whereas I
was usually getting about 4 year 45 so
better require it for the most part of
computer restart and then your card
should be running full speed again and
it's full potential so apart from that I
have two other scenarios I have the
underclock GPU scenario and the
underclock memory scenario the way that
the the keys are labeled the first
frequencies that's gonna be around 1500
for all four that your of your core
frequency that's your GP frequency
and then the second megahertz value is
your memory frequency so you'd be able
to see that the memory was overclocked
in one and then under clocked in another
and then it was the same in two same
with the the core clock so keep those in
mind but anyway I'm gonna stop talking
here the results
so it's pretty awesome to see that with
just a 50 megahertz overclock on both
our GPU and our memory we were able to
achieve an average of an additional FPS
in heaven at least which is almost
entirely graphic space so our CP through
like I have much of an influencer there
I didn't show you any other gaming
benchmarks because the results are gonna
vary drastically so a game like GTA 5 or
City skylines which I've shown in
previous videos are those are more CPU
intensive so you're not gonna see those
kinds of gains by just overclocking your
graphics card but in in very GPU
intensive games something like dirt
rally Crysis 3 those kinds of games will
benefit even more from an overclock and
that's what's indicative of heaven
benchmark here
so with that keep in mind that not all
overclocking scenarios will be the same
so you might not be able to overclock
your card anywhere near as much as I was
able to or anywhere near as a little I
kept 250 megahertz in poof what it's
already rated at not a great overclock
but it's it's fantastically overclocked
out of the box so I can't really
complain there but you definitely saw
that coming from something like a
reference cooler frequency both our
memory and our our GPU that's that's a
big jump coming from that to to
something like this which I wanted to
basically sum up this video with if
you're if you're kind of struggling
between a reference cooler and something
that's custom cooled not custom cool but
you know third-party cool by a
manufacturer like gigabyte or asus or
msi those kinds of manufacturers are
gonna they're gonna throw really nice
coolers into their into their cards so
that they can achieve additional
overclocks that would yield better
performance in games and that's their
selling points right so that's what
they're trying to tell you to do is buy
our cards because our cards are better
performers than the Nvidia stock cards
or the AMD stock cards so that's you
know that's that's really the gist of
this video here but overclock if you can
go and experiment with it if your your
drivers start crashing this stuff just
tone it down you're gonna be fine just
don't do anything outrageous and like
over volt your GQ any of that that's
something I didn't mention here and
that's because my voltage was blocked
I couldn't mess my voltage on this card
just because it's impossible but if you
were doing something like water cooling
a card and you had a card that was
voltage unlocked then that would be
something else you would want to do so
if you're interested in my house
which affects overclocking and what you
should kind of do to gauge both of those
out and get those kind of into with each
other check out the card above me where
I overclock my 6600 K very interesting
video I eat it like 4.8 4.9 gigahertz
but it requires a lot of voltage and
that's what that video is about but with
that I want to hear from you in the
comment sections below be sure to let me
know what kind of graphics card or card
sets a liar cross fight you're currently
sporting in your rig and tell me if you
plan to overclock or are currently
overclocking and how complex your
procedure was compared to mine be sure
to give the video a thumbs up if you
think it deserves one give it a thumbs
down getting a dozen and subscribe to
the channel if you haven't already don't
be shy folks this is science to do
thanks for learning with us
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