How to Permanently Fix GeForce Experience & Share Feature
How to Permanently Fix GeForce Experience & Share Feature
so I'm making this video more or less
for personal reasons but if you own an
Nvidia graphics card then chances are
you've had negative experiences with the
GeForce experience program look we love
the hardware we love the efficiency and
with the exception of the current market
thanks to crypto miners we love the
prices but I think I speak for most here
when I say that we hate the new software
geforce experience is about as stable as
my hand was when i painted this with the
new 3.1 point whatever version of GFC
you are not only handed mounds of
instability within the app and ingame
but you also have to do ridiculous
things like sign into the program we
have to sign into the software before we
can use any of its features and I find
that ridiculous just another way for a
big company to take advantage of our
data on top of that on a few occasions I
can't even get past the login screen to
access the tools I use on a daily basis
I like you shadowplay because it has
extremely low overhead and is very
simple to use it's just a preference
I've had since the beginning you may
prefer some other software desktop
recording is also a very nice feature
but with these persistent updates that
we oftentimes can't control or keep from
happening like Windows 10 updates I
found that a few of my PC's can't even
open Nvidia share this is where
shadowplay now resides my x2 nine-nine
PC suffered this wall termite version 3
as did my recent rising 7 PC build I
could login to the GeForce experience
app without a problem but they want to
go to turn on shadow play the share
feature it would just stay off it would
act like it was turning on and then shut
right back off again and it wouldn't
tell me why it was unable to open the
share feature so I tried on installing
completely with ddu starting from
scratch changing file permissions none
of that worked but now I have a solution
that fellow green members can follow to
rid themselves of the plague that has
become the new GeForce experience
program the fix uninstall gfv and
install a much older version it's
actually super simple the first thing
you'll want to do is zoom you've already
installed an updated and video drivers
is navigate to your pcs control panel
from here click uninstall a program' and
scroll down to the plethora of Nvidia
HD audio the graphics driver 3d vision
it should all be here click on the
GeForce experience program
and on install don't worry this won't
remove any vital graphics software you
can play games completely fine
everything will still run as it should
you just won't be able to stream and use
shadowplay within GFE until later
because you won't have it until then at
this point navigate to the link in this
video's description is tied to a Google
Drive download for a much older GFE
version version 2.1 1 point 4.0 I've
scanned it for viruses and found no
issues but scan it again yourself just
in case you can also find similar
versions like this one elsewhere on the
web just you don't do a typical Google
search just be careful from where you
download next click the executive omen
Nvidia installer should open up where
you can promptly install the older
GeForce experience program isn't this
impressive fresh air kind of like a
throwback Thursday
everything is very stable in this
version of GFE for both my Rison and ex
$2.99 PCs and shadowplay is just as
functional and low-profile as ever if
you're on any other Intel platform that
semi-modern has well skylake cable 8 you
should be fine as well perfect for my
daily needs both on YouTube and in game
I love shadow play I really do but we're
not finished yet there are few more
things we need to do to work around in
videos clever auto update utility so
when you open the GeForce experience for
the first time the new older version
that version 2.1 1 point 4.0 you're not
going to be prompted to update but if
you close it out and then open it again
say after you turn your computer off and
then back on it's probably going to
force you to update to the latest
GeForce experience it's going to think
you're just way behind the times and
it's going to give you no choice so we
need to disable that within our services
taskbar first though set things up in
GFE the way you'd like range icons and
either enable or disable desktop sharing
and then hop on over to preferences
disable these two checkboxes down at the
bottom this is just a precaution but
it's not going to prevent the thing from
wanting to force an update then to be on
the safe side
navigate to the Start menu within
windows and type services press enter in
this window navigate to NVIDIA GeForce
experience right-click over the program
find the service status bar and click
stop now attempt to reopen GFE if all is
well the program shouldn't prompt an
automatic update which is exactly what
would have happened if we hadn't
disabled this service from here on out
you should be good to go if Nvidia
somehow still force
is the update then you can do one of two
things you can either follow there are a
few extra steps in the description I
might add them if a few of you run into
the issue where you are forced to update
no matter what I'll put extra steps
there that should help remedy that issue
and then you can also worst case just
uninstall the new update and then
reinstall the old one just don't keep
opening GFE just leave it closed and let
shadowplay run in the background like it
does when you first start up your PC and
that should be enough right there I mean
if you're only going to use shadowplay
in GFE you don't even need to open G if
you want you set things up the way you
like which is by I told you to do that
before we change the service status then
that should be all you need to do just
set your hotkeys and you'll never have
to open GFE again if you have any
questions or concerns or if the link is
broken let me know and I'll throw up a
few alternative links in the description
again check those all for viruses though
don't take my word for anything because
programs are kind of spotty but for now
just follow the steps of outline here
and you shouldn't have a single problem
with GeForce experience again
if this video helped you out in some way
let me know by giving this one a thumbs
up I do appreciate that click subscribe
button if you haven't already and stay
tuned for more content like this here on
the channel this is science studio
thanks for learning with us
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