hello I'm pixie Leo the earth the place
you live and watch
closer and closer it gives you moments
worth remembering
time you won't stop it but now you stop
what's important to you
Vic Celia was created so you are able to
scan boast about
boost sales
keep it
or duplicate
wireless charging
in order to have full energy for the
next day
so this started about a year ago where
we had to measure the contours of an
organic surface turns out that's a very
hard problem the only available solution
cost twenty thousand dollars and that
that's ridiculous
so we started to build our own we looked
at what was available out there at the
intersection of computer vision and
surface measurement and we couldn't find
a single solution that was compelling
the 3d scanners they were precise cost
tens of thousands of dollars when the
ones are affordable one precise level
today that changes
we're only just beginning to explore the
possibilities of capturing the world in
3d 3d printing is an amazing tool it
converts a digital file into a physical
object some call it an industrial
revolution the eora 3d scanner does the
exact opposite for 3d print it lets
artists makers and designers capture
objects and surfaces and turn them into
high-quality 3d models and use them as
part of the creative process we knew we
had to use a smart phone smaller phones
are simply amazing we use them to take
pictures and videos update social media
even for gaming the Euro 3d scanner is
powered entirely by your smartphone
using it as easy just open the app and
press scan it'll automatically adjust
focus and exposure and drive a green
laser to scan your object as it sweeps
we take over 1,000 photos and analyze
them in real time to give you a 3d model
a typical scan takes three to five
minutes and gives you a full-color mesh
with up to 8 million points with a range
of 1 meter you can capture objects big a
swamp accurate to less than 100 microns
that's the thickness of a single sheet
of paper when engineering the scanner we
had one objective in mind precision the
light ring gives you quick visual
feedback and the adjustable knob gets to
secure any model smartphone the green
laser lets you scan in any lighting
conditions as most cameras are twice as
sensitive to green than any other color
for water type models we also design a
Bluetooth turntable it will sync to your
scanner and rotate your object to make
sure you get every angle
we've meticulously designed every aspect
of the hardware and we've tested 7
different prototypes we've put together
a great team and we've lined up several
what you see in science fiction tech
fiction is very quickly becoming
possible if you point the structural
sensor out into the world you're
capturing the world it's like giving
some sort of a superpower to average Joe
devices what if you could give your
mobile device a new sense the ability to
not just capture the world in
two-dimensional images but to actually
understand it in three dimensions the
structure sensor does just that
it's the world's first 3d sensor for
mobile devices what I really AM excited
about what the structure sensor is it
makes it so easy you can clip it to a
mobile device and walk around your world
basically pull your world into a digital
form my name is Jeff powers and I'm a
founder of occipital we're passionate
about giving devices the ability to see
and understand the world around them
this isn't about taking pictures it's
about computer vision and interaction we
call it spatial computing it's much
bigger than just us and it's going to
change the way we interact with the
world let me show you what you can do
with them you'll be able to capture
every dimension of an entire room in a
matter of seconds and you can send a
model to your phone so you can get any
dimension you need at any time you'll be
able to easily capture and send
three-dimensional objects across town or
across the world and make decisions
together even when you're apart you'll
be able to play games games where the
real world becomes the game world
structureworks by capturing a pattern of
invisible laser projected light which
allows you to measure thousands of
distances all at once the iPad has
arguably the best user experience of any
tablet and it was important to us to go
the extra mile to make structure work
specifically with it structure latches
securely to your iPad it connects via
the new lightning connector the end
result is actually thermal design
mechanical design industrial design open
put together into one perfect object
structures single piece body is machined
from high-grade anodized aluminum it
serves as both a beautiful exterior and
as a thermal core that keeps the
precision optics inside at an optimal
hi guys your smart monkey have you ever
created 360 images 360 images offer new
viewing experience to users and provide
more information than ordinary images
but creating 360 images is difficult
without professional equipment costing
thousands of dollars
this time we challenged to a new
possibility to create 360 meters video
smartphone folio 360 turn table that
creates stunning 360 images using just a
all you need is a light box and a smart
phone to use the folio 360 first place
your subject and open the folio 360 app
then control the resolution brightness
and other settings depending on your
needs and finally press Start when
you're ready your phone will communicate
with the folio 360 to automatically take
photos the folio 360 also works with the
SLR using IR sensors we also developed a
new feature called the halo edge light
system now your subjects can really
stand out from the background without
losing any picture quality each photo
will automatically combine into one
final 360 image then you can upload it
to the folio 360 website and share your
image anywhere now you can create
awesome 3d content all by yourself
the folio 360 makes it easier to bring
360 images to life on your blog online
store or any other website we're excited
to see all the creative ways you use
your folio 360
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