keep her gonna bring her through
driver's ed over you didn't ask me to
bring it over I figured you would bring
it over a long sentence oppa I told
Culver on my for common sense I'm Jacob
so we are currently going to rebuild
part two you can't say we are currently
going to that's that's we're building
the newer computer click here to look at
the first one hold together yeah that
asked advertise in there baby we're
gonna put in new motherboard CPU and RAM
I get that Greg show them the stuff I
have no idea what it's about
okay so we have a 990 FX board this is a
great overclocking motherboard we got it
fairly cheap as well from what was it
Micro Center we've been on a trip to
Atlanta you check out part 1 and part 2
right here but we picked this board up
with a 8320 e from AMD sfx lineup this
one should allow us to overclock on my
swimming around four point four four
point five gigahertz and we will do all
of that in this video so stay tuned for
we got the bundle here $30 off I think
the total including the rim which we
also have eight gigs of and to-four gig
variants and believe us two hundred and
eleven dollars and ninety seven seven he
actually a member is much newer than
what he's already sporting in there I
know it looks pretty high-tech
considering we do have a crack at next
61 on a very old blue motherboard it's
got a bluish hue to it you just can't
tell right now but we're gonna swap all
that out put the new stuff in overclock
and then be ready to go then we're gonna
be uploading them sick footage of us
honing some players on there pulling
some players call of duty call of duty
so I don't know so like a proper way to
unbox this because just just don't don't
shred it just take a knife and just nice
and clean I got a knife for I think
emojis Wiki katana yeah
unboxing something big you need
something even bigger using a katana
shot to kill bill
88 in hey hey now what is that what is
that we took a yoga mat he does yoga on
the weekends whoo Aaden does yeah so you
gotta also be good oh yeah look at that
something first time I've ever used this
flight about it for like five years
never used it okay can I just wanna then
opening the box is an easy project oh
yeah uh what is that can you hold the
camera with it
what are we doing Greg it's really
complicated door okay yep mm-hmm
yeah okay here's there she is was that
mmm a little sticker mmm do turn up so
hard so do I open it I'm afraid to open
it are you good yeah good
oh man look at that yeah uh yeah good
it's all about organization as you can
tell everything is laid out perfectly
it's not gonna look like that in about
five minutes or so you know you're
really pissing me off bro hey ed ed I've
heard you can give dogs benadryl it'll
just knock them out yeah if you never
want them to wake up again okay so yeah
I'm just kind of yeah okay all right so
yeah pull it by the bag that's how you
do it I don't know if I do it no it's
not how you do it
okay um so we're gonna you gonna open
the bag Jacob Paul is there like a
specific OSU is now oh my oh my oh yeah
Oh first 20 times better
oh yeah looks so much better doesn't it
mm-hmm actually set that on the wall
yeah good pull the other stuff out first
but you don't wanna set that on there
then sit it on the box
Oh for one thing that Greg kept telling
me we needed yeah all the use
motherboards at micro Center didn't
include back plates for the most part we
don't need eight zero zero chill oh um
we don't need any of these do we say two
cables and now you don't it's another
sticker more we're gonna stick up the
we don't need any of this stuff doing we
know what we're doing right Oh
ultra-durable bill oh my god so we don't
use any of that do it yeah we need the
stickers man okay well besides the
sticker it's three of them now we're
gonna sticker this bad boy up it's gonna
be like a freaking NASCAR at that event
sponsors papa but I'm gonna do like a
little pile up like Greg does at his
house a little pile up be like four
things all right
so Greg this is gonna talk me through on
what to do and I'm actually going to
play I'm gonna talk to you through it
yeah I'm gonna disassemble it uh do I
need to lay it down I don't know okay
just we're gonna lay it down flat all
right so we're gonna start Jacob um
start by unplugging this stuff that
would be smart so I think I actually
have it figured out I just have to
unplug all of this stuff yes you do the
clip is on the bottom I wasn't supposed
to help you but a head hello okay really
uh yeah but if you break those that is
not how you do it but wait what are you
doing with that screwdriver what are you
doing I'm kind of flip over whoa whoa
hold on wait I'm digging in bro all
right so then we've projected it this
one right
no there's a clamp on that too don't
just pull it up to clamp on the right
side of that it's not doing anything
because you know ugly this motherboard
is oh I see it now
Chad onto this motherboard me being
super ugly it's Foxconn man you usually
get a Foxconn sponsorship Foxconn
sponsor me oh my goodness bro oh okay it
goes see okay all right so crack in time
right that's right okay time to get
cracking Wow
so that shoutout to all these fries on
the motherboard that I'm probably gonna
give a shout-out to every single yeah at
this point if you trash that board like
it really doesn't matter well I thought
we're giving this away to somebody oh we
are giving this way to something yeah
we're gonna me and Greg are gonna give
this motherboard away with our
signatures on it
Oh stay tuned for that you know I had
people tell me like you're stupid for
using a magnetic screwdriver like you
haven't taken a circuits class have you
it's still screwed in from the back you
didn't undo the screws all the way but
the screws come off
no that
up in Gothenburg okay well I forgot to
bring a more thermal pace so we're gonna
have to scrape thermal paste off of that
which is okay you can reuse thermal
paste you can pull off coolers and put
them back on without replacing thermal
paste that is all okay are you using a
katana to scrape off oh it's not working
with river valleys oh okay let them work
did it okay
like I just just get get a get a little
credit card or something and scrape it
off Munger you're quiet
oh my god of the cracking cooler but you
have some you scrape some off of this
where's horse oh oh yeah you really am
stuck bird what I put it there with your
organization it's there when I need it
oh yeah that is going to do next to
nothing just so you know all the thermal
pay so we did have it being scraped off
by my finger oh yeah
lock that bad boy in we'll shake a pal
now we're gonna do - how how's that
gonna work
wait oh we good oh my gosh great I gotta
take off the brackets oh we have to
replace and take off the whole thing
because I was like I completely forgot
we have to take off the mounting system
on the cheap motherboard yeah yeah
that'll be fun do you have Springs on
one of them I was at your old one or
your new one he's a deep genome cool
that's not what is called a deep genome
is that it no but whatever you're
remembered of that video right here that
is called the deep cold genome are you
freaking kidding me I always get points
for knowing some of that well I would
just use your thumbs don't use that I
already abuse my thumbs okay well if
it's a tight I mean if it's tight as
your double go that's all you need oh
okay they called thumb screws for a
reason well they have a Phillips head on
it so I figured I could go big or go
well that's like that's a worst-case
scenario kind of thing it's preempted
all right so that's hooked up now I kind
of forget so okay let me think okay so
now we're just gonna start clipping
everything back in yeah yeah you can do
that yeah when you say it like that I
kind of contemplate is that what I need
to be doing you can do however you want
Jacob or clicking stuff in Joe probably
camera's not let
that dork interior trust me either I
can't see what I'm doing
someone said that I look like I was
wearing a sports bra shoutout thanks fat
roll it's like the biggest meanest
alright what are you doing what why does
that not look like right well it's like
the cables kind of got ya what you want
this thing inside or outside like that
not like that yeah it's playing all the
people who can play back a sucky yeah
bro oh yeah okay that looks good enough
we need another montage idea I need to
give you a I need to give you some some
cable combs for that okay yeah don't you
don't you have like a bunch of them at
your house yeah mmm what all those come
up from zooming in no yeah taking off
over there I'm not doing this right my
god djenka hitting stuff he gave me the
camera back because you said you could
do nice of this so now you know why I
didn't let him build the last one
because all the way on the top the
longest one like Greg says right what
did she just complain about you like
this goes on the outfit that goes on the
inside you're trying to push that now
over there and the inside oh dude Greg I
got this yeah we can
Oh see yep little clip deep ooh you're
gonna break your motherboard before you
even on the ball Oh heart oh oh yeah we
got in mm-hmm
he's doing with clear for landing big
boy clear for landing yeah that's what
they said during Apollo mission Greg
your GPU is sagging so hard right now
Greg such hard sag give me like a little
bit of all we're talking like three
degrees man all right so we're gonna
yeah up see oh wait no oh it's not all
the way oh wait oh okay I got it is it
all the way in yeah it's all the way in
you sure why do I feel like it's not
Greggy ever trust me on something I
don't feel like that's connected all the
way hold on I mean oh wow
is you did you hear that click that was
me that was me pushing in his graphics
card that the rest of the way count out
to these tiny little screws stuff giving
everyone shout outs in this video we're
gonna get sponsored by light
this is it I want to get sponsored by
Fanta so I could be like those old
school commercials for like they're like
drinking from it and then I'm like smile
like looking up thinking of that smile
right there sponsor me Fanta oh yeah
he's in there there you go all right so
now he was complaining like a little
two-year-old or Society or like my stuff
looking good so do I clearly you see my
PC I'm doing the wiring I don't care
what you say I'm doing the way that I
want you I don't want you messing things
up like plugging the HD audio port
intuitive that you plug in the HDMI
cable into like them you must be - wait
what what point do we put the ramen I'll
go call will do that last I got it I was
like I was like wait a second this
there's parts missing because I'm
looking at a bog that we haven't what
died hit my god Greg this is something
oh yeah oh just let all yeah just slide
on in there okay so let's just make sure
everything's plugged in because I feel
like it's not okay CPU eight pin plugged
in 24 pin motherboard 6 pin for the
graphics card fan or the pump header up
tops plugged in those are plugged in le
the fans are plugged into the fan hub in
the back of the computer Howie D HDMI
audio LEDs we didn't touch any of that
stuff that's all the same okay you need
your RAM now okay Grimes right there
yeah well then let you do that shoutout
to the Lister's board is so stupid it
alone don't push over the PC oh oh okay
it's this your current setup what do you
pick co-sponsor you got dang it suddenly
something take CEO said they would give
you 50% off you're looking at a guy with
the Brooke budget ah alright let's go
ahead and plug it in Jacob buddy go
where you going are you plugging it in
whoa are you doing like Derek
for real can you like a lean a little
more this way we can see what your shirt
says I'm really curious about what your
shirt says right now nothing right just
slide a little more to your right yeah
but you'd like that because she's like a
15-foot fall 15 foot you gotta have the
magic touch Jacob well I'll try to move
it I guess I must have messed with the
power Oh way that gigabyte bro why is it
so hot in here
oh it's an LED bulb yeah bro it's super
an extra it makes this image look blue
like a smurf wow it actually booted in
you is that good all Cinebench we're not
gonna do anything real I just want it as
solid we should check your temperatures
first open up hardware monitor wow what
does that say Jacob we're package we're
that good what does that mean what am I
looking at Greg that Eloqua hi that one
oh yeah is that good
mmm Cinebench time here we go strong 680
oh wow that's really weak it's a lot
lower and look you were running at 3.2
Giga or is that lower ago it's super
oh okay well then what do I need to do
well you need to get out of the
captain's chair so I can fix this for
oh this looks way different than Foxconn
let's go for 4.2 that's cool one two so
what are we trying to get on Cinebench I
wanted to get at least 600 I don't want
to double your score yeah so we should
get at least 600 I'm saying around on
this test right here probably probably
five seventy-five eighty so we're it
almost 0% CPU utilization
he should move a lot faster whoo it's
pretty good you see how big of a jump we
had with that over yeah yes sir
it's 603 CB now I'm just one yeah pretty
so if he doesn't want to overclock is
8320 anyone no I don't because I know
what happened last time I just heard
messing up no but this it was an old
system so I had to manually reset to
CMOS but I can no it's great we're gonna
be we have to have a new gamer client
gamer clan down our clan name ah
what is it I'm used to be fear patch out
every year that's not such easy Isles
first string sucka great first string
yeah I was the guy that like they have
different strings well we can also have
that clan tag in GTA so whatever is
gonna be it has to be something good the
DI ck hot we let the folks decide what
it should be
we out and we're gonna put something
doll they're gonna put di KK bro
di KK or di sisi beginning OSS or PU
hashe or dollar sign dollar sign okay
well alright Scott Lee you don't spin my
mind actually but yeah let them decide
this is the first video ever on the
entertainment studio channel I know we
don't have channel art right now I know
we don't have a profile picture right
now that's because we're super lazy
actually why don't we take one right now
that's it you think that should be I
mean I think it'll be funny just
something weird
so that's art that's art okay alright
well I mean yeah there you go and you
guys just saw it happen right there -
that's it first video up on the channel
sad straw
thanks for playing with us say thanks
for playing with me at least
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