LIVE Q&A | Ask Us Anything! - Science Studio After Hours #12
LIVE Q&A | Ask Us Anything! - Science Studio After Hours #12
alright it looks like we are live for
the 12th episode of after hours we have
our first official tech tuber guest on
the I'm so sorry alright can you speak
real quick if we can hear you can you
say something okay yeah I just one make
sure I got you coming through the coming
through the desktop here go ahead and
keep you've made me like what is it not
even 16 by now and you may be like a
square almost but but I'm still getting
you vertically so that's why I was
saying like your head was like on the
top of the frame and then with Skype
there's like a gray bar that doesn't go
away on the video chat so it cuts it off
even more I think and that's why I'm
yeah anyway there's my mouse over your
face so if you can see here here his
glasses they're looking mighty fine
right now yeah no I did yeah yeah that
was when the start I didn't even think
about your audio being that way anyway
let's go ahead and start off with though
we usually don't cover news but I
actually like this I like this format
it's just kicked back and just kind of
chill you know I want you to be very
very open and honest about this I mean
yeah I don't know Channing memorial IMAX
tour what's going on yeah I got you max
out dude oh okay you sound great coming
through here okay yeah that's why yes
yeah that's why I went to xsplit because
it was I got these issues where you just
couldn't volume match people and then it
crashed and all this stuff I've got to
try over yes again but slowing to
explain what I mean what I can do is
just turn myself down
yeah poor Chu Ando Greg's thanking you
for the sub I can do your like live chat
stuff for you dude it's all good okay
still allowed to love and if I start
blasting it up this and it's doing
really metal like it's it's DB capped on
this end so yeah I don't know you sound
great in here and I've used this before
another with other Skype people I don't
know why it's not it's just desktop
audio I mean it's just coming through
normal like any other thing okay yeah
it's just saying my what do you need to
boost mmm I'm gonna turn me down again
let's lower yourself and then boost
everything I don't know that might do it
well I can't even boost anything past
what it's already yeah like my
soundboard is controlling me like I've
only got it like third okay so I think
it's safe now to say that if you turn up
everything yeah I'll make sure I don't
peak on my end and I'll try to match my
amplitude with his I think we're yeah
you and I are about the same I'm gonna
try up in my mic if it's still too low
as well I can do a little bit of a boost
it so it's up to the audience okay we'll
see what they say now I'm not sure I'm I
just raised my chair up so you got like
yeah like I'll go here so then you can
see half my head will be chopped off and
that'll be pretty cool I don't know how
to set up a live stream dang it I wanted
to impress people here with this 10
minute kind of just mash up of two
windows I'm literally like streaming a
window for your box and then I'm just
like just got you right in that section
of it yeah quality content oh yeah you
guys know yeah if we're both low just
turn this up there isn't I mean you guys
can max this out that's about all we can
do at this point unless Brian on his in
Jackson's microwave good to me that
that's what I'm connect is that worse is
that louder now so I mean that's you
know good it'll start introducing noise
if I do any louder so that's about as
loud as I can go people might I don't
like changing the settings because of
the live stream I do over my channel way
it's all set up you
like perfecto so yeah okay yeah you
always got us yeah you've always got a
sort out audio so yeah oh man I can't
even I like that's as high as you can go
that's crazy I don't know why it's
people like I'm watching a video of two
men whispering actually let me check
something I think I know what it is I
think it's in Skype yeah yeah human sky
can rank you uh if you do that you'll be
careful cuz I just up my mic so
everyone's already maxed out their
volume to their saying and we're still
low okay we'll see I hate it's delayed
but we'll see if that actually helps
this is I've moved you up I don't know
if this is actually you though or if
it's just what I'm hearing that I'm
turning up I'm just doing the volume
mixer right now but that might have been
why randomly it'll be a talk show and a
QA so like people asking is gonna be
torture into Q&A we're gonna this is the
first time Greg and I have teamed up so
we're gonna do what's best for you guys
if you whatever you guys sort of like
will sort of start going more in that
direction of course just make sure you
don't get anything else with the word
rection in it you know that's just a
little warning yeah but that's the whole
thing no we want this to be as like you
know as personal as possible these live
streams are meant to ya answer you guys
questions that's why I always do the QA
on my end but it was it yeah but the you
know the news stories - I like the
introduction of that I know it's it's
kind of something a lot of people do but
we're ina we're talking about what's
kind of bringing in the game stuff as
well because you're not like we've
played games before right Brian what
kind of games you played growing up -
Neverwinter Nights and the ones boulders
gate like all the good stuff man Age of
Empires - there were so many good games
outlet to was pretty epic as well well
those times man it's kind of like oh you
know as you grow up it's like you get
this money finance stress man it sucks
yeah I'll go back to being a kid playing
video games again you don't have to
worry about the world life hardware and
what's up that Jar Jar Binks drink hmm
hardware and tequila says talk about new
cpu-z 390 weird to talk about Z 390 on
Brian's channel go check out is your
live stream archived already it should
be I mean you should be able to check it
out go check it out if you haven't we
talked about Z 390 a lot it's gonna be
announced copy text but we've got thread
Ripper 2 and B 450 more and for not on
mobile and mobile gaming with these
games we're gonna talk a little bit
about have you played let's start with
that if you play for tonight or pub G on
mobile I don't play man that's when you
know like for me personally that's what
I know my life is hit it's like no way
it's like okay why are you not on your
PC enjoying your stuff maggot gtx 1080
and you're playing game on mobile phone
come on guys no we're enthusiast we know
better than this yeah yeah I can say I
played pub G on on mobile probably a
total of seven or eight times
yeah there was the whole thing about
like BOTS like the first couple games
you play like mainly BOTS and that's why
it's super easy and like that's supposed
to be their way of kind of keeping you
around and make you think that you're
good right so you want to keep playing
but I just I always feel like I'm
playing against bots because apparently
people suck on that game like they're
trash and then I'm trash like I'm
terrible it takes me five seconds to
even lock on to a person if he's right
in front me because it's just awkward
doing it on us on a screen so it's my
question is is everyone on mobile limp
like do they mix the mobile and the PC
players it's just the mobile players
it's just mobile I think it's it's a
separate thing
yeah so everyone sucks like everyone's
at the same hotted Roy now if they
brought out like a controller you know
or something that you could like
bluetooth your to your phone and then do
it that way that would be something
something different I would I would
almost be serious about that cuz that's
you could totally take that anywhere you
want like it's happened a laptop but
like you know phone graphics but having
the same capabilities you know you
limited it a controller or not a
keyboard mouse but maybe they'll even
come up with that at some point
remembering remembering those arm there
was a black ops guys on the console and
they would be like don't be playing on
console but they had a mouse and
keyboard and all this gear hooked up and
they'll just be going around rack and
console scrubs and it was like me it's
like go play people on PC as well
because the pace black ops 2 PC scene
was very competitive that was pretty
good people there and of course you just
watch them afterwards if you think
someone's hacking you just watch them
this mobile stuff I don't know like the
I guess you could kind of did she ever
plays I don't you were big fan of black
ops 2 did you ever play the cod zombies
like was that like your thing they did
you play into that or some people did it
was like tags and uh and just deathmatch
especially you know that was the tag
mode called again when you pick up the
oh yeah yeah Killzone was amazing for
leveling up like you'd go as soon as you
bought the game I'd be like bang
straight into all everything up a
character get the tags and then after
that you'll just play team deathmatch
and go around with salt footsteps cuz
that was a good thing salt footsteps
really makes it more competitive like
people sound whore in like pub G
especially man it's like sound all these
guys a sound whoring on a new level it's
like I don't want to damage my ears you
know that's me
we were playing it just a couple days I
might do dad I've got money like my
phone's maxed out like I hear footsteps
from 500 yards it's beautiful it's over
man like in a wandering tournaments if
they can limit the volume of a headset
so like people can all play on the same
level because you have some dudes there
yo look I'm
ultra sensitive headset oh man I can
hear this dude coming from - yeah I've
always wondered I never I need to ask
Lisa this cuz she still works she still
works in that industry I want to ask her
if they like I don't know what the limit
is - like how level the playing field
has to be right do you need the same
keyboard and mice like do you need these
actually in peripherals do you need the
same headset do you even need the same
desktop like at the same screen right so
if you can control all of that then your
you're at your own you know you're your
own limitation basically and at some
point you're limited by the hardware but
you know that's why you like people play
with certain mice like they're brand
loyal to BenQ or Corsair or whoever
because that's all they play with when
they go to tournament so it's not just
that it's like if you especially if you
use a mouse in tournament you've got to
use your own if you're using one that's
just provided by you so many players
will just not even play in that
yesterday you can't have someone who's
experienced on one set of gear yeah it's
like it's like going to a race
tournament saying you know you used to
driving a 35 GTR around the track yeah
here's some Hongdae it's good yeah I
won't take your word for that
we got some questions though do we want
to do a topic first so we can go through
let's go through the chat for a couple
super chance we'll hit up first
Matt Kyle says my thermals are through
the roof averaging 94 degrees C on
overwatch high 1080p which you recommend
getting a new GPU are going for a water
cooling solution like an AI oh so he's
talking about graphics card temperatures
is what you got yeah that's what s what
I would ask - like if you got like a 90
to 90 blower cooler like that's
perfectly normal operating town so you
know like this guy it's gonna hit 90
you might even throw a little bit if
it's an Nvidia card and you're in a like
a budget case eighty degrees is normal
like it's not bad is it yeah it depends
on your ambient temperatures and
everything like people asking for bogans
as well and parts hunts as well yeah
guys I'm gonna be doing like a tour of
Asia I think like just watch the new
videos the new videos pay the bills like
when I post a new product be like yeah
this is the best video ever man in the
comments like it
give us all watch time because all that
money man all the money I make up the
new parts goes into the used parts and
one of those things I want to do is to
Asia you know and do like use parts in
the Philippines Vietnam Hong Kong and
you know maybe even go to Europe and and
UK and and the u.s. may not love to two
of these places and just bogan it like
really like literally a bogan in the US
could you imagine that I might you got
Graham Scout on Craigslist II 200 boxes
take me straight up and bring the bogan
people love it and a man I I can't do
like use parts is so hard to do off its
own back you know what I mean that's why
I had to start reviewing new parts and
all that because these affiliate links
is all the products and yeah and user
parts - you gotta buy your own stuff
right like yeah especially when you're
bigger like look guys we review a ton of
stuff if we bought everything we
reviewed ourselves we would be broke
and that's why when people bring up the
whole thing about like well you're
getting review samples for free you know
like you're automatically dude I've
taken dumps on products I've gotten for
free and from big companies like we're
not afraid to do that you know I jump on
the as we're sponsoring my channel I
took a dump on their back that almost
cost me my sponsorship but yeah that's
what I'm about like at the end of the
day I got into this gig to always give
the viewers that biased perspective and
now it's never gonna change
yeah sure you take sponsorship she takes
in built you know in-stream ad so
whatever you're signing up for but as
long as you you know I asked my viewers
time and time again in the past about
this as long as you're keeping that
review that's what they want to see the
honest opinions if you're doing stuff if
I got as rock plastered in the
background whatever they don't care no
one cares about that
I got an as rock mousepad to you no one
cares you probably see the Ayers Rock
logo that's part of the sponsorship
agreement give them subtle marketing in
the background but yeah and that's the
thing people think that automatically
you know like sways your opinion so but
that's like you just say well what was
it the Pro for reviewer so one of the
motherboard reviews that you did where
you were that you know when your
critical yeah 70 profile yeah yeah
so you know like that that's something
that the way that I see it personally is
like you know if a company isn't willing
to work with me over one negative review
or a review they're not particularly
fond of I don't want to work with that
company to begin with you know if you're
afraid of losing a sponsor or you know a
a tech company that supports you with
components then because they might be
spiteful based on your feedback whether
it be negative or just non-existent then
you know that's not someone I want to
work with anyway I don't want them as a
long-term sponsor or supporter so it
goes both ways you know we have just as
much say-so and what we show on our on
our channel as they do in like we run
this on our end and it's at the end of
the day gonna be for the viewers and if
the viewers see inconsistency if they
see dishonesty that's it for us you know
and so we we favor that we way that way
more than we do any sponsor because at
the end of the day you guys control
whether our channel is even exist at all
well for me it's a loyalty thing man my
view has put me here yeah I put tech
yeah City where it is like my view has
always come first I think you'd crap
about a company now so I mean like if if
worse came to worse than the company
stopped sending me product altogether
I'll go back to working full-time and do
one take your city part-time Wow dude
you spots doesn't bother me there's
always that used the used parts in the
scene is always gonna keep going on on
the channel sure I get backlogged with
all these new products at the moment I
just finish that so we've got some used
content coming in the next week yeah
like yeah that's what the problem with
this stream with me and Greg is we agree
on stuff too much we just start
disagreeing I agree to the youth though
because I I built my channel on selling
PCs on sites like Craigslist that was
how I was able to keep cycling through
components and early on because I didn't
get free stuff from companies you know
so anyway all right someone said the
title is live QA guys not my beautiful
conversations with tech yes cities don't
swing both ways but in the internet man
I play a female character it's so good
alright alright wait you say we fired
through some questions here let's keep
these like let's try to answer these
questions in like 30 seconds like 15
seconds of peace just like try to move
through em because I want people to feel
like they're getting their questions
answered let's see let's see I'll just
go through some here what is a good what
is a good intel build with the gtx 1074
under $1400 can you please read this and
give an answer go ahead Brian say it
again GTX what is yeah he wants a good
intel build with the gtx 1070 for 1,400
us 8400 gtx 1070 grabbed the budget z
370 motherboard 16 gigabytes ddr4 650
watt power supply cuz thats future-proof
grab a budget case decent one would be
like a I think the silverstone ones are
getting harped on about being awesome if
you had the budget i go with an air 540
that's me personally and call it a day
and then pocket the rests like a knock
at the rest seriously 8400 s my it's my
choice for gamers if you just want to
game 8400 to where it's at because
you're gonna save money on your power
bill over the long run to I tested that
thing it is so efficient are you using
that the stream you were tell me you're
hundreds of streams in my Mini ITX Rick
I'm gonna be using a Computex to edit
videos it's like I 580 400 it don't
listen to the people who like oh you can
get it Rison overclock if you're just
gaming it's ring boss it's snappy it's
the best for gaming at the moment not
only that it works better with lower RAM
speeds so you don't have to go out and
buy Samsung Bay die price fixed memory
and get ripped off so that's just my
opinion on him and I ain't gonna beat
around the bush and I never beat around
the bush when people ask me for honest
advice because that's what I would be
doing if you've got your rise in opinion
or you've got any other opinion go do
what you want to do I don't really care
drop a hater comment that's what I'd
recommend to people that's what I
recommend to my friends because it's
better at the moment for gaming if you
want to do Adobe Premiere / video
changeover to risin 620 600 X they're
both really good see that's where I'm
gonna that's where I think I'll start to
disagree not because I want to pander
the AMD fan base it's a different like I
still agree like the 8400 is still a
better gaming chip right and people go
into this and he says right there right
a good Intel build a GTX 970 I'm not
sure what he's gonna do with the build I
presume primarily gaming but here's the
thing like when people say like I only
want a game what should I buy and my
first thought automatically is Intel
right but the thing is if you want to
look at it from that future-proof
standpoint I have it's just harder for
me to rationalize an 8400 when you could
get the red team's counterpart give you
know give away 10 FPS like honestly like
that's about that Delta you're gonna
have there you can overclock the sucker
you don't need it you know a really
expensive board neither do you now for
Intel but we had to wait for that and
and you know the the second gen rise and
stuff is still great with memory it's
much better than it was with first gen
yeah so I would say yeah asking the
question as well he's probably new
newark new ish to pc billing yeah it's
just tough for me to I don't know it's
tough for me to say go with the i-5 only
because like that might not be what you
do a year from now unless you plan on
sticking with this PC for five years
like going with something like a 2600
it's not gonna cost you any extra and
it's it's gonna to me it's gonna last
longer so I almost feel like there's
more value in that even though you're
not gonna have the best gaming
experience put them side by side you
know let any of us be the judge I
guarantee and nine times out of 10
you're not gonna know the difference
between the two but you will know the
difference if you decide to stream while
that's the catch like that I go with GPU
utilization on the streaming man I guess
still again that's the video gotta make
I just really no time for it yeah yeah
for me GPU encodings like it grabbed you
gtx 1070 s got its own built-in encoder
man so it's like utilize it i'm
to see how that works while gaming
though I do that I am like I tested it I
am man did you see any like any
difference in framerate at all well I
was doing blind abies with people man I
used all those people in the room as
blind abies and people like the GPU
encoding was the smoothest yeah that way
yeah yeah I don't know man it's one of
those things we gotta look into duel I
shall fool like investigation you know
you know yeah for me I just know my god
man I've tried all sorts of streaming
for me it's like GPU encode a bang and
so if you're serious about streaming
right you're gonna want to have good bit
rates you don't wanna have good bit
rates begin with if you not move to a
place where you can get good internet
it's like I've been looking for a place
to live after this lease is up and I'm
seriously basing my decision on where I
live solely on my ISPs like whatever I
have available if I don't get who I'm
with now or somebody as good as when I'm
with now which wow is excellent here
then I'm not gonna move there I don't
care how nice the house is or how you
know cheap I just can't do it I'm
spoiled with what I have now yeah okay
is it what are you getting what are you
getting down enough you know 450 down
like 44 down and like 12 up so it's
doable okay yeah I had that in school
ahead of roughly that yeah it's not it's
not a big you just notice it really like
when you're downloading games on Steam
like it just there's a nine-day
difference there but uploads that's
that's more that's why you usually
upload your prioritize a lot less
traffic wise in downloads anyway people
do a lot more downloading okay I see one
here by the way to the answer that
question if his graphics I was running
to how first thing I would do if you're
comfortable with it don't you tear it
apart change the thermal paste it sounds
like you might have something wrong with
that to begin with that would be the
first thing I would do just because you
don't have to spend any money save some
time and maybe a bottle of paste you
know that's really about it especially
if it's been used on mining they give
you buying a card off a minor card would
be okay but you've got to change the
thermal paste just take it from a duty
you used to be used to have a mining rig
so really make sure yeah Matt's II asked
what type of music do you guys
- I'm all about that 80s baby Oh
Hades flow I also listen do a bit of
like drum and bass as well been getting
a bit of that there's some really good
mixes out there okay a lot of the news
like a lot of the new school stuff that
comes out like in terms of the rock and
all that really not keen keen on it I
just don't hear any passion in the music
it's just all like hey I want to make
money and that's pretty much what
they're singing they even singing in the
lyrics - it's like oh now it's never
gonna be the same for me even if the
lyrics aren't like I'm not I wanna make
money it's like you could probably hear
if you if you amped that volume up about
10 times you probably hear this guy
whispering in the background well I mean
you give him credit though it's a lot I
don't know exactly how it works but I
know that the fact that people can just
rip songs from online now and not pay a
dime like I feel like that's really
gotta her I know they have plenty of
like you know they get stuff behind you
know behind the scenes they get plenty
of ads and and they travel concerts
everywhere they sell merch like they
have plenty of revenue streams but like
I just wonder how heavy like these these
bands and these record labels are being
cut right financially because of the
digital age and the fact that we can get
music like I can you could download a
song that you listen to on YouTube you
know like you can just straight up you
seriously you just rip it from YouTube
like used to be you had to buy a CD or a
cassette tape for that you know like you
had no choice but to go through that
yeah so I think that's of course back in
the day the groups used to make a
killing man yeah same time I feel like
they deserved
now I listen to all these new crap
coming out it's like yeah you ask a
young 10 year old yo you know who pill
Jam is my daddy's right that's why
that's that's why I loved it was all I
listen to in the car
you know like ac/dc scorpions Pearl Jam
great white Judas Priest
Def Leppard yeah any 80s rock band you
can think of I probably listen to their
song just because it's yeah
you know got some good Aussie bands back
then yeah I was listening no more tears
a few days ago like oh no okay no I mean
yeah I want to hear it after though oh
no see okay let's see here our mark
Atherton says I just subscribe to both
channels appreciate that wait Alexander
cute kid rose I don't know if I said
that right give a hug for my friend at
PC gaming TV Brazil
here's your virtual hug thanks for that
$10 are super chat whatever our is eric
says use parts here in the philippines
are not the best so hmm there is one
spot like someone said there's one spot
in the city so I won't tell me there is
a spot in the Philippines it's cracking
so you know I'm gonna do India as well
man like all these countries that I have
to do the two of then and then like I'll
immerse myself in the culture you're
gonna come along great for the ride I
would love road trips oh not right I
wouldn't roadtrip India man because this
doesn't have like the highest fatality
rate on the roads or something in the
world okay I mean pause if you're in the
car you've got if you're driving your
KTAR is pretty high but if you we're in
game mode I'm thinking seungji I'm
thinking it just like I'm thinking of
this helpless pug G character like this
dude is just like halt and trying to get
out of the way of my Jeep but like I
know I got him right just notice that's
coming he just sits down it takes a knee
and he just takes it you know ninja
sauce thanks for that $5 super chair how
much more RGB lights do I need to add to
my case to win it for at night that
sounds like a Brian question
how many more how many more RGB lights
doesn't need to add to a system to win
it for a night oh that's a good question
now I'd go thirteen thirteen czar pretty
lucky number yeah yeah I mean most
strips have like what eight so maybe two
strips you're good yeah that's it and
that'll really help you win in for nine
men yeah so yeah I have I've been
scammed on gumtree as quick one yeah
I've been scammed a few times is
actually probably making a video now
sort of talking about getting scammed
yeah I've been hosts a few times man
it's part of the gig been hosed in Japan
been hosed in Australia it's and you
know the worst thing about getting
scanned is if you're new to buying used
parts and you get scammed on your first
deal that would really deter you see I
didn't get scammed until like about you
know at least a good six months in and I
was buying a lot of parts so if it's
your first deal and you get hosed it's
really gonna deter you from the use part
scene which sucks just um yeah I don't
know but that's I mean if you if you're
like it's the first time you don't buy
used parts much really just take your
time like go to the dudes house and be
like yeah I want to see this part
working before I buy it whatever Singha
888 how do you feel about the new GT
1030 ddr4 performing at half the speed
of the original GT 1030 while costing
the same considering the whole GPP
fiasco judge you were going to talk
about GBP today well me I actually think
I was yeah I have a video whenever I
kind of just like spill the beans about
what they spilled the beans about and
there's really nothing I mean the whole
GBP thing like I never really wanted to
jump on board to begin with about how it
just seemed a little shady you know yeah
it's it's just look if anything it falls
back on whatever country you're in and
the laws obviously Nvidia is really
manipulating the laws and bending the
rules sort of thing to suit their
company but I've got some real like
insider stuff that I can't share because
I've been promised to not share it but
this is already going on with other
companies not in video it's already
happening in the
industry yeah so the you know this is
just doing a big fanboy circle jerk hate
on NVIDIA it is not not the first person
to do this crap in the industry it
already is happening it's already going
on now I'm not gonna say anymore that's
all the people I spoke to in real life
I've been told stuff in strict
confidence but yes already happens
already happens and I don't want to lose
make blue people lose their jobs you
know this crap already goes on and it's
sad what I think the problem is and and
you know the worst thing is the price
fixing thing came out and people cared
more about GPP a freaking gaming logo
they cared more about that than getting
ripped off at the store for like 50
bucks on a full geek a geek it 100 bucks
on a 16 gig two hundred dollars on a 32
gig kit people give a about more
about a gaming logo than losing 200
bucks on this day to get kids where are
people's priorities happening right here
I think it was I think Nvidia can it did
it themselves because while the RAM
price fixing thing right is happening
and people experience both high graphics
card prices and high RAM prices they
experienced it heavily at the end of
2017 we're still experiencing part of
that now on both sides I think would I
think what pissed me off personally
about the way Nvidia did it was that
they were so blunt about it like they
were just so like hey guys here's this
and we're gonna try to pass it off as
like it's totally cool like we're
totally okay with this you know like and
and and we don't see any moral or like
you know ethical issue with it and and I
really do wonder what would have
happened if this it actually played out
I mean look AMD had to respond right
they kind of force AMD say in here and I
wonder how that's gonna if it even
fizzles out you know how that's gonna
play but I think what I had an issue
with was the fact that Nvidia tried to
make it seem as though it wasn't going
to be you know this like
anti-competitive agenda when on the
surface it kind of did seem that way I
mean it's not a choice like it's an e
choice for sure that's what you like in
terms of how much it's raising the
product costs I don't think it raise it
like minuscule at best
laugh I was looking at DDR for price
fixing first as GPP it's
like wow yeah there's a massive
difference for the end consumer I mean
yeah anyway did you know the saddest
thing to come out of all this is do you
know like do you agree like do you think
the Ares rx 580 looks so freakin cool
have you seen it the Ares yeah Ares
brand looks good I'm not gonna lie man I
love the look at I was like damn I don't
have a problem with that kind of
differentiation it looks it looks better
than Raj man I was like damn like yeah
they saw an Aries like next gen AMD
stuff gotta come down a little more in
price and then and then I'll be on board
there I haven't the last graphic skirt I
bought was at Best Buy
it was the GTX 970 I bought it for 400
bucks reference guard believe it or not
it was like in the middle of October
dude it was when prices were so high and
I saw it on the shelf for 400 bucks I
was like there's no way they're gonna
honor this these tags are wrong sure
enough they did you know I should have
bought both of them while they while
they were there I could flip one someone
someone showed me on Twitter they got
like a gtx 1070 machine for like 400
Botley a whole Dell I forgot the deal
man but it was just like insane it was
like an extra used PC or something and I
was so jealous of this deal on Twitter
sometime yeah deals man get them deals
all about them deals guys always get
your deals so we want to actually talk
about a topic that oh we're just doing
I've got a lot I didn't change the name
of the title so it's a Q&A technically
which means that we need to actually be
like answering a lot of questions really
fast if you want yeah we got a we got to
just run through some of these here
because I feel bad these people are
asking all these questions and we're
just like sticking with one for 10
minutes yeah let's see yeah do just do
quick and dirty round-robin
yeah that's what I'm thinking do a
budget build stream and setup love you
guys content what is your preferred game
or program to benchmarks from Richard
what do you bench mark what do you love
benchmark most if I only had one program
five strike bang that's it I only had
one program I can use that's true
because it's kind of everything in one
yeah that's irrelevant I'd like
benchmarking gta5 is like a true game I
think gt5 it leverages everything very
well efficiently a lot of people think
that it was gta4 was a terrible pc port
but gta5 to actually optimize very well
especially for Nvidia Intel systems
there's a bit of a bias there but in
general it utilizes resources heavily on
on both sides that's what you want to
see you know well up in my system you
see if you see anything just read him
off okay yeah Moses says he's planning
to sell my old PC on gumtree will the
person I sell it to message me for the
next six months every time he has a
problem just saying the ad man just say
like one week guarantee and that's it
that's pretty that's pretty standard for
a used PC after that you don't hear
about it if it works for a week man it's
working especially in PCs PC parts
generally work or they don't work
especially if someone's been gaming on
it for a week or five days they're gonna
know if there's a problem so just say
look I'll you know seven days I'll help
you out and that's it in the ad yeah
when I sell a PC it's usually about 30
days because yeah after that and I don't
want to be responsible for some dude
ripping something out or plugging
something in the wrong port and it's
happened and I've had guys bought
motherboards would be like yo can I get
a refund gonna check it out like whoa I
know exactly what you did he'll say no
way that's a good thing about the used
market you got buyers who do dumb
you need to say look give me a refund
and it's hotter than you if you're
selling new parts and you've got like a
friend who works at retail over you Mont
and he tells me the stories about some
of the stuff that I get sent back and
it's like wow guys just like you know
bending pins and then taking the
motherboards back trying to get refunds
is like you bend these pins you see like
a fingerprint and a friggin socket they
don't they technically they do have to
honor a refund I think which is sad
nanner plant should I get a Corsair h-60
I for a 2600 ex parents been asking this
question a while sure to suggest what
it's a single that's a 120 mil rad right
hey oh yeah aged 60 I spy I think I've
owned the age 60 I it's perfect I don't
in what kind of I mean yeah I guess sure
if you're looking at that it's gonna be
perfectly fine for just make sure it has
a M for support because it might not
that's something you might need to check
out but other than that sure it's
perfectly fine ai oh okay let's see here
what do you think of the new Nvidia
update requesting for data release to
meet the EU Privacy Act I'm even heard
of that I don't know about that promise
yeah no no no after European Union I
don't know it's a European thing I've
never liked I don't know I'm sorry
gtx 1070 case in psu but i'm looking to
upgrade my CPU motherboard and ram i
want to stream games that's kind of what
i don't know what doesn't
sorry do you think a be 350 motherboard
will be sufficient for rise in future
generations if you only need light
overclocking and single GPU yeah as long
as it's supported at the box maybe 40 i
proven one of my videos that the second
gen Rison runs perfectly fine on b3 you
can even overclock almost equitably on a
beat through 50 board that you can with
annex 470 so yeah sure i think that AMD
in general is gonna be a little more
future-proof you make a fine wine on the
GPU side and AMD tends to be a little
more loyal when it comes to upgrade
paths just you know not having to
require a new chipset with you cpu
compatibility with every board release
round-robin round-robin oh yeah get
through the questions I've answered a
few of them in chat okay cool good luck
unite just ask him anything guys what's
the meaning of life I'll ask you a
question Brian I'm planning on selling
my little PC oh no just read that what
was that some questions you - reply
scroll down let's see here yeah I'm
seeing the good stuff going through some
noise works - chuffa - tough a choice
can you make a mid budget build with an
80 600 k 8,600 kg TX 1060 16 gigs around
boom there's your mid budget build I
guess that's it you know
if it's all up to you if you can get
like if you can squeeze out more money
for a 1070 do it and the only reason why
I'm recommending Nvidia primarily is
because right now it's really difficult
still to find rx cards and they don't
really have anything as powerful as a
1070 apart from Vega 56 and 64 which are
virtually unobtainable right now Nvidia
cards more efficient man yeah and that's
true - yeah they are and I actually
prefer nvidia software at this point i
actually despite the change in the
geforce experience which i hate i love
the older one better
I still like how easy and just
comfortable it is to use shadowplay and
I use that for virtually everything
screaming screen capture was when will
candidly come out please answer there's
no official they don't notice
no yeah no official would like and I
don't even know any rumors yet so I know
Computex is well pretty certain there's
gonna be a big announcement see 390 and
the eight core I'm pretty sure that's
hitting at Computex yeah that's all we
know for now so not yea I'm not entirely
sure what's going on but yeah you're
gonna see probably the announcement at
the very least of the eight core it
can't be Tex
stay tuned for that yep so hit me up hit
me up with questions hit Greg up with
questions let's see here we have just
got ak-56 RGB that's corsair right yeah
jin kim kim young-ae us a new grabs
coddled by a 1060 eyed white man that's
because apparently you can't doing the
works from a video as well and to be
honest NVIDIA even if the doesn't hit
Computex even if there's an on
announcement at Computex Nvidia are
forced to do something pretty soon
they're forced to there's no they if
they want to keep making money which
they're publicly listed company and they
do they're gonna have to announce
something soon so it's like checkmate
thank you so don't worry there'll be new
grass Scott's coming out soon
let's run do super chess real quick I
don't miss anybody than that though has
to feel bad you guys yes good donations
let's see here nick peril six apparel I
think that's I say science studio will
you do a face reveal of 500k no I think
I'm gonna push it to a million I'm worth
I'm worth more than five hundred K then
my face is definitely
important than 500 so I think I'm gonna
keep it on the DL keep this little
shroud on your hair girl Wow let's see
here we have tech therapy really glad
you two are doing after-hours together
now donation purely for motivation
shears Ronald thank you tech Merapi
really cool that's really he makes
custom water Luke builds as well like
really full-on cost loops that's awesome
is really good Fox Mulder thanks for the
content guys you both explain everything
so well and I love tech es cities vids
on the second-hand market I think e
waste is an important issue in IRRI
cycling it needs to be promoted more in
Australia yeah that's so true man here's
like the tips they'll grab the PC parts
and they won't let the public touch them
it's like come on man I'd love to go
through some of these dumpsters and pick
up some gold you know and they won't let
you do it it's legally it now it's like
what really it used to do ten years ago
you could do it though it's fine so they
change the laws I got no idea why and
they just yeah they just pretty much
waste it all now this one says 120 gig
$50 SSD for a single hard disk drive
build worthwhile for acing yeah I don't
understand 50 bucks
SSD for a single hard disk drive we
talked about trading it or something I'm
kind of confused by what you're saying
Luke a you thank you for the subscribers
and the sponsor Sebastian I see you
welcome to the sponsorship row and do
keep in mind Brian as when did you
activate your sponsor I like little that
two days ago really bro you should make
a dedicated video I don't know you did a
dedicated yeah yeah yeah I just kind of
threw up like hey this exists now you
feel like it's worth anything to you
yeah my dude that I might do that and
respond to that all the video we saw the
other day with some dude was calling us
out 4s CDKs whatever
was you gonna call him out on no maybe I
mean he cold like you and me and like a
lot of other people out star the video I
know tech deals has done it you've done
it tech Morrow's don't trying to think
this is a very simple topic it's like we
checked him out there legit company yeah
that guy's bars I know he's legit so
it's like that's usually how a marketing
deal works they pay us money and we
market the brand as long as it's good as
long as it can save people money which
does I got no problems with it a lot of
people - were suggesting even know if
seen you do the eBay Keys as well
there's like you've got that g2a element
there mm-hmm and so you know like it's a
reseller thing you like you know means
SCD keys a direct that's them getting
the keys and then sell them to the
public as they're the entities selling
the keys suppose the g2a they're the
guys just being the platform the
marketplace yeah so it's a different
it's sort of a different thing
and it goes the eBay Jesus sorry cheap
man it's like yeah yeah so I think the
verdict on the eBay keys they could be
legit they couldn't be legit I don't
know and honestly I don't want to know
so I keep it that way
with that CD key I was telling Brian we
got because I actually asked him I was
like where do you get like where do you
get these keys from you know like it a
lot of people were saying that they came
from stolen credit cards or something
like that was like their default g2 way
I mean that was something that GT way
got blown up for right because that's
what people were doing because they were
just the platform they were saying well
you know this is the buyer thing they're
not taking any responsibility for it
whereas ste key they've been doing this
for I think I believe they told me 10
years they admit it was were a long time
if they were selling illegal keys that
were obtained by stolen credit cards
they would have you know come on
they wouldn't still be around they
wouldn't be doing exactly what they're
doing now we regard this of which
country they're operating out of that
that would never be allowed to happen so
you know we do our due diligence you
know up to that point and make sure that
we're not promoting stuff that's being
stolen from other people beforehand and
the idea that yeah we're doing that and
that we know that that's what they're
doing is ridiculous you know like those
those comments were just like
just people you know like if you're that
worried about it then try your look on
ebay for $60 yeah that's not bad it's
not bad I mean I try and go down to a 50
if it's USD the greenback's is strong
there's some strong dollars yeah so you
can probably bottle with that 50 maybe
like y'all go to 50 here for you brother
and you'd take it yeah yeah that's
probably why they do that people like
the solid bills right yeah my solid yeah
fifty dollar bill like keeping it yeah
it's like 50 man you owe the important
thing to you got to flash the money
right you got to show them the money
that's when they know you're serious
about it and you you still might have
that ten dollar bill in the back pocket
right you still might because you don't
know you never met this person before
well exactly showing things like it
could be a massive buff gym dude you
know I don't miss this guy here's your
ten sixty fun take it take it and jump
straight in the car just yeah chin down
yeah don't want to get ganked ro yeah
you always go for the little Snipes when
you know is a good price you can always
go just a little snipe yeah that's what
I always do and it's funny it's like a
lot of people see me do it IRL - I got a
guy from Brisbane coming down yeah and
we've been hunting pots here on the
coast and you know ten dollars saved as
ten dollars made man it's just it's it's
a part of the deals hunt you know and I
guess in ways it's like more fun than
anything right that's what the used pot
scenes abouts but having the thrill of
the hunt sort of thing you ever get
worried about like I've learned now to
really sauce it out like you've got to
sauce it out when it comes to a graphics
card especially or a motherboard they're
the two you're gonna have them I was
just thinking like okay on that topic
like if you were buying let's say you
were buying like a 780 or something
right and you went you went to like some
public place let's say you went to like
the Walmart right right so so if you
even pick a place like that like I
recommend it be in public thought I
wouldn't do it you know unless you have
someone with you in a place that's
private just in case because you
you shouldn't trust people like that but
let's say you take like a generator and
then you take like a like a PC and you
just have it sitting in your trunk right
and then this guy shows up he's just
expecting you to give the money and you
go right but you fool really all right
give me one second here I gotta do my
due diligence and you pop open the trunk
of your car preferably an SUV and you
just like crank start this generator
just pop that card in and give it a run
right there in front of them no it's not
you know it's not you don't trust that
seller you just don't trust anybody like
upfront you know just just it's it's
just it's you're only doing yourself a
favor when you when you go to lamps like
that oh and you know that's probably
little ridiculous to do that man closet
haters to do in closet haters that'd be
nice to your face but you never behind
their back behind your back the talking
and that's the thing like usually
you know what people are doing that I
had a guy ask what cases are you and I
using right now what's what's the case
you're using in your personal rig was it
your case what case you used on your
piece o s7 forty and the only reason
he's a seven forty over the five forty s
because got the door I like the five
forty better but this everybody's got
the door so I can change GP you over for
a quick test on the 8700 K so yeah
that's how about you what's your case of
choice the one I use the most is the
mesh if I see I think my favorite case
and I said this in the video and my
favorite case got to be that the Li and
the O 11 dynamic so far I really love
the way that one is Linley I every time
I think of that case man's like crazy
money yeah how much do you have to drop
for that oh dude it's not it's like it's
cheap man let me see he's under 200 yeah
it's I'm pretty sure it's yeah 129 for
you guys so you get tempered glass on
the front on the left side you get a
stainless steel body I'm pretty sure
they moved away
yeah yeah all the acidity on the whole
chapter let's see let's do that go to a
camp gaming he says boxed Radeon r9 290x
for 150 if that's USD its it's
borderline man if it's a custom job
mm-hmm it's up to you if it's a custom
r9 290x yeah if it's a reference I try
and shave a few off it it's gonna be
loud too right I mean it's a ready
yeah this is a leaf blower man I go down
to 130 yeah era of 756 what's everyone's
favorite car do any of you have a
favorite car big fan of the BMW e46 m3
okay good choice good choice what about
you Brian what's your favorite ride at
the moment the favorite car would be the
ones who for Spyder from fear hey Bob
yeah that reasons being reasons being
did please explain this one moral come
by after Computex old sort of talked
about you know I've got a new car I did
pick it up on a real good deal like
we're talking real good deal man so I
everything I touched his deals man food
I even go down go down it like yeah go
down the markets at 6 p.m. pick up four
sausage rolls for $4 a strain which
would be like three USD they got four
buckets of Chinese for 20 Australians
like 15 USD man I'm picking up deals
wherever I go deals deals yeah a lot of
people don't do that dude seriously
don't spend more money just for ease
right because it doesn't take up as much
time to set up something it doesn't take
I see how much people spend on cell
phones like the kinds of late contracts
look at themselves on how much they pay
per month
dude I use I use prepaid everything like
I'll get you know I have the best
carrier but like I do prepaid all of it
because and I'll buy a second-hand phone
because yeah I'd rather say a generation
or two behind and you know save $500 in
the long run yeah damn shop dude I feel
guilty now man if he's on a budget he's
donating money I mean do you want the
money back dude
oh I have to donate money is if it's if
it's a seat you to man a solid dude yeah
whose mates really good coolers on that
290 X's and 390 Fe specially yeah they
really stepped up their game then yeah
I'd go all for that but I try and still
do a little snipe man he doesn't hurt to
try and drop in a 135 or something
something tactical like he's one he's
asking 150 no one pays asking for us and
I mean been questioned about secondhand
parts OEM 128 gig SSD from Samsung for
30 bucks good deal I would say yeah if
it's secondhand he's asking about a
secondhand 128 gig brand new 120 s for
like 30 bucks on Amazon or ollie man
that's brand new yeah I think here in
the states you can get him 120 gigs were
about 40 yeah I just did a video like in
the story my and showed a couple of 120
gigs what what brands for those some
random brand be still get warranty yeah
yeah yeah at that point I usually I make
sure the right speeds aren't trash
because that's what a lot of them will
typically do is they'll have decent
reads they'll be at around 4 450 right
but then the rights will be 175 right
there's a huge disparity there I just
don't want to be limited to hard drive
right speeds or you know it's the okay
random raid and rods you looking at
differences between the two man that's
why I did these store in mind you're
like so you games load and the reason
they load fast is because all those
little files load quicker on the SSD
it's all the little files the big chat
the big files man they can still load
fast on the hard drive yeah that's what
you sequential reading rights before I
would question them I would question
almost whether or not like that you know
how they say when like when they
acid-wash a CD or an SSD or something
right they have those programs that will
write entire 120 gig files to fill up
the entire partition and then they'll
delete it and they'll rewrite it like 10
times right to clear all the data
because when you delete something you're
not deleting the actual data it's still
there it's just waiting to be overridden
by some
else so when people sell drives like
that they they're worried about their
data being compromised right because you
can you can buy a hard drive and dig
into all that stuff that hasn't been
overridden yet and that hurts the
longevity of the SSD alone right there
just acid washing it so oh you could do
was it a 0 pattern ride or something it
doesn't yeah how you do what program you
do it with yeah you've got to know your
shoes to really restore a data that's
been deleted like it's not easy
especially if you're very formatted to
drive a few times so I mean yeah I don't
know have you ever restored data that's
been deleted and flashed no there is why
not when it's been overwritten when it's
been overwritten it's gone that's that's
when you have like data recovery
software as long as that data hasn't
been touched by any other file that you
install subsequently on that drive it's
you know 99 times out of 100 recoverable
but when it's when it's overwritten even
partially overridden by some other file
that it becomes very difficult cuz a lot
of that data is just stored on random
parts of the partition and then they
they kind of group them all together to
form the file when it's recovered and
it's tough to do that when fragments are
missing yeah Wayne Pritchard for that
super chat chat try and snag a 980ti for
under $400 or grab a 1070 whenever they
are available I grabbed a Goretti I
already got an ID I'm doing a build this
month like you know like a week there'll
be a 99 atti bill coming I got one for
350 yeah AUD which would be like 280 us
410 980 - yeah that's what I would pay I
would say it's about 300 300 be my
target price for that because you're
gonna get night you're gonna get 1070
performance there you're just not gonna
get the same efficiency right the power
dude say hello to Mario he's just he
said he's a sponsor he wants a hello
from you Mario wants to be recognized
thanks I appreciate that thanks for
telling me I would have completely
missed that on the topic I was not yeah
thank you recognized Mario oh he's gonna
love this
yeah it just sponsor my channel down
best boy had a 1070 for 400 bucks
I wonder well that's Mario Soto
different Mario well we have to Mario's
ya know Best Buy did I actually
mentioned that earlier Mario I bought a
1070 from Best Buy for 400 bucks and it
was in the middle of everything when all
the prices were just inflated like crazy
so yeah that's that's definitely a place
you should look you know Justin just to
cross it out in your mind so you're not
wondering there's a fight between the
Mario is in the comment section I love
it keep going sponsored Mario go at each
use your super powers to get fractal to
make it define our six size metruff I
hope you stick to Saturday nights for
this show great content by the way
alright so the mesh if I oh I see we
saying okay so the define or six size
measure fly meaning he wants probably
that extra space right between the
motherboard and are you familiar fractal
cases have you reviewed or built in fact
okay yeah the ah stakes I did the optics
and that was it yeah it's a big it's a
big case you lot in it yeah okay yeah I
know you guys over in the state's a
fanboy in the Mesha fire yeah I like
destroyer I like the focus G that's like
yes yeah focused she was like my kind of
thing from fractal but yeah over there
yeah you guys just hop on about mesh if
I'm if I see mesh you're fine actually
yeah a lot of I've done it too i I love
that case I think I think it's great
value it prioritizes everything that
should be prioritized it's just a little
it's just a tiny bit too small that's
the only thing I just think it's a
little too small because there are some
graphics cards right you put an AI o
between you know the graphics card it
right in the front of the case but the
mesh refine our in terms of how deep it
goes that sometimes you can't even fit a
graphics card in there with
I own the fans it's just one of those
issues how we running on time Brian we
doing all right yeah yeah sorry just got
it no you're good you just wanna make
sure we're not dragging about 20 minutes
I got I got 20 more minutes
oh that's cool oh yeah no problem yeah
I'm feeling we're doing this for what an
hour and a half now no guys no topics is
cute live Q&A ask Greg anything don't
ask me anything
yeah you got a question that you're free
Brian this is good I surprised you don't
get like more personal questions like yo
Greg like when are you getting married
and stuff like that like cuz if I said
ask me anything over my channel people
would they just thought going dude
that's good yeah the ones who are
willing to tune in to live streams
usually they're pretty awesome they ask
questions that are pertinent to the
topics we discuss usually on the channel
and that's that's all I'm really looking
I can ask personal questions to I I try
to stay away from there really like you
know I'm just like the ones that are
just for me you know but like Jay Jay
Moss is that Jamie Jamie asked what
happens during an RMA okay so you you go
back to the manufacturer that you the
retailer sorry usually you go back to
the retail if they make you send it to
the manufacturer directly that's so
dodgy go to the retail sale its products
broken then the retailer will initialize
the returned to the manufacturer get you
a new product then you go pick it up
from the retailer and that's I've
actually just got a power supply that
did that so I'm gonna get to pick that
power supply up on my Monday or
something so yeah there's that's how an
Ironman usually works is the thing about
it is the worst thing about RMA is your
without that hardware for a couple of
weeks and it sucks because you bought
that piece of gear you should be out of
here and you're entitled to use that um
and that's what I found sucks about arm
a and yeah I don't know that's yeah arm
a sucks you know I I kind of can't like
I almost can't blame it's really I mean
I but I can't blame them even I can't
even blame a blaming for saying go to
the manufacturer like I know it's kind
of like they're just passing the buck
right but like at the end of the day
don't they have the right to because
they don't manufacture it right thing is
if you if you have them RMA then they
got to go to the manufacturer themselves
that are they just keep the cost of the
project and money off the manufacturers
product sure thank God sure and that's
that's the last line of business that
you dealt with yeah yeah but like I have
a problem with my car do I go to the
dealer that I bought it off where do I
go straight to the Audi headquarters in
you know it's yeah but those are still
affiliated with like they have direct
hires like the retailer it's just he
here's a retail this is all a retailer
is a retailer has an online
infrastructure more than like Amazon
let's say but then they have huge
warehouses for basically anything you
want and and they say hey we have empty
warehouse space we have real estate send
us your stuff
we'll put it online we'll sell it for
you we'll take a cut we'll take a
storage cut and that's it call it a day
right oh yeah that's more drop shipping
than well no retailers though there's a
big difference between retailers and
manufacturers though I mean retailers do
have warranties but though it depends on
how the warranty is negotiated with the
distributor with or with the
manufacturer you know cuz if I just tell
you let's say I go buy 10 cameras from
Samsung and I decide to put them all
online and act as a retailer like if
someone comes back to me and says my
camera's broken you know I want another
one and I'm sitting on only two more
cameras in inventory I'm gonna have to
go back to Samsung and get them to send
me another camera because I'm not gonna
have enough to do you know unless I'm
willing to eat the cost of that one unit
to keep a satisfied customer which would
that would be something to debate but I
don't know I it's tough it's tough yeah
I kind of just I just disagree with you
I know I had to really stretch for the
stuff but I'm glad today
post-apocalyptic Peter with high airflow
fans or the other kind be better in the
Mesha fly no hard drive cage in right
also thoughts on GPU all-in-one
yeah do you want to talk about you
mentioned fly yeah sure yeah the metro
fires GPU all among works that's what it
works it's just a cap on how much hassle
an extra cost you want to spend because
most GPUs come with really awesome
coolers anyway so yeah for me it's kind
of like not worth it the if and or' to
how loud it'll be yeah this is like a H
110 on a CB you can pull that from build
to build to build to build build
you know usually a GPU old ones not so
portable and it's a pain in the ass to
install it is yeah it definitely is even
if you want to do yeah the only ones for
sure like a g12 like an NZXT kraken like
though i've done that it's it's a little
bit of a pain it takes a lot longer than
just and start like plug and play a
graphics card with respect to the mesh
if I I will say yeah I mean if used
higher flow fans you know high static
pressure fans will work perfectly fine
in the mesh if I see I don't think - do
the high static pressure fans in
something like the define C or the
define are six with the blocked off
front panel not gonna be as effective
there because the airflow has to turn
remember 90 degrees to get into the case
and then if you have a radiator in front
of that as well then you're definitely
cutting back on the ability for those
fans to pull on air so a 540 baby yeah
you have to do anything with that case
you just put your word and you just
experience yep gracious beautiful
temperatures and low noise Elijah
Stricker what's up Greg saw your RAM
pricing video loaded do you think
waiting for the lawsuit comes in hopes
of price drops would be a smart move
before buying RAM kits building in June
with 16 gigs ok we should probably
highlight like we should talk a little
bit about what this lawsuit actually is
because clash class-action lawsuits
aren't like class-action lawsuits aren't
the government going to the coming to
the company and saying hey you guys are
doing this is wrong we're gonna find you
Bob Loblaw class-action lawsuits are
usually you get like just a bunch of
important people or important entities
yeah they all hang out right HP Dell all
those guys gonna be against Samsung in
this law
I guarantee you yeah because they're
huge fires of RAM that's people I think
about that you know they're huge buyers
are fram because they have so many PCs
and and other things to send out well
not only that it's affecting the sales
of their PCs they're now gonna mark
their Tracy's up and people have a
buyers threshold they're not gonna say
like they want to buy a PC for 900 bucks
and there Frank got a PC a year ago with
the GTX 10 zz4 900 bucks it's like well
I want that no I can't get it now it's
$1000 you know and so that deters them
from buying that's a sale loss for HP
and Dell and then they're getting really
peeved off about that costing them money
when it costs people like their money
and their big corporations they're gonna
get look let's go to town and get all
these damages off these lost sales from
Samsung and that's what happens it's
they've already been done for price
fixing this is how bad it is I hope this
time they get fine so much more because
they've already been guilty of this in
the past yeah yeah micron Samsung guilty
of this crap and it's like man they I
hope the hammer comes down on them hard
this time cuz it's so bad disgusting and
say yeah you know GPP is more important
guys gaming okay I I do I do agree
though I think that there's I think
there's they're they're definitely
profiting more off yes big-time they
ever would have often a sheep like
there's no there's no equation at all
that balances both of those GBP the real
reason but GPP is to stop Intel when
they come into the GPU market which they
are we know Intel's coming in is to have
more market shares to have that gaming
mind share mine shares a big thing these
companies are fighting over my chair all
the time so Nvidia want to build that up
yeah they want to build up that gaming
in video gaming and video associations
and when Intel drops their R&D which is
gonna be huge when they drop their GPUs
in a few years time anybody's gonna be
like well we're already the established
gaming brand that's the pitch with GPB
and honestly like as much as I don't
like GBP if you were working it in video
that's a smart play yeah
you know it doesn't age through there
aren't that's all you know one last
thing I will say about about the
lawsuits these class-action lawsuits are
not they're not criminal core cases
they're they're civil and the burden of
evidence is on the people who are filing
the suit right those who are bringing on
the civil case so you know you have to
find solid evidence that they are in it
in ways that they've worded stuff yeah
they're gonna have to do through there's
a ton of stuff that they have to do to
prove this okay I think it's happening I
think it's pretty obvious that it's
happening why you have to find the
evidence because they're innocent until
they're proven otherwise
so that's what takes so that's what
takes a long time I don't know if you
should just wait though I don't know if
waiting for RAM prices to drop is an
ideal thing because you might be waiting
a long time and people were asking about
like if they expect payout it's like if
they're gonna get anything like you're
gonna get maybe I think it came out in
2006 to like a couple bucks a person
like it was not you know it was nothing
substantial don't count on getting some
money back into any substantial amount
from from these you know these companies
that are literally priceg out hey Mario
Mario donated a hundred Mexican dollars
and he said Mario Silla said ask Greg if
he knows why started watching your
channel he'll get red-faced
Mario Silla
he says he knows he's got some dirt on
you many nice person he says I'm Mario
from Apple I don't think you remember
but I asked you but i but i can ask a
few personal questions
Mario is yeah yeah he was on a you know
we used to do live streams with Google
Hangouts we just actually bring people
like personally into the live stream oh
yeah sketchy yeah Mario was one of the
guys that was on that and he he does he
works for Apple he was giving us the
inside scoop on Apple sales and whatnot
letting us know how he didn't say
anything like super DL confidential it
was just more or less just like how
their sales try stuff we could have
looked up online if we had dug deep
he was pretty forthcoming about how
their sales were going especially
locally like in a country like Mexico
like you know we think about how it is
in a country like Mexico still
developing you wonder how sales for
expensive products like that are doing
in countries like this so he provided
some pretty unique insight yeah what's
going on Mario yeah I will say one thing
I've just realized one problem like I've
said in chats I
Jag's has said I ordered some JC extreme
it's amazing right and I said it's
amazing but the problem is like when we
start taking sponsorships from Azeroth
Coursera what it like dudes if people
feel like when I say now GC extreme is
amazing do people feel like oh he's just
sponsored he's gonna say it's amazing
because he's sponsored and like I have
absolutely no contact with gelatin
absolutely not at all
I just tried their products amazing so
do you think in ways people sort of
think oh he's just sponsored to say that
so we just become this sort of channel
that gets rich pushing products
apparently that we're sponsored by do
you ever feel like we get that
reputation or whatever and yeah I've got
to get you to do as Elon billed as well
oh yeah I'm the last one I've done Zeon
build was it was a new it was just an
alternative to the i7 yeah I'm gonna do
that I want to do that little tape you
know I'm saying that they don't
appreciate just want to say I've watched
you for a long time love the way you
analyze things well thank you
differently than the typical you know
approach to talk because I feel like
there's so many of we were just talking
about there's so many people now trying
to do the same thing you know you gotta
find like Brian sling for sure and I
think he'll tell you this too
Brian's is the deals he's trying to find
the best value stuff he goes out and
build to use pcs all the time that was
how I started that was the first thing I
ever watched on his channel four or five
years ago it was yeah how do I get your
channel going how long for a long time
but I decided when I started doing that
Cisco potato is gonna actually try B
seriously I was actually gonna try and
make proper content right because alls
it the styles right the stage was gonna
quit YouTube I was like okay
I've had a bit of fun here it's been fun
that then I was like okay I gotta go
either one way or another because I was
doing late you know I was probably
making like a couple hundred bucks a
month off YouTube and that was in I was
like it's really no career choice here
or anything like that and I was like why
don't I just give it like my own you
know what I mean
I'm Javad stuff like that I'll Keough go
really harder than see what I can do and
I just thought to put my love and my
heart and soul in doing people just like
loving it like buttons like button
blowing up out of control people loving
the content sharing it all that good
stuff and yeah became profitable and and
then just kept doing and now we're here
years later yeah by my channel grows
slowly like it's a slow growing movement
but you know I've got a lot of loyal
peeps around the channel who have
followed me for years and my boyfriend's
like IRL as well all their friends you
know talked a lot on the Internet
it's really more of a community thing I
think my channels become a strong
community if you come to me you're gonna
get a very cynical approach if you want
the cynical approach I'll give it to you
I don't I don't blind all that circle
jerking crap that goes on I never have
and so that's what I guess I see a bit
on my channel just do whatever you do
and do it with passion and yeah she's
gonna keep KP Killman so yeah and Frank
pallone we talked about joke you know
joke it and I had a good live stream it
was a good thing going on you know
people used to love that show they and
even friends in real life said do that
show was cracking and it was yeah was
cracking like Joker knows it was
cracking to joke if you're watching you
know that show was good I knew it was
good but he went he went messed it all
up in I was on that show on stream is
like dude there's gonna be a limit to
this crap man so how's any company gonna
take you seriously when you when you're
literally pulling the ball on live
stream and you know I try to play along
he's like you know ha ha ha but really
in the back of my mind I'm thinking
you know this is a bit full-on dude like
you know intel has always been
anti-competitive Oh Marius oh dude
cheers man Silla dude still is gonna
pick this up man so does just like on
another level man yeah thanks so dude
awesome gene Olson let's see here
someone says people need to stop posting
stupid on Craigslist
have you watched have you watched any of
my I read Craigslist videos or anything
like that
yeah like watch one I am honest I have a
lot of time to watch contacts make
contact what's your GDR thing DD our
price that's good legs finally make
noise about the DD l for price fixing
not the GPP no it's way more of an issue
for us as enthusiasts ddr4 memory is
crazy it's killing a lot of builds men
you know when the mine is when the
mining thing came out that was killing
prizes too so I offered alternatives by
some use parts a couple more questions
here I know Brian's gotta head out soon
so do I maybe like two or three more
questions so give them the good ones
give me give us a good stuff yeah give
me good talk more dude I'm not taking
over your stream no dude you're good
it's about time someone else hears a
voice other than my own on this stupid
livestream thing yeah do it do it man
coalition's amazing yeah dude what is a
bogan like in a nutshell it's like your
version of the redneck okay rednecks are
more like like nationalist sort of
things yeah rednecks are very
conservative usually Meagan is just like
doesn't care about anything like boats
just like whatever I want to drink
everyday that's all bogan games like a
like a like a seventies hippie type
it's like a libertarian type ideology
like just like bogans is very I'd say
more yeah on average there'd be more
right wing and left wing for sure but
they just don't care about politics all
they care about is cricket and beer but
that's your typical bogan wife beater
and you know very very anti-feminist so
bogan is very anti-feminist okay yeah I
mean literally live in an area like I
live in an area called redneck Riviera
which if there's any similarity which it
sounds like there is I understand
exactly exactly what you're talking
about and there's a difference between a
redneck and conservative we've got like
the what's called Soundlink right it's
like the doll we call it a doll it's
like welfare right public welfare yeah
and it's like dude in Australia it's
generous man people just like don't want
to work and they'll just go live on this
crap and it's okay life you've if you've
been in work for three years and you
suddenly get shafted that's what it's
there for it's there to help you
transition from a job yeah you know what
I mean but people abused it they're like
oh man I can't work and they just like
live off this yeah I know I agree
there's definitely and the argument yeah
here is how much how many people
actually are abusing it and I think that
there are certainly people that do I
have in a way I almost don't blame them
though I mean like if they're a lot you
know if they're able to figure out how
to do it and that's a problem with the
system right I mean it's a that's an
enabling thing with system is then you
got so many people with politically
oh you can't block him off from welfare
yeah it's something that you they're
they're both both sides of that argument
you can't really argue with those people
and those kinds of topics it's really
difficult to convince either that you're
not trying to be a jackass or that
you're not trying to be you know just a
zealot for the vote or whatever yeah
exactly there's people who generally and
there's people who generally need it and
that's the thing is like you gotta keep
it for the people who generally nativist
yeah sentence Center link the dull aka
sentence you will find a lot of bogans
there they go again so like location
wise where are they like and
northern Australia they're about half an
hour up north like they shipped him all
off from the gold coal a dude I heard
this is true in America right like
literally in when I was in LA I heard
stories of the government having people
like how to get rid of homeless people
was just to get him a bus ticket and
some food and put him on a bus and ship
him up to Seattle and do remember went
to Seattle man it was I was like whoa
what's going on here
turn left there's a homeless dude turn
right then like at the hardware store I
went to get some materials and it was
like walking dead man
it was like they wouldn't even need to
go pay act as they could just get some
IRL footage and they would have walking
dead like it was nuts was like when all
these homeless people the dáil oh man
I'm like so that's how you fix homeless
problems they in the states just shift
them on a bus well it's probably it's
probably the state of California that
did that California poet said hey guys a
free bus ride we're gonna hop on and
that one-way ticket you ever hear we
should I get the G takes ten Eddie or
wait I have a 1063 kick now look if you
want to wait wait I can't we can't
answer that question for you like you
you are the you know your feelings
better than anybody if you're content
with what you got now stick with what
you got now if you desperately need
something and get something you know
like I don't know how badly you need it
so I can't answer your question problem
is way humans you never contend with
what yeah you always want more man
that's why if you want something but
eat it you don't need it like don't buy
that's what you're going to use Pacey
Potts building you lose money you don't
really lose money if you know what
you're doing you make money the use
parts building is like to satisfy that
I've got to build something every couple
of weeks and just happy to find and try
things new
yeah don't deal with new parts man
unless you like unless you've got like
that hole you can go you can you know
whatever you can get the distribution
rates and stuff and even then
distributors will charge you like you
they want orders of like a thousand CPUs
or whatever a 584 last questions - I 580
400 risin 2600 which is better it's very
simple question like again I've said we
mean Greg talked about this earlier in
the show me I'd go with gaming I'd go
8400 if you're a gamer just straight up
ring bosses King efficiency of I 580
400s King as well
horizon 2600 is good as well but I feel
that stealth cool or let sit down so
you'd want to get an aftermarket cool
and then overclock it in that case it's
great if you want to do anything else
but gaming very simple but I've done
more testing to pretty much solidify
that recommendation of you know it's a
very cut and dry recommendation but
that's usually the evidence even they're
more like thousand FPS evidence is
beginning to support that - to be there
I would say 8400 Schouler is pretty
limiting - dude I've got a four cause
I've tried all the four cores gaming man
like who buys who goes and buys a 1080 t
iron 8400 I wouldn't recommend it you
know go get an 8700 k if you're gonna
get a 1080 GI you know you're going with
a mid-range card gtx 960 and probably in
a couple years time you can upgrade your
mid-range card
8400 still gonna be absolutely fine mark
my words will come back in a couple
years time and whatever the mid-range
graphics card is will pair it up with an
8400 versat make it you know do it
comparison for the 2600 in two years
time and just see how it goes
because I'm putting my money on 8400
still going to beat it in two years time
what do you reckon as I mean let's put
like we've got to put our predictions on
the table and then the winner
gets whatever ja ja Mago son oh that's
worth it all right I'm going hard the
pain here basically just the long-term
viability of both I think is games I
think people have been saying for the
longest time that games are gonna slowly
move on to fully six core utilization
fully core utilization like we've been
talking about this for a long time extra
cores so much better for the future but
like when is that actually gonna get
here you know other than a few games
that I can count on one hand that
utilize more than four cores
successfully when is that gonna get here
yeah they like the argument though is
that when it does matter it's gonna
really matter and I think that there is
a place there is French cause again
argue in the mid-range call video
graphics are you gonna go out and buy
eleven attr with an 84 loss are you
talking about graphics card or AG text
wait e time a gtx 960 yeah so like a ten
sixteen ninety four two years time to
ten sixty is gonna be all the ten seven
he's gonna be you know i mean oh yeah I
think that'll be a limiting factor
before the CPU is but it'll only be the
limiting factor for four games lot more
games for kid I'm gonna disagree with
the it part of it
I really look there's no doubt the i5
8400 to the best it's the best of the
two for gaming on almost every game out
there I've tested this I can confirm it
as well Bryan's tested it we know they
for hundreds but my argument though is
that is the marginal improvement or
boost and framerate justifying a lack of
multi-threading is it justifying a lack
of or of applicability is it justifying
you know the the the healthier upgrade
path that AMD generally provides to its
consumers they've been doing that since
the release of summit ridge it's it's
ring boss man and that's unnamed what
you're gonna find is I better get going
soon just a sec a loss alright last
thing its ring bossman snappy and it's
gonna be better when the game engines
respond it's snappy ring bus versus
infinity fabric now that second gen
risin is so much more compatible with a
higher frequency ran out of the box X
and P profile right
second-gen any of the CPUs I've tested
from rising 2nd gen boom X and P easy
and I've tested like 6 Ram kits it's so
much better and because of that the
framerate is jumping up so much higher
especially if you can hit 3030 20
microts but with pretty low cash Layton
sees that that's the limiting factor for
the Infinity fabric it's not you know
the ring bus is fast anyway because it's
not tied to memory in the same way that
the Infinity fabric is but because we
have the fast RAM support now with the
second gender Aizen I think that that
the argument for the Infinity or for the
ring bus is just not there anymore I
think it ultimately now comes down to
just frequency and you know once Rison
hits that 4.5 4.6 mark mark my words
unless Intel's passing 5 or they got
some totally new node that's pushing out
some serious frames
there's gonna be a neck-and-neck compa
there already is neck-and-neck
competition okay so Mario's like dude he
thinks you're really cute
I like Maher is gay he's like he I mean
and there thank our guest Bryan who I
was a guest on his show anyway thanks
everyone for watching I have no idea how
many of you were watching 250 ish right
now thank you to those who decided
taking time out of a Saturday night or
Sunday morning afternoon to watch the
live streams we'll be doing this
basically every Saturday or Sunday from
here on out with the exceptions of
what's coming up with copy Tex hopefully
Bryan wasn't scared away by you guys
yeah we're pretty sweet this train is
good man we keep this up so like this
was very like the opposite to my stream
we talked about topics and then we just
went full-on person I think I think
that's better I think we should do the
tie I think if you want to do this we
should just do the new stories on your
channel because you've been doing that
you're comfortable with that and I can
just kind of fill in and then we come
over here and we just do Q&A so that's
what I've been doing
yeah I know because we might do the
patron or sponsors stream like whatever
if you want life you still can't stay up
who cares we can keep going and
just a little bit of a bonus you know oh
yeah this is like going I or L this is
when we stopped going like behind the
scenes and you know talking about you
know like Brian you've been on tinder
lately and Greg what's yeah not not
tinder anyway now I'm gonna dig myself
out of that hole tonight thanks for
sticking around Brian we will
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