yeah first in our line of zoo wearables
the zoo go
we've taken the latest in flexible
margene completely hidden it in a strong
and beautiful belt with enough power to
fully charge your phone at least once
there are no liquids that can leak and
the batteries can be safely pierced torn
or cut and will continue to work
importantly we wanted the design of the
belt to be something that you've won to
wear with or without the battery so
we're working from the ground up with
designers to make sure that neither the
technology or the fashion is an
afterthought we've iterated hundreds of
times to arrive at a modular design that
allows you to adapt the belt to you
we've also used a ratchet style
mechanism that allows the quarter-inch
adjustments so that the belt fits you
just right
your life changes as it gets smarter and
faster what if you could print anything
anywhere you want at any time
introducing drop printer the world's
first portable printer solely designed
for your mobile phone its design is easy
to use you just turn it on connect via
bluetooth and then you can print
anything on your smart phone
the beauty of drop printer is how
powerful it is
it can print anything webpages messages
images your notes and even hand drawings
ideas or concepts instantly in black and
white on demand you can print your daily
to-do list and stick it on the monitor
you could also print a shopping list and
put it in your wallet so how does drop
printer work drop printer uses an
advanced high-resolution printer head we
also use high quality and low cost heat
sensitive paper to print just like a fax
machine it doesn't need ink and it's a
genuine low cost printer the
possibilities are endless
drop printer could also be used as the
power pack to charge your smartphone
today practically everyone is mobile
running here and there and doing
business on the move clerks students
salespeople and almost everyone today
will want and require one it offers a
whole new way to work and communicate
it's brilliant and there's nothing on
the market like it it's a consumer
product that will be in the highest of
don't you just hate it when your phone
runs out of juice when you're on that
important call or trying to get
directions say hello to Koki
go keys battery is capable of charging
your phone for up to two hours
there's one for iPhone five and one for
Android and Windows phones keep it on
your keyring for easy access then use it
to boost your phone on the go to charge
it plug it into any USB port on your
laptop in your car or right into an
outlet you can check the battery level
by shaking go key when you need to give
your phone a full charge you can use it
as a USB cable
goki charges itself while your phone is
charging and it can sync your data too
we also included flash memory choose
from eight 16 or 32 gigs to store videos
pictures music and files and secure them
with a password now your keys are
connected to your phone through
bluetooth whenever you lose them use the
go key app on your phone to locate the
and then make your go keyring so you can
find it and when you can't find your
your go key will make it ring
goki lives on your keychain and it will
always be there when you need
aqua is the world's lightest micro
amplifier so when music comes through
the jack to be headphones usually the
quality is barely delivered and why is
that because before this help what
happens the music is compressed which
means in the end the music is less
exquisite than what it used to be but
aqua is different aqua uses a micro USB
and lightning for input which maintains
the quality of the original music and it
also uses a codec to amplify
- sound quality which ensures that you
have a delicate listening experience
aqua is battery free which means you can
hook it up to your phone and take it
anywhere you want
what's more aqua is elegantly made with
CNC machining it's special design an
irreplaceable metal texture make it the
world's smallest lightest and most
beautiful amplifier ahead of us now we
design according to what users want
because we want to make more music
lovers like you and me able to enjoy
music in the simplest way possible and
we believe in the near future that the
world is going to change the way it
listens to music so but aqua make a
difference in your everyday life
we have seen advancements in mobile
phone technology that have surpassed our
wildest imagination
but the biggest problem with these
devices is that they rely on batteries
and more often than not these batteries
are unable to hold a charge the devices
have evolved but the charging technology
has not until now introducing sonic
cable from blue tech industries with
Sonic's innovative engineering you will
have the ability to charge your device
twice as fast when you're done syncing
data slide the switch to the on position
and instantly go into Sonic mode
unleashing double the charge power of a
regular charging cable and charging your
device in half the time
sonic cable was created to be the most
advanced charge cable on the market with
absolutely no feature left out its
innovative dual sided USB technology
means you never have to worry about
which side is up when you plug in it
works both ways
every time no matter what it's also
built to last with aluminum connectors
on both ends it won't crack or break
when life gets in the way we also back
it with a lifetime guarantee
sonic cable is Apple MFI certified and
20 percent longer than your normal USB
charge cable so you can be sure it'll
reach when you need it too engineered
with braided nylon fiber and five
stylish colors sonic cable is 25 percent
thicker than a standard USB cable making
it more durable and tangle free
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