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Taking a Trip to the Shooting Range

against your shoulder okay so we're out at the shooting range this because and this is the south so you're gonna see a lot of guns here and this you're gonna be something to change up the vibe channel we've been aiming downhill if you uh assault rifle shots and we're at the handgun station here you can okay and then okay this is a Ruger security six is called and this is a 38 caliber it's also 350 okay so these little popgun this is a standard firearm military up to about the 60s ready to go this is the night 1888 replica you have to load them one at a time this Cowboys used to using the Wild West this was the gun you have to cock it every time well it's one of those big shells for that's a 45 colt 40 what they're called black powder slow burning black but it's logical so you look at the difference this is a 30-i milk same as the 38 but notice magnum round that has that much more more power so these just have Springs in them that's a how the bullets are loaded yep one fire ejecting the spring pushes the next one up now these guns do not have to say hold the trigger they will shoot these have safeties on this is just like a wild whisker beautiful sweet so that's our closed target maybe shooting from right there welcome to the south ladies and gentlemen okay let me shoot the 357 Magnum just for y'all sweet all the guns are shot this one in this smooth Brandon feels good you shot oh that's I say dead center with that you see it yeah oh yeah pull it back yeah I think that was the one used to spy I know that magaman that's my gonna Troy shoot that small when you had hey Jacob where's that concealed little small one that one right thing yeah we'll try that one out oh right now okay game face on and then that's part about shooting guns it's cleaning them afterwards was that for the ar-15 where's the other uh grease has a gun no yeah red dot sight it's probably the most intricate piece of this guy no joke this was my favorite gun by far smooth like butter shooting this bad boy while we settle this dispute I'm going in the video this is sell is our studio thanks for shooting with us and reassembling with us we'll be doing this for a while
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