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$250 Console KILLER - How to Build the Best Used PC in 2016

compared to the PC the PlayStation 4 has price performance going for it or does it today I'm going to show you guys how I turned a $250 PC into a ps4 destroyer welcome back to tech yestiny this is brian coming to you guys today with the 250 dollar pc which i've recently completed and i've tested it at 1080p this thing will get you 60 frames per second in a variety of games and it will in my opinion beat a ps4 and an xbox one not only in price performance but also in everything else however before we get onto the building the actual benchmarking of games i wanted to do a quick rundown of all the prices that i paid for these parts so starting from left to right we have here the motherboard and a gigabytes of ddr3 memory which also came with a cpu for 82 dollars shipped however as I detailed in my prologue video the CPU was actually dead so then had to spend an additional $40 to get in an ex 3450 which is actually a better CPU than the i5 I originally had it's also 8 threads and it's overclockable and generally the xeon cpus are considered a little bit better than the standard consumer-grade line especially in this generation of cpus to the right of that we have an r7 270 from XFX which I managed to pick up a $97 and then just below that we have a 500 gigabyte Western Digital black enterprise storage hard drive which I got also for $11 shipped to the right of that we have a Sith core there which I managed to pick up a while ago for about $10 and then above that we have an antic 650 watt power supply which I picked up for $14 shipped off the internet and then just behind that I have the final component which is the case where I picked that up for two dollars down the junk store so that leaves a total price of the build to around two hundred and fifty-five dollars however let's get on with building this thing and doing some benchmarks now my powers my bus my power dollars but oh yeah but I was my house I've been looking forward to this my powers have doubled since the last time we met count good twice the pride double the fall I like my power showers but my power dollars house what how is it my powers as fast the fire see the lights only to get there and hope we will meet there Oh but my powers my powers kill him I shouldn't Gilly so there we go guys the benchmarking is finished and as you can see this computer did a great job of running pretty much any title at 1080p at 60 frames per second whether it was Ultra or high settings or medium settings this thing gave out great frame rates at 1080p and that's a true 1080p mind you not a 720p 30fps like the consoles are doing this is a true HD picture so there you guys have it if you're on a budget and you have some time then you can definitely find some really good bargains out there and build yourself an absolute price performance beast in my case this $250 PC is my favorite PC that I've built so far in terms of both news and new PCs I really had a great time with it because the final result is absolutely kick-ass now if this was the only PC I could have I'd be still very happy with it 1080p gaming on this thing was an absolutely amazing experience so if you guys want to look for use parts just keep in mind that you can incur problems however in the long run I do believe it is highly worth it if you know what you're looking for and you know what you're doing hopefully some of my used PC videos have given you guys ideas on what parts are pretty hot and will give you great price performance and also what parts aren't good and what parts will give you bad bang for buck that's about it if you have any questions about the $250 console killer then drop a comment in the comment section below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can and if you haven't already subscribed attack yes City for Nora noir tech news and reviews and I'll catch you in another tech video very soon pigs out for now bye
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