there's always an awkward like pause
after I hit start streaming in OBS it's
like a it's a delay but i am going to be
let's see live now we are live and hello
folks slowly working their way in so
this is another live stream trying to
get more used to this because a lot of a
lot of the tech tubers have been getting
into this and what's up everyone now you
can see your your chats what does it
might just scroll down I mess that up
right there yeah okay so you can see
your chats in the corner that won't be
there when I go fullscreen but like this
not gonna be there but most of the time
we'll be staying here and full screen
into into chrome which else is your
chance there I have the chat up for this
session because I want you guys to oh I
have to scroll down Donna whoa I'm Way
behind there we go so I want to chat up
there because we're going to be walking
through some parts this is easier just
parts that if I had the money to buy
them and I needed the parts for a build
or something like that these are the
parts that I would specifically
recommend for certain builds and I'll go
through why I think that they're great
most of these I've owned before or have
been wanting to purchase for quite some
time so I want to all of you to give
your own feedback talk amongst
yourselves i'm going to try to refer to
the chat every now and then to kind of
see what's what's going on with you guys
but really what I want to do here is
just show you some of the cool stuff
that I've found in terms of well fairly
low prices a lot of the stuff that
you'll see is either on sale or I guess
is something that I've been looking at
for a long time and the price has been
steadily dropping or maybe it's an old
product that has dropped in price
recently because a new product has been
released and the old product honestly
isn't all that bad so that's what we're
going to go through here and first thing
I want to talk about by the way this is
going to be a very long chat like the
last one this would be maybe 30 minutes
if that so first up a lot if you're
asking for okay what gtx 1080 what I
purchase if i purchase in GTA x 1080
right now Walter White's board at 1070
plenty for me the 1080 would be overkill
but if I had to choose right now a gtx
1080 based on price
based on performance looks all that good
stuff this one right here would be the
one that I would choose not only because
it is under seven hundred dollars I
think that like you should never pay
more than 700 bucks 46 1080 under most
circumstances there are a few special
circumstances in which you I guess you
could but this right here would be I
think perfect for a 1080 build so you're
looking at 650 bucks and this is a
gigabyte the other there what do they
call it the gaming GV not to read all
those numbers yeah it's a GTX 1080 the
g1 edition and it look at this it's got
a nice little back plate on it looking
good that's like a must okay I'm not
going to buy a graphics card ever again
that doesn't come with a back plate or
something on the back so that's there
that's nice and it's got three of those
three of those both fans on top they're
basically heat dissipation this card's
gonna be excellent this card does get
fairly hot under load but that's a
consequence of having higher frequencies
overall so you want something to cool
this puppy down and the three fans in
this or more than enough the three fans
on the ROG strictest edition that i have
here for the 1070 are more than enough
even under full load i'm not i'm not
hearing very much from the graphics card
and that's that's something I've
steadily become more and more picky
about so back when i first started
building pcs it was always super loud
just you know i turn on any game and it
would just start hearing like a leaf
blower in your case and so over time
I've just I guess become accustomed to
quieter pcs you know when you spend more
money should expect it to reap hire more
benefit I guess been trying to say but
at the same time you're not going to be
I guess listening to I guess a leaf
blower in your PC that's not something
that you expect to hear in a you know
thousand dollar plus pc so that's nice
having three fans takes away from the
added stress that two fans would have on
a cooler of that size so this would be
my 1080 choice back plates look awesome
i agree cheapest best case i'm getting
to that hello 577 488 don't worry about
that i'm getting there gaming I 360 100
okay alright so i did go apple i went
apple for mobile devices so that whole
series which i'm still working on by the
way upload and iphone SE
Plus Apple watch video soon a lot of you
guys were giving me crap about the Apple
watch so I'm gonna I guess give my very
objective opinions on the Apple watch as
well as the iPhone se which is blazing
fast by the way but the whole point of
converting to Apple was to convert to
Apple for mobile devices so that doesn't
mean that I'm going to switch my desktop
to a hackintosh or just sell it outright
and by imac the point of switching Apple
was to showcase mobile devices and
that's where Apple really does have a
big edge above a lot of other mobile
consuming mobile I guess manufacturers
out there you know there's apple and
there's everyone else tour there's apple
then there's Android and that's that's
kind of what it's been for quite a while
now and that's why I wanted to showcase
Apple in terms of mobile devices because
that's where a lot of wear a lot of
apple sales are currently so I'm kind of
jumping all over the place here next
thing so this is like kind of like a
experimental thing if I ever went x99
what would I do because x99 is kind of
like that next step right so Walter
White is i would say probably the most i
would ever spend on a-z 170 platform the
i760 700k the gtx 1070 I got a 240
captain IX cooler in there i butchered
that its captain 240 X from beef cool 16
gigs of ram that asus tough white PCB
motherboard it's pretty much it if you
spend any more than this on on a-z 170
platform it's it's just to me you're
just kind of hitting the ceiling you
don't want to you don't want to spend
any more than i would say about 1,300
bucks on a-z 170 platform all together
including all your parts including your
case and whatnot so i think the next
step would be x 99 obviously and if i
had to purchase second item on the board
this is the one I would purchase and now
the reason why I would purchase this one
now there are plenty of other x9 I
motherboards out there a plenty of very
beautiful looking mother look at this
one here from msi i was looking at this
one earlier this is like the this is the
perfect motherboard for Walter White if
I ever upgraded Walter White to an x 99
platform this right here is just that is
that is a beautiful board it really is
but look what you're paying for it 419
dollars it's just not it's not it's not
ideal and in most cases i mean this is
going to you're going to get the same
frame rates on this board as you would
with the 160 dollar board from gigabyte
now the one that i did show was I
completely lost it was open box it's
basically this one but it was a little
cheaper because it's open box I've
purchased like six or seven open box
motherboard from newegg and for the most
part they their brand they look brand
new they've probably been used lightly
or a short amount of time but if you can
find an open box variant of the same
board for 30 40 bucks off I say go for
it I haven't had a board yet that was
missing something or that was DOA just
on arrival dead on arrival but I i I'd
say take the chance take the chance and
save a few bucks worst case just return
it by another one neways gonna refund
you for the one that you ordered that
was open box and you know did I say play
the odds it's worth it saving the money
hey maybe can reinvest that money
somewhere else so that's that's what I
would go with 4x19 on in terms of a
motherboard and then after that you're
going to be thinking about okay wool ram
what can I'm skipping a cpu power
because you can buy anything from a 58
20k to a 69 50x and that's up to you how
much money you want to spend and I'm not
about to dive into the differences there
but check this Ram out ok now I didn't
pick this because it looked unique
because yellow is not really my color at
all I don't think I've I don't think
I'll ever build a yellow pc but i do
like gah gilgal I say geel a lot a lot
of people you guys have told me that
means horny and Dutch in German and I I
just kind of pronounce it like I see it
but that's what it is Gil this is now
usually by super loose ddr4 but this is
evo for so this is a newer newer brand
of I guess I knew were line up from Gil
but 16 gigs here I recommend at least 16
gigs I'd say for an excellent platform
32 gig is ideal but 16 is like the bare
minimum i would say for that now you're
only going to fill up to graham slots
with this so maybe purchase two packs of
these or if you can find a cheaper 32
gig pack do that but i'd say 464 bucks
US dollars
that's a pretty good steel for 16 gigs
of ddr4 there and again you're probably
looking at the frequency or 24 hundred
megahertz there's a trade-off so when
you increase the frequency of RAM you
also have to increase the castle eight
and see it takes longer basically it's
delay and data transfer times so there's
kind of a trade-off there when you lower
frequency it sounds like the ram does
not like me it's good honestly you're
not going to see much of a difference at
all I proven that in an older video but
you can check that out if you're
interested in it so on from that someone
said cheap cases now this is what I
recommend ha surprise surprise so an s
34 from is EXT now one of the reasons
why this is on you're not because I'm
using it because I've there are plenty
of other cases that I think look as you
good if not better than this one but
this is only 70 bucks right now this is
actually the cheapest variant of the
NZXT s3 forth you can currently by and
usually this one's either not sold by
amazon prime not sold by amazon
themselves or it's considerably more
expensive than the black and blue or
black and red variants so 70 bucks
that's cheaper than all the others
currently and all five of them are being
sold by amazon so if you have amazon
prime which i do recommend getting
especially if you're purchasing pc parts
practically like every other week you'll
get your money's worth in shipping
within like the first month or so but
that that right there is a really good
price if i was building walter white
again this is where i would purchase it
and this is the exact case that i would
purchase for it again the NZXT su 40
white now what about ITX and you guys
have seen this one again too but ok the
fractal design no 202 I really love this
case I hadn't built in it since any any
time before the i5 build video that you
guys just saw a couple days ago but what
now that I have built in it I understand
why so many people use this case it's a
bit of beautiful case inside and out
it's very conservative looking sort of
blend in with pretty much any furniture
you have it looks almost like a DVD
player or an xbox one console it is
considerably larger than something like
a ps4 keep that in mind it you have a
side-by-side comparison in the video and
things were fairly crammed inside I mean
you get expect that with an ITX case of
this form factor here is it you're not
going to have much clearance in terms
cpu height and on top of that you're
going to be stuck using an SFX power
supply which is a it's a lot smaller
than a full-on ATX power supply so
that's the other thing I want to get at
two so this one's 133 bucks this one's
not sold by amazon currently it was I
think two days ago they had one more in
stock I almost bought it just to have
but it's sold I mean overnight which I'm
not surprised about so I would wait for
this to show up again if you're
interested in purchasing the no 202 but
the reason why it's 130 ish US dollars
is because a few of your asking this at
I didn't mention this in the video
because I figured it was just assumed if
you clicked on the link but this case
comes with an integrated well it's it's
an included SFX power supply it's a 450
watt power supply and now that you're
probably thinking yourself well there's
no way that's you know sixty seventy
dollars right because this case is
probably 70 80 bucks on its own which it
is if you want to purchase it without
the power supply which you can perfectly
you can do that perfectly fine it will
be about 70 or 80 bucks but the reason
why I recommend purchasing one with the
power supply included is because SFX
power supplies are considerably more
expensive than their ATX counterparts so
check this out so Silverstone right here
this is probably what I would look at
getting so a Silverstone 450 watt which
is exactly the same as the one that's in
the node 20 to 80 plus bronze which I
recommend as bare minimum for 480 plus
rating 72 dollars and eighty six cents
okay now I get an equivalent 450 watt
ATX power supply would cost you about 35
bucks so you're literally paying almost
double what you would for a full-size
power supply just to have it in a
smaller form factor and that's that so
if you just purchase this separately and
then purchase the node 202 separately
you'd be paying about it fifteen to
twenty dollar premium so it is nice that
fractal includes a tiny little discount
at least currently they are tiny little
discount for purchasing both include us
know how the power supply already
included in the case which is nice
you'll have to worry about that's a
whole another step you can just skip
over see what people are saying in the
comments here do a comparison of i-5
6402 p
all the different frequencies is really
the only difference they have different
frequencies and i recommend basically
overclocking all of them i'll be doing
that in a video that you'll probably see
tonight i overclock the I 360 180 plus
bronze means these just efficiency
ratings honestly I probably won't make a
video about the the 80-plus just because
i'm not i'm not a full expert in that i
haven't done enough research yet to make
a video so i would have to do a lot of
that research before i made the video i
just straight up don't know as much
about it as I as I probably should in
order to make a video about it but I
know that Linus has done a video about
it I mean he goes into great detail
about the efficiency curve so basically
every power supply has an efficiency
curve and the 80-plus the rating there
is how efficient your power supply is
under any particular given load or power
draw and obviously the higher the rating
anywhere from bronze all the way to
platinum and titanium the more efficient
it is at a higher power draw is it worth
upgrading to 5 x 480 platinum is
extremely but yeah platinum I think I
don't know if titanium or platinum is a
high which one's high it's platinum or
titanium I have no idea but that you're
getting it up some very expensive
territory when you start looking into
you start looking into those kinds of
power supplies in fact let's go ahead
and check those out so sorry about that
i'm gonna hit the microphone every now
and then because this is just not an
ideal setup right now let's do 80 plus
platinum titanium titanium is the
highest alright cool thanks for that
folks like i said i'm so let's do
titanium so platinum then titanium no
I'd check this out so if you wanted 850
watt fully modular 80 plus titanium
power supply that's actually not that
bad to be honest like 200 bucks is
that's that's not bad again I wouldn't
recommend that under ninety nine percent
of circumstances but let's see if you
work up to a thousand want their you're
paying almost three hundred dollars and
a 1600 watt this monolith right here 400
bucks so yeah
it's a not something I not something I
would personally go for and even the 750
watt I mean look there's such a fifteen
dollar difference there between the
seven hard for the 850 so yeah that's a
it's just a very niche market right now
that it's just they're too expensive and
I wouldn't consider it at this point so
let's talk let's go back to graphics
card for a second this this one just
caught my eye because I how expensive
these cards usually are and this one on
newegg was very cheap it is very cheap
it's actually being sold by newegg
themselves and that is the r9 fury
action those only has four gigs of vram
but it's hbm memory so that's that
stackable 3d memory so they can
basically save space on the PCB that's
why all of the fury the Nano all of
those are very small compact because I
don't need a lot of space for that
memory and this one right here would
play you could you could play 1440p
maxed out pretty much any title you
you'd have to make a few compromises in
some games I wouldn't recommend it for
most 4k I mean you could play 4k you
know like lol and dota 2 and all of that
but something like GTA 5 and fork a
fairly high settings you'd be scraping
the 60 FPS boundary maybe maybe not i
don't i don't own one so you know all
I've seen at this point of benchmarks
but the big story here is the price 389
bucks for an AR 09 fury ex who would
have thought who would have thought that
I mean really only a few how long has it
been since the I guess the only a few
months since the release of Pascal and
the arcs 464 17 480 only a few weeks by
those standards that the fury ex would
have dropped to three hundred and eighty
nine bucks that's a really good price
and no I'm not saying that you should go
out and buy one I mean there are
consequences we going within our 09 3x
these things it's like they just they
drop power so much they're pulling so
much power I they recommend i think a
700 watt power supply for the r9 fury X
or AZ with a GTX 10-7 I think they
recommend it's 500 watts or 600 watts I
think it's 500 Watts but uh yeah it's a
big difference in terms of power draw so
these things are very power hungry
another thing to consider is the fact
that this one is water cooled so most
cards aren't water cool just by their
nature they're just air-cooled passively
cooled or actively cooled and the fact
that you're getting a pump and radiator
combo with this card I would say
justifies the price even more because
usually you're paying another 50 60
bucks for for an all-in-one to be
included with the card so technically if
this was just air cold car let's just
speak hypothetically here if this was an
air-cooled card this price would be
around 350 bucks so obvious it's not
we're going to pay because this one is
not air-cooled but that's just something
consider I thought that was interesting
let's say aren't in fear yeah it really
is cheap the RNA fury I saw um there was
one from sapphire i think it was so ya
know you said that let's check that one
out yes so this is the fury see the
price in cart wow that's a really good
price can you guys see that or you can't
see it because it's in a separate box
but this one I know you can't see it
because it's it opens up a new window
when I click see price in cart but this
is 299 US dollars this r9 fury right
here three hundred bucks it my personal
opinion I i recommend this card over an
RR x 480 I just straight up because
you're going to be paying about 250 260
bucks for a decent r x 480 with a good
cooler on it and if you think about it
for another 50 bucks at the most you can
get an AR 09 theory which would
completely change your gaming experience
so that's something that I this this i
do recommend because it is it is around
300 bucks currently so if you want it
jump on it quick and again i'm not being
like pay for any of this stuff for
anything i'm just showcasing things that
I that I think are interesting or worth
it yeah I know the power consumption I
know it is bad it depending comparison
so we're not looking at 150 watt power
draw we're looking at closer to 300 350
still yeah you got to make some
compromises if you're willing to
purchase a card like this you I expect
you have a power supply to back it up if
not spend an extra twenty thirty bucks
on a better power supply you won't
regret going with an r 9 fury you really
want what a 1070 make a difference on my
editing Rick I have a 970 now Lucas I
say that if you have a 970 right now and
you can tell it's not cutting it maybe
you're talking about video editing
you're not going to know as much of a
difference I would say more for gaming
would be the reason why you would
upgrade that so if you're interested in
gaming and you can sell that 974 about
150 bucks then take that money reinvest
it in a 1070 I think that's worth it and
you won't have to worry about swapping
power supplies or anything like that
thanks to the efficiency of Pascal would
you recommend the NZXT Kraken x60 one or
the cryo rig h5 in the NZXT well ok the
h5 i know the creek h7 i don't i haven't
looked at the h5 specifically but if the
h5 is an air cooler i keep scrolling up
here in Panama sand you get it if the
cryo rig h5 is an air cooler it's just
going to depend on how much money you
want you want to spend honestly and yeah
you have just you have aesthetics to
worry about so the x6 do you want to
look in my opinion a little better in an
inn CXC case then a crier eh54 age 7 but
would you ever upgrade too hard hardline
cooling no probably not just not my
thing a video of your clips audio system
yeah I might do that if the problem with
with reviewing audio is the fact that
there's really no way to to I guess
translate the experience i have with the
audio with with the with the speaker
system to to youtube into all of you i
can take like a mic like this and just
stick it in front of one of the speakers
and just say hey this sounds really good
take my word for it but that's kind of
what i would focus on and review like
that the problem is it just wouldn't
translate well and I could talk about
other things too with with the system
but I'm I mean that's stuff that you can
just read up on paper so that's kind of
the reason why I've shied away from
reviewing speakers especially the
speaker system out there which I really
do enjoy them it's a really great system
and it's a really small system to which
is awesome it packs a lot of punch and
really small
huge neodymium magnets but that that's
the reason why I've shied away from it
for now just because it's hard to unless
you're there in person you're really not
gonna get the right the right experience
let's see best SSD for the money I
usually look at a data eight it has got
some good I got some good SSDs p and why
does as well samsung evo the samsung
Evo's are always more expensive you get
higher data transfer rates but i tend to
just overlook that i don't really think
that's worth an extra twenty to thirty
bucks for a five or six second
differential and loading times let's see
yeah yeah i know i really am i'm an
audiophile really am now thoughts of the
ten ATT i haven't looked at it I haven't
done my research on the 1080 TI I asked
a couple videos where they were like oh
look speculation here's this and that
you know looks good and that it turned
out to be that a lot of the rumors were
just rumors they weren't actually backed
up by any real data so let's see would
you upgrade an are 92 95 x 2 I use it
for triple tonight no I wouldn't upgrade
I mean unless you got problems with
power consumption or the card star in a
blackout it's a great card you can use
that for another another four years and
probably not even not even feel
convicted let's see what about a 6600 k
overclocker 6 200 k for streaming and
gaming already have videos on that so go
back four or five videos I got videos
covering the differences in cpu core
counts and then hyper threading on or
off how that affects gaming now for
video editing if you plan on doing a lot
of video editing go for for a fork or a
thread process or you'll see a huge
difference there you won't see very much
of difference at all with the in height
with hyper-threading in gaming it just
it just not going to happen let's see
can you make a six-hundred-dollar pc
build so I check out that I three build
that I put together a week or two ago
with this and you can just cut out some
of the stuff that's unnecessary it's why
I called an overkill build so take out
the x61 replace that one hundred and
thirty dollar case with a fifty-dollar
case that just compromises like that
don't buy a Z 170 motherboard if your
nitrogen base clock overclocking go for
an H 170 or something you know
lower than that business grade
motherboard but yeah you can just just
pick apart that bill and make
compromises there for six hundred bucks
you can actually squeeze in an i5 too so
if you're willing to pay a little more
for the CPU to make a few other
compromises maybe in your graphics card
and then i say go for the i5 just
depends on what you want to do do i do
you recommend FX processor now that's
dropping now I don't know from this
point on I'm not recommending FX
processor from AMD just if you're a
full-fledged AMD person wait don't don't
buy an FX processors because in six
months time or whenevers end finally
decides to be released you're going to
regret your decision to go with that so
and I'm pretty sure you're not going to
be able to just pop a Zen processor in a
990fx motherboard they're just don't
waste your money on that platform wait
until sun is released if you're just a
die-hard AMD fan yeah again some people
don't care frame d some people don't
care for Intel they think they're a
bunch of money hoarding pigs you know
whatever it's just what people think
yeah FX equals heat ok let's see I'm
probably gonna I have and I course not
it's not the best frediting I wouldn't
really try to edit on an i5 6500 your
clock speeds really gonna hold you back
there unless your base clock
overclocking I've edited on a 6600 k
before you yeah that's actually doable
it's not bad and if that means saving a
hundred bucks and putting that towards a
better graphics card which at this point
if you're if you're at a ten seventy
right now a hundred bucks isn't going to
make the jump from a 1072 1080 it's
about 200 bucks so I don't really know
maybe could reinvest that money
somewhere else but you can you can edit
with a 6600 k but unless you're
overclocking the 6500 i wouldnt top that
are you going to customize your youtube
channel URL i don't know i already have
it as youtube com /c forward slash
science to do if that's what you're
talking about that's what I've done
let's see I'll answer one more question
here is AMD APU good for gaming no don't
game on an APU just don't make that your
your you guys in the comments can help
them out AP US or no goes in my book
especially if you want a game in
anything decent
so I only have two or three more tabs
here I don't even know what this next
step is what is this okay this is a
little different so this right here is
it sits I can't zoom in on this picture
but I can zoom in on either which is
pointless because you can't see what's
in it when you zoom in here I guess you
can look at the quality of the case it's
really about it but so something like so
if you plan on working on pcs on a
regular basis or semi-regular basis you
want to have a good tool kit you want to
have something that's designed
specifically for small spaces that that
would I guess increase your workflow so
something like this look at this 23
bucks that's like that's a dirt cheap
tools are generally expensive I
recommend buying a good tool kit it's
always good to have a nice tool kit
nidia a plus-sized toolkit for working
on larger things lawnmowers cars things
of that sort and then a smaller tool kit
for more I guess meticulous job working
on a computer something along those
lines and that's that this right here is
something that I would buy if I didn't
already have something like this so this
right here for 23 bucks is a really good
deal even if they're not I mean they got
a ton of good review so a thousand
people review this product and it's got
4.5 out of 5 stars so I'm fairly certain
that just from the reviews I can say
this is a decent toolkit for the price
now you are going to get kind of what
you pay for if you spend a hundred bucks
you're going to get better but it
material I guess a wider array of
materials but for 23 bucks this is a
really good tool kit 45 pieces it acted
actually you know I don't know I might
just buy this just to give somebody just
to give away or something it's actually
it's actually really nice tool kit so I
just saw that I was scrolling through
amazon I said yeah a lot of a autumn of
yours are intrude into computers
obviously if you like working on your
computer a lot have something like this
to help you out is it worth buying a
refurb computer on newegg I'm not a fan
of buying whole lon like full on
computers that are pre-built just not my
cup of tea if you can if you can find a
really cheap one like an old xeon
workstation something along those lines
yeah you can I guess you can buy one of
those and play around with it but I just
say build a brand new one from scratch
that's that's kind of where I stand
there now another thing that a lot of
you have been asking
is the kind of lighting that I use in my
pc so Walter right now is using a it's a
RGB LED strip is actually two strips
that you can purchase from cable mod
I'll have once this video finishes being
live and published I'll have links to a
lot of these parts in the description so
you'll see what I use from deep from
cable mod it's a really good kid asus or
all that good stuff which my mother
board doesn't support unfortunately but
the control the controls great comes
with a remote like this it looks you
know it's very small and does what it's
supposed to do now what I used to use
when i first started lighting up my pcs
because that was like the coolest thing
I used fans with LEDs built into them at
first that was all I used and then just
because i figured when I first started
building I was like I don't know how
complicated these LEDs are if I'm have
to be splicing wires and you know
routing things into weird places and
doing all that stuff I just wasn't
comfortable with it at the time now that
I've now that i use it practically 24-7
and all my bills i realized it's not
it's not really that complicated to to
set up this is what i originally use
this was one of the first excuse me one
of the first led kits that I used and
that night I mean I thought this was
like normal but the this is a totally
different this gives you a totally
different look in your PC than when I
thought that it was going to give so
instead of having the lights every inch
or so on an LED strip this is kind of
more of a spread-out thing and you can
actually see where the LEDs are just
were they light things up in the case
then there's a gap where it's darker and
then there's another bright spot in the
case and that would work its way all the
way around and I was just never when I
first bought this I was kind of under
whelmed because i saw the people's
computers like how are they letting up
the whole thing why is there no gap and
you know why are the shadows there and
not there on mine but there's just lit
up perfectly all the way around this is
what I originally started out with I
don't recommend this to be honest with
you it's just a cheap LED kit something
that i would recommend that i have used
before actually i used a cheaper version
of this is the deep cool RGB 350 kid so
this one comes with two LED strips i
think that's the bare minimum yeah I see
yeah I hate being able to tell where the
LEDs are excited that's exactly what
that NZ
teak it did NZXT makes much better led
kits then that's their baseline so they
make the hue plus to something I'm sure
most of you have heard of fairly
expensive but it it looks much better
than the cheap kit did and now this
gives you the impression that you're
using something similar to an NZXT you
so these LED strips here that you're
looking at those two on the bottom right
those will give you that basically
uniform lighting effect in your case and
you want two of them you don't want one
of them because one of them if you just
put it on top is going to make the whole
bottom part of your case especially
under your graphics card look very dark
so I recommend two and then what i did
with Walter White was I took both of
them and I started them at the edges on
the bottom corners of the case right
above the basement and I layered them
all the way up and then let them meet
roughly in the middle up top so you're
lighting up underneath your case thanks
to the LEDs on the sides and basically
all the way around the top so the whole
top is lit up as well and that'll give
you that uniform lighting effect that
that most people expect when they
purchase RGB LED kits and this one I
here for 17 bucks you can also get 3
3-day shipping with premiere for free if
you have premiere like again this is
kind of like amazon prime for me so all
of my pc parts for the most part come
from amazon or newegg and if you're
purchasing parts on like I said a weekly
or bi-weekly basis like I am having
premiere and having prime really they
honestly will pay off within the first
in the first month or so so yeah that
this is what i recommend now it's store
/ or f masseuse or you know this is a
good kid i do recommend this kid i've
used i think three or four of these kits
at least one similar to this from being
cool and they give you everything you
need it's all it's just plug and play
nothing else you need to do there and
your remotes already calibrated ready to
go click on pink it's going to turn pink
click on White's can turn white all the
goodies already in the box alright so
I'll answer a few more questions and
imma call it a day I didn't want to stay
very long here 30 min 30 minutes but I
wanted to run through a couple couple
things online that I just come across
every now and then and I say well that's
actually a really good price on that on
that item there i'd like to share that
with everyone and i do share those
things typically on twitter but if
you're not following me on twitter you
use Twitter I don't blame you and it's
not for everyone then videos like this
on a I don't know it's probably gonna be
on a weekly basis but every now and then
i'll upload a video or I'll do this live
and just kind of scroll through some
items that I've seen for cheap that some
of you might be interested in our LED
kits more than thirty or fifty dollars
worth it i don't personally think so
there's not much more with leds than
lighting up your case now like something
like the NZXT you will do like the
rainbow neo the rainbow wheel thing or a
little change colors all the way around
your case and do all these fancy things
I'm not about that I I doubt most people
are it's just too ostentatious for me I
like very subtle lighting you know just
it just it pops but it's not like
screaming at you look at me you know
it's not changing colors and doing all
that weird stuff so like I said white
for Walter White is great even if I
turned it to pink or blue you know it's
still it's not working oh it's backwards
even if I turn it the pink or yellow or
red you know all of that is just it it's
it's a complete change in a color scheme
but it's not in your face popping at you
and that's what I like about roughly
twenty to thirty dollar LED kids I
wouldn't spend any more than thirty
bucks in my personal opinion ask me 30
bucks is kind of like my peak pre build
a pc port picker I mean build your own
pc dude it's that's kind of what's up
man see have you played bad rats no
never played that game even know what
that is sapphire nitro why do people ask
questions I'm kind of at yeah I'm kind
of asking myself that too it seems like
a lot of you are asking questions that
are pretty obvious I understand if
you're new here then yeah I mean I'm
probably people in the comments I'll
help you out but some of you I recognize
a few of your names and i've replied to
a lot of you in a comment so we
recognize a few you've been around for a
while you know you know what's up let's
see i 5 or i7 i have videos on that
check the last week's videos in the
channel between the i5 and i7 i will
literally break it down for you why you
should purchase an i7 over an i5 and why
you should purchase an i5 or an i7 from
different perspectives check all those
videos out there all up last week on the
channel it's it's I'm not that bad let's
see what's your next video about okay so
my next
I just scrolled down again date there we
go so my next video is going to be on a
I three overclocking so the base clock
method is still around it's still
possible I'll explain all that in the
video but basically overclock that I
three overkill build that you saw last
week the Destin and I built and I run
through the process of how to do it and
I basically verify the fact that it does
still work and I have other computers
that are still based clock overclocked
that that are still running on the
newest windows 10 updates you know
they're all great so that's kind of
where the that's where the next video
will be centered and then I think after
then I'm gonna do a video on the iphone
SE and the Apple watch just to kind of
keep up with the whole apple thing going
on let's the msi gtx 1063 goodbye to 19
with rebate I don't recommend I wouldn't
purchase a 1060 with three gigs avira I
think three gigs is you're going to be
cutting it close and pretty much any
game I mean you can play in 1080p fairly
maxed out you'll maybe push two and a
half gigs of V around but anything
higher than that especially especially
if you plan on using two of them three
gigs is not going to be in if I just say
six gigs just to be safe you don't want
to ever have in the back your mind that
feeling like oh I might not have enough
vram even though 34 1060 is probably
plenty I just go with six I wouldn't
make the compromise on three gigs let's
see is it hard to build pc like a
beginner no i have plenty of pc builds
there are plenty of other tech two words
about pc builds i recommend almost all
those videos to you don't have to just
watch mine you don't have to watch my
new pc building is very simple it
honestly looks complicated but it's not
it's not complex at all it's it's very
simple let's say cheap gaming keyboard
already have a video on one of those
from hockey check that out on the
channel best ultra widen monitor I say
the one I'm using I mean maybe not best
in terms of performance but I think the
best value is the one I'm using right
now or one similar to this so this is he
the 29 um 57 I think they have the 58
out now they also have a be 55 those are
all 29 inch LG ultra wide you can pick
up for about 200 to 300 bucks I think
that's a really good deal for a 1080p
ultra-wide the pic CEO is really great
monitor too I haven't done reviews on
either of these monitors yet just
because it's kind of the same thing in
in terms of picture quality as it was
with audio quality for the speaker
system so using a camera to film the
screen of a monitor is just kind of not
doing the monitor justice and a lot of a
lot of the bigger tech tubers you have
really really nice cameras can get away
with that you don't see in those weird
ripple effects on the screen or anything
but I'm just using an SD
one-thousand-dollar camera I mean it's
not anything special and I think that if
I just tried to it is really hard i
guess to convey how good a screen looks
in person over a video it's just it's
tough and that's kind of why I've shied
away from doing like very specific
monitor reviews on the channel because
because of that for one let's see what
cpu for editing watch my last week's
videos yes yes the what CP for editing
watch all my videos from last week I
don't answer your question for you let's
see a 9 6pm laptop Greg should I get a
small in tattoo don't buy em to to me is
not worth it it's just not worth it and
about to you're gonna get faster you
might see a slightly faster boot time
and programs a load quicker but SSD is
the way to go and you just get the best
value in an SSD let's see okay let's see
heavens all threw away what happens to
walter white ones n comes i'm sure i'm
going to be Walter White's going to stay
with Intel I'll build a totally separate
system for for Zen I'll probably build
just a test bench for Zen so i'll build
it into a nice case whatever Zen cpu i
purchased first and then i probably
around the three hundred four hundred
dollar cpu range of so upper mid tier i
expect for zen and then i'll build it
and put it into a nice case like Walter
White make it look really good and I'll
probably disassemble it and just put it
on a test bench which I need to purchase
by the way I don't have a test bench yet
but I'll just put it on a test bench and
then I'll just be experimenting with it
for the next week or two just to give
you guys a good I guess
three-dimensional perspective of Zen
let's see I'll answer two more questions
I don't wanna keep you guys too much
long red eye I took too long and the
question and answer thing left i will
you do a video on the choir eh7 i
absolutely will i have the crier gauge
seven and the c7 back there the c7 is
supposed to go in Zacks rig that's the
X the i5i TX pc build in the note 2 or
two that I uploaded a few days ago
that's where the c7 is going to go so
i'll do a video of that and show the
thermal change their nam and then the h7
i might just throw that into Walter
White just to show the difference
between a 240 millimeter all-in-one and
an h 7 so 35 bucks vs. almost 100 US
dollars just the difference there
there's not much of a difference in
terms of overclocking potential just
going to say that up front let's see are
you going to make a water-cooling video
I don't really know what you mean by
that but I've already built plenty of
pcs water cool is the 980 good for 1080p
ultra-wide yeah it's plenty good if you
can find it for cheap enough price
purchasing the 980 but I in most cases
going with either a 1060 or 10 7 is
going to be your better but when will
entertainment studio be a thing I have
no idea let's end on that one
entertainment studio is just it's it's
kind of in its weird awkward maturation
stage right now so Jacob is really
trying to pick up his his audio game and
his recording game all day and he's
going to try to buy a capture card a few
other things and then he's going to move
over to console and do with a few things
on console too i know a lot of you are
going to be like the about it but it's
going to open up us it's going to open
us up to a wider audience and not just
pc gaming and then we're gonna I'm
trying to get him to purchase other
games other than just black ops 3
because that's not the only game I play
but it's the only game he owns as far as
I know if so I know you guys are just
kind of sick and tired of watching black
ops 3 being played over and over so
we're gonna work on I guess broadening
horizons there and trying to promote the
channel more because right now it's not
I mean it's not a source of income it's
not something that I've been trying to
promote hardcore in every video or
anything like that but it's just for
people who just want to watch just Jacob
and I plate just kind of play around a
lot of you like mclovin I wanted to keep
him around in some way and I figured
entertainment studio wasn't going to do
that so that's kind of why we we have it
in existence and I really hope that
someday does take off and become a I
guess a staple gaming channel right now
it's definitely not in
realm but eventually eventually I think
it will be if we keep working at it and
eventually when Jacob and I are around
each other more when I get out of
college hopefully then I will be able to
take it to the next level but for now
it's just kind of in its awkward stage
for those are already watching it
supporting channel thank you I
appreciate that and I'm sure Jacob is
too but will be will be sculpting that
as we go we'll be changing a lot of
things now trying out new games
different all kinds of different stuff
so just stick around for that I can hold
you guys any longer thanks everyone for
watching for being in the for being in
the chat i'm gonna go ahead and swap now
so the last five four three two one okay
no more no more comments okay sorry
about that alright guys this is science
to do thanks for sticking around thanks
for watching the live session and stay
tuned i think tonight i'm going to have
well tonight here in the US i'm gonna
have the i3 overclocking video guide up
on the channel check that out especially
if you own an i3 or an i5 non k cpu and
you're interested in purchasing
something like a Z 170 motherboard
you'll you'll be able to overclock 99%
of time those non k CPUs if you purchase
as e170 motherboard so that's what we'll
talk about the next video thanks for
sticking out on this one I hope you guys
have a good hunting weekend if you're
looking at tech check out some of the
stuff we reviewed in this video I guess
I'll say it again because it's kind of
awkward I I talked too much in between
the ending this is science to do thanks
for learning with this now gonna click
the stop button again there we go I
might get better at this I will
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