How to Vertically Mount Your Graphics Card (the Non-Ghetto Way)
How to Vertically Mount Your Graphics Card (the Non-Ghetto Way)
so I heard yeah a lot of you complained
in my previous vertical graphics card
case mod video that there was a much
simpler solution out there that I
seemingly overlooked that company
Coolermaster creates this bracket here
this is a vertical graphics card bracket
and it's actually very well made it's
super simple and design but it does
exactly what it's intended to do allow
you to mount your graphics card
vertically and with their included riser
cable which I'll get to in a second you
can have a fully functioning graphics
card that looks something like this
so we're gonna talk about the
installation process my personal
thoughts on on this bracket here what I
had to do to get this to fit in my case
the cutting that I had to do yes there
is a bit of that involved but look I
mean come on that's pretty sweet
anyone who knows computers are gonna ask
you what on earth you're using to get
your graphics card to sit like that and
I think it looks pretty darn good so
let's get started
the be quiet dark Bass Pro 900 white
edition is the definition of both
function and form wireless charging case
inversion and insane water cooling
headroom make it one of a kind or one of
two thousand because that's all be quiet
offering click the link in this video's
description for more details so the
tools you are going to need first up
Philips head screwdriver
recommend a magnetic one you're gonna
need this for really any PC building
maintenance whatever you can think of
anyway so you should have one of these
already on hand now you're going to need
also a pair of either wire cutters or if
you want to get fancy with it a dremel
to drill through the PCIe slot frames at
the back of your case now a big heads up
here if you have a case that does not
have seven slots you need to pay close
attention to what I'm about to say next
this is a seven slot bracket which means
that it will fit in any mid-size Tower
with seven PCI slots perfectly now if
you have a full-sized Tower with maybe
eight slots or nine slots or whatever
you're gonna have extra slots at the
bottom of your case or at the top
depending on how you want to arrange
this and make more sense to have this
bracket at the at the top though because
you're gonna be able to screw in your
graphics card from above so you're gonna
have extra slots below if you have a
full sized Tower and then if you have
something smaller than a midsize Tower
so maybe a micro ATX or an ITX chassis
this bracket will not
fit period now on to the cutting process
I'm going to assume that you have a
mid-sized tower which means that you are
going to be taking up all seven of those
PCI slots with this bracket here you
won't have any extra slot laying around
the cutting is going to involve these
little frames here for each year PCI
slots you're gonna want to cut through
every single one of these from left to
right just get rid of all of them some
people just cut the space where the new
bracket where the new card is going to
sit but I just recommend cutting all the
way through it's not going to change the
structural integrity of your case and
it'll make things look a bit more clean
back here again this is where a dremel
would really come in handy if you want
to get fancy with it and keep things
nice and clean back here using a pair of
wire cutters you can result in some
splitting maybe some paint chipping off
again you're not gonna look at your case
from the back very much so it's not
going to matter to most people but if
you want a clean finish then use a
dremel instead now once all six of those
frames are removed the next thing I
recommend doing is installing your
graphics card in the bracket outside of
the case it's gonna make things a bit
easier coming from the top down
especially if you have your CPU cooler
already installed it gonna be a bit
difficult also this will give you time
to secure your riser cable if you're
using the one that's included with
cooler masters bracket things are pretty
straightforward you can secure it
directly to the frame although any riser
cable is gonna be pretty sturdy I use
Thermaltake riser cables because I see
literally no performance degradation
with these they're pretty expensive I've
linked them in the description if you're
interested these are just the ones that
I personally use because I see no
framerate dip at all with the riser
cable versus plugging the card directly
into the motherboard in some cases like
in my case three times Kula master sent
these brackets without any riser cables
at all so I had to email them and ask
them what was up with that like they
expected me to have riser cables of
laying around which I guess to be fair
is what I assumed you would have in my
previous video so just play it safe make
sure that this comes with one if you buy
one otherwise go with something like the
thermal take riser cable like I said
it's a bit more expensive but it works
really well so regardless of which cable
you opt for have all of that
pre-installed outside of the case once
the card is installed in the bracket and
the PCI riser cable is installed into
the card from beneath go ahead and plug
in the riser cable directly into that
uppermost 16-lane slot on your
and then slide the bracket into place as
you would any regular graphics card
there are two places to secure thumb
screws on the right side of the bracket
when looking at the case from behind so
you can keep the bracket nice and sturdy
and then of course you can secure the
card itself via the two screws now
turned upright it's really that simple
just a bit of cutting that's it I was
even able to still keep and use the
and a rear slot cover thing that slides
back and forth to people fantex case you
know what I'm talking about I can still
use that to keep things nice and clean
back there and the card is functioning
properly not the fans not turning
because I forgot to connect the fan when
I put that cooler back on the PCB yeah I
got to go fix that but everything else
working really well and I've actually
used the Thermaltake riser cable with
other cards in the past and that's how I
know how good that thing is and tested
that with multiple riser cables actually
because I was really impressed with how
good it was and I think from now on what
I'm going to do when I want to mount a
vertical graphics card is use this
bracket from Coolermaster it's it's
really simple like you would think that
other people would just catch on to this
and can do it and offer it but
Coolermaster has a nailed it here and as
long as you get the riser cable included
or have one on hand then you're going to
be able to use your graphics card the
same way you'd be able to if it was just
plugged directly into the motherboard
without any performance degradation at
all look I don't really know why it's
such a big deal to have your card turn
this way I think that the bottom of the
card this side here just was hot yeah I
should probably turn the fan on I think
that it just looks much more clean when
it's sitting upright because you can see
the fans it looks a little bit weird
here with the blower style card but if
you had a car with maybe two or three
fans on it and you had it turned this
way it would look pretty sweet so if you
like this design maybe like the setup
like what coolermaster has to offer let
me know by giving this video a thumbs up
I appreciate it I'm sure they will as
well click the subscribe button for more
content like this stay tuned for some
tests with the i-580 600k very
interesting stuff coming here soon to
the studio this is science studio thanks
for modding with us
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