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now VR gives you a real feeling nice hat though the world's first controller the baby attention they are absolutely wreaths try to touch it it's so real but you're going to blush or laugh want to know what the secret is it's an innovative technology mindfulness that created 100 percent of your field it's the first time you can experience they're known for journal and help to change the virtual reality forever using half those piece of cake no wires rugby are put it on and you're all set up let's make this huge set and we are together and we'll get a hold be our world opportunity after touch it feel it backed by years of experience kudo 3d has developed the beam to fit into any dislike this high-performance 3d printer is a truly affordable all premises 3d printer created with the consumer in mind uses it Center simply pouring the rest Press print and watch your design come to life the beam allows yourself the freedom to view and control the printer from any Wi-Fi device the beam has a large builder of 2.7 by 4.7 inches with a 50 micrometers resolution it has a build like to 5.7 inches with a Z resolution created 10 minutes along with its stylish design the beam is compacted at 8 by 8 by 16 inches slices are projected by a two candles each coupled with the LED plant are tented PSP technology enhances the resolution and service limits specially formulated for the beam 3d SR engines range from green red black film with 3d s already users are able to print a variety of models for different applications such as miniature jewelry art engineering and dead with our previous experience and systems from our first Kickstarter we know what it takes to meet the needs and fulfill promises our engineering and production team worked hard to deliver what we promise to our backers and you'll do it again the second time help us achieve our goal of revolutionising 3 incontinence back to being 3d printer today to dothe Reedy unleash your creativity no one no hype pure sound Tramp lab yeah you I miss my childhood those days when I could paint without a care in the world I don't know one like just don't paint anymore there's never any time then hounds just what I needed to relive my passion the river the color sheets a tiny booklet of 16 vibrant transparent water colors which easily opens into a full count they dry instantly and are so tiny that I can safely carry them around in my purse and the best part is that I can paint anywhere inspiration stress in the park over a cup of coffee or even in the subway while traveling to the office that easy the colors mix beautifully and they are highly saturated so that you just need a little bit for a rich stroke so once that is on for several paintings it's amazing to relive all those childhood memories once in a while but without all that mess this is a color sheet paint anywhere hello IndieGoGo I am Aditya the founder of the vive colors I'm at Orion medical student studying in Mumbai I've always been passionate about painting but ever since I joined med school these big pad books have made sure that I do seem to be honest I'd still do it if only I had the colors and then I wish to paint it is just so inconvenient to carry the colors the half pans cube ballads and the bottles and so to fix this I developed the Reviva color since I've been working on these colors for the last two years now trying to get them just right as you see they're specially formulated so that they're dry but are still easy to pick with a wet brush let me quickly show you how they work all I have to do is wet my brush a little bit pick the color and that's it you get this rich vivid color on paper it's literally that evening so in these last two years I sampled about 200 products to artists across the world and based on their feedback went through different iterations improving design after design and I'm proud to present to you the finest and the best paviva policy this is a set of 16 transparent watercolors which is specifically chosen for urban and outdoor painting they're indexed at the bottom which helps navigate quickly and easily between beta the shade between two colors is specially formulated so that it repels water and prevents them from sticking and one final thing I've made this really beautiful premium wooden case for the color sheet which you can personalize mine scribing your name and a message or a book which makes it a great gift idea right away and specially for you folks you can unlock this reward 50 by simply sharing this campaign on social read as you saw the product is ready for production now all I need just to buy the raw materials in bulk to get the right price which is where I need your help so please support this campaign and we live the childhood joy of painting
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