LIVE Q&A | Ask Me Anything! - Science Studio After Hours #15
LIVE Q&A | Ask Me Anything! - Science Studio After Hours #15
and okay I think we got a live
notification here although it's telling
me my stream status is bad but I'm I'm
pushing 4000 kilobits a second no
problem here with no drop frames so I
don't know why YouTube saying that also
using the Nvidia encoder like puts the
CPU just it just lets it chill like it's
a two percent utilization right now
which is pretty awesome anyway how's it
going folks I see
obviously I don't sound too bad you guys
aren't yelling at me that my mics too
loud or too low looks like I'm barely
touching the yellow here so I don't
expect I'll be too loud for you guys but
if I'm too low try to turn me up a
little bit if you're maxed out you still
can't hear me let me know and I can
adjust it on the sound control over here
so alright sorry about the delay
the first issue we had was something
that actually tied over into last week's
live streams so I was having issues
connecting it and getting a LAN
connection right to work downloads are
fine like I have a 550 download upload
plan whatever you want to call it my
eyes beat here and the downloads are
fine I think wired I'm getting like 350
400 whatever I'm not going to complain
but my uploads are absolutely terrible
the uploads I believe are like point
five megabits per second which is not
what it's like a 1% of what it the arete
eclis should be so iĆve tried
reinstalling land drivers I tried
installing the killer land driver which
is the one I shouldn't be using for this
board and I got an error of saying that
I didn't have permissions or something
which is BS I have permissions I'm the
administrator on this account so I don't
know why that error came up off to
google it after the fact but right now
I'm just using Wi-Fi that's the only for
some reason my Wi-Fi driver looks works
fine but I can't use a wired connection
so anyway you guys have a solution to
that problem let me know I'll be hunting
on forums forums are actually really
maybe not Reddit so much as like deforms
dedicated to troubleshooting PC hardware
I tend to find my my answers either on
there or via Twitter I'll ask some
people who've had similar issues anyway
ask the first question here will answer
I want to run my three front front case
fans using a molex connector and my
three exhaust fans to my fan headers
there are there any pros or cons of
doing this thank you okay so if you're
talking about wiring a fan directly into
a molex connector or all three of these
fans into a molex connector that's tied
not to a fan hub but directly to your
PSU then your PSU is gonna output a
constant power constant voltage to all
those fans and what that means is you're
not gonna be able to control the RPMs of
this fan so it might be a higher rpm
than you're comfortable with assuming
those fans are rated at maybe 1200 to
1400 RPM might be too loud for you you
might decide that that's not gonna cut
it maybe get a controller a fan hub
because you could call it to handle
those rpms discreetly and then you won't
have to worry about that constant fixed
voltage when you're wiring your fans
directly into your power supply USB
Ethernet adapter you know I don't have
one of those on hand I don't know why I
would want to use well and that would
fix the issue I'm sure cuz it's not
passing through that land that specific
land port on the motherboard but I want
to use that LAN port like it's a it's a
good one I just need to figure out if
it's like a software issue or if maybe
the maybe the switch that I'm running
all this stuff through isn't good enough
bazinga X syncing for that $10 super
chat my do two treats and toys for Pepsi
okay oh all right I hate Pepsi that's
see hey babe is Pepsi out there I see a
shadow but I don't know if it's Lisa or
the cat I'll go see if I can find her be
right back hold that thought
hey Ben
yeah I know I know but he told me he
told me I had to bring you yes I know
she is not having it right now hey hey I
gotta go find you a toy for $10 at
Petsmart something at Walmart maybe
Walmart might have a cheaper yeah I'm
totally selling out Pepsi and she's not
having it at all anyway hopefully she
doesn't chew through any cables if the
live stream cuts out just randomly
you'll know why she's already messing
with stuff behind the monitor anyway
thanks for the stupid chat and move on
to some tech questions let's see here
what's up Matt see how's it going
favorite case for extended ATX yeah I'm
not really an extended ATX fan to be
honest I just don't have any use case
scenario for that kind of stuff I'm
gonna pull her out from here cuz she's
she's going crazy she's sorry for the
awkward angle get over here yeah this is
why I usually keep around extended ATX
is just what I would look for is like a
mid Tower or a full tower that's not too
big that would still support extended
motherboards because the motherboard
tray is flat right it's a uniform with
the rest of the chassis so you unlike a
fractal case let's say that has it in
tension there for cable management on
the motherboard tray I would look for a
case I had a just a flat panel that way
if I wanted e2e ATX I could do that I
would have the flexibility but I'm not
compromising on like the aesthetics of
the case because I don't like really big
cases I just don't have the hardware to
take them out and I don't have a use
case like I said for them okay scrolling
down here Cody celac what's going on he
is actually a sponsor he's been a
2-month sponsor so far the channel I
like I like seeing those two two battery
bars they're gonna a full bar soon Cody
I appreciate your support what sound
board do you have and how do you have it
setup with your computer okay so I have
a video on this Cody if you want to look
at that I'll go in a little more detail
in the video but keep it short and sweet
yamaha mg it's yamaha mg 10 xu which
means that it has USB higher bitrate
support right with USB
it's tended and then if you know 100 not
10 192 kilobits so it's a it's a higher
quality actually you could say audio
interface and it's got six channels it
looks like yep and I have two mics
plugged in right now so these run from
just the regular old L&R ports straight
into a three and a half millimeter jack
on yeah and the three mil jack is
plugged into the motherboard it's a
really simple setup I'm using a b2 Pro
right now and I haven't be won over
there and then when I'm doing camera
shots like the videos you guys see
usually when I film on the the Sony or
the G 85 then I use a audio technica
at2020 and I'm not the most audio savvy
guy honestly I haven't done enough
research to give you guys like all the
inside scoop system we want to look for
them what you don't I just know these
sound good and the the behringer b2 and
b1 sound really good I think for the
money and that is something that we
talked about this with Brian a couple
weeks ago he's a big behringer friend as
well for the price the end says stop
abusing that animal holding her is not
abusing her she was just a catch trying
to jump out that's not a fuse okay let's
see here I'm gonna scroll up a little
bit cuz I miss some questions let's see
Pepsi needs an RGB caller that would be
dope oh yeah y'all are good what
motherboard do you have in your personal
rig the one I edit with is jeez you guys
are gonna make me get up from my chair
multiple times in it are you I don't
remember doing one second
that's right Asus Maximus 10 hero that
is the one I use I like a Seuss boards
for their reliability I think they look
really good some of the best looking
boards I think right now I love Asus is
aesthetic and you know you're gonna pay
a little more for them usually but
you're paying for quality and I can
attest to that firsthand I used a C's
boards back when I first started
building pcs just because I knew the
name and the reviews look great and now
I'm one of those reviewers so yeah
Maximus 10 hero that is four and 8700 K
Z 370 chipset ok apex is beast asks what
is a good GP CPU combo from 4 to 500
dollars 4 a.m. for 4 to 500 bucks is
really tough dude you're gonna have to
go use market unless you want to get
really down and dirty with some just
weaker graphics cards 4 to 500 bucks
let's say 500 bucks make it easier on me
I would throw arisin 3 1200 in there
2200 and then maybe whatever you can fit
graphics card wise you know excluding
your power supply case and motherboard
and RAM Rams gonna be the real kicker in
that budget because you're gonna want at
least 8 gigs but that's I think that's
1/4 of your budget right there just in
RAM so good luck I recommend you used
when you're gonna stay in that price
range it's really tough unless you want
to just go completely with an APU set up
get a 2200 G and call it a day ok game
dev 1909 ace deuce is okay but I had to
replace too many dead BIOS chips the
last four years I haven't heard too many
first-hand accounts of that issue I
think that's pretty isolated mostly
reviews I see like I say unless you're
doing some really weird tinkering with
your BIOS if you're updating your BIOS a
lot which isn't recommended unless you
really need some new supporting feature
that most of the time these BIOS updates
stop after a good solid year - then I
would say you'd be just fine let's see
scrolling down here what is your
favorite song at the moment that is 741
more gaming and my favorite song that's
one I'm gonna say it's probably from I'm
really into Bring Me The Horizon
Breaking Benjamin that kind of stuff
it's gonna be one of those two bands I
really like follow you from Bring Me The
Horizon cuz it sounds so different than
what I'm used to from they used to be
really heavy rock and now they're kind
of more chilled out but I think they
have a really good like melodic tune now
so probably like follow you or oh no I
like doomed as well let's go with doom I
think doomed is like just super dynamic
and it sounds really good especially on
like a surround sound set up so yeah
that's what I'm gonna go with step and
curry $2 super chat thing c'mon dude
what do you think of LeBron going to the
I haven't actually followed that as once
the playoff stop I and I don't really
follow transfer news I mean that's good
usually all just kind of hearsay until
somebody actually announces something
but LeBron go into the Lakers would just
be I don't know I don't like he's kind
of filling the void for Kobe's absence
right I don't know if the Lakers really
need LeBron I guess it depends on how
well they all work together like when I
watched LeBron play like it's only
LeBron I think he had support I think
the last couple of years but this this
time around I it was just it was just
all him and if he wanted to stay that
way I don't think he'll transfer but if
he I think if he wants to just start
fresh and start working with people who
are like-minded right who kind of think
like he does when it comes to just dish
in the ball around then he might
consider it I don't know that it's all
about money honestly like it's the
money's right he'll go he doesn't really
care where he goes as long as he gets to
play and as long as he gets to make lots
of money I imagine okay Cyrus Chuck
let's be real great favorite song is
despedido version 69 michael jo hand if
I'm streaming which CPU do I use 6700 K
or Rison v 1600 you're gonna have higher
IPC with the 6700 K you're gonna have
the same number of cores no excuse me no
you're gonna have more cores with
Verizon five six
hundred I'm sorry I was thinking 8700 K
I would go I mean I would probably pick
risin five 1600 over the 6700 K just
because you are gonna have more of those
chords at your disposal they won't be
clocked as high but again this is more
about see individual core utilization
here so if you designate two cores let's
say to render writer to stream with and
then two other cores to game with it I
mean that's all you got that's that's
that's tough even with a high frequency
it's assumed you can get your system
annotated to 4.6 4.7 gigahertz which is
tough on skylake horizon 5 to me despite
the frequency drop going from 4.6 to
maybe 4 on a 1600 with a decent be 50 X
370 board I think you're gonna have just
more breathing room because you're gonna
have six cores and 12 threads instead of
4 cores and 8 threads not fanboying
behind AMD I just think that the extra
cores are really are gonna matter when
you're streaming so yeah okay yeah yeah
black ops I saw your super chat I'm
getting to it I'm scrolling I'm
scrolling down here you mean once you
know segundo alright I have an AMD FX
6300 with a GT 730 what would you if I
can recommend for an upgrade I have a
300 watt PSU really good aftermarket
cooler dude that's tough man your 300
watt power supply is going to be a
limiter for sure if you upgrade if you
upgrade both your CPU and your graphics
card 300 is not going to cut it if it
does you're gonna be on the very upper
end of your spectrum so you're gonna
need to update a lot depends on how much
money you have it's kind of a vague
question you gotta tell me how much
money you have to spend what your
preferences are what you do with your PC
I don't know enough about it that you
send in your super chat to answer the
question fully but if I were you I would
upgrade everything if I could I would
completely upgrade that platform the FX
platform is as dead as anything right
now I just it's really tough to
recommend a CPU that you can buy on eBay
for 10 or 20 bucks just because nobody
wants them anymore because horizon is
such a good value it's just and
completely eliminated bulldozer and
piledriver architecture which is really
but at the same time GT 730 is a GD 730
like you could buy at 2200 G and be
better off than that so I don't know but
I would say everything if you
upgrade everything that's a tough one to
just start from like that's your frame
and your frames pretty weak I'm gonna
say it bluntly you might want to just
rebuild completely let's see
scrolling up yeah I see cyber sharks
said Kappa I see that at 40 whatever
whatever dollars sign that is what
computer do you have at your desk I have
two pcs on my desk I have the 2700 X and
I have the 8700 K both with 16 gigs of
ram no excuse me yeah both with 16 gigs
of RAM both with a 1070 ti both with 850
or a thousand watt power supply which is
way overkill but it just keeps the power
supply super quiet and one case is an SI
40 elite one case is a fractal design to
find C tempered glass scrolling down
here all right
peppers asked what car do I have I have
an Infiniti q60 red sport Luke I see a
important question what is the condition
of your eye 373 K does it still work and
do you still use it as a box opener I
don't know where I put that thing
you know I may be completely honest with
you I don't know where it is because I
don't care about it that much I mean I
give us a decent box opener because the
edges of CPUs are pretty sharp and when
you have like an LG a socket right when
you don't have pins literally on the CPU
it actually makes for a really great
cutting surface assuming you don't want
to you to CPU anymore
but I imagine it still works like unless
you actually like deface the bottom of
the CPU you know little connection
points I think you'll be okay still
using the CPU so I imagine it still
works I just don't know where it is and
I don't really care to know where it is
I will never use it in real life
let's see freaky Niki D I guess that's
how you say your name
thank you for the $2 super chat best
gaming share in your opinion IMO I've
been using verdaguer for a long time I
don't think they're the best gaming
chair out there but I think that for
what I prefer like this chair here I
think this is the SL mm it's super
comfortable it fits my profile perfectly
pretty narrow chair so wraps around it's
not like an uncomfortable boxy just
annoying like racing-style chair I think
there's actually like quality in these
the only thing I don't like about the
chair is the armrests the armrest is
just a piece of like rubberized plastic
I don't know how to describe it but it
just feels cheap and most gaming chairs
are gonna have like that cheap feeling
the ones that have like the you know the
faux leather coating on those are the
ones to go after but I mean there are
plenty of like noble chairs I don't know
will makes really good chairs main gear
and a few others that main gear I say
that right there's so many out there
she's dxracer like I can just think of
some off the top of my head and I know a
lot of people use but you just got to
pick the one that looks the best on
screen frankly the one that gets the
best reviews that you've seen the tech
tubers you follow and just pick one
let's see I'm scrolling down Greg is it
worth going x99 from x79 if found cheap
enough Matt I would only say it'd be
worth it if you can get decent money for
your x79 rig you can usually part with
like your motherboard for two three
hundred bucks those things are still
really expensive so if you can get a
decent amount of money back for your
platform upgrading shouldn't be an issue
I would condone that if you think that
it's a if you think it's viable King
ammo what's your favorite youtuber I
really like Doug demure Oh Doug a Doug
really just solidified himself as a
prominent car reviewer on YouTube and
his personality is what did it like it
was him it wasn't like the cars he
reviewed it wasn't you know like the the
equipment that he used it was only his
personality like the quirkiness the
awkwardness of his Doug I would love to
meet the guy in real life someday that
personality is what made his channel
what it is it's all him he did that a
hundred percent and I mean kudos to him
for it like he he found his niche and he
found what he was good at what people
liked and he just rolled with it so good
on him for that I I really like watching
his stuff he's got really good stuff out
there and his bugatti chiron review
like do you that was like the pinnacle
right there and when he also started
doing things with Jay Leno that was cool
that was a cool bit as well
bazinga act think for that five dollar
super chat why were you excited when you
shot your wife in the head during the
game you two played did you pay for it
afterwards let me tell ya yeah if you
don't know what he's talking about we I
want to be one my wife in cs:go and we
had a lot of fun but she destroyed me
and she was playing on I mean she was
playing all big-screen right with like
peripheral she never used before she
didn't like the mouse pad so I mean I
know how picky like professional players
are she had played pro before and she
still managed to destroy me
granted to see us go I don't play csgo
so I'm gonna use that as my excuse but
now I didn't really pay for it
afterwards I think she was okay with
just destroying me in the game and
leaving it at that but that one time I
over killed her that was that was really
it was worth it GTT a win cam in okay
what is that like North Korean Carnot's
no just kidding
whatever 20 is appreciate that do you
like x 58 running x6 yeah okay so this
is interesting I actually have looked at
these in the past a way back like a
couple years ago I was looking at these
heavy because I wanted to do a budget
build that use the 675 or a derivative
of that I wanted to do the LG LGA 775
mod I want to do a lot of stuff like
that and I haven't yet I just never
jumped on the hardware like I'm always a
little skeptical about buying stuff from
eBay sellers I try to stick with just
Amazon new aganist I'm purposely going
used and then I look to Craigslist first
because then I can like at least kind of
feel out the seller maybe do a bit of
due diligence and test components but
yeah I'm never actually um I've never
actually built the system like that but
there's a reason why they're popular
popular from a budget standpoint for
sure so maybe in the near future okay
scrolling down here okay Beastmaster 101
I got the Rison
1600 23.8 gigahertz on 1.26 volts good
voltage on the stock cooler is that like
a good chip that I have or does everyone
get 3.8 at 1.26
that's 3.8 is is not difficult to hit
like at all
I would say three point nine and four is
where it starts getting real mean these
are exponential right the amount of
voltage required to hit frequency past a
certain point becomes exponentially
larger and as a result right you have to
deal with a lot more thermal input or
output excuse me from the from the
electric energy input right so I would
say you probably got it you got a good
one that's better than my 1600 I'll tell
you that I don't know how much better it
is I haven't actually done like a survey
to see what the average voltage is but I
would be totally fine trading with you
because you have a better one than I do
I'll leave it at that
okay yeah hooroo I totally butchered
that he said hi Greg so I'm gonna say hi
back leavin Castillo hold on one second
here $2 to perch at how much should I
sell my 1063 gig card for a lot of
people are trying to sell those on eBay
for like 250 300 like I would ask I
don't know if you want to start that
high that's fine go on eBay go on
Craigslist see what other people are
asking pressure similarly and then if
you want to undercut them lower the
price just a little bit I don't know
your market but if I was just wanting a
quick sale on a 1063 gig I would sell it
for like 220 or I put it up there for
220 and then maybe take as low as 180
that's because I know that you probably
didn't pay much more for that unless you
bought it during the mining craze so
let's see Nikolas and ie said I think I
said that right
I was looking to get the mic you have
but can't really afford the expensive
interface do you think that a cheaper
one will have many sacrifices with audio
okay so I know firsthand what this is
like right having a mixer like I have
here or using just a simple phantom
power box right that's XLR 2 XLR
male/female that plugs into a wall
there's no controls on it it's all
software it's all like stuff you control
on your PC right
that is going to be perfectly fine I
would say I like when you guys if you
want to watch any of my last three or
four videos those were all filmed with a
pile phantom power box right 48 volts
that would phantom is and things for
evil and all that does is connect to the
wall right just a simple outlet gives
that thing power
I just went out of focus that was weird
gives it power and then I have an XLR
that converts directly to a three and a
half mil Jack that plugs into my camera
on one end so that's the input XLR and
the output XLR runs into oh no sorry the
output XLR runs into the camera via the
three-and-a-half millimeter jack the
input runs from my mic so XLR two XLR on
the input XLR it's a three and a half
millimeter on the output which you get
rid of the ground there when you do that
but the audio is still fine I mean you
can watch the video it's pretty much
unedited like it's it's actually clean
audio already straight up so there's not
much you know that I have to do to it
compression wise editing wise in
audacity what-have-you so it actually
sounds pretty good I would say that's
perfectly fine you don't need a mixer
what is the best case under 70 bucks
Jimmy 142 Schmidt I have a few videos
talking about really dirt cheap cases
the fantex p300 is really cheap check
that one out deep was a case coming out
that was like 40 something dollars that
we showcased at Computex that was a
really good value trying to think that
even like the fantex p 350 i want to say
it which i'm gonna review and do buildin
very soon that case is around your price
range so consider that one as well yeah
there are plenty I mean all you got to
do is just go on Amazon and set your
your parameters right to a max of 70
bucks and just keep scrolling till you
find something interesting and then when
you find something interesting YouTube
it so watch reviewers review it and then
make up your mind that way that's still
what I do like I watch other reviewers
review products that I'm looking to buy
myself right for personal use though
it's kind of funny but yeah I mean I
still like I'll go to J or I'll go to
Kyle or I'll go to
mitri or lioness or any of them to watch
a review especially on like laptops and
stuff because I don't get laptops
samples usually so if I want to buy a
laptop and I'm looking at you know like
what are the features what does the
screen look like how do they feel about
the keyboard stuff that you can't just
look at on a picture and discern you
know how does a coil line all that good
stuff how hot does it run you can find
all those in reviews and that's why
channels like these are pretty important
right for people trying to make
decisions purchasing decisions
especially expensive purchases so yeah
that's really all I have to say about
that but I would say just use Amazon
Newegg and then check your reviews
silver dollar nine and nine super chatty
shorted me one penny don't be a little
bitter about it I'm just kidding
Salizar you said my name congratulations
anyway thank you for the super chat
I see somebody here Matthew Johnson is
that a pickle looks like a pickle to me
and this goal and it's so Lika
I totally butchered that I'm so sorry I
think it's two words and I'm messing it
up anyway could you please recommend a
motherboard for an i-5 8400 associated
with a gtx 1070 ex and a cooler main
purpose is gaming in Full HD
B I mean B 360 I look at MSI for cheap b
360 boards i've reviewed
i'm pretty sure i've already reviewed
one if i haven't looked for just type in
msi be 360 i usually look the msi for
the cheaper stuff if you want that just
a more durable I think better-looking
usually stuff I go with a soos gigabytes
kind of a fair middle ground but I would
go with msi be 360 as long as you can
get around some of the BIOS issues
people have you should be fine they're
cooler hyper 212 is a pretty staple
cooler you go with AG a max GT from deep
cool a cryo rig h7 cryo Rick's good
stuff as well you get the more expensive
stuff usually when you go to like be
quite or Noctua
okay stable and trippy I have what he is
talking about and messed up once in a
while but it does sound really nice
people say I would recommend a dynamic
microphone if your house is noisy or you
like loud keyboards yeah
it's true dynamic mics will do you a
solid definitely it's a good point yeah
I haven't had any issues at all with my
with my pile phantom power box like it's
no issues
yeah and it's it's scary because if
something does happen while I'm filming
I'm not gonna know it and that whole
clip is gonna be shot so it it's kind of
a risk but I haven't had any issues so
far with mine okay let's see here should
I get a 1080i with my AMD CPU King Kong
named John I would only buy a 1080 T
I've even get one for around 600 bucks I
wouldn't pay a dime over 600 or 650
straight up I just unless you really
need a 1080 Ti they're not worth what
they're selling for ran out they're not
worth $800 they're not worth even $700 I
would argue unless you're getting a
really beefy cooler from a reputable
brand and you're just like yeah I'm
gonna do it or unless you're buying one
with a pre-installed water block let's
say but 1080 Ti is in my opinion the
sweet spot right now for those cards
should be around 600 bucks or so and
we're not seeing that still so I would
wait a little longer
just get a 1070 for now usually that'll
tie you over in 1080p and 1440p gaming
this case scrolling up here I missed a
couple okay
okay you guys are answering each other's
questions this is really cool thank you
take some of the load off okay yeah
which is better for an FX 6300 and msi
cent 760 than a motherboard a geforce
set 560 TI or a power color radeon HD
7850 oh that's a tough one
I gotta go back and look at those
benchmarks cuz I actually don't think I
remember that's gonna be something you
have to do reviews on I never just
picked on the head the higher framerate
that's what I would do just go with the
one that gives you the higher framerate
I haven't tested out of those cards
personally and the accounts that I do
have on hand I don't have it like 100 on
hand I don't have them right in front of
me so your guess is as good as mine I
would do the research and find it out
I'm sorry I don't have more of an answer
for you the older stuff I'm just not as
keen on okay all right if you guys would
stop putting the red circles around the
text to get my attention I'm purposely
avoiding those just so you guys know so
if you put a red circle around it I'm
not gonna read it that's not fair
because then everyone's gonna spam red
circles and then I'm just not gonna yeah
I'm not going to read anything as if red
circles everywhere okay going back to
the tech stuff
hi Greg is it worth it to buy a 7700 K
is second-hand just to enable until
obtained on a-z 270 board or invest in
an MDOT - or SSD storage I have a 6700 K
on my z 270 yeah stick with a 6700 K I
don't think there's a reason at all I
don't think octane is a reason alone to
upgrade obtains good on like a budget
basis if you really want to bike and
bump up your hard drive speeds octane is
like a super fast cash in in essence but
if you already have a 6700 SD 270 board
then you probably already have the funds
for an SSD or an MDOT - SSD so I would
just stick with that
there's no sense - in my opinion
upgrading the CPU alone that that just
doesn't add up
okay um somebody asked I saw a question
here okay J the Fox can you do a guide
on overclock on a gigabyte motherboard
okay so the reason why you can't do like
gigabyte and Asus and MSI they all have
different boards they all have obviously
they're different boards but they all
have different biases all they're there
you eyes look very different but the
general stuff is the same I already have
an overclocking guy to upload like two
years ago it's the same procedure it's
all pretty much worded the same you know
it's it's not there's not something I
think I need to make a review for every
manufacturer because it's all boarded
basically the same and if you're
concerned about what a word actually
means you can google it usually a forum
will tell you someone else will have a
question that you
have and it'll usually be answered right
underneath it what it actually means
like instead of calling a vcore they
might call a CPU voltage right but you
know v core is that well sometimes it's
worded a little differently there are
different types of CPU voltage there's
like input voltage
there's V core and there's CPU voltage
like there's definitely there several
different terms that don't always mean
the same thing so gotta be careful but
if you're concerned about that check the
motherboard manual if you want to be
cool I guess or just google what it
actually means and type in the
manufacturer you'll have your answer
there is ambiguity good
yeah only thinking for the good prices
Dalton I would say four of Vega 56
around 400 bucks no more than 400 for
Vega 64 no more than maybe 500 I I
wouldn't pay more than 500 bucks for
Vega 64 honestly but that's in it that's
in a better market than we have now so
right now they're to me they're just not
very feasible okay let's see excuse me
okay so would the phantom power box be
better than a $30 mixer Nikolas the
mixers have phantom power built-in so
it's all this I mean it's all gonna be
the same as long as it says phantom
power it's gonna be phantom power if you
want to spend 30 bucks on a mixer then
just do that as long as the reviews are
fine I don't think you have anything to
worry about but if you want the
versatility a mixer is gonna be better
for you when do you think in video
released a new mid-range GPU I don't
expect it to be this year honestly now
that we've seen what Nvidia is hoping to
get to right with the next-gen
architecture I don't think it's gonna be
this year I really don't but that is I
mean and especially right now with but
how graphics cards are I don't think
they need to make any I mean if I was if
I was them right now I would be
perfectly fine with the demand that I
already have on the current supply so if
I am in a current R&D phase which we
know they are then I have no I don't see
any reason to rush the launch so I'm
pretty sure they're just taking it slow
making sure everything's refined
and I think AMD's doing the same thing
so I think given the current market
situations I don't feel the need to I
think it's a part of it at least that's
how I would see it I never tried Vegas
64 how good is it compared to Titan XP
if Titan XP if I recall that's tight and
XP is gonna be better than they get 64
Vegas 64 think of Vegas 64 like a 1080
it's very comparable in gaming
situations to a 1080 although its
compute power its Hall compute power is
much higher because it does have so many
stream processors at its disposal so the
use case varies actually a bit more for
Vegas 64 but in a general sense in most
games the 1080 TI or at 1080p in general
or Italian XP will be a superior
graphics card okay what would be a good
CPU GPU combo for Canadians I don't know
your Canadian currency I don't follow
Canadian markets at all I don't follow
market trends for Canadians I don't
follow their prices but I've always said
the best value bang for the buck system
you can build it's gonna be a risin 5
and like a 1070 is pretty good or a 10
60 or rx 580 like that kind of like
mid-range area is usually where you get
the most bang for your buck because of
the jump from a 1062 ascend 1070 is huge
right it's a huge jump between those 2
cards in most games but the price jump
is not as high 300 bucks to 400 bucks
it's not a huge jump that's in a better
market than we have now but back when
these cards were cheaper right below I'm
sorry like they should have been like
they should be now that was a in my
opinion a reasonable price jump for the
extra performance you were getting in
the 1070 okay yeah when do we have what
do you think of thread Ripper - I think
it's very niche case I mean like a lot
of people will want the Red River and
thread report to and intel extreme CPUs
because they want the extra cores
because they want to be able to do
multiple things at the same time but
honestly to be able to utilize all those
cores to their full potential it's gonna
take some serious like serious
productivity work like it's I don't use
most of the time all six cores or all
cores on this machine like I'm streaming
right now I'm using the Nvidia encoder
my CPU is idling at 2% right now I
literally see it in stream labs 2.8
percent 2.2 percent 1.8 percent like
it's literally just chilling like it's
the lowest temperature right now and the
system's super quiet because I'm using
the Nvidia encoder so like I don't even
use the CPU when I'm streaming now when
I'm gaming I might if I'm playing csgo I
might not need to because csgo is gonna
leverage I would say the CPU probably
more if you're gaming at a lower
resolution lower presets then than the
GPU right so maybe I want to keep the
Nvidia encoder on for that to offset the
CPU leverage but if I'm playing pub G
and I know the graphics can be utilized
ninety percent a hundred percent then I
might want to change back to the h.264
accessories before encoder so it really
depends on the unused case scenario
let's see here I have Megatech dec kid
GD I so I don't need to reinstall
windows when changing motherboards I
usually know if you're changing
motherboards you won't have to you might
have a few driver updates as you boot
into Windows the first time after the
swap but you might also have issues like
other driver conflicts like Windows is
really finicky like it'll make you think
that all your driver conflicts are
eliminated even when you switch between
Intel and AMD with the same SSD which
you can do by the way I've done that
before but you'll notice a huge
performance degradation when it comes to
games and coding all of that because you
have driver conflicts right because
Windows 10 doesn't completely eliminate
a lot of those drivers that were
specifically for Intel right or
specifically for Andy whichever platform
you're coming from so it's not as simple
as just plug and play but if you're just
switching a motherboard I would say in
most cases yeah you're not gonna need a
you know do a fresh OS install but run
some benchmarks before and after just to
see would be interesting as your
interesting experiment nonetheless
Jojen King says you under and you
underestimate the sheer number of 3d
artists salivating for the release of
threader 4 - yeah the sheer number of 3d
artists dude is not high compared to the
number of gamers
like there's this doesn't even come
close they're so niche like they're
probably less than 1% I'm sure they're
salivating over and they should write
programmers compilers all those kinds of
workloads are definitely going to
utilize the cores but most people don't
do that like I would say 95 at least
percent of people don't do that kind of
stuff and don't do any kind of workload
that would push 32:28 whatever number of
cores you'll have ok Alf X says what are
you gonna do more science videos
whenever I just need some topics if you
guys have suggestions you can leave
those in the comments you can leave them
in this chat I'll check those out take
notes and if you want to tweet at me you
can do that as well you guys know my
Twitter I assume at sign studio YT and
there you go ok what does the 980ti
compare to these days 1070 ish maybe
vertical limit I have a video literally
comparing head-to-head the 1070 TI or
excuse me the 1070 and 92 TI they're
very very close from a frame rate
perspective the only did major
difference I would say is that I need to
see I consume slightly more power so
higher TDP on the nati side its Maxwell
architecture it's slightly less
efficient anyway actually it's pretty
significantly less efficient when you
compare it like past link Pascal is
actually really efficient for what it is
the jump in performance compared to the
jump in power consumption which was
actually a dip in power consumption is
really incredible that was Pascal's big
accomplishment was how little power it
actually needed to output right just for
that that raw GPU power the tea flop
value whatever you want to look at frame
rate value that you're getting from the
graphics card itself based on the power
input is incredible with Pascal ok yeah
scrolling down John Mark Africa says
thank you for your content
thank you for watching John and thank
you for checking out the livestream on
this late Sunday night or early Monday
morning wherever you live on the planet
might be late Monday morning I don't
know ok
over a year ago you made a video on the
r9 fury in regards to 2018 what do you
think now would be a good price for it
for an aura 9 fury oh gosh I was
comparing it in that video to a 1070 TI
earth to it I keep saying 1070 - yeah -
a 1070 1070 T I wasn't released yet
it was a 1070 and I was saying away look
10 70s 400 bucks for 50 bucks right when
he's released the r9 fury I believe was
like 250 us for an aura in fury now
power consumption aside I would say it's
it's worth about 200 bucks I probably
wouldn't pay him $100 for an r9 theory
but I mean they're they're good cards
they just they run really hot and they
they're they're pretty liberal in the
power consumption so something else to
consider there Larry trolling crawling
$2.00 super chat thank you he says great
Channel I appreciate that you guys are
great fans and great viewers if you
don't want the cars of a fan at least
you just view the channel I appreciate
do you think the volta cards will have a
tensor course to enable r-tx and games I
don't know you actually want to do a
video in tensor course and so I'm gonna
save that for a separate video when I do
more research to talk about them but yes
I have I have actually heard of that so
we'll wait or I say something incorrect
we'll wait to to do a full-on video on
what a tensor core is and why it would
be useful for falsi do you think Ram
prices will go back down to average
prices when do you think that's elias's
question Ram prices are already starting
to work their way down at least in the
States 16 gigs now costs maybe 150 160
for a you know a decent kit not one
that's like RGB and all that stuff
that's crazy but a 16 gig kit if like
3,000 megahertz Ram I can find you one
right now for 160 US on either new bag
or Amazon so the prices are coming down
they're no longer like 200 bucks and
above but when they finally regulate
where they should be that's gonna be a
while in court cases class-action
lawsuits they all take a lot of time all
these huge hefty fines these companies
we have to pay I you know it's not
something that just happens overnight so
I would say at least six more months
maybe a couple more years if we look at
historical trends when this happened
last time it took it took about a year
for prices to fully regulate if I recall
correctly because I do have video on
so you might want to go back and look at
the historical charts again to get
better context because this is basically
the same thing it's just a little
slightly different because the the big
three right Samsung hi Nixon micron like
they're like 95 96 percent of the memory
chip market and remember suppliers and
they're being hit pretty hard right now
so it all just depends if it's not gonna
be an overnight process so I will say
that I would say 2019 by the earliest it
was my opinion Zac more tabs a be
thinking for the pseudo two-dollar super
check is YouTube your full time what
about your degree
yeah YouTube's my full time I'm still of
students I'm working on my MBA and I'll
graduate in October I'll finish my
classes in October I'll officially
graduate in December so I got a drive to
Louisiana to do that again but I don't
use I don't use my engineering degree I
mean that kind I mean there are a few
things they kind of overlap with what I
do now on YouTube but most of it is
separate because it's a petroleum degree
that's very easy it's not specific in a
sense like I mean you've a petroleum
degree you expect to work on a rig but
the stuff we learn in class overlaps a
lot with mechanical degrees I would feel
comfortable applying for you know a
basic or general mechanical engineering
degree job just because we take a lot of
the same classes a lot of the same
statics mechanics and materials
transport phenomena thermodynamics all
that stuff we had to take so there's a
lot of overlap there but I I just
despite knowing that I could make a lot
more money in the field I like doing
there's a lot more and when I when I
have my MBA I might not even need to use
my engineering degree it's still so I
don't know we'll see Jonathan Hwang
asked do you mind if I ask but what race
are you well I'm clearly white that is
my race that my ethnicity I'm Hispanic
so dad's side of the family's Spain
Spanish heritage that's why my last name
is what it is I'm from Swedish so Mac
Alex andis
that's interesting comment silt matka
nicholas a ship patellae who is rate n
worth it and if so how do you set it up
i haven't done a video on setting up
radiate I would say there's I mean
there's a case for either raid one or
raid 0 but raid 10 it's varied I don't
think it's necessary for most people
it's very niche again I don't think you
should bother unless you have really
important documents that you want to
keep backed up all the time if you want
this really fast right speeds and like
all this storage your disposal and I
don't know I I just don't think it's for
the average consumer it's not worth it
Michael Allen do you think bitcoin
mining will actually be profitable with
internet companies putting monetary data
caps and services after they get rid of
net neutrality
I don't really know they don't really
talk about bitcoins very much I don't
care about Bitcoin mining I don't do it
I'll never do it I just think it's an
unregulated cesspool so that's my
comment on Bitcoin mining what year is
your infinity did you buy it new Steven
I it's a 2017 I bought it with like 10k
miles on it so it comes it's so it's
nice like a powertrain was an infinity
certified car so it's got the warranty
and all that good stuff that's really
about it I'll save the rest of the stuff
for the video that we eventually do on
the car okay what's up Tony god I have
really PC customs Channel and here I
forgot I made you a moderator I'm really
glad I did that and the answer to your
question is da I'm super lazy dude I
mean I showed you I used to get used to
get lit in the gym but I lost all that
weight cuz I'm lazy when it comes to
working out now I would just rather be
making videos that's what makes me money
and now that I'm living on my own I
definitely feel the need to prioritize
work over bodybuilding okay high five
8400 is one of the best gaming CPUs
that's true that actually is in my
testing when do you think augmented
reality gaming will be
mass market I think that's got maybe
5-10 years
we're still a good ways away because
it's so expensive anything that's new
like that is gonna take time from a
price standpoint before it ever
penetrates the typical consumer market
so a good while I would say a decade
roughly scroll them down we have look at
the new stuff meet mics
hey man just built a new PC my AIO tubes
are touching the heat plate of the GPU
is it safe thanks yeah
typically it's gonna be okay the I've
had that happen you know it's something
you can't really help when the tubes are
long they just kind of hang above that
back plate and the back plates gonna get
hot like the back plates of most
graphics cards usually don't have any
thermal properties but they still get
hot because they're connected right via
metal screws to the PCB to the whatever
it's connected to underneath that some
thermal plates some back plates do have
thermal properties or like they'll have
like thermal pads connecting the PCB to
the back plate not that it helps very
much it's long you know yeah the fans
really they get rid of the heat there
but the AIO tubes aren't gonna melt or
anything like that you'll be perfectly
fine okay any tips for set for any tips
into selling CAHSEE you just had a
question I was like midway reading it
and you deleted it
Gigi okay so I'm gonna get my parts for
my new PC to do tomorrow do I need 64
gigs of ram for video editing and
rendering or 32 gigs enough bein slaves
32 gigs is plenty for almost any video
editing I can think of I use 16 gigs for
most of my video editing work and you're
not gonna tell difference 99% of
scenarios between 8 gigs and 16 gigs
yeah probably but 16 gigs is enough I
would say for a lot of people 32 gigs is
just kind of like saying okay if I ever
need the extra I got it even though you
know in the back your head you're not
gonna use usually that much of it okay
here we have
some good stuff give me some good stuff
folks what happens if you never clean
your pc build King mo you just Google
that answer that question what do you
personally think the max monitor size
for 1080p is it's a good question I
think probably 20
I think 24 inches is a good stopping
point for 1080p 27 inches you're gonna
start to see pixels within about two
feet of viewing distance I can see
pixels now on this display and this is a
24 inch display 1080p it's up to 40
Hertz panel that was a selling point of
it from thank you but it's 24 inches
right which is pretty big for a 1080p
panel and then 1440p carrying on with
that question I would say 27 inches I
think 32 inches is too big for any
mother for any monitor I just don't like
that size personally ultra-wide though
like a 34 inch ultra wide that's a good
size because that's about 27 inch right
height wise but it's longer this way
longer horizontally and I think that's a
really cool combo 34 40 by 1440 okay
here there's some good stuff folks good
stuff are you taking your MacBook Pro in
for keyboard issues yeah I talked about
this actually a good question John so I
talked about this in the MacBook
keyboard issue video or Apple officially
announced that their keyboards are trash
and that they break it or become
defective very easily like the small
speck of dust falls between the key and
the key service underneath it just it
won't register it's not tactile and the
operating systems need to detect the the
actuation of the key so yeah probably
the only thing is though I have to send
the MacBook in for that and it's just
gonna take a while to send it in and get
it back and I don't know if I want to
say goodbye to my laptop for that long
sorry that's probably loud just because
I do a lot of my school work on the
laptop so I don't know if I want to say
goodbye to it for that long
have you ever seen use the del s 2716 DG
monitor is it worth the price I have not
reviewed that I haven't seen it in
person so I can't tell you now but I'll
look into it okay we have a question
from Carlos Batista why does Walmart
sell gaming PC's and can you make a
video about Walmart gaming pcs I wasn't
is walmart sells gaming pcs they're
probably not going to be very expensive
my Walmart doesn't have gaming pcs we
have three Walmart's here but the one
that is closest to me doesn't have
gaming PC's I don't think I'll look
online and see but I in my opinion
they're gonna be similar to Best Buy pcs
don't make compromises usually where
they make the most compromises is on
either the PSU like power supply is
gonna be trashed gonna be like a no-name
off-brand not eighty plus rated that's
how it usually isn't cheaper gaming pcs
from companies like Walmart or Best Buy
and then also RAM is probably gonna be
skimp out on you might have eight gigs
of RAM but it's gonna be bear sticks I
mean they're gonna give you the cheapest
stuff they can write to increase their
margins makes you ask if I smell good
and the answer that is let's see yeah
it's not pretty good oh I'm impressed
with myself right now 10:42 p.m. just
trucking along
I don't smell bad Rodimus what do you
think is the best headset for under $100
I really like the HS 70s from Corsair I
really like each other gaming headset
it's really tough the one I mean I use
this razer kraken not a Kraken what's it
called Razer
I forget the name of it it's this one
whichever one this one is it might be
the Kraken actually I think it is a
the Razer Kraken headset which i think
is a little overpriced set small nice it
uses I have a void Pro don't buy that I
have an HS 748 even
a sin Heiser x58
I think 58 something I have that one as
well and that one is good but there's no
mic so take that for what you want you
AG vir virus
EXO whatever kind that is he's got a
virus in it that's a kind of a cool name
thank you for the $2 super check when
will a I Automation uproot the workforce
dude it's already up I mean it's up root
I don't know what you mean by that but
we have we have automation already
taking place and a lot of the
manufacturing sectors of developing and
developed countries I have I was
actually in an automation Club if you
will in school so I know a little bit
about this but a lot of things are
already automated like automation is
just about making things simpler it's
about improving tasks right so like I
remember I wrote a paper for one of
these people had to impress for
something with is a and I wrote it on
the automatic gearbox and I said look
there are downsides clearly from a you
know biased perspective people like
shifting like the feeling of manual
shifts in a car they like being able to
control it just more direct feedback
right from a manual transmission
it feels sporty or whatever you can
argue however you want but straight-up
automatic gearboxes today are so good at
what they do especially the dual clutch
transmissions they just they shift super
quick faster than any human can shift
and because of that you can accelerate
quicker you don't I mean you just a
regular automatic transmission
perspective it's it's it's pretty much
peace of mind I mean it you just drive
you don't have to worry about manually
shifting using your left foot on a
clutch right especially cause it's a
really heavy clutch in any race car
nowadays that wants to be the fastest it
can be is going to use an automatic
transmission it is because it's just a
quicker easier thing to do unless you
have a use case scenario where manually
shifting is beneficial quicker shifts
are almost always gonna happen with
automatic gearboxes and that was an
example that I used with is a to just
say hey you know here's automation at
so yeah I think it's kind of already
happening know what else you mean by
Pat Adolfo have you ever considered
adapting old film lenses on your
mirrorless I've thought about it but I I
just I don't
I'm not comfortable enough with that yet
just to be frank I like experimenting
with lenses but I just don't know enough
yet about color grading about getting
like the lighting correct in a shot to
want to just dive right on into like
vintage lens filming with mirrorless I
just don't think that it's worth it for
me for what I do yet velociraptor King
can you do more Craigslist videos yes I
definitely can they'll be coming up soon
that's okay it's a stable entropy is it
bad to use the manual part of an
automatic transmission like paddle
shifters instead of letting the car
decide that's a good question depends
really on the gearbox some cars it's not
it's not as good as letting the computer
decide when to shift it's bad from a
fuel economy perspective usually because
if you're manually shifting you're gonna
let your revs run a little higher than
an automatic gearbox would which in an
effect of that is trying to save on fuel
but I think the long-term effects of it
yeah it's gonna be a little worse on the
transmission because you are forcefully
telling it when to shift especially when
you're when you're gunning it right
you're letting those revs run high and
it's kind of waiting for you right to
unlock the clutch let the clutch grab
again and just unlock the clutch you
know what I mean for that clutch to grab
right when you're just just revving that
engine that's tough on it
it's tough on any gearbox but when you
tell it when to do that it's gonna
typically result in just a bit more wear
than when the computer decides to shift
instead you know if we're getting kind
of too fond of cars here would you
rather have the I'm gonna say worst PC
and have 5k but can't build a PC wait
what do Kingham oh you gotta like you're
gonna fix some of those words dude I
don't know what you're saying I think
what's up Krypton ik he was ubering just
saw the notification what's going on
with you I hope you're not you burning
and watching that would be dangerous we
saw a couple super chats I want to go
back here mr. KF gaming $5 super chat my
dude Greg what do you expect from this
rumored eight course 16 thread Intel
chip do you think it will be soldered if
soldered how would it affect your
opinion good question I think it would
definitely help my opinion of Intel CPUs
if they soldered like AMD does rise and
CPUs are soldered in case you're
wondering it's not easy to deal it'd
that was as far as I know I'm pretty
sure summit ridge was soldered I think
that the second round is as well but AMD
or excuse me but Intel is not they uses
really trashy thermal interface and the
the IHS just kind of sits on that right
but there's it's not gonna be as
efficient as if you actually soldered it
to the die which is a delicate process
mind you you don't want to ruin the die
during the soldering process which is
why he's like liquid metal and stuff
when they deal at CPUs but I think yeah
I would help my opinion of it I just
don't think that I I don't know it
depends on what Intel price is that
eight core chip at if they price it at
450 they're done for I think that I
would only recommend the 2700 X because
it just doesn't make much sense to me to
buy an eight core consumer grade sheet
CPU which we've had from Intel right but
not consumer grade we've had extreme
versions of this 6950 a 20k or not 50 to
me the 59 60 X those were eight core
extreme additions we know what you can
get right but from a price to
performance perspective I think the 2700
X so the 2700 you can have a much better
foot to to jump off of because it's
already so much cheaper than Intel's
newest so if Intel priced the eight core
at around what the six core already is
priced at and 300 350 ish dollar range I
think they're they're just sticking it
to int to end it to AMD if they do that
that's great I don't think they roll
though Intel's Intel they think their
products appear and they're gonna charge
more for it no matter what so don't
count on it
okay dare dare thank you for the
wonderful super chat
let's see here virus donated another
four dollars through a super chair I
should have said robots thanks for your
Oh robots okay that's really saying so
you're talking about like robots taking
over jobs actually we walked into a
McDonald's a couple weeks ago and they
had like these machines where you can
just order off of those instead of a
cashier and I'm wondering I'm thinking
in the back of my head I'm like I wonder
if these machines actually took people's
jobs like literally like they fired
employees so that they could put these
machines in place I just I wondered if
that actually had anything to do with it
or if they're keeping their jobs they're
just kind of like dealing with the
orders and not taking them you know
they're just fulfilling them okay couple
more questions my voice is absolutely
true hashed right now we've been going
at this for a solid hour thanks to those
who are still watching you guys awesome
can you do a video about tech support
scammers that would be pretty funny like
we could bait one I don't know that I
just I think that's - it's just not
worth my time frankly if you guys want a
good lul or - there are some that are
already on YouTube but I just don't
think that it's worth it trying to trap
one of these guys they're all over the
okay scrolling down will you be making
more gaming videos with the wifey I'm
sure Stephanie we will be she we might
do something like in I don't know it's
hard to do like a 1v1 in pub G unless
you just want to jump out of the math
and find guns and just kill each other
but I think I want to do more 1v1 stuff
with her it's just really fun to to get
competitive because she's the same way
she's as if not more competitive than I
am when it comes to these games and it's
because I mean she did it like that was
that was something she did
professionally so she she definitely has
that spirit and I like that because I
like it I'm like that too but we gotta
find games that do that list so if you
guys have recommendations for games like
that like we used to play games together
like portal we played portal a lot
together and that was just cuz it was
like a puzzle solving game right so we
had to work together and sometimes it
was frustrating sometimes I got mad at
her and I was like do this do this and
then just you know she's mad at me
because I'm mad at her vice-versa
it's I don't know you guys probably
wouldn't be into that kind of stuff but
we could do stuff like that on her
twitch channel okay one more question
one more question Christian Torres I
literally answered that question about a
MacBook Pro I have a video on that like
maybe three or four weeks ago maybe
sooner than that just scroll down the
videos you'll see that that answered in
detail what's up trucker Baum hashtag
dead battery Club you don't have a dead
battery you have a battery that's half
full and if you continue sponsoring us
you're gonna have a battery that's even
more full trust me to be worth it if you
stick around for two more months you're
gonna have a full-on green battery and
it's gonna look dope okay it will it
just well you'll see you'll see mr.
hip-hop what happened to sell is our
Studios dude that's like that was way
back man I had I had a video on sells
our Studios name change in like a year
ago or whatever that happened anyway
yeah science studio went to sell is our
studio and then went back to science
studio I don't know it's kinda like what
Brian did right Tech yes city then tech
city and then tech yes city at we are
those weird phases but uh I I don't know
I think science studio is better in a
long run
Louise asked why D why did you avoid my
question about techsmith's price
increase on Louise I'm not avoiding your
question there's so many questions here
I can't answer every single one of them
I don't even know what Camtasia stof
software is so even if I did not ignore
your question I don't know how to answer
your question I don't know what that
software is mr. KF gaming hype for that
full battery see that's the point right
I know it's like kind of me suckering
you into like paying me more money which
is that what's making me like 350 a
month because YouTube takes whatever
they take 40% or what-have-you
you guys are just you want to get that
green battery and like the one you guys
have now like the brown one it shouldn't
look brown it should actually look
orange but the orange one just wasn't
showing up very well and it looked very
similar to the yellow one so I made it a
darker orange so that we could see
prominently the two bars and then the
next one's gonna be yellow so you have
three bars there and then the green
battery's gonna be all four bars fully
charged if you're a sponsor for forum
okay one more question give me the good
stuff give me the good stuff are you
gonna play battlefield 5 probably not
I'm more of a cod guy I would probably
play ecology two before I play
battlefield I don't I didn't like
battlefield one I really didn't like it
very much
battlefield 4 was cool though stable
entropy if you are a sponsor there's a
sponsor button right below here should
be over there some over there maybe what
it's somewhere underneath the video
screen if you sponsor us it's like three
it's like five bucks a month we take
like 350 of that because YouTube takes a
cut you get special badges and perks and
live chats and common sections your
badges still show up your badge
increases right you change badges the
longer that you're a sponsor so that's
why I have the battery thing so you have
a really small battery that's like no
charge and then the second month you
sponsor us you get a slightly higher
charge battery which is what trucker
bomb has and mr. pay F gaming have and
then after you sponsor for four months
you get a full on green battery so
that's like one way of showing your
seniority and you've supported us
financially monetarily however you want
to look at it on a channel by having
those yeah by having that little logo
there next year we also need to come up
with like a special emoji so we are
already sponsoring need to like shoot me
some ideas be email or whatever and send
me some ideas for cool emojis that you
guys get to use exclusively exclusively
as sponsors kind of like yeah it's
basically like twitch subs basically
thanks for saying that look graphics I
guess I could have just said that begin
with alright one more one more thing
here we go
Greg what do you use to capture game
footage and what bitrate do you use so
to capture game footage I use it's it's
I have a an aviary media card in here
but I don't actually use it for anything
to capture game footage usually I use
shadowplay I just because I'm used to
using shadow play I think it's pretty
low key low profile I don't use it when
I benchmark just so you know I benchmark
separately and then they go back and
then I shadow play a separate benchmark
if you see a benchmark or run or
something like that so you have yeah you
have that and that's something the
I just used for games like right now
what I'm doing is I'm just using stream
labs and the bitrate that I stream at is
4,000 kilobits per second which is
pretty good for 4000 KB is is decent for
1080p but I'm using a 1080p 30 webcam
like this c920 Logitech that everyone
uses it seems like so Michael XFX why do
you keep saying last question and
continue on doing questions Michael if
it bothers you that much you can just
leave I'm so sorry we have let's hear
please answer my question AB his Schick
Hodge re I totally butchered that can
you make a video of cooling a processor
for the thermoelectric chip I maybe I
guess if I want to have fun one day
maybe we'll get around to that that
would be interesting and weird one
question do you have YouTube premium no
I don't have YouTube premium no I don't
let's see Krypton excuse me crap for
using avermedia I was honestly too
achieved by the elgato I don't have any
legato connection but Brian does so
Brian was like I'll do to hook you up
because like you know a bigger way to
introduce you guys and you can review it
and do whatever but I just I just like a
screw it I'll just buy a never me dia
card I don't use every media software by
the way I just kind of use it as like a
pass-through capture card but yeah I
probably should have gone with oh god oh
just because it's more common support is
a little better I think now that I know
it anyway folks we're gonna wrap this
one up and if you decide to stick around
I know it's late on a Sunday night you
guys probably have work in the morning
or if you if you're not in school well
you're fine on school if you have no
summer glasses nobody want to hang out a
little longer
we have a surprise for you guys Lisa and
I think Lisa's gonna play I don't know
if she's actually gonna play them I'll
play to say the least we'll be playing
some pub G after this we're gonna pub it
up if you guys are not already in the
discord server it is free to join we
don't charge for that although you do
get ranked like if you're just a regular
join member you have a certain like
access criteria if you're a patreon
supporter or a YouTube sponsor you get
access to like private chats and stuff
like private
little what am i what am I looking for
here just not servers but channels I
guess that's what I should say a channel
yeah but yeah just something to give
them a little extra more of a personal
connection to the channel I should be
more involved in that for sure they
always give me crap for not being here
all the time but I'm a busy guy what can
I say so stick around for that we're
gonna have the twitch livestream airing
very soon I will be sure to post it on
Twitter if you guys want to follow us on
Twitter it'll be a good way to catch up
on news for now this is after hours
number 15 thanks for watching and we'll
see you in the next one
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