I'm just a guy standing in front of you
asking you have you seen my keys no did
you never will leave Kiwi your lock
opens with a simple passcode no key
needed store up to 20 different pass
codes depending on your needs and kiwi
is also Bluetooth operated it uses low
power to choose to automatically unlock
when you approach and then relock at the
here's the problem you might say what if
the power goes out have liked it in size
TV smart long also comes with a physical
key for emergencies and millennial
nostalgia and your doors are protected
by NZ brain two deadbolts keeping out
unwanted guests
Ibaka even or the verge and Keely keeps
a record of every month who's entered my
home sending push alarms with my cell
whenever someone opens my door perfect
for going out of town but what will that
mean for my guests this is Tim right now
he's at my office even the London since
I can control multiple TV locks with a
fabulous app I can let him into my
office from home I can also send Tim a
one-time passcode so he can let himself
in long-term guests are easy
I can schedule an event so that my
friends have free access during their
stay and I guess can let themselves in
and the key expires after their stay and
making it perfect for Airbnb and when I
say that TV is smart my meaning he
connects to your other smart appliances
and services because it's compatible
with ziwei if this means that kiwi
connects to home house like Alexa then
Google home let's say that my friend him
forgets to lock the door after he leaves
I'll get an alert for my hub and lock my
door remotely with the N key we can be
the first appliance to alert your hub at
your home but what if you don't have a
hug yet then use Wi-Fi to connect your
phone easily whichever in whatever way
you need TV to be Keeley's the smart
appliance that works with Bluetooth
Wi-Fi NZ way Kiwi a seriously smart door
to get us back on nowhere can we try to
fly again
my name is Eugene Sabah watsky I'm one
of the founders of maximun group company
that developed byte helper I want to
take any journey back to Africa to 2014
where byte helper project started during
my trip to Tanzania I was able to meet
with Minister of Health and Tanzanian
Food and Drug Administration director
both of them expressed tremendous
problem that they're having with insect
borne diseases especially malaria dengue
and Zika once I realize how much of an
issue this is I wanted to do something
about it and I wanted to come up with a
product that helps people deal with the
itch associate with inside bites when a
mosquito bites us it injects its toxic
saliva under our skin and that's what
causes the itch through my studies I
learned that our body increases
temperature in order to fight pathogens
bacteria and viruses we wanted to use
mimic our body's response in a product
that will help to elevate temperature
neutralizing itch and irritation by
increasing localized circulation and
blood flow during the Consumer
Electronics Show in Las Vegas we were
able to identify heat tech company that
produces medical devices and heating
heat tag became our manufacturing
partners in this project and helped us
throughout the design and implementation
phase of this project we established the
first prototype of bite helper using
thermal post technology used it on an
insect bite and got great results it
managed h and irritation immediately
this was a big milestone for us and
established proof of concept my helper
is very simple to use all you need to do
is place that over affected area
activate thermal post technology that
will create heat and vibration and you
will be h free in less than 45 seconds
by helper uses two double-a batteries
it's a reusable device and it's simple
to use white helper is classified as a
class to medical device and available
for sale in the United States thank you
for your support and watching this by
helper video I want to make sure the
white helper becomes a household name
and helps people all over the world to
deal with itch and irritation associate
with insect bites I'll be honest with
you I like I already told you I like the
HD - I like the HG - is the best the 50
degree field of view even I know so many
of you hated the blurry edges of the
screens on the HC 2's because they were
too big and I see the blurry edges too
and my interpupillary distance is a one
millimeter too - too narrow but still
they're the goggles I use every day
bringing back an all-time favorite fat
shark is proud to present a special and
final production run of the famous
Dominator HD - terminator edition
featuring custom optics engineered to
maximize the field of view the HD tube
provides the most immersive experience
for a micro display racing goggle giving
you the tools you need when navigating
difficult terrain with an updated vapour
higher power receivers any
state-of-the-art external receiver can
be attached for ultimate modulation
included is an updated internal DVR to
record your groundbreaking flight
footage and a USB charging battery for
fast and easy power with all of this in
the sleek limited Terminator Edition you
will be the best-looking pilot in any
race don't just fly cool look cool only
with the phat chart HD - terminator
have you ever thought about the way
things play a part in almost everything
we do most of the stuff that's around
you isn't that important but some things
are there are things had really mean a
lot to you things you just can't lose it
might be at work something expensive
your keys something or someone special
to you where the sheer thought of losing
them is enough to make your heart beat a
little faster that's why we developed a
litte a small piece of technology that
gives you its precise location anywhere
in the world within seconds hi
Kickstarter my name is Martin and I'm
the founder of tablets in 2016 we became
one of the largest distributors of GPS
watches for kids in Europe in 2017 we
developed our new firmware which was
supported by the new vision government
research console we sold more than
17,000 units and received amazing
reviews businesses organizations parents
all sent us pictures and reviews on how
they are now in full control with
so now exclusively on Kickstarter we
introduced of a GPS tracking firmware in
four new casing tail it
the world's smallest GPS tracker with
global race seamless design waterproof
wireless charging three weeks battery
and a location accuracy of 5 meter tail
it plus when prolong battery time is
needed tablet plus increases battery
time up to 8 weeks so you can hide it
and leave it for months
tell it pets a tiny GPS tracker for even
the smallest cats and dogs with the
weight of only 22 grams and size of coin
your pet will never notice expressing
previous battery time will give
my tail it bike a smart GPS tracker
specially designed to be hidden inside
your bicycle it's a special design key
to install and remove the tracker
highlight anywhere waterproof is six
weeks battery time in a single run in
2018 is totally unnecessary to lose
anything when you can tail it
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