what if you could improve your ability
to pay attention we're making that
possible with the neuro+ headset neuro+
is clinically proven to improve
attention and self-control and with your
help we can make this technology
accessible to everyone so how does it
neuro+ interfaces with game based
training exercises to help you practice
and improve your ability to focus an EEG
sensor in the headset actually measures
your brainwaves and sends this
information to a tablet or mobile device
which will then give you feedback on
your level of focus the more you're able
to pay attention the better you'll do in
the training game at the same time
accelerometers and other sensors in the
device measure your motion and your
muscle tension the more you're able to
sit still more able to calm yourself the
better you'll do in the game
research shows that practicing paying
attention and practicing self control
with these feedback mechanisms leads to
lasting improvement people can
absolutely improve their ability to pay
attention the brain is like a muscle so
when you can exercise that muscle in
order to make it work better to make it
function better tension is one of these
skills that people don't really
appreciate that you can change through
practice the neuro+ approach really
targets this in a bunch of different
ways by using your feedback and
biofeedback and the potential to use
these things together is very strong so
there's a lot of research behind neuro
plus some
it involves behavioral research so for
many years they've been really
interested in how can we use
psychological tasks in order to train
attention this is a very contentious
issue for many many years and over the
last five or ten years we've come to
this conclusion that you can by
practicing attention improve attention
neuro+ is used by people of all ages but
we've seen particulars accessor and with
attention issues are you found out about
newer plus in the doctor's office I
picked up a flyer that I saw that spots
my attention my children didn't seem to
be focused at times I was getting
reports from the teachers they
definitely stuck to it because it was
something that was fun and exciting from
them my son made the honor roll twice
last year he's going into eighth grade
and all this time he's never made the
honor roll so that was a huge boost for
him I'm so glad that I stepped into that
office that day and that curiosity
kicked in and I said let me try it our
games allow you to race a dragon or fly
a hover bike or sail a ship all with the
power of your brainwaves we're
constantly releasing more content to
keep users engaged in their training
we've been researching developing and
testing neuro+
for the past several years and we can't
wait to share it with you funds raised
from this campaign will help us put the
neuro+ headset into production with your
help we can bring this technology to
individuals and families looking to
improve attention himself
thank you and from all of us at neuro+
happy training
in fact an estimated quarter million
Americans drive drowsy everyday driving
drowsy can be just as dangerous as
driving drunk police say it's a wake-up
call for all drivers
every year drivers drowsiness cause
328,000 accidents which lead to 30,000
deaths each year in USA alone 10,000
deaths are caused by driver falling
asleep which is on average 1,000 fatal
accidents each month
these numbers are talking still help
drivers to not fall asleep behind the
wheel steer is designed with two
different types of sensors which version
conductance of the skin and a heart rate
when the drivers normal heart rate
reduces by channels and the skin
conductance changes steer warns the
driver about in this vesicle with strong
vibration and the yellow light and when
the heart rate lowers barfy more you
next year
releases gentle electric shock and shows
red light signaling the drivers
condition is close to sleeping there are
several methods to reduce fatigue levels
while driving that people tend to use
but these are not always effective and
are actually harmful to your health
theory places all this stuff without any
harmful effects it can be easily
adjusted to fit the size of your arm
here we have got everything ready for
mass production with our trusted
manufacturers all we need is your
support make our project and become safe
on the road
hello and welcome to the new nine from
easily build the first high-speed
commercial quality scalable 3d printer
you can customize to any size big or
small the new nine was born out of the
need to break out of the box the closed
shell box that limits most 3d printers
that is you see in order to take on the
larger more creative and more outrageous
3d prints are cards required we had to
invent an open frame tension structure
that allowed us to customize to any
shape needed tall short wide square
rectangular any shape any size and we
did the new nine then we added
innovations never seen before geeky
stuff like a 50% of larger heated print
bed 100% counterbalanced x-axis mounted
motors and we invented infinity
cornerstones that will accommodate any
changes you want we then added something
never seen before on a 3d printer a
patent-pending tuned mass damper that
counteracts printing vibration to
practically eliminate wobble and the
tuned mass damper helped us make it fast
really fast by using best-of-breed
elements used in printers that cost
thousands more we were able to introduce
the first HS high speed printer clocking
in at an amazing 105 millimeters per
second better than even the most
expensive MakerBot and Ultimaker models
but the new nine is more than a
scaleable high-speed high quality
affordable 3d printer it's the entirely
new open-source 3d printing platform
you've been looking for this means you
are free to customize change modify and
update every aspect the way you want for
your own specific needs thanks for
watching and we hope you'll support our
campaign we know your new nine will
bring you joy and create the amazing
ideas you have that just need to be 3d
no matter how big or small those ideas
oh hello there I see you're admiring the
rocket steam locomotive designed and
built by myself
Robert Stephenson and my father George
Stephenson back in 1829
however marvelous as it is this is not
what I'm here to talk to you about I
would like to talk to you about my
latest invention that happens in the
future I'll see you there soon now in
the year 2017 and yes Robert Stinson is
my real name the Georgia Robert Stinson
really my ancestors I've got no idea it
was just a bit of fun anyway as promised
I said I'll show you my latest invention
so excuse the pun come with me
a lot most of the mechanical sex
machines on the market the first thing
you notice is how incredibly small it is
not only that the Hoppus has a very
unique arcuate motion providing faster
dance stroke than an upward stroke
making it feel very realistic indeed
ever right George wouldn't have been
allowed in my day and this is where it
all started in my humble little workshop
at the bottom of my garden and after the
initial proof-of-concept professional
contractors certified to ISO 9001 or
above were employed to further the
design and development with the brief
that only the finest of components and
materials were to be used to ensure the
end product to be of the highest quality
excuse me a minute I could see smoke
coming from George's oh just let it
off a bit of steam
help us is very compact making it very
easy to store a wife it's fully
rechargeable so there's no need for
batteries it's unisex straight or gay
pump us we'll play it's wearable making
it truly hands-free it has variable
speed from a gentle stroke to a full-on
thrust it mimics hand or wrist movements
for a natural realistic feeling well
mate top quality components and
materials used online ease does what
he's supposed to do it was just great
what do you think now then George Robert
that's a patent you can put your own
name on I already have George
your support will allow us to order the
tooling and our first production run and
any additional funds will benefit the
growth and brand enabling us to bring
you even more exhilarating attachments
for the whole purse now take a look with
the funding options available there are
some bright sidings to be happy they're
mine he's just enjoying himself
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