The Affordable Firerose Mechanical Keyboard Review
The Affordable Firerose Mechanical Keyboard Review
this is the first player fire rose a
white mechanical keyboard with beautiful
LED backlit illumination and a crisp
simplified design it's not in the same
category as say the G scale km 780 but
for less than half the price it's
definitely a budget-friendly and
sensible option first up let's discuss
what this keyboard has and what it does
not have it is a mechanical keyboard and
it's sporting a variant of blue switches
they're my personal favorite yes very
loud but also very tactful and
responsive but when these keys aren't
our Cherry MX switches they're out to
Moo switches as I say an out to move
seems we're seeing more and more of
these lately as someone who's used both
authentic cherry and autumn ooh blue
switches in the past I can say that
differences are minimal something I do
notice is that the knockoff switches are
a bit heavier so it will require an
extra few grams of force for actuation
what's missing key wise is a dedicated
row of media keys it's always a pain
having to hold the function button down
as well as f 2 or 3 to just adjust my
computer's volume let's talk about the
LEDs for a second they aren't
customizable I know that can be a
deal-breaker for some but in a weird
kind of way I don't mind the
predetermined color scheme it's
difficult to describe but in my opinion
these shades of blue purple and orange
look absolutely beautiful and highlight
the unique white frame you can adjust a
breathing effect to be a function Plus
home as well as turn them off completely
but that's just about as far as it goes
the good thing even when the LEDs are
off the key cap legends are very legible
even though they are semi-transparent
something I can't say for many of it's
similarly priced competitors and what
about build quality in general this is
something you would expect a keyboard
with this price tag to compromise on but
I'm here to say that you won't be
disappointed sure there are a few minor
cosmetic issues in the box whether it's
the shipper or quality control to blame
I cannot say but it's built rather
strong without a doubt it weighs just
over 2 pounds about one kilogram sports
a thick rubber cable also in the white
color and firm rubberized feet with
incline support as far as I'm aware this
keyboard model doesn't come in black
from this specific brand but it seems
every affordable keyboard in today's day
and age is a knockoff of someone else's
keyboard so I'm sure you could find
something that looks very similar in
your choice color the fire rose logo
rests in between the navigation keys
it's red and in
caps but not very flashy something I
appreciate in a model like this again
it's no course their orgies go keyboard
what it is is a compromise very clearly
but that's not a bad thing look if you
were already considering a $40.00
mechanical keyboard in the first place
then you should have had compromises in
no Cherry MX switches for example
possibly no custom RGB functionality
that one I do wish this hat so here are
my three critiques it doesn't have
dedicated media keys it has minor
physical imperfections and it doesn't
have led customization the price tag of
the first player fire rose on Amazon
right now however is just 45 US dollars
which i think is a compelling offer if
you're looking for a white mechanical
keyboard with LED support that does not
break the bank then this one is
definitely for you I've made it a point
to use only this keyboard for the past
two weeks just to show you that I
wouldn't mind using this as my daily
driver especially considering it's only
45 bucks in a heartbeat I would buy one
of these with my own money if I was
looking for a budget conscious option no
regrets whatsoever and that's coming
from someone whose previous keyboard was
in excess of 100 bucks yes it's a
recycled design yes the key caps and
frame are used on other keyboards but
consider the price you're paying 45
bucks is a lot of bucks for a white
mechanical keyboard you can find the
fire roses link in this video's
description leave a like subscribe if
you haven't already and I'll see you
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