8 YEAR OLD CPU Vs. The Newest I7-6800k - How much of a DIFFERENCE is there for GAMING?
8 YEAR OLD CPU Vs. The Newest I7-6800k - How much of a DIFFERENCE is there for GAMING?
when I recently completed my $360 PC I
was actually blown away by how well an
eight year old CPU which was the Xeon X
54 64 gigas could handle a graphics card
like the GTX 1060 is actually not a GTX
1060 other cyber flashier graphics card
would look cool on camera but what will
the tech city this is Brian coming to
you guys today where I'm comparing a CPU
the X 54 60 against the latest and
greatest from Intel this is the 6800 K
now we're going to be using the GTX 1060
which is actually currently in the PC at
the moment and we're going to be testing
how much of a difference a cpu eight
years into the future makes when it
comes to a mid-range graphics card but
let's roll those benchmarks
you know we have it the benchmarks tell
a thousand words but let's talk a little
bit more about what happened there going
from 1080p to 1440p on the X 54 60
showed virtually no increase in frame
rates this is because at 1080p
it was CPU bound or in other words the
CPU was bottlenecking
the GPU and that the GPU had a lot more
Headroom wasn't being maxed out for the
CPU was so in that scenario basically we
can't do anything to give any more frame
rates to this rig
we'd have to upgrade the CPU and as you
saw there the 6800 K smoke to the X 54
60 at 1080p though when we step it up to
1440p there wasn't too much of the
difference there that's because the GPU
is starting to load up a little bit more
and on that note yes it is a CPU
bottleneck especially at 1080p for the X
54 60 but what this means is it's not
choking and there's a big difference
between choking and bottlenecking
choking is where you'll just have
absolute crap coming out on your
computer that's when the CPU just can't
utilize what's coming from the memory
fast enough and that'll be the worst
experience possible
this case was bottlenecking and it was
actually still a very enjoyable
experience on all these games at 1440p
and that's what i was quite surprised
with the 360 dollar computer so lastly
when we look at the 6800 K it's got an
extra two cores an extra eight threads
and it's clock 300 megahertz higher in
this specific scenario though does that
make a huge difference in games well
ultimately it depends on the resolution
you're playing at and the graphics card
that you're going to use if you were to
use a 1070 or 1080 then results would
start to heavily favor the 6800 K here
especially at 1080p but once we step
things up with the resolutions
especially with the 1060 they're used
here today the results weren't a whole
lot different at 1440p at Ultra which
really surprised me because that eight
year-old CPU it can still get up and
boogie with the latest graphics card
though honestly for what it's worth I
would recommend coupling it was
something like a GTX 780 or an r9 290 or
maybe even like the latest 1050 Ti I
think that would be a real good sweet
spot for the old X 54 60 though keep in
mind you do have to overclock it and you
will have to get some good ddr2 memory
if you want to extract the most out of
that platform
anyways that's about it for me today if
you like this video then be sure to plug
that like button and let me know in the
comments section below are you happy
with the way CPUs
come in the last few years me personally
I would love to see a lot more IPCC I
think we haven't got any games in single
core performance but more so we're
getting just more cores more threads
thrown at us and that's a cool thing
except if you're a programmer and it's
really hard for those programs to take
advantage of all those extra corner
anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this
video and I'd love to hear your thoughts
and comments as always and I'll catch
you in the next tag video very soon
peace out for now bye heart's magic
welcome back to tokyo city
welcome to tak city this is brian coming
to you guys with the video i hope you're
going to enjoy it when I did my PC ah
when I recently built my $360 PC I
started to run a few more tests after I
was done with the build I wanted to find
out how far
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