so for those of you who build personal
computers a question probably arises
around the time you decide to purchase
your CPU should I air-cool it or water
cool it now both of these have their own
respective advantages and disadvantages
but I'm not going to bother listing
those in this video because you probably
already are aware of most of them and I
frankly I'm not willing to argue for
either side in this case or act like I'm
in the middle I only care about price to
performance in this video and that is
what we are going to investigate so our
test bench is pretty much the same as
has always been we have an i5 4690k
paired with an asrock z97 extreme for
LGA 1150 motherboard and eight gigabytes
in to four gigabyte variants of kingston
hyperx ddr3 clock in 1866 megahertz now
long have you been asking me why I keep
choosing has low base CPU storing these
tests skylake is out obviously and you
guys keep telling me all your skylake
builds those are better you know they're
better than as well yeah they're better
by a little bit you guys put too much
emphasis on ddr4 and whatnot there
really is not much of a difference at
all in terms of your performance
increase with ddr4 versus ddr3
especially in gaming however the price
to performance ratio with has low based
CPUs at this point in my personal
opinion is much better than those from
the skylake counterpart didn't get the
proper to talk about price performance
because this is a video about price to
performance and for my viewers who are
not in the United States including those
of you in Germany England Australia
parts of Asia all of you who I
appreciate very much have told me that
skylake is still very expensive where
you live and then as well is just a more
affordable option so as well it is sorry
eventually we'll move this guy like
permanently but for now I'm going to
intermingle between the two at 6600 K
however is on the way it should be here
by Thursday so expect a build featuring
that processor so we perform three
instances of the exact same test only
changing the cooler in all three
scenarios the first cool that we used
was a stock into a cooler that was
included with the 4690k as this cooler
was included with the CPU purchase we
regarded the cooler is free and used it
as our baseline to compare our other two
coolers with speaking of which our
second cooler is the cooler master hyper
t4 which cost us $25 and our
third all-in-one water cooler was the
corsair h 90 which cost us $60 I have
links to both of those coolers in the
description below I believe that the H
90 cooler went up in price since the
time that I bought it but I'm not going
to change the price of the cooler for
the sake of this video because when I
bought it it was $60 and therefore
that's the price that I'll use sorry I
know prices change all the time but 60
so $60 $25 and free those are our three
different coolers that we use to run
these tests and these are the results
that we obtained
now obviously the liquid cooler gave us
better results we achieved higher frame
rates in granted l5 and also a higher CP
score instant a bench ar-15 but at the
cost of spending more than double the
amount of money on the corsair h 90 over
the hyper t4 okay so let me try to
quantify this a bit more for you just in
terms of price ratios our corsair h 90
costs $60 in our hyper t4 cost twenty
five sixty over twenty five builds 2.4
which means that it literally cost two
point four times as much money to
purchase the h 90 over the t4 now in
terms of just a performance ratio our
coarser h 90 allowed us to achieve a
performance increase of six point four
to six percent whereas our air-cooled
hyper t4 only allowed us to achieve a
percentage increase of three point seven
one eight percent overall now this is
the point you have to catch it costs a
little over double the amount of money
to purchase the water-cooled unit
however we're only receiving a little
under double the performance increase
using the water-cooled unit over the
air-cooled unit so you're paying more
than twice as much money for a system
that's not even giving you twice as much
performance and that's why the
air-cooled unit is actually the better
price to performance performer so no i'm
not bashing water coolers in any way in
fact my most recent bills have all
featured water coolers however in the
case of strictly price to performance
this particular air core the cooler
master hyper t4 does reign supreme over
the corsair h 90 so yeah you can take
whatever you want that i mean some
people are still going to buy water
coolers just because the fact that they
might look cooler or they're quieter
our many many other factors to consider
here including the fact that air coolers
are generally a bit louder and bulkier
which could affect RAM clearance however
on the water cooler side of things it's
a bit sketchy or you could have a pipe
leak or you could have a pump to stop
working altogether in the middle of a
game then you could overheat your CP or
just completely soak your motherboard
yeah it's definitely riskier and it is
more expensive but you are going to be
able to squeeze out a bit more
performance in games and CP synthetics
rendering and things of that sort so let
me know in the comments below what
you're sporting in your rig let me know
if you're satisfied or dissatisfied with
whatever you're cooling your cpu with
and what you plan to upgrade to in the
near future
be sure to LIKE the video if you liked
it dislike it if you dislike it and if
it is like it let me know in the
comments I can take constructive
criticism just don't be weird just like
weird things just just weird also be
sure to subscribe if you haven't already
because we do cool things like this all
the time on the channel right yeah this
is science studio thanks for learning
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