
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Parkitects Live Stream!

testing testing testing one two three testing one two three one two three I'm waiting I want to make sure that I'm live like visually live before I before I started doing everything we've had nothing but struggles and let me tell you folks mm-hmm it's not easy desktop audio that's a little weird that should be default okay there we go okay all right that works all right try to make sure there we go about coach do not do to 1080 t aizen sli stay away from ice alive you can a lot of games are not optimized for it unless you just have money to throw around single card is the way to go alright folks so um you guys can feel free to ask questions and stuff like you typically doing these live streams but what I'm gonna do I'm actually showing my second screen I cuz I'm gonna play some place of architect and this is a new game that well it's not it's not new I think it's been off for a few months on Steam but I have not played it personally and I'm a huge fan of the original RCT series so like roller coaster tycoon 1 & 2 the third one kind of sucked and then I got into I got into planet coaster now the problem with planet coaster is that it is almost too technical so I like the fact that you could do a lot more with like the bends and the rollercoasters and stuff like that customizability is insane but it's almost it's almost too much and then on top of that building design and all of that very very difficult to pick up and just kind of run with so we're gonna see how good or bad parka text is this was a game that got pretty good reviews I think very positive reviews so far and I'm gonna have to swing this over to the other screen so give me one moment let's see here graphics monitor to swing over there go over there why are you not going over there go over there ain't working all right let's just swing it over I really don't want to keep this one dude come on no there we go okay that's better you guys can see it now I know it looks like trash ignore the overlap hopefully want to deal with this too long let's see here we're gonna max this baby out I'll go ahead and I'll go ahead and turn up the game volume I won't turn up too much if it's annoying just let me know I can turn it down wrap it in the hole you're gonna find out very soon what's been going on with the lawsuits stay tuned let's see here target frame rate doesn't really matter you guys are not gonna see anything about 60 anyway mods mods installed yeah general okay alright looks fine and I'm gonna go back and let's do really want to play a camping we do sandbox just so we can flat terrain large flat terrain small Lake Park Hills Park even have a tutorial loopy lagoon I want to start from scratch when we gotta learn this on my own and see how I guess so let's do the flat nah screw it let's do Lake Park alright I know I'm indecisive here how's Jane what's with that and let's see what happened what's going on gee rod how you doing man is this literally like let's see I'm gonna have to how did I just do that okay so it is is it just one of those like for viewpoint games kind of like rollercoaster taking in that sense I thought you could free pivot but that's alright here we go what's up the fireplace freak how you doing my dude and is someone saying there's a there's a delay no I'll see ya I don't know I just want to make sure I make sure all right so this is Lake Park and you can see the graphics here kind of trash but that's that's kind of point you see like planet coaster was was really good looks really nice but it's just too technical whereas here like you get like your grid you know it's just a grid that you're used to if you've played rollercoaster tycoon one or two and put like a kiosk here or something let's say utility building staff room Depot trash chute the staff training room this is like more technical than I thought it would be also I realize that chat is like right in the way so I'm gonna swing that chat over because it's kind of annoying let's do chat box whoops that wasn't the right one lock that unlock that and we're gonna swing it over here yeah every guy looks good enough okay now we're gonna lock it back I'll go back down okay let's see no we have okay these are shops they've like a like a kiosk umbrellas okay a vending machine souvenirs information kiosks me where you go I scan place one of them right there I can get I'm gonna put some park benches and stuff up there just put them all up in the corners no trash bins there we go these are like barrel trash bins these are regular ones you just put a couple not that I'm too concerned about litter in the very beginning and then what about the scenery here it's seen we got flower boxes so this is reminding me a lot of rollercoaster taking too which is cool it's cool but yeah this is Li you have fireplaces literally what roller coaster taken would look like in 2019 well I mean that's that's paying homage to the original assuming that was the goal let's go ahead just build a roller coaster that's kind of what I'm curious about because a lot of the well I think a big drawback I move this mic up you know one second I think a huge drawback for liqueurs Tekken 2 was just the inability to get super technical and specific when it came to certain rollercoaster I don't know attributes unless one that camera a little further over so I'm not like totally out of the shot Michael mix mix she said $10 super Chet I appreciate that sorry for butchering your last name what's the best fan layoffs Fillion Lee PC Levin dynamic I have a 22 CL c7 or K 10 atti but it's not an issue I'm just wondering what the layout and number have worked best for you so the way I have mine set up I have intake on the side so next to the motherboard and then I have a an exhaust config for my AI oh so Ivan yeah I have a pretty similar setup just fan wise to you it sounds like mine's a 360 a IO but there I mean it's gonna be pretty much the same as a 218 in terms of performance so I mounted that a IO up top and it exhausts you could put some extra fans down below but I like the fact that the fans space is populated against the motherboard tray because it's just kind of a cool unique feature of the 11 dynamic let's see let's just do a wooden roller coaster screw it how do I rotate stuff I don't know how to rotate anything oh yeah okay if you hold it down hold down the left click and you can kind of swing it around here that's cool and then I'm hitting a Q and E to swing this back and forth all right so let's let's do it like like like here and then okay yep looking this is looking very much like RCT two folks and that's a good thing alright we're gonna build that build that let's do five and it's a narrow turn add the chain link is this cool this is oh you can do steeper than that okay yeah let's do the where's the delete button there it is yeah that's why you go really steep with it check that out couldn't do that with our ct2 so that's cool delete delete and make sure that was nothing super important nope that's my brother talking about some old games we used to play speaking of which oh we're doing here so let's see build build build build build okay so I'm assuming these little like height marks here little tick marks are they're just showing you you know at what level you're at it's not an accurate depiction that's okay as long as I can reference I don't want to go obviously any higher than seven and seven and a half here well I don't want to go any higher than about seven and a quarter maybe seven let's see TTR so thank you for showing the game love's not perfect but it's a small team indie and I've sunk a ton of time into this game looking forward to the next few updates like reverse coaster building that would be pretty dope yeah that's cool I mean this is this game caught my eye because it looked a lot like kind of a refined roller coaster tycoon another thing too it looks like you can swing this around that's pretty cool so meanly pivot here so you guys can see that so in rct2 it was pretty much locked you could do like a 45 degree turn or just a 0 degree flat you know incline so this is actually a nice nice little addition here let's go ahead and have it turn just because we can and we'll build that and then so okay I don't really know what I'm doing oh whoa that's really steep haha okay I wonder how that's gonna play out in terms of yeah that's that's pretty harsh each alright I don't wanna go in the ground so let's just do like a sharper there we go straighten that out 1 0 okay and we're gonna go back up but but slowly because I don't want to rip people's faces off and let's some get the other way now let's do like a 25 degree turn I feel like that's just gonna I feel like this isn't gonna go off let's do that yeah screw it straighten it back out and that's cooled you can actually see it live like you can see the rollercoaster doing its thing they're gonna make it so yeah it looks like it's going to so that's nice you don't have to build the whole thing and then like you know test it out you can actually ensure that it's gonna make it before you know before you throw all that time and effort into it and money frankly let's go back up and we'll just kind of level it off like that go ahead and swing it around just still going up I can't tell I think it is I don't want to do that yep there we go okay oh okay so the mechanics are a little weird I'm trying to figure that out if I keep it angled still I want to keep turning why can't I I don't want to go down oh that's why okay I thought I was trying to go down with it yeah that straighten it out uh-huh it's pretty cool it's pretty cool and it's smooth you know killer what's going on five dollar super chat from Canada you were awesome I trust your PIN on other channels I appreciate that I do encourage you though to watch my fellow tech tubers don't just go off of one opinion you know you want to have as well-rounded an opinion as possible and you can really only get that by watching multiple channels so while I appreciate kind words it's important that you get multiple viewpoints on the same thing just so that you know not misinformed or anything because one of us could get it wrong like I've gotten it wrong in the past you know so it's good to see multiple people doing the same thing II and I straighten that up we can start to go up with it now if you want I would go how are we looking so far all right so a little stretched out a little weird looking I kind of don't like how that part of the coaster goes completely under I just didn't really play out the best aesthetically so let's go ahead and start to pivot that now there we go and then we can bring it oh yeah that's much better much better and you guys are definitely gonna pick up on my OCD after watching me do this and we'll wait a second here we don't want to completely straighten it out all together yet now we can I wish there was a faster way to rotate okay okay so it won't let you when it's like just mechanically impossible right because that's gonna really throw off the coaster it won't let you overturn it oh we can also stretch out the length of the track that's cool so instead of doing one tile or two tiles you can do three or four so I could actually save you some time in the long run I could have done that here with this turn especially that's really nice let's see here let's see how we doing in the chat over there folks but buh buh sorry I'm gonna go I'm gonna try to read more of that I'm just kind of distracted am i swingin right away yeah Oh what are you gonna write these roller coasters I don't think he can but that was something I thought was really cool oh that's better that's something I thought was really cool about rct3 it's one of the few things I thought was very cool about it I don't know if we're gonna make that height I'm not sure yet we'll see I swing it around a little bit shorten that up okay straighten it up know that a little more link to that okay it looks like it's gonna make it so it's showing that it's actually making it that's cool I would doin but uh someone says they didn't think I actually answered killers question oh sorry killer you're right it was a--that's a method method appreciate you let me know sorry killer you are saying something about Channel yeah I addressed that okay 1610 ATT I should I wait for a 3100 X we get an i7 okay the whole question about waiting like it's such a vague question like I don't know your scenario I don't know if you're comfortable where you are or not if you're comfortable there's no point upgrading like everyone asks it seems like everyone asks that kind of question and it's just it's not a question I can answer for you because I'm not you I don't know how you you know I don't know how immediate your needs are so if you if you feel like you need it and you want the upgrade now then you have really no choice right but to go with the 9700 k so if it was me if you're asking if whether I would do it I would personally wait just there's there's too much good stuff on the horizon here from from AMD and it just feels wrong to recommend I don't know like unless you're just wanting to go after Intel something from Intel right now which by all means you can if you want but personally I wouldn't just because of again what's on the horizon so that's my take on it but again you might be different you might feel differently about it I'm going to is there like an S bend there is an S bend but does it actually twist for me not really that's gonna be a pretty hard turn for the average person so don't think we're gonna do that also we've got helix helix up and down that's very cool okay thanks again killer appreciate it and thanks method for letting me know ooh okay twopence says that you can ride the roller coasters alright I'm excited we're gonna have to ride it after this and see what it looks like I'm trying to get this to sit like slightly veer off center I don't want to run straight into this kind of want it to like wrap around one more time and then come back to the station but I'm just I don't yeah I don't know maybe I should just do this so now that it's flat how'd it turn just a little bit up runway yep like that but not go that far down why are they going down okay it's cuz it was already on the decline alright that makes sense alright go down uh-huh - alright that's that's good straighten up I said seriously underground are you joking come on that is not underground oh yeah it's gonna it's gonna force it underground matter what so you have to do that have it straighten up now we gonna have to keep going oh yeah no that's too far okay Oh flat and now we're at a crossroads again so which way should we have a go I just have to twist the other way this way how to do like that yep and straighten back out again lot not cool we're already on the ground it's convenient not very long roller coaster I feel like we should ever do more stuff but whatever I kind of want to see it do its thing so let's where's the brakes we got brakes brakes brakes we even have brakes in this game I see station marks oh there it is I'm right in front of me okay so brake there I don't know how fast we'll be going so I wouldn't include it and then we can do block brakes go ahead and stretch this out a bit more build and then we can have it turn and there we go all right here we go we built it built our first one okay cool all right so and yeah it looks like it's gonna make it into the station so that's good is this the entrance yep and there's the exit okay so let's do this and let's ride how do you how do you ride the ride follow exit entrance hate to pan you said you could ride the rides I can't I can't figure it out I'm clicking follow but that ain't working that's cool you can see g-forces dope check that out so the red obviously is were that those are positive G's so that's it's for those who don't know what a G is it's like gravity right 1g is is the average or that the natural pull averse you know gravitational field on your body so you're gonna be feeling as heavy as you do now - geez you're gonna feel twice the force of gravity on your body and so on so it looks like 2.16 G's there that's not so bad that's one point five seven g one point seven nine yeah that's fine and the negative G's who they're really going up in the air huh Oh point two nine G's there that's something like Mars is gravity so that's pretty cool oh yeah see a two-pin thought i keep that yeah you're talking about some other game yeah I'll just say I couldn't find a way to ride that in this one but the fact you can see G's is really cool I'm actually really intrigued by that I almost prefer this because there's some physics involved right it's showing you what the game is going to yield in terms of the see the like the excitement and and nausea factor and all that stuff so you actually seeing a real time wow just that little turn there it's giving you like one point five two g's and then instantly 0.5 G's so I think that was the ride is that is there another way to see this okay here we go here we go the nausea rating is very low so that's great the intensity rating is low that's it's okay but the excitement rating is fifty point five which is high which is really good so in in roller coaster tycoon 2 I would call this a big win because it's really hard to get an exciting coat like roller coaster that's also at least somewhat intense that's not like super nauseating because if this is really high then people are gonna throw up everywhere I'm not to hire more handyman or whether they call them this one there's a ride cam mod oh that's cool so I definitely download that especially for you guys cuz I feel like that's something that you would actually enjoy watching apart of me building this in English I'm sure is pretty boring my scenery rating overall and this one was very low or bad yeah so so I could definitely make this thing look a little better let's try to build like a building around it I've never done that before do a zigzag up down up down and have it at max g-forces for at least two minutes okay alright let's do it what does we'll just do it so let's get a like a really fast it's like a Giga coaster or something yeah here we go geek coaster alright so let's do what what Mir what meet meet Michael Michaels interesting I'm going to build something super super high this is just gonna be here just for a few minutes just to show you guys what it'll do and then now let's just have it go like up pretty fast and that's friggin high how high can you go Jesus alright that's way up there and then we're gonna take these off and it's just gonna go straight down oh my gosh okay so you wanted like max Gees right so we can have a go down no I want you guys to see it well that's gonna be the most cheese cuz it's the sharpest turn so do that and we'll do that and then we'll just do that and then back down and then yeah you get it right so this little yeah and then we'll do some really sharp turns with no bend at all so that's gonna that's gonna hurt and is our test coaster still yeah test coasters up there oh gosh this isn't gonna be good oh wow that is some G pulling right there here and then back down and then again we'll do it one more time just for a good measure and then we'll have it go back to station which is way over here because that was a really tall coaster um yeah we're gonna drop it drop it down to the floor go and there we go alright alright so here in here we're not gonna open this up to the public because I don't want people to die and okay someone said someone said you need to open the ride then select the cart to write it yourself but if I select the cart I don't understand there's no way to do it oh that's edit whoops sorry yeah I'm not seeing the cart dude now let's check our g-forces holy crap um I guess it's not showing these yet because the test didn't go that far over that's that's probably why but yeah I can't find a way to ride the ride so if you're telling me there's a way to ride the ride I'm not seeing it there's just a follow option that's it so let's just watch it do its thing the game is like 30 bucks I think on Steam so if you're interested thank you I don't know if steam so does like the 24-hour money-back thing or whatever like two hours of gameplay money back that's one of those I think so you can check it out TTL wants me to open the ride yeah not gonna happen I actually want to like try to build something nice in this game in this map so what I don't want people to die and I'm sure that will happen so oh if you open the okay you have to open the ride and then you can write it okay maybe that maybe that's that's what he's saying here it goes oh my gosh those are some G's right there all right what are you guys thinking Nagi reading I think it goes with a scale of ten so what are you thinking very high seventy three point four the intensity rating is three hundred three hundred intensity reading and the excitement is very low which I can I can see I can see that yeah I'm not I'm not seeing a way to ride the ride so pretty sure I'll have to get the mod for that and let's check our g-forces let's see how many G's we're pulling 11.24 yeah that Oh that'll kill somebody and up here negative nine basically you're gonna feel like you're gonna feel like you need to be ejected from your seat it's probably gonna break your shoulders and collarbone all that crap geez and then here can we see lateral G's yeah lateral G's okay here we so obviously going straight you're not gonna have any lateral G's but right here nine lateral G's you're gonna have nine times the force of Earth's gravity pulling you to to the right oh that's pretty extreme I want to have your longitudinal g-forces longitudinal g-forces airtime hi how many how much airtime can we can we calculate that there's got to be air time why is it not calculating air time I'll get there something like way up there one second of air time figured you'd have air time down here maybe that's not the same air time it's okay that's just a G and then Vallois how fast are we going down here 140 kilometres an hour if I right-click it's like letting me build it looks like so if you want to build from a particular spot like if I want to change something right here you just right-click and then you can jump into it excuse me all right scenery rating senior readings pretty trash because I have no scenery so that's very cool yeah so like like Octavian said it's gonna feel like you are falling like a rock and then you're gonna feel light as a feather probably a little more extreme than that I think we can agree Octavian you'll basically die and then you'll die again if you didn't die the first time then you'll die again and just the repetitive cycle yep swing around here I do have money I didn't know is that it money let's look at the finances how we doing so far we sold four dollars and fifty cents in souvenirs and that is down for the month of June that's not good but it's been pretty steady the past three months it's pretty good ride maintenance it's costing about well I don't know what it was the with just the wooden roller coaster ups and pretty sure we had the steel coaster up at the same time why is everyone why aren't everyone pissed what's going on this dude looks upset can I click on them can I click on nope oh here we go yeah time span he spent a dollar 50 in the park and he seems pretty upset or they just are they just pissed because like I don't know like there's nothing to do maybe why are all my park benches like destroyed just seriously wreck all this stuff already what's going on there are no low-intensity rides here that interest me the vandalism over here is really bad the park entrance fee is a good deal was one of my charging to get into the park a dollar yeah you guys better not be complaining if you look if you don't like you just just leave yeah just just leave we just get out of here all right I guess I better connect the yeah the ride is there a queue line I feel like yeah there it is cute all right let's do let's do something a little zig zagging thing yep all right there you go people there you go and let's go ahead and open you up to public this one's actually good remember this is the one that we built that was actually decent so very low nausea reading so I don't expect anyone except for like children and the occasional adult to puke and then intensity ratings pretty low as well excitement rating is 50 point something oh yeah there we go all right these people better cheer up they better hey you know I feel better after this this is what a cheap ride here how much does it cost me to say check my finances again I'll show my expenses cost me uh I don't even oh here we go here we go yeah at least a few thousand dollars to build this wooden roller coaster so I'm just saying they better cheer it up let's see give them something to do and maybe the chair says yeah all right well hopefully this cheers him up there's like four people on this ride so far so maybe they'll feel better about themselves I'm just saying though like this is a lot of vandalism for like 20 people on the park like some of these people look pissed like that guy looks mad so you know like mad yeah he's gonna cheer up after this though I just dude like hi this chicks about to just like pass out on the sidewalk like right now there put some park benches there just in case you can catch yourself yeah you go there you go there's some more and actually and put some trash bins here too just in case anyone decided to puke and save me the trouble of hiring some handyman I'm gonna go ahead and replace these park benches because nobody's got any appreciation for the park I don't even know what I name the party on people just knocking over trash cans like what like that's all they come in to theme parks to do put two there and I'm like lights extreme Lancer so yeah lamps looking like a regular lamp that doesn't look weird that'll work okay and let's see if people come out he looks up he looks pretty happy now he looks happy is he running to the exit maybe he got maybe I pissed him off even more where you going dude yo really oh maybe he just ran out of places to go oh no okay yeah okay he sees a losing some happiness though so we're going to get that back okay oh yeah true gonna add some toilets we got to do that so it says some toilets it's gonna be utility buildings staff training trash chute I want to put that there let's see what oil it's alright so put them there and it's open already that's nice I'll have to manually open it yeah let's see this dude happy he's a little more happy now just to look but he's dropping and happiness these people are hard to please look like people sitting still what's this dude what is he even thinking right now wooden coaster was awesome okay so he's just chillin right he's just chillin after an enjoyable coaster ride so that's cool all right I wanted to go back here and build some scenery because it's just barren right now looks pretty boring so how do I do that that's a brush I don't want that okay I'm looking for like buildings or something decorations make something other than trees props Center crops maybe looking for some walls what is this wheel like a water tower you put that put that here so these are something for buildings here we go what is this base door base roof I'm not looking for details fences gates put a fence up so there's something yeah good is that seriously a bent light post are you guys kidding me someone doing jumping like like pull-ups on this thing and there's a knocked over trashcan ting I'm like eh I'm gonna find whoever does this if you guys see anyone vandalize anything let me know I'm gonna drown them throw them in the water all right now I'm gonna take this tool again and go back up to I'm trying to get familiar with the UI this is work in progress I gotta fix the stupid light post someone Bend any we can go and then that they said I get my money back for it I did some of it no I get all my money back for that's cool okay did you op you you I saw it I pick you up alright let's see I won't drown you I don't want to do that I'm not that mean but I'll put you way over here in nowhere Ville and yeah look at look at that reaction she's like good so yeah how did I get here oh gee I don't know some mysterious force in this guy good luck with uh with life okay crack on PC forty Hong Kong or something like that it's but I appreciate it thank you for that says using an eighteen hundred X with an H sous x 370 motherboard should I trust a sous and slap their beta BIOS and present to support or X 570 I'm look I think it's worth a shot to begin with like a face you says they're gonna do it then then do it um and it sounds like you got was that an ISO is it an ITX board I think you'll have the support for it but I mean worst case if you don't it's unstable or whatever you can always buy a new motherboard later I think it's worth trying though for sure so yeah I need to get a security officer and that's somebody said that staff management let's see haulers security all right we're gonna hire sent 24 dollars a month who works for that amount of money okay there we go and I want to go back to building scenery something building that one like I mean like walkie here we go walls I want something that's like wooden you know kind of fits the theme what is that just like a okay that'll work that'll work all right and then swing it around this way make sure you all want to have it come out just a little more cool cool and okay oh geez all right yeah so if you hold shift down then you can go whoops those wrong way wrong all right let's go up there we go and that's how you can add the second storey and I kind of don't want to add like something too tall a little weird and we'll add some stuff later assuming they have those okay now roof they have roof roof there we go looking for something that kind of blends in really is there nothing what is this flat I don't want a flat roof here we go all right lift this up god it looks terrible what is that it's like a piece of charcoal I want something with some color you know we can change the coloring Lanza's start but he it's not really the color I was going for yeah yeah I like that you can like change it with a little color wheel but I don't like how I can't match it just straight up whatever it looks kind of weird but we'll just go with it and then this one when I raise up to here there we go like that and then this one we can raise up to here still looks a little weird but just just roll with it we're gonna swing it around we're gonna do it like that yeah look it's my first time folks I don't expect it looks super nice and everything close it up with what is that oh gosh it looks bad um do we have do we do we have like old triangle pieces yeah that could work I could work let's see I raise it to there okay cool you couldn't do this in rct2 so that's very nice again good to see stuff like that so you can fill in the ugly edges go ahead and do the other side while we're at it drop that one raise that that and swing it around okay then we'll fill in the last two little bits here boom and boom all right cool looks a little weird that just roll with it okay let's see how that chicks doing way out here I'll probably bring her back you're still alive if she's still alive Oh yep she's over here free-roaming how are you doing I'm lost you don't say wow she is she had some issues right now let's go ahead and bring her back I think purgatory was good enough for that amount of time uh ah where you going are you ain't leaving yet you know even yeah yeah that's right get back here yeah that's right you don't like walking on grass do ya I learned that trick from RCT two what we can do here is kind of close in this these walls aren't looking that great because you can kind of see through them so I'm gonna fill those in it's at least you can't see them you know yeah that looks that looks good and same with this one here just kind of fill in that little wall that way it looks like it's kind of closed in a little more and then do we have any let's see maybe like windows there we go we have some windows in there put one there all right I mean that looks okay looks okay to me the roofs looking a little weird but whatever and okay I'll let people out now fine fine I'll put it back this do you guys stuff over here doing something I don't know what he was doing are you doing there's no high intensity riots around here that interests me bro there's one of right here in front I should probably name this by the way how do I rename it oh it was literally right there by the name there we go let's call this one um let's call it the blockbuster yeah one word not trademarked we go and so far the rides been great no issues and no maintenance wise has been pretty reliable so that's it's that's pretty good it's a girl like up here flowers some flowers down you know just just spice things up a bit and maybe put some like let's see what do we have here these old tulip patches just run these along three four oh whoops just deleted that by accident okay yep just a couple more benches park benches ain't nothing wrong with that yeah people need some places to sit why are these broken still bro my security guard is not doing jack where is he can you punish security guards are you doing wandering around that's exactly what you're doing can you um train to level one there are no training rooms oh that's why he's not freaking trained yet hmm that's weird Bob you're saying I muted but everyone can hear me except for you I think so you might want to bump up that audio bro let's see here I need a training center yeah that's exactly why wasn't doing his friggin job he doesn't know how to do it yet cuz he hasn't been trained oh I keep rotating this let's just do it like just put right there oh no wait I should have done that do I move it move it further back there you go okay all right now get trained bro David every time your security guy takes a piss someone breaks a bitch that's literally what's happening all right this guy needs to be trained heading to the staff room yeah and you better pick it up beer pick up the pace security guard where are you can I lock on to you where are you yeah right there uh-huh you look like the guy who's actually vandalizing that then why are you dressed like that no where are you going where you going this way guy doesn't even know the park that he's working in he's like confused there's only like two places to go you can go in the freakin park right here there's only one ride or you can go what are you thinking about you thinking about other security guards I'm gonna make you work alone you're gonna work 12-hour shifts no overtime it's legal in my my world so all right now he's sitting in there he's just staring at a wall but I think it's I think it's going well I don't need a mechanic yet it's been pretty this one's been all right I'll hire a mechanic when I have to but I'm not gonna waste money you know I mean is there like a do not enter like sign or something yeah here we go path sign and whoops wrong way Jesus hey you okay this one how you deleted all right I did it I put it in the wrong line that's how it has to go yep like that oh okay okay no entry there we go no nice so now unless people can vandalize is there a way to like look through scenery is that an option a crash in a nearby theme park has scared potential customers your Park will see a decrease in visitors for short are you kidding me because some other freakin Park can't keep its crap together I get hurt for it Pepsi's looking at me right now like brah medical staff or Medical Center yeah no people look pretty healthy to me something to waste the money on this isn't a big enough park I think to justify all that money being thrown at it let's fix that again why are these park benches different I love the same ones where are they decent nope where are the original park benches that I had those weren't the ones I was using woman yeah these okay this is a security guard is he out now is he out working are you doing your wandering around level two I'm gonna train you to level two now you had tt-rs says he's got the same issues with science I'm glad I'm not the only one I feel like I should be slightly better at this cuz I've played RCT two so much but also I have like a ton of the same flowers like all around so I'm gonna switch it up a little bit let's do you like red yeah there we go looks a little better flowers around the bathroom stall we have like bushes and stuff plants there we go plan tree well that's nice they don't connect too though so you can kind of like just spread them wherever you want all right so I wanted to get them to like lock together so it looks a little neater but I have a feeling that's not gonna happen you're like hedges or something plants nope same thing um fountain it's pretty nice one of those there yeah that's cool it is raining everyone's pissed they don't have umbrellas I should probably add an umbrella shop I'm gonna charge him a ton of money that's right intervening opportunity folks yep we're gonna charge you guys like ten bucks yeah it seems legit and is it open out of stock wait how do you add stock what what is this I need like people to transport okay I guess there's like a guy that you can do that haulers oh are you serious I have to hire some guy to frickin transport all this crap it's actually pretty cool it's like that's a feature that we definitely didn't have from really mr. deck into but it's I mean it's a real part of like daily park running right so I get it so yeah sorry folks y'all got rained on and done I could do wow he's ridden blockbusters six times I should probably add something else just so there's like some variety let's see let's do a ferris wheel it's like pretty de-facto and just put yeah put that there I'm actually yeah let's do that and then we'll do like that okay yeah Park okay looks good to me and we'll open it up and let's put something in the middle there yes sculpture I'm like trying my best to you know spice it up a little bit yeah it's just feel like a call it's like a headstone like right like it's just like a graveyard right in front of the ferris wheel crates put some crates that's cool that'll work do a crate on top of a crate yeah that looks like it fits yeah and then we doing over there God people are knocking over these freaking trash cans why what have I done to you yeah and you see these stupid benches are not sticking no it's not the right one is that the one I just picked why is that look at different color it seriously looks like it's a different color but it's not maybe that bench is just different it was my fault you know I was using the wrong bench before I'm going crazy and going crazy I really am oh okay as my Hall or not done anything yet we are supposed to be yeah delivering umbrellas where are you yeah mm-hmm let's go let's go chop chop chop chop chop chop how many people we have in the park 65 all right I probably should have made this a bigger entrance than it is there's like one slim little pathway there and I feel like it's gonna get super crowded once we got more stuff because I don't think obviously there's one wooden roller coaster is not gonna cut it what can we do here but we can change the color of the track wow that's really bright you like a grey or something that's really cool like a black I really like you can kind of scroll across the entire color palette like that's really convenient something you couldn't do in roller coaster tycoon um safety 90% budget 90% maintenance level you need to close this ride to change these settings cars Bertrand obviously yeah ten times blockbuster was awesome seven times blockbuster was a really good deal meaning really good deal my charging people to read this right no revenue maybe I am no way why are people saying it's a good deal you only have to pay to enter the park right which this should be way higher by the way let's see five bucks I feel like people are paying to get into this if you guys see that's that's like my revenue just for blockbusters so where's this money coming from why am I getting paid for this I wanted to be free oh there it is right in front of me okay zero that's better yeah it's just weird when you get a paper ride like you should be able to get in or either ride as many times as you want I think that's that's best let's put like a little pavilion over this part of this ride it's looking a little weird by itself let's do walls again do we have like anything other than just like this I guess that's okay for the track we'll do that and just do like this small roof where's the small one I'm looking for the small roof there like that something like that yeah sorry yeah I need to keep track of like the hex values of these things so I can actually match them is right now it ain't matched up there we go okay and then yeah we should probably put something on me I just go back down again to the same thing do we have like the small triangle one no new not seeing it that sucks figured they'd have something like that maybe they do I'm just not looking I tell you what the rotating mechanics though could use a little work I feel like I'm feel like I'm not getting that right yeah we'll just we'll just go all the way across there and there and there and there I wanted something for like the I'm saying for like the little triangle low part of the roof like kind like we have oh here it is yeah I was looking for it okay yeah that's a lot better than one here it's just something you know it just gives us some Flair so it's just yeah this makes people feel like there's more let's see what our decoration very low god I built a whole frickin building for this thing and it's still very low do they want stuff like over here maybe they want something over here we have something like really large to put here let's see what's under large well that's not that sinister hand five-dollar Canadian super check how are you doing I am doing fine good sir assuming you are a guy I'm assuming you are you uh you live in Canada so could be well I guess your time zones are the same as ours happy Saturday I hope you had a good weekend so far rocketship how big is this he's not really like huge scenery items I need like something you know crazy that's all nature sculptures that kind of small sculptures archways borders bill okay we got any big buildings nope the tower yeah maybe maybe it's trees maybe maybe I just need more trees I don't know because there aren't yeah you're right there aren't many trees here so let's just do like what kind of trees are here already guess like these right so I should start spreading them all out it's very cool even the animation for the trees like when you place it it kind of like grows into place it's cool it's just subtle stuff that you know like these developers put a lot of time and effort into I see that I appreciate it and alright there's a lot more trees now I would say this is it's still not dense it's not like a typical you know dense tree area but it's something and let's see if that changed it at all decoration is just low so the trees did something but they didn't do very much so yeah I'm gonna have to be a little more creative with that someone like me to build a super-dense coaster like a super compact coaster so what we can do is start with mmm it's really gonna depend on the type of coaster we choose we could do like a wild mouse coaster because these have really sharp turns and we can go up pretty high as well so let's see get it like right here like as small as possible actually I tell you what well go ahead and paint oops that's the brush terrain yeah okay let's go ahead and do some some dirt ooh yeah that's what I wanted okay so we're gonna go ahead and map out how dense we want this thing just like right there okay and I want that grass yep okay so now let's go back into here and let's set up wild mouse coaster and yep David I'm doing it actually right now thanks for the super chat but I saw your chat I'm just gonna I'm gonna try I'm not gonna be very good at it let's have like a separate exit and entrance thing like let's have like let's do like the exit like here I just just bear with me and then let's do the entrance here where's the station station can you not do that there it is okay all right there's four of those straight up and just have it go up each it's probably probably not high enough but whatever we'll work with it anyway straight down straight up a little tall man let's kinda have it like turn a little bit oh yeah it's a little too far okay actually just realize it's gonna cut me off um I should probably just delete this yeah I'm just gonna scrap that idea there we go you know it kind of sucks that you can't oh there we go that's that's what I was trying to do did it okay this is not gonna go well gonna do tell I can already tell this isn't gonna go on and sound stop there go down down a can just for the lawls am i seriously turn sideways all right yeah yeah up up and then so we get that way okay we're getting there whoo that's a little too far you know the I think the hardest part about this is the visual thing like I feel like that well that's not it's not gonna work if I could just figure out how to yeah like build that but then don't go well that work nope I said I still won't work why would that not work maybe the carts too tall okay so it's gonna have to be sharp turn flat or semi flat and we'll straighten this back out oops okay something like that then we'll turn it again Oh is he getting super compact I feel like that's just gonna throw it like well yeah there we go that'll work flatten it out straighten it up is that gonna be too tall I feel like that's gonna be too tall you have to be like that this isn't gonna be super compact now that I'm into it like I realize I just kind of feel a lot harder then it then it sounds swing that around and I'll like try my best to turn it somehow oh gosh that's gonna pull some cheese I can already tell probably not the best know what screw it let's like let's make it a goal of ours to pull some G's yeah boom see that that's that so that's a massive G puller right there I really don't like that that like tunnel thing is there I kind of look stupid yeah I don't work that stop and then well I gotta have a place for my entrance so that's not really gonna work I didn't think that one through can I not go over that nope no way you just keep going straight and then swing it around again cuz I gotta bring it back here somehow people have to go a little outside of my if that is like stupid all right all right I'm gonna have to cheat a little bit yep but just like that that's what I'm not to do now all the way around it and yeah okay so down flatten this is gonna work right are you serious that's still not low enough ah okay well that kind of sucks so do that there now it's low enough uh you know it's still gonna block me there oh this is not really well planned out okay scrapping that idea we're just gonna have it do some quick turns boom boom kind of like how they work in real life and do that and then we'll do it a little yeah and then a shorter one good little up swinging around and very far down huh or is this compact looking right I think this fits the bill gonna have to have it drop pretty fast again though ooh that runs under the ground okay that's still gonna hit me this one item before we're just head of come up twice then back down there we go this is looking kind of cool it's pretty compact one don't you think yeah TTR I was talking earlier in this talking earlier in this livestream about the differences between planet coaster and and in this game this game is very simplistic by that standard right but that's kind of the point like that was could you stop hitting the mic please hey huh huh can you stop that but I mean that was the point right this is this is made after a game that was simplistic for a good reason I think and Pepsi seriously you like right in the way the screen no okay okay yeah all right thank you and I think we have to keep us on the crowd yeah there's no way that that's gonna fit so let's do some breaks 1 2 and then some block breaks whoops okay I gotta turn off the clock face there we go and then yeah because I have all this extra space I guess I'll just add more station to it so we have more cars bill I mean that's not like a super compact roller coaster but like it takes up all the space in the dirt area it was kind of what I wanted and let's see do it okay that's too late that's way too few cars Pepsi Moo can you Pepsi true the guests need food that's for sure oh they look pissed how we doing over there oh no they don't seem really hungry I mean their hunger is kind of averaged but they're probably leaving oh these guys are stuck ok yep time to hire a mechanic hire one that's higher to just because I want to train one of them all the others just goofing off and yeah Pepsi is just getting in a way every day I think she's hungry she just woke up she wants attention let's see chain lift speed that's fine looking for the number of cars I always saw that earlier where is that can you not control a number of course you can only add two are you serious alright so here's what we'll do delete delete then we'll just do that that and let's see we add more trains hey we're gonna add three now it's still not a lot yeah that's not very much I wish you could had a fourth there at least a fourth one there Pepsi hey stop oh she's eating paper now come get oh get out of there gift get back from behind there I talked to her like she can understand me anyway let's watch this thing do its work pretty sharp there that one's a little better pretty sharp there this one's sharp ooh I turned that one so it shouldn't be too bad but I feel like yeah that last one right there is pretty sharp let's see what the intensity is that's not bad so the medium medium intensity there excitement's medium - Oh way that those are outdated values though let's wait for this one to come in and again decorations pretty low or whatever so these are I believe I don't know why it's not showing me the updated ones yet maybe so this car hey Aki Pepsi you really doing this right now really so I'm not showing me updated value so it's really weird anyway it's it's it's good it this is a good game I will say that that this this has even though the graphics are like you know not great in terms of just like that's the point they did it on purpose because roller coaster tycoon two's graphics weren't great game came out you know over well over a decade ago so it's that game came out what around 2000 I don't even remember someone will google it but anyway I know it was that when I was very very young and I enjoyed it and this literally pays homage to it it's actually I mean it takes a ton of cues from it but it's its own game and its own right right because you can you can see so many cool things look you can see the freaking g-force is like see 0.62 G's there 2.13 G's there 2.4 there like that's really that's really nice and you can see laterals you can see visuals they're pulling negative 1.3 there they're pulling are they pulling down here can't even see that one 1.83 that's that's pretty high there and that one actually looks pretty high so I kind of want to change that one or at least like put it put some brakes here or something so that it's not so aggressive but anyway my thoughts in the game is the first time I've ever played it pretty nice it is kind of I mean it's kind of expensive at 30 bucks but at the same time it's not like a huge triple a title that's gonna you know sell for 60 bucks or more like it's it's half price and at least the devs can kind of see that that this game is gonna be more for like the niche like old-school tycoon player know because that's what this is like they weren't going after you know planet coaster or anything like that so yeah I think it's really cool I appreciate you guys watching I'm going down this one cuz I might go pepsi some attention and I think I got a feeder and stuff but you guys have been awesome I appreciate that and stay tuned because we're gonna do something like this next week again I have designated separate like it's a YouTube when I you two actually at all it's a Google hangout for members so if you remember and you didn't drop by around 8 o'clock tonight which is about 3 hours ago we did a live call for members so that's the way for me to be more personal and like talk to people who actually throw money at me because otherwise you probably feel like you're not getting much for your money and I totally understand that so that's why the the money or that that's why the hangouts thing exists and it's just it's like a call set up like I'll have a video call for me so it was a little more personal but you don't have to turn on your your video camera whatever it can just be audio and we can talk about whatever you want and the members right now I think we only have like 20 or 30 members so it's fairly exclusive at this point so if you do decide to become a member it's like 5 bucks and you'll get access to that every week and you can bring literally bring like a list of questions I really don't care just just bring whatever you want you don't have to bring lists at all we can just talk about random crap you see on TV I don't care but it's just a way for us to get a little more personal and for you to feel like you're actually getting a little more for your money so I thank you to those who are members even if you can't stop by I'll try to be a little more flexible in time if you're like in you know the UK or something obviously 8 p.m. here it's like what 2 3 a.m. over there so it's not very convenient but I'm just gonna have to work with what we have and try to appeal so the most people that I can so more feedback in that can all be thrown into the the discord it's linked down below and we share it with Brian from tech yes City you guys know the whole spiel David Morse is now a member I appreciate that David you are awesome and hopefully you feel like you get your money's worth every Saturday at 8 p.m. I understand it's a weekend's gonna be a little rough but I think it's a little better than choosing a weekday when people work especially they were late night shifts so it kind of frees up the schedule for you if you have some time and look you can pop into the call for five minutes ask a question and then leave it's ok I'm just there for you guys it's a way for me to kind of again reach out to you on a more personal level and get to just chat with you I don't want you to feel like you have to pay to be my friend it's just a way for for me to set apart those kind of advantages or perks from just the general subscriber because most subscribers won't you know they won't pay for anything and I get that like a majority people won't and that's totaling like most of the YouTube con content that I consume I don't pay anything to that creator except for my viewership and maybe a sub naught and then ads and stuff right so this is just our way of trying to differentiate ourselves and and make it feel again a little more personal I'll stop talking now you guys have been awesome thanks for watching and hopefully you stay tuned for more videos this week we got coming up a very cool video with the homemade maple X Pro my personal laptops behind me did a cool video on that stay tuned for that and a few other PC related things coming your way including a couple giveaways that I'm sure you will enjoy anyway I'm not you guys thanks for watching and I'll catch you in then
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