the GTX 970 is a Ferrari 360 great what
are you doing this is a computer tech
video why are you talking about cars
bare with me for just one second this is
how many get my point across here the
GTX 980 which is an improvement over the
970 though both are based on the exact
same Maxwell architecture is essentially
a Ferrari f430 so we have a Ferrari 360
and a Ferrari f430 now both of these
cars utilize v8 engines hence the
Maxwell architecture similarity between
the two graphics card suit I'm doing
here but the f430 s engine is
significantly larger than the 360 s and
results in an additional 100 horsepower
and a quicker 0 to 60 time the
horsepower difference between the two
cars is indicative of the coup de coeur
count difference between the 980 and the
970 now additionally the 970 has a VRAM
issue that the 980 does not if you're
interested in learning more about this
issue you can click the card above me
but nonetheless we never exceeded around
3 gigabytes of VRAM usage and all of our
benchmarks so we won't have to worry
about that issue plaguing any of our
results but I want to answer in this
video the question of whether or not the
980 is worth the additional 100 so US
how many more frames per second will we
achieve with the 980 over the 970 and
does that justify the additional price
hike let's pit these two Ferraris
head-to-head and find out which is the
better Buy
now a few things I want to bring him
fairly quickly cities skylines appeared
to be fairly resilient to the graphics
card change and that's indicative of a
CPU intensive game so hopping from a 980
27 he really didn't result in that sharp
of a framerate drop dime light was very
surprising and that our 970 did better
than our 980 in literally every category
not much more I can say about that
however in black ops 3 and GTA 5 we
definitely see the additional cuda cores
yielding higher frame rates than the 970
now in terms of price to performance I'm
going to be something I haven't yet done
with a graphics card comparison video
and that is literally throw some math at
you guys so I took all six games and the
average frame rates for each card of all
six games and added them all up so for
the 970 that total was 881 point one
seven that really doesn't mean anything
yet it's when we divide it by the GTX
980 s average frame rate totals that
will give us a value that's actually
so the 980 s average FPS total was 1020
seven point two three five so when we
divided this larger value the 980 s
value over 1,000 by 881 point one seven
that gives us a value of one point one
six five seven six so we can call this
value our performance ratio okay that
means there 980 is literally sixteen
point six percent better than our 970
but now we have to factor in costs okay
the 980 is a fairly expensive card
compared to the 970 so I tried to find
fairly reasonable prices for both of
these cards on Newegg the 980 can cost
anywhere from about 400 dollars to 550
so I took a conservative conservative
value of 450 for a 980 I wouldn't
recommend buying a 520 dollar version of
the same card that you could buy for 430
I really don't understand that so that's
why I picked 450 not a higher value
now for the 970 I pick the value of 330
so unless you buy refurbished you're
going to pay over 300 bucks for the most
part unless you find a pretty good sale
somewhere which I encourage you to do
check everyday for those sales if you're
looking to buy a graphics card in your
future so this is our price ratio this
means that our GTX 980 is about
thirty-six point four percent more
on average than our 970 so this is how I
compare the two numbers now there are
plenty of ways to do this plenty of
analyses out there but this is how I'm
going to do it because I think this is
the easiest way to do with via YouTube
if you're comparing two cards in our
case of 980 versus the 970 we want our
price ratio to be lower than our
performance ratio so that means we're
going to get more bang for the buck if
we purchase the 980 but that's not the
case in this case our performance ratio
is only sixteen point six percent so
we're getting sixteen point six percent
increase going with the 980 over the 970
but we're paying thirty six point four
percent more for the 980 over the 970 so
that's how I want to conclude this video
while the 980 is clearly the better
performer the 970 is most definitely the
better bang for the buck now I want to
hear from you in the comments below
lemme know if you plan on buying either
these cards let me know we think about
the math how you how you responded to
the benchmarks although earlier be sure
to give the video a thumbs up if you
think it deserves one give it a thumbs
down if you think it doesn't and stay
tuned for future content click the
subscribe button by the way you haven't
already don't be shy it's okay
this is science studio thanks for
learning with this
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