this is part 2 of 2 of the NZXT Manta
ITX custom loot PC build I told you
there won't be two parts I'm also not
going to waste any more of your time
without further ado here is as promised
the tech porn
so I hope you've enjoyed the tech porn
up to this point if you're wondering why
the 1080 Ti is not custom cooled as
mentioned in part one it's because I'm
waiting on a distributor to send one I
messaged ek they're one of the only
companies right now it's currently
selling them to consumers and they said
they weren't going to send one unless I
did a full on ek build with only their
products and this is a predominantly
Thermaltake build so I understand that I
guess it just sucks that I have to wait
a bit longer for one but when that day
comes when it does arrive that block
whoever may be from I'm looking at fan
text right now and Thermaltake we're
going to see who ends up sending theirs
out first then we will redo the build
with the graphics card integrated into
the loop and I might do something a bit
different with the been leading from the
CPU to the top rat I know that doesn't
look very very complicated this this
Bend right here this one is actually
super technical I mean like there are
like four or five bends in there that I
had to get just you know almost
perfectly corrected and at certain
points it had to bend if it wasn't bent
in the right place and it just wouldn't
aligned with the top rad so that's why I
had to include that 90 degree fitting
there between the reservoir and the back
of the case I just I just had to make it
easier there because there were so many
bends involved with a single strand of
ptg tubing the only other question a few
of you asked from part one that I do
want to address in this video is why
there is no back plate over the 1080 TI
so PNY doesn't ship one with their
reference PCB the 1080 TI which is what
this one is now I do have a few 1080
back plates that will fit over that but
the problem is if you look very closely
underneath the 120 red which is actually
turned upside down the fittings that are
connecting the PT G to the rad are
extremely closer I mean we're talking
less than a centimeter of clearance
between the bottom of that fitting and
the PCB itself
I tried wedging a few different back
plates in there I have a few from alpha
cool some from thermaltake even one from
v1 Tech and none of those fits so I just
decided to leave it bare PCB kind of
bothers me but it's kind of okay at the
same time because it is a very dark PCB
kind of blends in with the rest of the
case so I'm willing to bite that bullet
there for the sake of not crushing
anything on the board itself oh and one
more thing if you're one
during who the heck made these super
awesome custom sleeved cables for white
sky that would be Tony over at virility
I encourage you to check out his youtube
channel linked at the very top of this
video's description the dude is very
gifted he makes some of the coolest
looking custom lute pcs out there he has
even been featured on websites like
fractal design for building in the
define mini sea which is the case I
haven't personally wanted to tackle yet
his was a mini seat by the way the
smaller version that's just a that
looked like a feat in itself and he has
helped me with many many builds in the
past including this one here pretty much
all my custom loop builds he's provided
some sort of input or helped me out when
I've run into issues so the guy's very
talented and if you're looking for some
cool unique builds his channel is the
one to go to with that if you like this
video like this bill be sure to give it
a thumbs up thumbs down for the opposite
click to subscribe if you haven't
already and I will catch you in the next
this is Salazar studio thanks for
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