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$50 Custom PC WATER Loop - Is it POSSIBLE?

can you build a CPU and GPU water loop for $50 let's find out welcome back to tech yeah City this is brian coming to you guys today with a look at a cheap water cooling loop setup now this is also for the CPU and the GPU since I've been getting a lot of requests to do something like this so today I'm going to quickly go over how much the parts cost where I source them from which includes places like eBay Amazon and also my local hardware store and how much they cost and let's get on with the tally ok so now we're going to really briefly check for a signal off this here and since there's actually you know there's just the colors pretty much on there with no water going through we're gonna have to be very quick so I'm just going to see if there's a signal coming out just to make sure that there is no problem so we're going to use a little friendly USB Drive here just and no more problem ok so as soon as there's a signal go on we are going to shut it off at the main just to make sure there's no problems come on signals even a single hurry up hurry up hurry up Dayna signal yet then we're gonna have to shut that off is getting way too hard to touch nice to figure this out okay so we've got the graphics card here and the power play on a different motherboard and CPU so we're going to test that quickly to just rule out one thing at a time to see what it could be so hopefully it's not a graphics card because that is really good like a seal you got all the heatsinks on there decide the cooler off and then we've got the memory in there as well all right cool awesome so it is the either the motherboard of the CPU I'm guessing it's the CPU or the motherboard doesn't have the update on the BIOS to support the e 50 640 so we're going to try and put this CPU into the other motherboard and then see if we can get a signal if we can then we could update the BIOS to support the new 56:40 so let's get that on the way alright so we're going for round 2 this time different CPU and we're going to see if we can get a signal this time hopefully we can just one stick and memory and come on please don't be a busted motherboard yeah okay cool alright so so we pulled the CPU off and also we pulled the heatsink off and we can see here that this is a big problem because this doesn't have all the thermal paste on it which means that either one of these surfaces isn't flat or the motherboard might actually need a shim it's like shim off already--as I don't want to make another shim although it worked really well on the graphics card so we're gonna take a look now and see if we have to make a CPU ship so yeah it looks like it's the coolest so we're going to try and sand this thing down and then give it another round all right so that's looking a lot better than last time I'll be happy with that let's get on with the boss update so after a BIOS update we are now ready finally to start completing this build you so now we're ready to start testing the loop out and start filling it up so what I'm going to use for this part is a different power supply and I'm actually going to use a little pin here to short out the positive and negative on the 24-pin connector what this is going to do is every time I turn on the power supply here it's going to turn it on and give power out to the molex connector and now for this part I'm going to be using my molex suits to pin converter here or connector so that is just going to essentially turn it into a molex which I can then plug into the power supply directly and every time I boot this up I'm then going to have just my loop only turning on which is exactly what I want and you know that's that's one way of doing it there are other ways of doing it if you can obviously use your computer if you want but I wouldn't recommend that because if you have leaks then you may fry something so let's get this going and give it a try so then we have the results say everything with the CPU the temperatures were just simply terrible we had 90 degrees on the standard configuration then even when I put a shim in there went up to 95 degrees the GPU however did start to show a little bit of promise when I overclocked it the temperatures really didn't change and then I did put those two cooler master fans on in place of the fans that I had running in but ever before and that definitely kept the heat down on the radiator so if there's anything to come out of a cheap water looping a budget setup that is don't skimp on the block's and the pump they're the two most crucial things that you can't get away with on skimping on I thought that the radiator and the hosing and the reservoir did a pretty good job and all those connections were very strong I didn't get any leaks but when it came to the pump and the blocks they were just simply not good enough and they were very far from being even remotely good for a 24/7 setup and when you compare that to an air cooling setup I would rather take the air cooling setup any day of the week even in price performance compared to this loop not to mention all-in-ones will absolutely kick the pants of today's loop in that if you've got to 120 ml rad setups and put them on your and just zip time on your CPU and your GPU you would still have much better temperatures and results than I got here today now how about the how to and where's the tutorial on setting up a budget water cooling loop guide well I'm not ready to do that yet I need to do more Rd when it comes to water cooling setups as you see here today I simply got B and I'm not used to getting beat when it comes to doing budget setups for you guys and so this thing's got me a little bit down in that I want to get the cheapest water cooling setup possible but at the same time it still has to get the results as we saw they're an all in one or a decent air cooling setup will get you much better results than the results that I got here today however with water cooling there is just simply a flaw that you have to spend a bit of money to get to and I mean if you're coming in here thinking I'll get a $5 block and that'll be and I'll be home and hosed then you've got to think again because as you saw with my results I mean this this blocks would just simply fail besides the quality control they just didn't cool that well at all and then there was the pump as well a cheap pump just simply couldn't stand anywhere up to a more expensive pump and I mean that's to be expected I was just hoping that the results would not be worse than say an air cooling setup anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you have any questions or comments about the cheap $50.00 water cooling loop guide then let me know in the comment section below but is it possible for $50.00 a CPU GPU water loop the answer is no in my opinion though if you can get the parts too cheap especially when it comes to use parts then maybe it is possible so stay tuned for a proper how-to guide and I will be getting that done in the near future and peace out for now bye now it's now finally time for the moment of truth will it boot yeah we'll turn the power switch on this time
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