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$327 SCUM Gaming PC - The Most VRAM demanding title EVER...!

can you run scum it's a new game has been released on PC and if you wanted to run it you could easily just go down to the worst part of your neighborhood where you live you're probably find something but if you want to build a PC that can run this title hopefully at 1080p I don't know yet Sam tried the components then this may be the right video for you we've got a nice blend here of used and new parts mixed together that's coming in at a total price point of 327 US dollars or if in straya 445 ozzie now going through the components first up we have the RX 570 we pick this up for a hundred and fifty dollars then we've got the case budget case here got this for 30-odd z will clearly give this a bathroom and it's cheap it's flimsy but hopefully it gets the job done moving through the list we have a vs 350 from corsair budget pounce play it should be all we need since the minimum requirements of this game state that you need an i5 44:30 or an FX 6300 now we're using a g 45 60 which is a dual-core 4 threaded CPU however the IPC and the clock speeds are much greater than that of an i5 44 30 so hopefully we should get away with that we've got 8 gigabytes of ddr4 memory h1 10 motherboard now we pick these up the G 45 60 could still get this for around about 64 US dollars or 78 Australian dollars its original asking price and it does come with a CPU cooler now the benefit of going with this is that these motherboards the h1 10s they've been forsaken they've been forgotten and so we picked this up for nothing but you probably couldn't expect to get that for nothing because the person thought it was broken but if you want to pick one up you can get them on eBay for like under 40 US dollars in Australia around about 50 AUD but continuing on with the list ddr4 memory I know it's expensive I picked some of this stuff up to mismatched sticks for 60 Aussie dollars about 42 USD but even if you picked it up at asking price for a brand new kit it would still make this build worthwhile since gravis cards especially this one in particular have down in prices quite a lot hard drive I picked this out of the build an OEM build it's a one terabyte Seagate drive I got this for about 20 Ozzie dollars or in USD terms 14 US dollars now using a used hard drive in a build like this is not a problem since we're going with a budget 120 gigabyte SSD this will be able to hold our game on it which is scum and also be able to boot up our computer quickly as well as making things snappy so even if this hard drive slow this will counteract that big time and in 2018 I just can't afford a missing so we're coming in with a whole build cost that is definitely one that's kept on a budget but since we've used used parts we do have to give them a bit of a tech yes cleanse so we're gonna quickly get on with the build and then after that install scum which you can pick up for twenty US dollars so let's get this party started so we just finished the tech yes cleanse in particular on this gravis card and also on the motherboard itself they're both looking pretty much brand new now to match the rest of the build and since this case doesn't have any fans in it we're actually gonna add in two really cheap rainbow fans they're not even really RGB because they just got preset different colors on them and hopefully it turns out all well but let's get this build on the way and here we are now at conclusion time and this PC was able to place come not really that well at 1080p but more so at 720p this game really shocked me at how much vram it can utilize even on lower settings 720 people getting close to using up all the four gigabytes of vram available on the RX 570 now keep in mind this was with custom settings but even putting those settings on low this game was so hungry for that VRAM not only that was also hungry for the graphical processing power too so a 1080p will getting just over 40 frames per second hovering between 40 and 50 most the time but the stuttering was so bad this is what made the game really not that enjoyable but when we closed it down to 720p this is where things became really exciting the game is beautiful note that if you do wish to get a really high-end PC then this game will definitely deliver in terms of how it looks it's think of it as like a pub G but more optimized and better looking but also much more hungrier and what it needs for its specs in order to run well so 720p we're getting over 80 fps with the G 45 60 the two core for thread CPU is absolutely fine for this game in my opinion and when we dropped it down 720p was using up less actual system memory as well near half that of what it was using at 1080p now ironically enough I didn't realize that one of these sticks was actually and I hate gigabyte stick so we had 12 gigabytes of ddr4 memory in this build so 720p was scum you will run around 6 gigabytes of RAM at least and then if you go up to 1080p you'll one around 12 gigabytes of RAM so I think the RAM was just within spec but of course as we look at the graphics card the vram and the actual processing of the graphics card itself this game definitely needs that power so I was really surprised that the rx 570 was having trouble at 1080p running this game which it was as we just said before 720p the G 4560 was getting over 80 fps a lot of the times and it was a lot smoother as well so the massive stuttering that was there higher resolutions wasn't there at lower resolutions which means that the graphics card was actually bottlenecking this set up so there it all is it seems like it's a pretty well made game I was definitely enjoying it once I got the hang of it you have to run around you've got to feed yourself you've got to stay hydrated I do recommend starting off getting your person to have max boxing skills that's when things got really exciting for me and I started going up sort of punching on with these zombies and I started to get good at it so before that I'll sort of having a bit of trouble but regardless it was a bit of fun I can see the appeal of this game and especially if you jump into the multiplayer you're gonna be having a lot of fun with scum but as for the CPU utilization itself it seemed like the core utilization across all four threads was pretty much equal and when we stepped it down to the 720p resolution we saw it was going near 100% on all threads a lot of the time just that it's a very demanding title but ultimately this little scum PC here its little it can handle the game and it does look pretty good and it does run pretty quiet in terms of power consumption when we overclock the gravis card just a little bit to get more performance out of it it was using about 250 Watts from the wall so the vs 350 is absolutely fine for a little build like this and even if we stepped it up to a 4 core for example this power supply would still be able to handle that so ultimately I'm happy with the way the builds ended up but also stay tuned for another video where we'll take a look at the G 45 60 and see what it can still do in 2018 because when it's come to gaming I haven't had any problems with this to call for thread CPU especially coupled with mid-range graphics cards which I feel a lot of people are going to be doing when it comes to the CPU and GPU combination anyway with all that aside I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did then be sure to hit that like button let us know in the comments section below have you tried outs come if so what was your experience and what we have thoughts and opinions if not let me know what's stopping you from playing it it isn't too expensive I think at $20 us it's coming in a really good price point and also one thing is well I did have to update the boss before I could use the G 4560 because technically it is a seventh gen CPU and this is a 6th gen motherboard but after that everything ran absolutely fine and with all that aside I'll put some links in the description below if you wish to search for similar parts to make a similar build and I'll catch an another tech video very soon peace out for now bye
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