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The Farewell Review: R9 390 vs. GTX 970

in light of AMD's release of there are X 480 of which we hear much more about in the coming days folks stay tuned for that I've decided to throw it back for a change and pit head-to-head the gtx 970 from the Green Team and the r9 390 from the red team both cards are very similarly priced and as you'll see here in a second very similarly perform wow that that collapsed on itself very similar competitors that is that is what i meant to say but very quickly let's run through the test bench I have behind me I can't use my hands because misty hasn't tied up and I 760 700k overclocked to 4.6 gigahertz and 16 gigabytes in 28 you buy variants of Geall super loose ddr4 clock to three thousand megahertz all the games by the way are stored on a one terabyte western digital caviar black drive I would also like to thank Mark Borgen for hooking us up with his total war war hammer game code from steam he was very generous with us here in the studio and sided hook us up because he thought that it would make for a great benchmark and he was right total war war hammer is a very CPU intensive game so I be interesting to see how those cards fair with this game and with all the others we have in the stack today so without further ado here are the graphs you over the toss up folks I can't honestly tell you which cards better it just depends completely on the game if you want to face it just off of the heaven benchmark which stresses only the GPU cpu is not involved at all then it would go to the gtx 970 but when it comes to games it was split 50-50 the GTX 970 to better in four of the eight games and the r9 390 bed did better than the other four of the eight so I really don't know what else to tell you there it just comes down to optimization and I've noticed that arm the 09 3 90 is actually doing better in games that it's typically bundled with so hit man was included with the 09 3 90 at some point and so was total war war hammer so both of those games the 09 391 interesting AMD's pairing their cards with games that it knows that it will help perform the gtx 970 in that's that's actually pretty pretty smart on their port but with that i want to leave the rest of this video to you and your comments in the comments sections below i'm sure that's a lot of you have have had either the gtx 970 or they are 93 90 at some point in your pc gaming careers so i want you to give your final thoughts on either or both of these cards in the comment sections below remember i read every single comment yes even in the videos that have thousands and thousands of comments i read them all daily I wake up in the morning I pick up my phone and I have an email list with every comment sometimes I'll just go into the dashboard on YouTube and read them all that way but I do read them all even though I don't reply to all them that would just be an insane amount of writing on my part but I do appreciate all of your input be sure to do all of that let me know what you think about both cards the results you just saw and stay tuned for for this guy right here not too much longer folks you're gonna be impressed this is science to do thanks for learning with this you
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