
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

5 iPhone 7 Gadgets you MUST Have

we wanted to design something beautiful of course but we also wanted something useful we understand that some people love their music to them it's very important more important than taking their medication often but what pairs well with music oh that's right headphones yes what people decide to put into their own ear holes is a very personal choice and it's a choice we should all get the chance to make not one that should be made for us that's why we made fumes it's a case made specifically for the iphone 7 and 7 plus but it's not just a case it's also the first case with a 3.5 millimeter audio jack to lighting adapter built-in it's time to rock out with your are set that's right with fuse you can use your favorite earbuds or headset that you already have with the iphone 7 adapters on rock and roll rubbish having to wear the same earbuds as everybody else isn't rock'n'roll airports god bloody rock and roll you know what is being able to do whatever the hell you want with your gear fuse is an iphone case something Apple CEO Tim Cook says every iphone 7 user should use but it's so much more than that Apple is trying to kill the headphone jack and that's something that affects all of us there are dozens of uses for the port beyond music there are credit card readers thermometers microphones adult toys and even blood monitors some people even use it to make sure they don't die you don't want this grandma to die do you of course you don't and neither do we now all we can't say that Apple remove the audio jack because it wants to kill people obviously we can't say in this very real specific scenario the fuse is a device that can quite literally save lives and unlike the galaxy note 7 it won't explode burning you and your family alive this isn't even a note 7 I know that because I put in my contract I'm not gonna hold a note settings I like my life too much so for just forty nine dollars you can join our Kickstarter campaign for forty nine dollars the price of a pair of beats no not the root vegetable these things you can help us get this thing going for forty nine dollars roughly the price of a caramel macchiato purchased from your local denver airport you can help me save my grandmother's life fight the misguided hedge money of apple and make the most rock and roll decision you could possibly make the freedom of joy ah don't live life at apple's volume join our campaign today and get one of the first views cases shipped to you right before the holidays so purchase yours today for you for your fellow music fan and for my grandma fuse the case that's bringing back the audio jack you've got the hottest new iphone 7 damn this phone is so amazing i love it oh my god you've got the latest iphone 7 but you cannot charge your iphone and listen to music at the same time I el doc especially designed adapter for iphone with it listening to music while charging your iphone 7 is no longer a problem I'll dock plus provides you with amazing features like an SD card slot a TF card slot and USB ports check out these photos wow that's a really crazy photo yeah I think so too do you want them know that they don't just have to be in here oh really now I'll show you just gotta take out the card put it in here sure it's fine what's your phone go photos wow that's amazing just like that pretty easy right yeah I el doc is compact and durable you can take it wherever you go introducing the world's first magnetic connector for iphone 7 because apple is combined the audio jack and the power jack into one connector on the iphone 7 we are now able to give you a magnetic connector to connect your data audio and fast charging in a single click it's never been working me magnetic connectors are vastly superior to mechanical connectors not only are they way more convenient they're also far more resistant to dust water and other contaminants all this added reliability can greatly improve your peace of mind our engineering team has worked very hard to make this connector as small as possible we have also developed a tool board connector that works with Android and Apple devices we've already successfully completed a pilot manufacturing run of over 1,000 units we have done extensive testing to ensure their reliability over extended use if you're interested please contact us now for our early review so please support us and make this a reality you cannot do it without you you you you you we all love listening to music on our smart devices they hold thousands of songs and they're easy to use but cramming so many features onto one device comes at a cost and that cost is sound quality meat and I am the world's lightest battery-free micro headphone amplifier for your iphone ipad and ipod devices it's also the world's first headphone amplifier using Apple official c68 audio lightning adapter and it only weighs 7 grams minion size stylish design and meets all your needs for high quality music on the go and I am amplifier for I devices that makes music sound amazing the high quality components in amp I am will give your music a greater sense of space enabling you to hear more clearly the separate instruments voices and melodies detail is greater so the subtle nuances in vocal intonation or the way a note is played can be heard more easily grip on the lower frequencies will also be better so bass notes should sound more tuned for driving their own rhythm rather than just being heavy and loud all of this leads to a more emotionally engaging and therefore enjoyable experience with amp I am listening to the music simply becomes more fun it's easy to set up amp i am just plug the m5 I'd light nning connector into your iPhone iPad or iPod then plug your headphone jack into amp I am that sit that's simple and now you can listen to music the way the artist intended if rumors have it that the biggest hardware revisions of the iphone 7 are predicted to Center on the removal of the 3.5 millimeter headphone jack and future iphones are released with just a lightning port amp i am would allow you to continue to use your favorite headphones and will work as an alternative to whatever apple provides for compatibility with standard headphones with amp i am you're ready for the iphone 7 and beyond whatever you're doing jogging on your way to work or just chillaxing enjoy an exquisite listening experience studio quality music that's clearer and crisper anytime anywhere with em I am was very good extraordinary oh it's really cool you can really tell the difference trouble the base it was all very clear much clearer than before we're not lot better cool you
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