glove acts a revolutionary multi-purpose
adventure glove glove X is a
revolutionary multi-use glove that
adapts to all of our needs glove acts is
flexible enough for you steering outdoor
activities like hiking biking and
climbing while serving as a protective
tool for car repair cooking and fishing
glove acts redefines hand protection
wherever you use it regular gloves don't
always provide total protection or are
heavy cumbersome and uncomfortable if
only there were gloves that were both
light and streamlined while providing
maximum protection introducing glove X
the revolutionary multi-use adventure
glove glove X is made with a
revolutionary yarn material that is
equipped with abrasion resistance blade
cut resistance tear strength resistance
and puncture resistance the material is
moisture absorbent skid resistant water
resistant and oil proof it's lightweight
comfortable and flexible to all of your
take love acts on all of your adventures
glove axe is adaptable to both indoor
and outdoor activities ensuring a safer
and more enjoyable environment glove axe
is perfect for outdoor activities like
pitching tents hiking climbing bicycling
fishing or chopping wood love X can also
provide protection for household
activities like chopping vegetables
gardening assembling furniture car
repair or exercise glove X endured our
toughest tests love X provides full
protection against sharp laves
glove X is much more skid resistant than
your average glove and with its slim
lightweight shape it is adaptable to any
activity like picking up a coin love
axes waterproof and oil proof and the
yarn material is four times stronger
than regular leather it is much more
durable with a longer lifespan than
normal gloves glove axe is equipped with
a special coating on the gloves designed
in a micro pattern these microstructures
and the material contribute to the
gloves anti skidding waterproof and oil
proof qualities
cut protection level-5 approved by en
388 see glove ax not only provide
optimal safety but also a lightweight
breathable fit at only 15 US dollars
just one meal or a movie ticket cost you
can fully protect your hands against
whatever life throws at you kick loved
acts today
I don't care how old you are the zero
blaster smoke ring launcher is awesome
and it's even more awesome if you have a
friend to do battle with I'll be right
the zero blaster fires harmless smoke
lines made from a water-based non-toxic
super fluid the vortex rings range from
two to four inches in diameter and can
fire up to 12 feet there's a ray gun
sound feature you can turn on and off as
well as a function to adjust the speed
at which it fires vapor rings timeout so
how does this thing actually work the
zero blaster creates an area of low
pressure and when that area has air flow
surrounding it the smoky vortex forms
okay cover me I'm going in
the average office prays for work and
creation but in recent years a new
hazardous phenomenon has arisen it is
known as the screen slouched this is a
screen sloucher look at him slouching in
front of a screen here is the female
screen sloucher slouching in front of a
much smaller screen the slouching makes
her appearance less confident her back
aches every day for 8 to 12 hours
slouching is an inherent part of the
office habitat this is upright girl a
small wearable that helps the slouches
become upright it is the simplest way to
improve your posture just stick it on
your back and press the button that's it
a bride would vibrate every time you
slouch look at the effect it has on the
screen slouches such a smile has not
been seen on their faces for a long time
since upright go sits directly on the
back it is the only device that truly
senses the back it's also the only
posture trainer that works no matter
what you're doing sitting standing or
walking oh look one of the screen
slouches has discovered that if you
press the button once more upright go
switches to tracking mode a mode that
doesn't vibrate when you slouch but
still keeps all your daily posture data
in the upright app incredible to
conclude our research we returned to the
office two weeks later the results were
astonishing after two weeks being
upright became second nature
here is one sloucher two weeks ago and
here he is now see
how much more confident and
better-looking he appears notice also
how he doesn't suffer from back pain oh
we're in luck
it seems the male ex sloucher finally
feels confident enough to approach the
female ex sloucher exciting so if you
two wish to stop being a screen sloucher
get up right girl
incredible how in only two week
oh dear we've been spotted about apart
hi my name is a dead coin CEO of up
right when we started up right three
years ago we were just three founders
with a mission to help people correct
their posture and prevent back pain
since then operated ship thousands of
units of our professional product to
happy users our team grew to twenty
engineers designers and marketers but
our mission haven't changed we want to
help more people have better posture
that is why we decided to create a more
casual version the upright go now in
order to put it in the market we need
your help if you care about your back
support us and get up right go I promise
you'll love it
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