let's build a gaming PC from my fellow
aziz downunder however before we do that
I have a serious question for you guys
and that is mate you even turned the
ball welcome back to the month of
October 2015 and today we're going with
a $600 or Australian dollar gaming PC
and now one thing to keep in mind is
even though this PC may look expensive
it's actually not too bad considering
the Australian dollar is pretty weak at
the moment however as always I'll be
putting the links in the description
below for the US and the UK but with
that being said let's get on with it
so for the cpu we're going with the i3
4160 this is a dual core 4 threaded CPU
now comes in at 150 Australian dollars
and honestly for this price I think it's
one of the best value gaming CPUs you
can get down under at the moment however
don't let the dual-core thing for you
this thing will do an absolute fine job
of playing games at 1080p next up for
the motherboard we're going with the msi
h 81 MP 33 now for 70's Randle's this
thing is pretty damn good I mean you're
just getting a motherboard with yeah 2
slots of memory and it'll be absolutely
fine for what we need today which is a
low budget gaming PC so for memory will
go on 1 a gigabyte ddr3 stick of memory
from g.skill now this is the cheapest
I've seen memory in a while $65 you also
get one stick so you've got the option
in there to add in another stick in the
future so if you want to put an i7 in
this motherboard and have sort of like a
more powerful PC then one 8 gigabyte
stick of memory will give you that
option to do so so for the hard drive
we're going with the Western Digital
caviar blue one terabyte now this thing
is pretty much a staple around here it's
a good hard drive for the money getting
one terabyte of storage 7200 rpm Drive
it's going to be pretty quick
and if you're ready to up it to an SSD
in the future then you can use this
drive as a backup Drive a Miss card
today I'm going to give you guys the
choice you can pick AMD
or Nvidia so for the AMD side of things
we're going to go with the sapphire
online 274 $169 this thing will do an
absolutely fine job of playing games at
1080p so for the nvidia side of things
we've got the msi gtx 750ti this thing
comes in at 179 dollars and just like
the r9 270 this thing will do an
absolutely fine job of playing games at
1080p as well so for the case we're
going with the Zalman t4 this thing
comes in at $39 and I've tried some
budget Zelman cases in the past and I've
been quite impressed with them
definitely good value for money the case
here today is no exception now lastly
for power we're going with the Corsair
vs 450 watt power supply this thing is
pretty much one of the cheapest decent
power supplies you can get so honestly
if you have to spend money on power
supply get something that's not too bad
I mean you can probably save money here
but honestly I wouldn't want to risk a
house fire for you guys so because
there's pretty much the cheapest at
around about fifty-two dollars and it
will power today's rig fine now this
leaves the total price of this build to
622 Australian dollars also if you're in
the UK and the US I will put the
description in the links below that's
right I'm going to put the description
in the links below brothers so check
those out if you're in the US or the UK
and if you have any questions or
comments about this build and drop a
comment in the comment section below and
I'll get back to you as soon as I can
now with that being said can I get a
like and also if you haven't already
subscribe to tech yes City well I'll be
coming back to you guys with more tech
news and reviews bye
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