A USED Ryzen 5 2600...?! "SURE" (April's USED PC Parts Hunt)
A USED Ryzen 5 2600...?! "SURE" (April's USED PC Parts Hunt)
if you are into use PC parts hunts
you're into deals you're into hustling
then this is that time of the month
where we get on good old gam tree we go
look for the deals we also get on
Facebook marketplace see what is up for
sale now with that said I've already got
a risin 520 600 lined up for 200 Ozzy
dollars that's about 140 USD I know
that's not much of a deal but still a
dollar made is a dollar saved but before
we do go pick that up we're gonna check
out what other deals are up for sale and
see if we can find any immediate
bargains and then we'll go pick up these
deals and then we'll do a second round
and see what else is up for sale
so pulled up a HIPAA listings there are
some potential deals depending on if I
talk to the people and they're willing
just to come down a little bit then
there'll be really good deals and the
first of which is a GTX 760 this is
going for $65 ozzie negotiable I'll put
the USD pricing up on all the prices I
talked about here up on the screen for
you guys but I mean if we can get this
for fifty Causey dollars then this will
be a really good card especially on
low-end budget builds if we put
something together and let's give this a
call and see if they'll take the offer a
little bit of a slight bug entire just a
tint of it in there or a tinge okay they
didn't pick up their phone but we'll
just drop in an offer of $50 and there's
already like 14 offers available there
so I'm kind of a bit weary maybe they
just forgot to take the listing down but
let's move on to the next one next car
we got here is a step down from the 760
it's a GTX 750 and you should be able to
play games at 720p definitely 1080p low
settings for some of the later titles I
believe this should be able to handle
Apex legends as well fortnight and csgo
and dota 2 for example there'd be
absolutely no problems for this little
card and the good thing is it will fit
in a om system or any pretty much any
motherboard as well as a lower end power
supply no problem since it doesn't even
need a 6 pin power connector with that
said let's offer 30 Aussie dollars for
this card hello hi man how are you gone
you know better so you got an Audi here
on gumtree for a GTX 750 yes is that
still available
would you take 30 ok where it says
school Road where abouts is that what
time would you be available today if
it's not too much of a hassle
definitely evening out for the day
all right cool man if you just want to
text this over the address and time and
all I'll be around
all right thanks mate see ya wait
awesome we have landed our first deal
what a way to start off the parts hunt
it's always good when you land those
deals next GPU we've got up here is a
gtx 1050 TI they're asking 130 ozzie
obviously a card like this can do 1080p
gaming absolutely no problems with
medium high settings depending on the
title and still just like the GTX 750 a
low powered card so it doesn't need like
a 6 pin or actually this version may
need a 6 pin I'm not too sure but with
that said it's still gonna work in great
entry-level budgets hello hello yeah
yeah yeah well I'm making a website
okay sorry to bother you okay thanks
thanks for contacting my name's pretty
young bit little bit of a mid hustle
there someone calling me up about a
website I created that's actually a
little bit scary because I don't know
how they got my number and I because I
did recently register for a website but
the particular site shouldn't be giving
out my details like that and allowing
sort of Hustler third party hustlers to
come in and try and sell me a website
anyway back to the video gtx 750ti for
gigabyte version these are great for
1080p gaming medium to high settings of
course that low power requirement with
these cards make some great fit for low
entry level systems or even mid end
system since it is a decent card still
they're asking 130 Ozzy where to come in
with an offer of 110 Aussie and at this
price point they are a great option
since they generally just like the GTX
750 don't have to strain requirements we
can get away with a sort of like a 300
watt power supply and still be ok
but they don't have a number so we're
just gonna drop in an offer here the
next listening we got here is a GTX 1060
and according to the listing it's a 3
megabyte Edition which would make it
really awesome but this card is pretty
solid for 1080p gaming just like the
1050 Ti it's a step up it will do 1080p
high settings on pretty much most titles
3 bytes of VRAM isn't really a problem
just drop the settings on some of the
anti-aliasing and some titles that are
vram heavy and we shouldn't have a
problem and it's also a ZOTAC versions
so not bad if we can get this for a
hundred and forty Aussie dollars then we
will be in the clear so man what's sorry
yeah good mate yourself I'm just
inquiring about an ad you got here on
gumtree for a GTX 1060 that's okay mater
would you take 140 cash cool yeah I can
come pick it up oh okay your your round
face done made that that works
yeah thanks mate all right have a good
one mate wait so the day just keeps
getting better here for Easter we did
kind of land that GTX 1060 deal
they will take 140 ozzie which makes it
a pretty solid price for a cart of this
caliber but also at the same time we
still have to get the deal and there is
a difference between someone saying yeah
I'll take it
and in between when they now and when
they get home someone else offers more
money and I end up not getting the deal
so we'll see how this plays out of
course as it stands if the guy was in
his house he would give me the address
and I technically would have got the
deal but we'll see how that one plays
out next up here we've got a gtx 1066
gigabyte and they're saying it's a g1
gaming and msi overclock they've
actually got two of them they're asking
$200 dollars i'm gonna come in with 180
since the prices are already pretty good
just going for that little shave isn't
too intimidating just like we heard in
that previous phone call they were kind
of thinking about it so you just shave
off a little bit and they're thinking
about it which means that they kind of
wanted their asking price but since
you're just coming in just a little
snipe they're going to take it because
it's cash pick up no problems this guy's
serious because the price is already
good but we just want that little
discount going for that little wesley if
you guys know wesley snipes we're doing
a Wesley here
is available right now okay so they're
not answering their phone we're just
gonna to drop in and offer here over gum
tree and see if they will accept it and
we'll get back to you guys a little bit
later now the next thing we got up here
is a complete system with a risin 520
600 B 450 probe Wi-Fi border X 580 a
gigabyte 16 bytes of RAM SSD 250
gigabyte one terabyte hard drive 550
what gold ready to pounce play hey Ben Q
monitor keyboard mouse mouth pad and I
just straight away I said yep $700 $1
which is like 500 USD I pretty much just
dropped in the asking price that's when
you don't mess around there apparently
going into state they just have to get
rid of it and that's what you don't mess
around because you know other people are
gonna be coming in with little snipes
little Westley's and trying to shave it
off but if they see that you're coming
and asking prices they're gonna be like
hey this guy's offering asking price
I'll take him over the rest of the guys
so you got a no supply and demand this
one is a seller's market for this PC at
this price you can see here I've already
put the offer in but I wouldn't mind
just giving him a call just to make sure
that everything's okay and refreshing
the ad it's actually already sold so
someone clearly got in very quick with
that very good deal whoever landed that
one that was nice
next up here we've got a power-play 850
watt true power quattro modular power
supply and I mean it's a little bit old
but something like this is still a very
good power supply high-quality and
they're asking 50 are you willing to
come in for tea Ozzie because in
Australia getting 850 watt power
supplies you're literally gonna be
paying over $100 dollars most the time
so just coming in with a little $40
knife but these guys are literally just
down the road so if I get this deal it's
gonna be super easy to go pick up and
bang wham bam thank you ma'am that offer
is there and let's pull up the last deal
on gumtree here which is an ex 34 40 and
they've also got an X 54 50 but as you
guys may or may not know in the past
I've sort of retired LGA 775 and that's
due to the personal headaches I've just
had with that platform it's almost like
one in every two builds on LGA 775 has
some kind of problem where I'm just
spending hours and hours trying to solve
it and then half the time out of there I
can't even fix those problems so I just
wasted a heap of time for nothing so I'm
kind of done with LGA 775 and a lot of
people in the comments have said it's
got something to do with probably the
CMOS batteries drying out and then
shorting out as they're on their way out
and that causes damage to the
motherboard I'm not entirely sure if
you've got some reasons as to why seven
seven five is actually having so many
problems I'd love to hear your opinions
because over the past few years it's
like I've just noticed more and more
problems with 775 but the X 34:40 that
thing is definitely one of my CPUs it's
in my vocabulary
so let's offer them I mean I just give
them a call well actually they don't
even have that number there so I'm just
going to offer 10 bucks and see if
they'll take it so next up here we've
got Facebook marketplace and there's two
deals that I pulled up that I'm kind of
interested in for parts and the first is
in a Zeus B 350 plus motherboard decent
little board they're asking 60 ozzie for
it I'm gonna come in with 50 and they
say there's a problem with the m2 slot
but I'm pretty sure that's just the
screw mount system I've got some spare
screws for these because I pulled them
off dud boards in the past so I'm pretty
sure I could salvage that so I'm just
gonna actually ask him right now if they
take 50 bucks because they're pretty
much things so let's see if they are
receptive and I'll go pick that up yeah
they've accepted it right on the spot so
as I'm recording this segment they're
gonna take 50 Ozzie dolls with landed it
let's go pick that up
so we just got back to the studio it's
raining outside it's really weird at the
moment on the Gold Coast the weather is
just up and down
one minute is pouring down the next
minute is sunshine but we have got three
deals already in the pocket the risin
520 600 we ended up getting that for
$200 e the gtx 10:50 TI i didn't realize
but i actually dropped an offer of $100
and not a hundred and ten and he
accepted $100 so i picked that up while
i was on the road they messaged me back
and that was really close literally
right around the corner from this deal
right here and then another deal that
was really close by two was this the
1066 gigabyte we've got this for a
hundred and eighty Aussie dollars so
there were three really good deals that
I've already picked up and now I've got
to go somewhere else and get that
motherboard they accepted for $50 I'm
gonna go pick that up and on the way I'm
gonna go get the GTX 750 to sort of make
the transit time as low as possible but
also on that note the two CPUs I put in
an offer for an i7 860 on Facebook and
they accepted 25 Aussie and also the x34
40 for $10 but they're all the way up in
Brisbane so it's not worth it for me to
go travel all that way just for two CPUs
so I did message them both saying look
I'll pay for these CPUs but if I'll give
you a little bit extra if you can just
put in a letter post it to us in the
post and that'll save a lot of time and
so will cost a little bit extra but I'll
update you on what goes on there and
lastly another reason I didn't go up to
get those deals is because less who we
usually get deals off here on the
channel he's a regular he's actually on
holidays at the moment so no point again
driving all that way up to Brisbane
which is like an hour away from me 100
kilometres away and I just you know just
for two CPUs so not worth it before we
do hit the road again I was at the
supermarket and they had Easter eggs
going for $1 a pop when they're usually
$9 so I picked up a whole carton over a
1 kilogram of dairy milk chocolate from
Cadbury high-quality stuff got that for
12 Aussie dollars for 12 cartons
I'm feeling really good right now
I have never seen anything like this
someone has taken to this motherboard
with an actual drill and tried like
drilling into this MDOT to slot I don't
know I asked him what happened and they
said they got it off someone else that
tried doing this that the board still
worked so I was like look I just
interrogated him I'm like does this
thing work like yes or no because
otherwise I don't want it if it doesn't
like if these traces or anything around
here has been damaged then essentially
the board will be useless and they
assured me it was working it works
absolutely fine if it doesn't I can
bring it back so that was good to know
so we're gonna test it right now with a
risin three twelve hundred and make sure
it does boot but also want to test out
all these other components quickly
there's some bad news as well about the
GTX 750 when I messaged them they were
telling me that there at school Road and
then I looked on my navigation system
and within 100 kilometers of me there's
literally like three different school
roads and of course it just happened to
be the further a school Road from me so
I've got to now figure out what I can do
that maybe they can post it as well so
lots of stuff getting posted this month
but also what gives these graphs cards
from tech yes love and too quickly just
a little quick once-over and then put it
all on the motherboard that we got and
make sure everything does indeed work so
we then can begin phase two of this
parts hunt
and his easiest way to tell if a card
has been used for cryptocurrency it was
dirty before hand and the connectors for
the inputs and outputs they actually got
the covers still on them and we have
three for three with these parts right
here so everything works it checks out
and this motherboard could use a BIOS
update I'm guessing that's probably why
the person was selling it because they
had an X 470 Pro which they gave me the
box for and they couldn't be bothered
updating the boss so be wise we'll do
that now and then it can support our
risin 520 600
so the parts hunt is running really good
so far
with that said I'm gonna get a good
night's sleep and I'll catch you guys in
the morning and we'll continue this
Pajar may that's a Italian for epic
parts hunt what is going on ladies and
gentlemen right here on the desk we have
before anything started a trade-in on a
PC this is a special one because I
believe it's got a 3770k it's what the
guy said to sing gigabytes of RAM z77
motherboard however it doesn't work he
says it's problematic so I traded this
in for a hundred and fifty Aussie
dollars that was the value I gave them
so we're gonna see if indeed the
problems are big or if they're little
but knowing by the d3h motherboard that
is probably the issue though I really
love this because it's like a lucky dip
and it's just it honestly it's exciting
so we're gonna make a separate video for
this because I want to take you guys
through a tour and diagnose every
problem start or finish and we'll find
out exactly what the issue is but I'm
really hoping the CPU is working because
that's the cream of the crop as well as
the memory I mean those two things are
the likely cream of the crop in this
bill but without a side let's search for
a few more deals and see what we can
come up with
so we're looking through gum tree and
also Facebook marketplace and there
wasn't a whole lot of good deals
available I did sift through a lot of
them yesterday and found sort of the
cream of the crop and we did miss out on
some really good deals that PC for
example but there is a person parting
out some gaming PC parts and it looks
really good they got 500 gigabyte SSDs
i7 7700 K as well as a what looks like a
decent motherboard so I'm going to see
if they're open to negotiation say if I
buy a heap of different parts of them if
I can get a discount so I'm waiting on
their reply also mark from yesterday
accepted the offer of $40 for that pal
splice I'm gonna go pick that up really
soon and then there's also an i7 2604 80
Aussie dollars and I know that you're
probably thinking that's a little bit
too much for the CPU but believe me on
the used market the i7 2600
it's a lot more powerful than even like
an i5 4690k mning performance it's not
going to be a huge difference but in
terms of selling value i7 on that PC
even if it's a 2600 it does add a lot of
value people request I sevens in gaming
pcs so if you coupled with a mid-range
graphics card you get yourself an easy
flip but let's go jump in the yes
'mobile go pick up this power supply and
then see when we get back if people have
responded because I got to make some
decisions soon I've got to know if these
deals are still available
so we just got back now and we picked up
the pals flight and then on the way to
get the power supply the person measures
you back about the I 720 601 m mark so
is this was really cool like I ended up
speaking to mark for quite a while and
he tells me he is a doctor but he loves
the use price-performance stuff as well
and it's it's really cool just the
community that's building up around here
and I know you guys love this use price
performance stuff I love it too so we
kind of now that we've got a bit of a
break in terms of there's like no new
stuff getting sent in I'm really gonna
double down on the use stuff so get
ready so let me know in the comment
section below if you are ready for this
but we've got so far I have got some
deals in Brisbane that I'm asking about
the postage I've still got to pay those
people but what we've got so far is this
850 watt power supply to graphics cards
and I 720 608 ol rig back here which we
got and for a hundred and fifty Ozzie
dollars so looking forward to doing a
separate video on that this stuff here
looks really good and I'll put the whole
tally of what we paid for these parts
right here on the desk in AUD and USD so
now here we are at the end of this
month's parts hunt and it has been
really good I did sort of miscalculate
some of the deals and where they are
located because if you traveling too far
to go get a deal and it's not going to
be worth it unless of course it was that
seven hundred dollar PC which I missed
out on I would have travelled actually
quite far for that that was a really
good deal shame that someone else
already snapped it up and if you did
snap it up if it's that person let us
know in the comments because seems like
it is a little bit of a tight community
here for used PC parts where I'm Adan's
called southeast Queensland in Australia
but besides that there is some market
trends that are going on especially with
new and used parts and you guys have
been asking for more
and more of this used price-performance
goodness so I was thinking maybe doing a
live stream every month after this news
part sign where we talk about the price
trends what's hot and what's not and
sort of look at some strats that you can
do if you're building use pcs or new PCs
I think it would be a lot of fun let us
know in the comment section below if you
want to see that happen a lot of people
have also been requesting x58 more
testing in 2019 in the back of my mind
of course it's always there but I'm
actually going to be waiting for the
Rison 3000 series chips and then we've
got a whole new flood of comparisons
that we can do especially against the
use stuff versus the new stuff and
hopefully by then some other games will
come out
that'll utilize more cause more threads
so it'll just be a plethora of goodness
in the next few months hitting his sub
boxes but also I did realize one thing
with less on holidays this month if you
guys didn't know who lays is he's a guy
that I regularly go to he's about a 50
minute drive up the highway but when I
go there I always get really good deals
off him and it's always good having him
around cuz I always get parts at least
for a total build and that sort of makes
me happy because then I've got something
to look forward to but with him on
holidays are sort of like in despair
because I wanted to go to Brisbane but
it wasn't worth it just for those cpu's
as we said earlier and we'll all that
aside I hope you enjoyed this month's
used parts hunt of the month if you did
be sure to hit that like button also
share and subscribe the videos if you're
enjoying them and I will catch you guys
in another tech video very soon but also
let us know in the comments section
below what was your favorite deal of
this month and also if you found your
own juicy deals and be sure to share
them in the comments love reading those
comments and thoughts and opinions as
always and I'll catch you in another
tech video very soon peace out for now
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