2400G Delid FAIL | Single Channel Vs. Dual Channel DDR4 Memory for Ryzen OCed 2200G & 2400G APUs
2400G Delid FAIL | Single Channel Vs. Dual Channel DDR4 Memory for Ryzen OCed 2200G & 2400G APUs
there's good news and there's bad news
and the good news is kind of bad news
anyways so the first things first
probably seen the thumbnail and the
title and yes I have failed my day lid
with the 2400 G so this is the first d
lid I've failed in my life and I've been
deleting for a few years now and when I
first started deleting I was a barbarian
as well so the irony is this time around
I was really careful and took my time
with this D lid and I still failed so
the room for error with D letting a
risin apu is so small if you guys are
going to deal with this thing just be
very careful take a lot of time you may
even wish to use razor blade and the
vise together or there may be some other
new method that comes into play that's a
new metal I'm not too sure but I use the
vise method and I took my time and I
still took off a layer of SM DS and as
you can see they're just pretty much
right on the glue they're right next to
the glue and is actually funny because
the one that's only a few mil back that
was still on the PCB so that's how much
room margin of error you've got for
dealing with these new ap use and on
that note I'm not going to be deleting
another Raven Ridge apu and i'm not
going to be recommending people deal
with them either but I've also ordered
in another 2400 G because I wanted to do
a giveaway for you guys so stay tuned
for that but let's get on with those
welcome back to tech yes City this brand
coming to you guys today with those
results single a gigabyte stick versus a
dual channel kits we'll pull up the
results here I tested three different
games and after this I could see the
general trend and it wasn't good pulling
up dota 2 first of all we have thirty
two hundred megahertz in dual channel
scoring 61 average FPS point one percent
low of 44 moving over to single channel
it was a at 26 66 megahertz you got 32
average FPS and point one percent lows
we're matching in tandem to the 32
hundred megahertz speeds single stick of
32 hundred megahertz speed did do a
little bit better so we've got 34
average and 0.1% lows coming in under 30
there so basically with dota 2 going
from a 8 gigabyte dual channel to a
single 8 gigabyte stick we saw a halving
of the frame rates basically in this
game that was a huge drop and now moving
over to Rainbow six siege we could see
that this trend was continuing into this
game we had 54 average FPS on 32 hundred
megahertz dual channel kit and then
stepping that down to a single channel
2666 we had 27 average fps and the
minimum there of 22 and then moving it
up to 30 200 megahertz on a single 8 gig
stick we had 26 average and 20 minimum
so wasn't looking good at all in Rainbow
six either basically if you're on an APU
we're seeing that you will want to go
with a dual channel kit whether it be an
8 gigabyte kit or a 16 gigabyte kit but
let's look at the last game here
overwatch I actually tested this for the
main Raven Ridge review however I just
forgot to look at the results and put
them in there I already had six games
tested thoroughly so I thought oh why
not put it in this overclocking single
stick guide and what we had here was 32
hundred megahertz dual channel kit going
with an average of seventy one fps 0.1%
low of 59 fps stepping that down to 26
67 we had an average of 34 fps then
stepping that down to 32 hundred
megahertz on a single stick 36 fps so
again we saw a massive drop in
performance by going from a dual channel
kit to a single channel kit so it was
basically the difference between this
apu having things being playable and
thank supreme
really bad experience so you guys if
you're out there and you want to get on
the Raven Ridge ap use you will want to
get on a dual channel kit whether it be
an 8 gig kit or whether it be a 16 gig
kit but the bottom line is you will have
to set aside generally you want to
gigabytes of vram buffer set aside for
the APU so if you're on an eight-game
kit that's gonna drop you down to 6
gigabytes of system memory so that still
will be playable for games like 4 night
dota 2 csgo there's some games for
instance Call of Duty they might need
more than 6 cubits of system memory so
as I said in the main review the ddr4
Ram prices are definitely overshadowing
the AP use potential as really good
value for money and that seems to be the
case as you can see with these results
so in a nutshell I wouldn't recommend
deleting the apu i wouldn't recommend
going with a single kit of memory unless
you want a bad experience but what about
overclocking on the AP use here's one
thing that i did get out of the 2400 g
before I decided to fail that D lid I
managed to get it up to thirteen hundred
and fifty megahertz on the GFX core
three point nine five gigahertz on the
CPU core and this was the same with the
2200 year got a little bit less on the
GPU core I got that up to thirteen
hundred and thirty megahertz stable I
did manage to get that up to 1350
however the extra voltage needed to get
that extra 20 megahertz was another 25
millivolts so you could see diminishing
returns was kicking in after thirteen
hundred thirty megahertz on the 2200 G
so that's something you want to take
note of if you're overclocking this on
air especially on budget coolers because
that sweet spot will be somewhere
between 1300 minutes and 1350 megahertz
and yes you'll see people D letting
these and also putting them under water
and getting much higher overclocks
probably somewhere in the 1400s mid
1400s but seriously the diminishing
returns is kicking in hard and so your
sweet spot is looking like it's between
1300 and 1350 megahertz on the core of
the 2200 G now the good news for the
2200 G when I overclocked it it's got
basically the same results as the 2400 G
out of the box so that was really good
the results were showing here not only
in games but also in that 3dmark
firestrike score as well and you can see
if I pull up the single channel score
you can see just how badly those three
did my fire strike scores
do perform when you step down from dual
channel to single channel memory but
basically with overclocking and the AP
use you will want to overclock them if
you can especially give it a bump and
find that sweet spot on your own people
have requested that I do an APU
overclocking tutorial perhaps when I get
at my other 2400 gene I can make that
happen for you guys just let me know in
the comment section below if you want to
see that happen but also one more thing
before I get on out of here was the 2200
G did exhibit some weird behavior I
managed to get the CPU core up to 3.9 5
gigahertz and that was stable and that
was giving out a good Cinebench score
but the problem is when I started
running the fire strike scores
especially on a single channel kit of
memory we saw the GPU performance get
affected by that so basically I had to
drop the clocks down on the CPU to get
better scores out of the GPU so that's a
pretty odd inverse relationship that I
noticed coming out of overclocking the
2200 G and also with the 2400 G that had
the failed deal it technically it can
still work it's just a half do micro
sold of those SMDs back on and that is
extremely difficult steve from harbor
own box has put his hand up to fix this
so i'm gonna send my apu down to him and
i want to see if he can indeed fix this
because man these SMDs
are really small so good luck Steve may
the force be with you and if you guys
enjoyed today's video then be sure to
hit that like button and let me know in
the comment section below if you want to
see some other tests with these ap use
and I'll be sure to get that done for
you also look forward to giving you that
giveaway so stay tuned and I'll catch
you in another tech video very soon
peace out for now bye
just let me know in the comment section
below if you want to see that happen but
also for a giveaway coming up on the
channel but with that let's get on to
the kind of seven gigahertz on the CPU
core to get better performance out of
the GPUs cause
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