
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

5 Amazing Inventions You MUST See ▶14

hi I'm Kevin I'd like to introduce the aura X the world's first smart AR headphones the aura X is the world's smartest headphone that means you can download millions of apps and games from the Android Play Store with the aura X you can watch music videos play casual games on the subway or just listen to your favorite tunes on the go the Ola X is a brand new product category it opens up a world of possibilities in hands-free mobile computing it allows you to check notifications share content on social networks and much more the aura X includes a patented a our display camera position sensors 50 millimeter speakers for a rich audio sound and a touchpad for control and interaction if you're into fitness you love it because you can go to the gym and being able to see through the glass it combines the best sound with the best of wearable technology this is the world's first music headset that brings a new dimension to mobile music now you can see the music but I think the most compelling reason why we're excited about the aura acts is that it opens up a world of new possibilities with augmented reality that means we'll have digital information overlaid on everything we see every day we've been working hard to make this happen and we'd like your support to make this IndieGoGo campaign a reality and take headphones for the next level of your acts this is Jeff and this is his exercise routine he works hard to build up his cardio and muscle he also wants to lose weight but it takes energy and time to burn away the pounds Jeff would stay in the gym and continue to fight for weight loss results but he needs to get to work imagine if you can take your weight loss regime with you to the office and burn calories all day now there is a revolutionary technology that allows you to do just that introducing the thin ice fast a slick wearable embedded with cooling technology that forces your body to burn extra calories when I first got this idea I had this bolted realization that this could be a game-changer in the weight loss industry the thin ice fest is comfortable and lightweight and will help you shed pounds even as you sleep the vest can even wait until you are in deep sleep before activating so the technology won't make you cold it will just make you thinner the thin ice fest is also discreet enough to be worn under regular clothing so you can use it anytime day or night go to bed wake up how does the thin ice vest help produce calorie burning using cold temperatures the body responds by revving up and burning fat to keep your blood warm the process is called cold temperature thermogenesis that's really ingenious solution anything that I could just wear day to day that would help me lose weight would be an absolute asset there are certain people out there that we all love to hate and these are the people who can eat whatever they'd like to and not gain any weight and what this product is actually able to do is give you those characteristics by speeding up your metabolism I'm a gamer so having a cheat code is something I'm all about another innovative part of the thin ice system is the Bluetooth connected mobile app it allows you to adjust the temperature of the technology to your comfort levels you can also track the calories you're burning second-by-second and if you want to take things to the next level the app will recommend special diet and exercise routines to help you lose weight like a champ thin ice is getting ready to ship out its 1.0 version this quarter but the 2.0 version of the technology will be sleeker have a longer battery life and can be taught to respond to your body temperature so it can keep you comfortably cool or in a weight loss zone as the environment or your body changes then ice need your generous support to put this revolutionary technology into your hands in exchange for that support you'll be among the first to receive the thin ice system this comes with the thin ice vest the mobile app the e-book a body sculpting cream and a transdermal caffeinate bracelet to keep your energy high and your appetite at bay the only thing I really got left is uh where do I buy all of these the thin ice system is the most advanced and effortless weight loss system on the planet all we need now is you then ice the coolest way to lose weight it started with man's most primal ambition the desire to harness the Sun alternative power has come from humble beginnings but we never settled and we've never stopped innovating progress is our passion and it has led us here introducing the Lycan power box the solar electric generator designed for everyday family needs and ready-made for power outages and natural disasters when the unexpected hits the lichen power box has you covered with 900 watt hours of power but can we look at the brighter side of life instead thank you the lichen power box is a perfect companion for your next camping trip tailgate party or DIY outdoor project this portable power house is the first of its kind a true innovation that makes clean energy easily accessible to everyone it's as intuitive as it is innovative keep the comfort and security of having power in two convenient ways directly from the grid or directly from the source that gives life to this planet the Sun it's state-of-the-art with the Emine phosphate battery is not only a higher grade battery than the ones found in Tesla vehicles but it also provides clean efficient true wattage power whenever and wherever you need it the most simply plug your electrical device into the lichen and power it up since the lichen power box delivers up to 1,200 watts of squeaky clean electricity this rugged little lifesaver won't leave you feeling stranded even if everyone around you is equipped with a high-performance interchangeable maintenance-free 75 amp hour lithium ion phosphate battery that means you can store a library of fully charged batteries to run the devices for days on end with its integrated intuitive LCD screen the lichen allows you to monitor your power use clearly and accurately and with three additional AC outlets to 12 volt DC outlets and a 12-volt car charger socket the lichen power box won't make you choose between the devices the lichen gives you the freedom to plan your adventure without compromise and the peace of mind to know that you and your family are safe and comfortable should emergencies arise be the first to tap into the simple power of the lichen power box experience the future of clean energy with renergie what is the cage bot the cage bot is an awesome dude yourself robotic hit with both easy-to-use software and very rigid hardware components it was designed to give you complete creative freedom to build whatever robotic application you have in mind so whether you want to build a solid GoPro camera rig or a smartphone controlled vacuum cleaner cage bot is the perfect choice for you the capable team consists of professional German developers based in Berlin and Taipei we were frustrated with the solutions on the market so now we want to create a tool that everyone can use software tools to start right away are waiting for you and we will provide future software development to support and advance your ideas cage bot will teach you more about the world of technology you will easily learn how to create your own system and soon you will go beyond your limits we created the software system with a user in mind who isn't really an expert of programming yet still wants to move beyond analog parts right into the digital age therefore cage bot enables you to incorporate sophisticated components like ultrasonic sensors was just a couple of clicks and the best part is you can use a smartphone and tell it's doing it because hi multimedia the comm ability who's one of our priorities with catchable we use state-of-the-art technology our construction is super stable and will support all of the ideas we use planetary gear motors so you will never feel a lack of power and our controller can manage even your most complicated tasks the design of the cage bot Hardware follows two main premises a it needs to be extremely versatile to spark creativity by freeing you from any technical constraint and B it needs to be very rigid to master even demanding of their tasks we are ready to go after a three-year development phase we hold a finished product in our hands we have a full manufacturing chain in place with contracts to all the necessary partners now we need your support to stop production and make this a reality so spread the word and help us to improve the DIY sector with this great product help us to make cage bod a success so be part of it because cage bug growth with your ideas you
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