what if your smartphone could do
something more something you never
imagined a phone could do well we've
done it we've taken your smartphone and
made it fly
there's an entire realm that has never
been tapped by a smartphone until now
introducing phone drone ethos the first
and only device that allows your
smartphone to access the third dimension
with phone drone ethos we've leveraged
the sensor processor and wireless
capability of your smartphone what you
get is a powerful cloud-connected aerial
vehicle at a fraction of the cost of a
typical drone
ethos doesn't even require two phones
just use a single device and set your
mission or you can tether it to another
device for real-time control and FP
phone drone is packable it can be
broadly extended not only that the phone
drown ethos is the first drone that can
be controlled from Apple watch
our team will be releasing the phone
drone controller API to the market
allowing developers to build drone
capability into their existing apps and
even create completely new apps around
this technology with over ten million
mobile app developers in the industry
phone drone ethos will have the largest
potential developer community in
existence imagine the innovation where
will it go image recognition obstacle
avoidance swarm operations through the
cloud we know the possibilities are
endless but we need your help we need
you to join in on the revolution be one
of the first to usher in the new drone
era and left phone drone ethos give your
smartphone access to the third dimension
so this started about a year ago where
we had to measure the contours of an
organic surface turns out that's a very
hard problem the only available solution
cost twenty thousand dollars and that
that's ridiculous so we set out to build
arun we looked at what was available out
there at the intersection of computer
vision and surface measurement and we
couldn't find a single solution that was
compelling the 3d scanners ever precise
cost tens of thousands of dollars and
the ones that were affordable one
precise law today that changes so we've
invented the e Ora 3d scans the world's
first high-precision twenty skin at is
purpose-built for a modern woman we're
only just beginning to explore the
possibilities of capturing the world in
3d 3d printing is an amazing tool it
converts a digital file into a physical
object some call it an industrial
revolution the e Ora 3d scanner does the
exact opposite of 3d printing it lets
artists makers and designers capture
objects and surfaces and turn them into
high-quality 3d models and use them as
part of the creative process we knew we
had to use a smartphone Morla phones are
simply amazing the Euro 3d scanner is
powered entirely by your smartphone
using it as easy just open the app and
press scan it automatically adjust focus
and exposure and drive a green laser to
scan your object as it sweeps we take
over 1,000 photos and analyze them in
real time to give you a 3d model a
typical scan takes three to five minutes
and gives you a full-color mesh with up
to 8 million points with a range of one
meter you can capture objects big and
accurate to less than 100 microns that's
the thickness of a single sheet of paper
when engineering the scanner we had one
objective in mind precision all that's
possible thanks to a design that's both
beautiful and function machined from a
solid block of aluminium with over 35
million operations we've designed to be
both robust and precise the light ring
gives you quick visual feedback and the
adjustable knob lets you secure any
modern smartphone the green laser let's
just scan in any lighting conditions as
most cameras are twice as sensitive to
green than any other color for water
type models we also design a Bluetooth
turntable it will sync to your scanner
and rotate your object to make sure you
get every angle we meticulously design
every aspect of the hardware and we've
tested seven different prototypes we've
put together a great team and we've
lined up several manufacturers now we
need you in the Kickstarter community to
help us put this together
feel like me use your phone to take a
lot of pictures and smartphones today
have great cameras but they have a blind
spot close-up photography and that's why
i've created these two lenses which will
instantly turn your phone or tablet into
a device capable of taking incredible
close-up photography instead of spending
a bunch of money on a fancy camera and
expensive lenses simply stick this lens
onto your phone and begin taking
beautiful macro photography right away
it's great for taking pictures of all
kinds of things take pictures of flowers
explore nature
when you're done simply pop the lens off
stick it back in its case and be on your
way it's ultra portable and great for
taking on outdoor adventures the
stickiness of the lens will last forever
its scratch proof and it works with any
smartphone or tablet it's a great way to
increase the capability of your device's
camera will take your photography to a
whole new level so I hope you support
this campaign and please share it with
all the photographer's in your life
thank you
we wanted to create a product that we
ourselves want to use every day so in
developing sky buds we paid attention to
the things that people cared about the
most fit signal strength sound quality
and battery life the real problem with
wireless headphones is that they always
need to be charged charging anything
beside your phone on a day to day basis
is a real inconvenience but with our
patented kids whenever you charge your
phone you charge your earphones it's
that simple there's no need to carry
around a separate charging or storage
device just for your ear buttons and so
when you go to sleep at night and you
plug in your thump not only do you wake
up with a fully charged phone and fully
charged earbuds but we added an extra
battery in the back of the case that
provides additional power for both your
phone and your buds throughout the
entire day truly wireless means no more
wires to get tangled on no more cords to
get ripped out of your ears and our
smartphone case allows an easy place for
you to put your sky buds in when you're
finished using we also knew that sky
boots would have to be the perfect
companion for people with very active
lifestyles so yes sky buds are sweat
proof and to accommodate small ears like
mine and much larger ears like Jamie's
we've developed interchangeable bud tips
in order to make sure that sky buds but
everyone's ears comfortably and securely
we studied tons of reports by ear
surgeons and tested and 3d mapped
literally hundreds of years not only
your sky bug is going to look sharp but
they're gonna sound great and the
connection quality is going to be
excellent we put amazing speakers into
both the earbuds and use the process
called nano blading to make sure that
all your sound is uninterruptedly
in terms of battery to last for three to
four hours of continuous play but
remember as soon as you put them back in
the case will start recharged we
converge for products into 12 bucks
you're truly wireless earbuds your
Bluetooth headset for common smartphone
case an extra smartphone battery are all
compressed into a single totally
convenient solution that charges in
stores your earbuds we've been living in
breathing sky buds for the past 14
months but we've taken it as far as we
can since we put the best components in
sky buds mass production is expensive
help us by supporting sky buds and
becoming early advocates of the product
we are super excited to bring sky buds
to you the Kickstarter community and we
hope you love sky buds just as much as
we do
with the jungle apps and contacts you
have on your phone nowadays if you find
yourself scrolling around your device
just to do one thing we've decided to
hack this mini inconvenience with a
simple add-on called the air button that
allows you to access your favorite app
or feature with just a push of a button
simply assign phone functions such as
opening up your calendar and turning on
your music at the same time while you're
on your way to work or what a push of a
button access your Maps and bluetooth
functions while driving or maybe call
your significant other immediately
without swiping through a list of
contacts on your cell phone what makes
the air button special is that allows
you to create workflows where you can
link features and applications
simultaneously this becomes handy
especially during meetings you can even
connect your bluetooth earphones and
music while you're going out for a quick
we've engineered this tactile button to
be extremely thin yet super powerful in
fact it doesn't even require batteries
simply peel off the buttons at piece of
film and stick it on the back of your
Android phone after enabling your
phone's NFC connectivity you can
customize each buttons functionality
using our proprietary app built in-house
no matter how you use your phone the
possibilities of using the air button
are endless especially since we'll have
single and double versions available
it's truly an instant upgrade your phone
has been waiting for back our project
today and take your Android phone to the
next level with your own air button
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