How to View Computer Hardware Utilization While Gaming
How to View Computer Hardware Utilization While Gaming
hey what's going on everyone I was just
overlooking some comments in the last
video and if you want to know how to
toggle an on screen display like the one
we had in that video showing CPU
utilization right across each thread we
had memory usage from both graphics card
and the system we had GPU temperatures
CPU temperatures we even had a frame
rate up there and all that's done
through MSI Afterburner and a rivatuner
statistics so I have msi afterburner
down below linked in the video
description and rivatuner is kind of
packaged with that and I'll show you in
the tutorial here in a second how to
install it properly and set it up where
you can toggle it customize the way it
looks and display the variable as you
wanted to so hopefully this helps if you
have any other questions you know be
sure to leave us down below and I'll do
my best to answer them but for now here
is in the tutorial alright so I'm going
to assume that you don't have msi
already installed so we'll start from
scratch in case you haven't even heard
of the software before I'm going to open
up universe sandbox just to show you
that I don't have it currently running
on this system when you do have it
running and active in your system tray
then you will be able to see the
on-screen display and that will in turn
show you what parts of your system are
being utilized and to what extent and
you can vary this to an extent as well
so there are different settings in this
like I was saying earlier that you can
control so you see here we have nothing
to the left you can control where it
shows up as well but I prefer the left
side it's usually a bit more empty and
that's where we're going to start so
close the game back out and the first
thing we're going to do would open up
Chrome and I'm going to navigate to MSI
Afterburner say MSI page here now you're
gonna want to scroll down to the tab
that says download and download
afterburner now there are two separate
programs here we're gonna want to
download but the second won't be kind of
packaged in this first one and I'll show
you what that looks like here so go
ahead and save the zip file we're gonna
open it up just double click here and
extract it it's gonna replace what I
already had that was the download file
to begin with
and when that finishes let's go ahead
and run it so click Next accept the
terms the License Agreement probably
agree to some weird stuff I'm just
next now this is important keep msi
afterburner and rivatuner statistics
server checked both of these you don't
just want this one because then you
won't be able to monitor via an
on-screen display system used to do so
keep both checked click Next
doesn't matter really where you save
this let's click Next and then install
so it will install two separate programs
again it will install msi afterburner
and then it will install rivatuner
statistics and here it is again next
pretty much the same deal next install
ok go ahead and finish that and you can
just start msi afterburner ok and this
is the official msi program now you can
view system usages through afterburner
that's important to note you can
actually detach this window and you can
see here you can see pretty much
everything so we have GPU temperature
GPU usage power loads memory clocks core
clocks memory usage all the good stuff
and you can actually add or take away
from this is what you see all of these
here we have an i-5 8400 in this system
so we have 6 threads that's why you see
CPU 1 through 6 here and that will of
course scale according to how many cores
and threads you have at your CPUs
disposal so you can control this
separately but we're gonna not focus on
this because you're more or less
interested right if you're watching this
video and how to see the on-screen
display while you're playing a video
game so we're gonna close this out once
you do that it will automatically attach
back to the program now what you want to
do is click the Settings button right
here below your toggles and this will
open up an afterburner properties window
the first time you want to click on is
monitoring and this will show you again
what we were just looking at right so
every variable to consider for the most
part even frame rates right 1% only 1%
loads those are recently added so a lot
of things to analyze here and observe
over time but none of these are gonna be
displayed by default over our game of
choice and that's what we're gonna
change here so what I do is not
a lot of these it only matter just ones
that I'm not particularly interested in
temperatures and usages are important
I'm not worried too much about memory
clock core clock already know what
that's gonna be
Paige file usage yeah we'll keep that
one up for now and then you can see here
I had point one percent of one percent
lows included as well as the frame rate
average but we'll keep those disabled
for now because you do it the toggle
these if you want them to be actually
accurate you can do that in this program
but we're more or less worried about the
OSD stuff in game so we've got what we
want but that's not the full story and
this is something I wasn't sure about
for a while I kept in google this and
try to figure out how to get it to show
up on the rivatuner statistics
application so we have all these things
activated but they're not showing in the
display and what you want to do is pull
up an on screen display you can toggle
it you can just set a you know a certain
let's just do ctrl shift D it's probably
not being used by anything else and that
should be good now you can see we have a
show in on-screen display now that's
important because if we don't select
this tab then we aren't going to see any
of those usages displayed over our game
window so GPU temperature we want seen I
mean basically everything we left
checked right we want to show an
on-screen display so you have to go back
through here and make sure that all the
ones you've checked all the ones you
want to see at least through rivatuner
are enabled via the on screen displayed
button so keep going through here and
turn all of these on and that's the last
one okay so we're gonna select okay and
another important note you don't want to
close afterwards don't hit the X button
sometimes that'll completely shut down
the software it won't show up in your
system tray so you want to double check
to make sure you can see I have my
system tray open on the bottom right
here it's gonna be pretty small let me
slide it over so there's my system tray
and if I click the minimize button then
afterburner excuse me will show up right
here and that's good but if I open up
afterburner and then I click exit right
it disappears for my system tray and so
does rivatuner statistics so you have to
reopen it via likely the icon on your
desktop and there we go and then also
you can see we have the Reba tuner
software open as well in system tray so
minimize it don't exit out of it and you
should be good to go so now we're going
to pull up universe and box
again and hopefully we should see the on
screen display here to our left I'll
show you guys in a second how you can
customize that look make the text bigger
or smaller especially if you want to
record your screen and you should be
good to go
I'm not seeing it right now so let's
just have it default start with Windows
and minimize and there you go
so GPU you can see 59 degrees Celsius
27% usage and you can see each of our
individual CPU threads all the way down
and you can see right here system RAM
usage so this is really cool you can see
we do a lot of stuff in universe and box
two you can see how all of that changes
and that's will speed things up a lot
right so you can you can monitor all
that you see are our six CPU thread here
is the one that's being utilized the
most and that will of course depend on
several variables so if I just increase
the mass of the Sun to let's say 100,000
Sun masses then we just wrecked our
system for one I think we just yep
supernova all right there's a nebula
this is a remnant of our solar system
now so our Sun's gravitational field
like this collapsed on itself and yeah
so the cool thing is you can see all
this up here but it might be too small
for you as of right now so what you can
do is click on your system tray and then
right-click on Reba tuna or just click
on the the icon and this is where you
can change quite a bit of the the
details of the OSD that you're seeing on
the top left here so I'll slide it over
you can see how it changes first off if
it's too small then you're gonna want to
go right here to the on-screen display
zoom you can make this as big as you
want basically you can see how much that
scale that's gonna cover up quite a bit
of our game though so I'd recommend it
the most maybe right here now and that's
plenty you can also change the font you
have a vector 3d it's a little difficult
to read vector 2d I like a raster just
because it's a bit more cohesive easier
to see on screen by the way you can
change the font of the on screen display
itself so if you click under any of
these actually vector 2d and 3d won't
like to do it but raster 3d there's a
small little arrow here you click on
that and then you can change the font to
whatever you see fit so let's
- Tahoma and there you go actually like
the other one better it's just a bit
easier to read a bit more bold and that
that's kind of where I want to leave it
right I don't want to change much more
than this if I want to add more I can go
back into MSI Afterburner and toggle
through these select more OSD variables
to display but for now I'm happy with
the way this looks there's quite a bit
here and I'm not gonna go through
everything but if you kind of toggle
through stuff you'll learn this on your
own fairly quickly but getting it up is
the difficult part without you know
diving through forms and Google searches
so hopefully this video helps you out
with at least that by the way we set the
toggle to control shift key so let's go
ahead and give that a shot here and you
can see we've just hidden our entire OSD
now it's still running in the background
so it's still technically there you've
just hidden it so if you want to
benchmark under certain scenarios but
then maybe you want to just play with
friends later and you don't want this
thing blocking whatever you're playing
then you can just use whatever key
combination you gave to hide you know
kind of toggle the OSD on and off and
afterburner to get rid of it when it's
not convenient to have it open so yeah
tons of versatility here it's pretty low
profile bin monitoring system usage and
it's really not an intensive application
to have running in the background so it
won't ski your results to any you know
significant extent although I should
note that it will be there and it won't
be a true 100% representation of what
game or what software is utilizing what
in terms of system resources so I hope
this tutorial again was helpful for
those who wanted to see this from the
last video and I'll do my best to kind
of show this stuff over the screen
whenever I'm benchmarking just so you
can see exactly what's going on between
the hardware and software because frame
rates and frame times are great those
are that's one side of the equation but
actually seeing what is bottlenecking
what write what hardware is actually
being stressed under certain workloads
is the other half of the equation and I
think I'm gonna do both from now on
again run those in separate scenarios
but they're pretty lightweight softwares
overall so they're not gonna impact our
results too much I would say just in my
initial testing here running the OSD on
vs. completely closing it out frame
rates are basically the same so with
that if you guys again have any other
questions that's what the comments
section is for down below ask those
questions and hopefully myself or
someone else who knows about this kind
of software can help you find the right
if you liked this video thumbs up I
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fancy with it and we'll catch you in the
next video this is science studio thanks
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