special thanks to our sponsors for
sending us to Computex 2017 alright
we're back at the arrow cool booth
Computex 2017 we showed you quite a bit
last time but we want to show you
specifically our editing corner they
actually set that up for us we've been
going there back and forth a lot editing
on a desktop PC which is much more
convenient than the laptop so let's go
check it all out so this is the sort of
introduction to our editing corner this
beautiful science studio mural was
created by fury pixel his link to his
channel by the way it's in the video
description I am very appreciative for
the work he has done here and I'm also
thankful for arrow pool for just putting
this up on the wall I think what's
really cool all right so we're going to
pan off to the left now this is our
editing corner I'm kind of jealous of
this one I actually have a really nice
set of deer forest so we've been just
working very hard getting the content
produced most of it actually has been
rendered and uploaded on this PC here
that they've built for us we have two of
these desk here from gogo furniture
which is really nice as well if they set
us up now this is what I really want to
focus on because there's a reason why
we're able to push out the content as
quickly as we have it's because we have
a desktop editing rig that they built
for us using arrow cool products along
with some partners to give us just a
fluid editing experience so like I said
in the last arrow cool video this case
right here is the p71 pro but it's the
white variant not the black one you guys
know how I feel about the color white I
said that a thousand times by now but
it's figured wouldn't hurt to and
granted even more now what's in here
we've got an i7 6700 K overclocked to
mind you the four point what we do will
four point five gigahertz something like
that we've also got an air-cooled p7 L
240 a IO so this has RGB integration and
RGB fans very nice cooler and then the
motherboard RG strict V 270 of gaming
and we have 32 gigabytes of clay of ddr4
word here I bet you haven't heard of
that company before they're based out of
South Korea and then finally the
graphics card and horas geforce gtx 1070
apart from the gaming peripherals that
we discussed in the last arrow cool
video they also specialize in gaming
chairs under the thunder x3 gaming
division so if you see that you know
that they're affiliated with the arrow
full name of at this company but this
division of the company actually
specializes in gaming peripherals just
overall gaming comfort that's why they
have the chair here now something else
worth noting we're going to call this
the turbo triangle I don't think it's
actually called anything if it is I
apologize but I think it's turbo
triangles fitting actually is a RGB
functionality they're just pop it right
back in give you a little more I don't
coolness when you're gaming so the
purpose of our section in particular
with the portrayal kind of like a living
room type theme so we have our editing
workstation off to the left and then
behind us where you see the people
crowding around at the Mario Cart kind
of like tournament going that's been
going on all week so a bunch of just
random people have been showing up to
play Mario Kart on the big screen behind
it so I actually like that kind of keeps
things exciting in our little studio
atmosphere let's go ahead and take a
look how we doing here chewing good
amazing there's obviously looking pretty
intense right now I know it's a very
intense oh yeah you getting all that
Jacob oh we wanted a video strictly for
this setup the arrow fall is provided
for it it's made editing go so much
smoother I really like the atmosphere
here we always have like an HQ here to
go back to in order to take care of all
the footage that we saw had to deal with
here at Computex 2017 with special
thanks to then there are big bouncer
bars as well thank you for the
opportunity with that we're going to
sign out for now got a bunch of editing
to do this is science studio thanks for
traveling with it jo Jo go get in there
this is a NASCAR to go get it
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