introducing coral UV a revolutionary new
product that keeps your baby's things
clean and sterile so you can focus on
what's really important your baby it's
so simple to use wash and shake off baby
bottles as you normally would
load them in the sterilizer press a
button and you'll have clean sterile
bottles in under an hour
no need to hand dry our product uses a
waterless UV sterilization process that
won't harm your things UV light destroys
the DNA in pathogens and stops them from
reproducing providing an effective safe
and chemical free method of
sterilization coral UV combines
sterilization and drying into one simple
machine and features touchscreen control
and time countdown display it comes with
four functions auto sterilize drying and
storage coral UV only heats up to 55
Celsius so your stuff comes out safe to
the touch it also has a child safety
switch if the cover is open while in
operation the sterilizer will stop
working and the UV lights will turn off
immediately to keep things clean simply
wipe off any water stains with a damp
cloth maintenance is easy just replace
the UV light bulbs once a year and
change the filter every three months for
continuous operation coral UV can be
used for nearly anything in your home in
fact almost any household item that can
fit into the machine can be sterilized
toothbrushes makeup brushes shavers
small kitchen items and electronics can
all go into the sterilizer safely
make sanitizing easy with coral UV get
yours at coral you video made by video
what is one of the most desirable
emotions in the world peace of mind
that's why we created the smartest lock
ever designed when you go surfing you
don't want to think about what you left
on the beach you just want to be free
and when you reach your bike you just
wish it's there for you you don't want
to be a slave of new technologies you
want to use them to do what you really
love 360 lock is a smart modular padlock
it's fully customizable using the same
technological core and it can be adapted
to everyday activities its strong and
resistant its splash sea fog and dust
proof the battery is extremely long
lasting over 1,000 openings and closings
you can check the status on an LED light
on the lock or through the app and then
simply charge it by USB you will be able
to open your lock using an NFC wristband
or the app for Android and iOS thanks to
a blockchain system and advanced crypto
codes the level of security is maximum
the lock is completely hack proof 360 is
modular and convenient with one core you
can have multiple applications it's a
universal solution for all your possible
needs you can use it as a standard
Bluetooth lock or you can plug in our
foldable accessory for bicycles and if
you feel like sharing you can give
access to your friends you can actually
store everything that fits in our box
small phones the keys for your Airbnb
apartment credit cards wallet even the
new electronic car keys the metal of the
box is designed to protect them from the
car antennas this is 360 lock the
insurance for your peace of mind as
entrepreneurs we feel the responsibility
of improving our experience of life by
creating products that enhance the way
we interact with
everything we love
we started from scratch and we brought
our dream all the way to the other side
of the world at the sight for mass
production engineering and now
everything's done the molds are ready
and tested and we need your help to kick
off the production of the product we are
experienced engineers we are
professionals and we won't let you down
if you support us we'll deliver to you
the smartest locking device in the world
thank you thank you thank you
the octane K 45 and Osprey K 45 were
designed at the request of leading
handgun manufacturers for submission to
the US Army's modular handgun system
competition a program intended to select
the next standard issue sidearm from
multiple branches of the US military
engineered for those interested in the
shortest hearing safe version of both
the Osprey 45 and the octane 45 these
suppressors also feature a dark grey
seracote finish to reduce their visual
signature compared to traditional black
hi my name is Spencer Taylor co-founder
of fennec in the summer we're not
working we like to be outside whether
it's camping glamping climbing fishing
road trip hunt
being hunted anytime you're out there
keeping food fresh can be tough the
cooler as most people's go to solution
but once the ice melts it's pretty much
useless and direct exposure to water of
frost can reduce the shelf life and
flavor of fruits and vegetables looking
beyond the cooler and your options are
pretty limited you can set up a fridge
at your campsite but they're heavy
expensive and are going to require you
to carry in a constant supply of fuel or
plug it in or buy the freeze-dried food
wrap which let's be honest just isn't as
tasty and fennec we've been working with
the last four years to develop a
lightweight low cost food preservation
system that never needs electricity or
ice we call it the Yuma six DL it weighs
less than 5 pounds packs flat and is
easy to take anywhere can be assembled
in under 30 seconds and is powered
exclusively by water or river water and
in hot and dry conditions can preserve
food at the five days without needing a
the secret is patent-pending smart
fabric technology and our team is
inspired by humanity's first cooling
system honed over ten million years of
evolution sweating we've developed a
smart material which mimics the
properties of human skin called face
deck the flexible walls are made of a
sandwich of food safe plastic on the
inside and phase deck on the outside
water is stored in between the two and
as water absorbs heat from the food it
becomes vapor this vapor passes through
the specialized pores in the face Tec
taking heat and energy with it in hot
and dry conditions the interior can be
up to 35 degrees Fahrenheit or 20
degrees Celsius colder inside than the
ambient air temperature around it this
cooler temperature greatly extends the
shelf life of perishable food tomatoes
kept inside can last up to five times
longer than those
left out in the open it's ideal for
fruits and vegetables that are best kept
in a stable room-temperature you can use
it on extended trips living off-grid
trying to reduce your carbon footprint
or you just need a place to store some
extra perishable food it has straps for
easy carrying and can be stacked to save
space everything from the truck to an
extra room can be turned in and
temperature stable storage fennec was
founded with the social mission at our
core around 20% of the world does not
have access to refrigeration this means
that more than half of the fruits and
vegetables grow in sub-saharan Africa
spoiled before anyone can eat them not
only does this reduce 3.3 billion tons
of carbon in the atmosphere and every
year it dramatically impacts the incomes
and habits of the rural families we've
had versions in the field in North
Africa for more than 30 years these
studies have allowed us to refine an
iterator design in that time our users
have saved up to ten percent of their
income as a result of less trips of the
market and less wasted food global food
spoilage affects everything and a fennec
needs our help to fight it we want to
make this product available to some of
the most vulnerable populations on earth
new people making as little as five
hundred dollars a year by buying one
you're enabling us to distribute it to
these markets at reduced cost the fennec
team has spent years of our lives and
Rowin money developing this tech now we
need your help to turn this amazing
product into a powerful tool for change
that you can take in your next outdoor
adventure join us
and of course thanks for backing us
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