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8 Cool Keychains You Should Carry Every Day

we all use keys to secure virtually everything we own like my keys I keep my cards in my pocket purchases can't be any easier than this and with the new chip cards everyone's getting this year we can't be more secure so why can't shopping online be that easy and secure it can I'm here to tell you about the Q key it's a radically simple solution just add your payment card onto your payment key it schoolbag say I want that cool bag my Q key and one master password gives me access to all of my sites just shop like I always do select the card enter my pin just tap the key and I'm done how do I set up my Q key it's easy just enter all your cards your shipping information and choose your favorite websites and you're on your way there's no more passwords to remember or forms to fill out and it works on any computer or tablets with a USB and if I lose my Q key without my master password Q key is useless and just like your ATM card after three miss password attempts Q key locks down only you can reset it you can also make purchases on your mobile device and the best part it's totally secure Q key unlocks the new Internet and now you control silent beacon is a Bluetooth device that connects wirelessly to your smartphone in the event of emergency you're able to contact 911 your loved ones and emergency personnel now let's demonstrate how the device works first we're gonna pair the device to the app by pressing one of the buttons inside let's try to call the person directly all we do is simply press both sides of a silent beacon the phone on the right shows that we have sent the alert phone on the left now receives the alert huh so you can see it's directly calling the person who you've stored as your emergency contact now the phone that gets your alert can swipe and open up the app you can see in red who's in an alert now you can see their map let's actually take the phone outside and walk around so you can see exactly what the app sees you can see it's tracking me in real-time as I walk outside the house now I press the button that I'm out of an alert you can see on the map it shows where my alert ended in the exact time and date you can also get immediate directions to the person in distress you can see there are multiple ways of getting in touch with your loved ones at the push of a button hey guys above-average Joe just want to show you exactly how to use your credit card night I always keep my credit card knife with the blade pointed down so don't accidentally reach into my back pocket and jab myself in the finger I'd recommend you do the same I always keep it right here in the front easy access easy to use never out of reach now when you get your credit card now if you'll notice that there is a red tab when the red is exposed that means the knife is locked and safe in order to open your knife you need to flip the tab around when you can't see the red that's when the blade can pop free it's pretty easy three-step process you turn the tab open the blade and fold it shut once you hear it snap in the blade is good to go hey what we used when you're ready to put it back in your wallet pop it loose just slide it back down make sure that the red tab is covered put the blade in and then just simply turn the safety tab when you do that the blade is locked ready to go right back in your wallet thanks again and I hope you enjoy your credit card night rewards and share this video with your friends
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