AMD Threadripper X399 Vs X299 i9 Intel Line up | Ethereum Sells out RX 580 and 570 Cards | TTL #029
AMD Threadripper X399 Vs X299 i9 Intel Line up | Ethereum Sells out RX 580 and 570 Cards | TTL #029
welcome back to episode 29 of the tech
lounge I'm just back from Taiwan just
back yeah joined by Kevin how you doing
and then great Brian how are you bro
yeah I mean I've been doing better but
I'm coming off a real big week man it's
been crazy a lot of you guys in the
comments know what has been going on and
yeah it's just been work no sleep and
free drinks through Computex all the
time to say I got wasted was an
understatement so I think I think
actually put on like a 3 or 4 kilos
while I was there just like on just yeah
that's why I went to the gym last night
I go back first thing was like not going
to the gym burning this crap off and
then getting back into it so yeah I bet
you man listen go on I just been holding
down the fort here man and keep an eye
on all the company tax coverage and
reading everything else about all the
fun stuff you and Steve got to check out
over there but um looks pretty good man
do you have a good time at Computex was
it as good as you thought it'd be yeah
was it was really crazy like those are
my surprise it wasn't much gaming there
like it was really a just a technology
show and there's actually a lot of
networking and stuff so I'm sure Wendell
would had a fantastic time there like
there was actually a lot of arm there's
a lot of alcohol enthusiast consumer
products there's also a lot of business
products there too like it was it was
really insane there was just so much
business products yeah I was just like
wow there was just too many I didn't
even get time to check out everything
that I'd want to check out people will
like you know where's the X 399 staff
and I didn't even get time to cover the
other booths which Emma cycle said they
were the sponsors so I had to cover them
and then of course cover some of the
other places that were close to the
channel but then other than that I just
yet had no time whatsoever I was meant
to go to the gigabyte booth and do a
video for them and I just didn't get
time I was like wow so yeah in the end I
just yeah it was it was crazy I learned
a lot though from this Computex
definitely learned a lot Steve was the
same we were just like on you know 24
adrenaline rush just 24/7 adrenaline
just like yeah we gotta get these videos
I'm gonna do this because I gonna do
yeah I know he's telling me you guys to
go harder apparently yeah when course
you know you got to go hard man go hard
to go home so I did both
yeah I heard about that as well with you
at nighttime yes I did well I didn't get
time to check out the X 3 9 9 stuff
properly but of course we got the
roundup today so we're going to be
discussing X 3 9 9 versus X 2 9 9 we can
weigh in our thoughts and you have you
have you been reading up a lot about it
yeah yeah so I've been really saying as
I made - like I made one video of Intel
a 9 and then I made sort of an updated
until I 9 like opinion video and then
talked about thread Ripper and and all
that as well and yeah it's a big thing
everybody's talking about right now
especially after Linus put out his video
yesterday I believe it came out that
that just totally blew the argument wide
open and he really um yeah he brought up
really good point so pretty much agreed
with everything - said in his video I've
checked out anyone's videos man I've do
it so what's the verdict here what's
what's the what's the main train of
thought that people are going with with
his eye 9 versus thread Ripper thing so
it's just Syrian or not yeah it just
seems like basically the gist that like
the too long didn't watch a blindnesses
video said he basically said like he
didn't understand what Intel was doing
this the KB like X ones which is going
to be that little I 5 670 640 X and the
I 777 40 X but they make no sense why
they exist because there is still only
supporting they only support dual
channel memory and they're going to be
going on the X 299 motherboard idiot
they don't fill any gap aside from
having slightly higher clock speeds and
slightly higher T DPS
this is no place to them and I talked to
Steve from hardware box the other day
before I made my videos like do you know
where it's coming in because I thought
maybe Steve knew something I didn't he's
like I have no idea I do
well why any of this okay so of course
with that one it is useless like it is
useless for the average consumer I was
speaking to some extreme overclockers
and they said apparently it will DS two
will overclock better again it's for the
average person I don't even know why
these two CPUs exist
I'm with on I'm on that same train of
thought I thought you would have got
more PCIe lanes at the very least
especially if you want to jump on next
to 99 board No so just get sixteen
completely agree there I don't even see
the point of these tips to CPUs yeah and
the price as well it goes up is that's
the other thing and so it's just but the
thing is the motherboard what Linus was
saying that he talked to some people
behind the scenes apparently from
different grab companies and they were
saying that a lot of the board partners
aren't even going to support key be like
X so you go by your X $2.99 and probably
only one out of five will actually
support it because they just don't even
want to bother you know having to make
the motherboard so that these dual
channel CPUs can work with it it's a
bizarre thing so you'll probably find a
get a glance and you're enough to buy
one and they won't be able to get a
motherboard for it although have limited
choices so what you're trying to tell me
is that it's not even interesting yeah
man even though I don't know how this
even start like it's like tuna to me I
didn't even say that much i but yeah
it's not interesting this time but
that's that's the mean that's the main
thing is that I don't know why this is I
don't know why there's an i5 CPU going
on the X 299 like to me it was always
the extreme platform was always all the
bells and whistles on the CPUs in the
motherboards all the stuff you wanted
they just would throw everything at it
and you would pay these huge prices
because it was all the bells and
whistles that's what people wanted a big
expensive cpu big expensive motherboard
and then now it seems like like what's
going on why is there an i-5 on this why
are many of the I nines trimmed down as
well um compared to they broad well EU
counterparts it's like what happened
yeah I mean I've had some discussions
about this
well I don't know what they're really
doing especially with the pricing I mean
if they want to be competitive against
AMD they're the only thing that they
have they would have going for them
would be the overclocks
how well does it overclock and no one
knows that yet how well is the six core
going to overclock and even then I think
it should be 350 bucks or lower that's
what means they're like Steve and I we
will talk about this and we saw at 390
it's kind of not that compelling I mean
you still have to pay I'm assuming you
surf by your own cooler you're still
going to have to go out and buy the
expensive X 299 boards so that's going
to add to the prices when you can go get
a a call from Andy or a six girlfriendy
and put it on a be thrifty you know and
save some money
yeah argument here for values just not
here like I don't stand on one thing
that is interesting about it take your
term that give is the level two cache
it's it's doubled it was a double or
quadruple though someone was telling me
it was double is it increased quite but
that's still set the fact that the l3
cache has almost been haft from Broadway
Lee to scale like X so so um it's a
significant cut down than the l3 but an
increase in the l2 okay so that'll be
that'll be a interesting to see how that
plays out in real-world benchmarks but I
don't know what they're doing with the
eight core this is the one that the
price was pretty good I was liking the
$600 price tag until I saw the PCIe
leans someone who's getting an 8 core 16
threaded CPU would want more PCIe lanes
especially on X 299 especially for $600
on a CPU if I'm spending 600 bucks on a
CPU I want like at least 40 PCIe lanes
because then you know I want to put a
capture card on there graphics card and
dot 2 nvme possibly a tank gigabit
ethernet PCIe card so you just you kind
of there's going to be a compromise
there yeah I mean maybe they were
looking at what ricin was because
remember you know rosin sevens 24 so
maybe they're thinking out 28 that's
still for more than
like a 1700 for example use on X 370 so
they thought maybe that would be okay
but the problem is is that if you're an
eight-core like I got the 69 hundred K
for me I've got 40 on Broadway Li and
then to upgrade to the equivalent I nine
so to get the next stake or if I just
wanted to get the newer a core I would
then be dropping from 40 to 28 which is
pretty the prices dropped as well but
but at the same time that's a pretty
considerable drop there so I'm not 100%
sure what the idea was with these it
seems like they're very the other thing
with the KB like ik CPUs is they won't
have the integrated graphics on board
which most enthusiasts don't care about
anyway but there's a particular
technology I forgot what it was of those
think about earlier that Intel that
requires the integrated GPU to run but
it won't be the other thing is is that
to run raid I think you would need to
use Intel SSDs with skylake X I believe
that was something I heard along those
lines so it seems like Intel's really
consolidating and there's just something
going on oxidants they're QuickSync
yeah I think that might have been it so
okay um there's there's just something
that's I don't know what it is with
Intel right now um at the very top that
is because I know people at Intel and
they're all very nice but at the very
top this seems like there's someone that
they're just this is a really bad
corporate strategy I don't know why
they've done it this way but bringing
high fives to this line up the cable akx
I don't know why they exist these other
ones ever been the 12 core and app are
just being thrown in there at the last
minute and they're saying now they will
not come out until the very end of this
year guys so if you're thinking it will
be up to you that 818 course sometime
soon you're going to be waiting for a
while it's only going to be up to the
teen core that will be coming out soon
and then you'll have to wait for all
these other ones to come out and the
price tags on them had just exorbitant
anyway so though it's those a crazy
thing that I saw is that they're now
releasing an 18 core apparently that's
overclockable so that's two thousand
dollars I mean look that's much better
than what they had going on with their
ten core last year without charging
$1700 for it but at least you're getting
18 the Sun but still it's a little bit
too late or too little too late now I
mean if they're only doing this because
AMD has thread Ripper coming out which
is going to have a lot of calls a lot of
threads for a relatively cheap price and
the other thing that I don't like about
this lineup I really dislike is that
they're using thermal base so gamers
Nexus did a video yeah with the borer
and man they deleted one of these chips
and it's got thermal paste on it's like
come on this is meant to be the
enthusiasts lineup of chips and your
yeah I don't even know what to say with
this it's just it's pretty stupid and I
mean I don't know what the reasons are
like people peddle these excuses about
all the this and that no the main reason
is money they're doing it to save money
that is the real reason that Intel is
putting paste on the chips now that
would be the main read yes yeah I would
agree that they excuse this saying is
the solder can crack of the time but I'm
I've never been aware from everyone I've
ever talked to I've never ever heard
about that happening before and with
anything so that could be something that
happens but it does seem like a big
downgrade and once again it is you're
paying these high prices you shouldn't
have to deal it the i9 range like you're
paying so much money for these CPUs it
should just have everything on it all
the PCI lanes everything all the bells
and whistles that's what it should be
and that just seems like Intel's missing
the point now of their own high-end line
but even then doesn't doesn't at the
soldiering argument - isn't that really
only for extreme overclockers who are
going from hot to cold rot lately yeah
and that's what I heard it doesn't even
affect the average person and the
average person could easily use
average person could easily use the soul
during over the deal eating so really
kind of there's a few lot of
disappointing things coming out X 299
are the only thing that I'm looking to
see is how well it over clocks that's
the only thing and that'll be
interesting yeah and then we've got that
will be dude that'll be very interesting
dude like a there we go Casa someone
means the whole a self-aware I am now
about saying that word someone made this
man okay the X 3 9 9 ok so we got the X
3 9 on board so it they were coming out
at Computex this year I unfortunately
didn't really get a chance to cover them
properly but now we can see in what's
hitting the shelves essentially this is
your X 299 competitor you've got 8 slots
DIMM slots you've got quad-channel
memory and of course you've got the CPUs
hitting hard here which will be shocked
it yeah it's a massive socket but to
give a mention reticle that's to give
Andy credit they are doing they are you
allowing 64 PCIe lanes which is huge
yeah that is so much expandability for
people who can utilize that of course
the I've got my eyes on the 12 core
apparently the 16 quart 32 threaded CPU
is rumored to be coming in it was 850
dollars that's the non axia that'll be
the nanak so that'll be 850 and by
contrast the eye 9/16 core will be 1700
US dollars so that's a huge saving that
is really good I had that is really good
for people who can utilize those extra
cores and threads you're going to be
absolutely in heaven and 850 bucks one
thing that I really want to see out of
this of course for me like I'm talking
about this from you know enthusiast
lineup and just what's practical for
everyone I think over eight cores 16
threads is kind of overkill for anything
I'd rather get the better IPC and
overclock of course there are people out
there that will utilize those extra
cores and threads one thing that I am
really curious to see though is this
tank or 20 thread with the quad channel
memory support if we say drop that down
to 8 cores 16 threads and then we test
quad Channel versus dual channel on the
Rison platform and then we test it in
games I want to see like kind of like
the gains what can we had from doing
that that's one thing that I'm really
curious about yeah now I think it'll be
quite good I would imagine the pricing
on thread report from what we can tell
from that in the room is it would be 850
for that non 816 core I'd imagine it'd
probably just straight up thousand for
the the top one the ex model 16 Thor and
then you'll see yeah you'll see it's
sort of going the interesting thing to
me is the 12 cores are there's going to
be three of them so in all the other
ones you'll have the and non x and x
models of each core count but the 12
is going to have a non X and 2x models
one with slightly higher clock speeds so
that will be quite cool to see but the
the speeds I wouldn't imagine would be
any different from risin 7 you'll
probably get I mean even in saying that
though if you could get 4 gigahertz on
all 16 cores that is going to be such a
grunty CPU like it's ridiculous
especially for 850 dollars that's going
to be just fine of course the I 9s will
probably have the advantage with single
core speeds or two core speeds as until
a saying with turbo boost max 3.0 going
up to three power four point five
gigahertz so that will be good too but
um we'll just have to see when it comes
speed wise a thread Ripper I think will
have a pretty good idea already
you'll probably be c4 gigahertz or like
three point nine out of them and but the
I 9s that will be hopefully they will go
quite a bit higher and that's probably
the only thing to me anyways that's
really keeping my interest with the i9
to that someone who runs broad well II
and I've really enjoyed my eight core
Intel CPU but these I'm actively
thinking now that I'll switch to AMD and
with that actively thing all passively
is active not passively actively its
it's a consistent thing on my mind no
but because because to go
if I want to upgrade from what I have
now I have to go to the ten core but um
you know just to get four extra lanes
and slightly higher clock speeds and two
extra cores and it just seems like I
would I would have just hoped for more
in an upgrade I'm not actually sure that
it would be that tremendous of an
upgrade of course we'll know once we
start testing them soon but that the
thread refers to me just seemed like
such a bitter um
so much better to run extra lanes the
lower price lower actually things low
price of course we're going to see how
the cloud wallet clocks as well but my
pick here would be the 1956 that's just
yeah that's rockin man twelve course
twenty four threads it assuming you get
those extra PCIe lanes that we do in all
the thread rippers apparently all that
will be 64 not just the sixteen cord
from what I've heard it'll be 64 on the
whole line which is how it should be on
Broadway Lee was the same except for the
sixty eight hundred K but you got forty
on the whole line and on the other three
but this is just Intel's like step up
thing is like really guys I'm going with
the 1956 here I think that's my choice
just by looking at the numbers of course
looking at how well the r5 1600 did I've
got a back to twelve core 24 thread here
to be the best out of the whole lineup I
just think it'll utilize the extra cash
just like the r5 1600 has the same or
similar amount doesn't it does have the
same amount of cash as the eight course
doesn't it so hopefully they're bringing
that to the 1956 as well with the 12
cores and 24 threads and if so that's
going to be my pick hopefully I can I
mean I might even upgrade my workstation
to the 1956 yeah I mean the the other
thing is which is a good question for me
to ask you is how old is because you're
quite a fan of the Zeon's how did the i9
range now when you think of Intel's
these two lines of CPUs the I nines and
the Zeon's doesn't it seem quite weird
now isn't there like quite a
overlap or at least a little bit of
overlap right what's the is all these AI
nines will be as eons oh I'm gonna be
straight-up honest with you man I'm only
a fan of used as eons I was a fan of I
was a fan of new zealand's with the 1231
v3 until they like until they realized
what people were doing are they're
getting a a threaded CPU on a b85
motherboard let's let's completely kill
this market until identified it and they
just killed the market so I'm not a fan
of new zealand's anymore I mean of
course businesses just write that off on
tax they just get whatever they need in
terms of power requirements of course
are you going to have the ECC memory
support on X 299 that's a big thing for
businesses what what are they going to
do with the New Zealand lineup as well I
haven't really looked at any figures
there of course they're not really
making the xeon lineup inferior unless
these chips under clock and under vault
extremely well so it means to be seen
really but that's my favorite latter of
course it could kill value for Z on the
shore like if if people are businesses
are going out and buying whatever
twenty-something cores eons for $8,000
or how many of what's there max call
range and then they can just get double
the clocks on these for $2000 then of
course that's a compelling argument they
killing their own Z online sure yeah I
don't know oh who knows
yeah it's a it's an interesting
situation I mean it's really good at the
end of the day it's really good that
this is competition here because
obviously prices are coming down and
stuff but um yeah I think Intel very
much rushed to say because they didn't
want to be I don't know like emasculated
by the fact that AMD had a higher I had
a higher core counts CPU than them so
I'm not sure why they all of a sudden
this rush out and say they're going to
make this 18 core and that's great and
all but
the fact that it's going to cost $2,000
I mean who's going to be able to justify
that oh it's got two extra cores and
probably a higher clock speed than my 16
core thread Ripper
I better go out and spend like $1,000
thousand US dollars more on it the one
thing that people not many people are
talking about and this is a very good
point though is that the X 299 boards I
believe will probably end up being
cheaper on average then X 399 because
that socket is so huge the X 399 a think
will be pretty expensive if we're going
to cost a lot of money so it'll be a
harder I think not a harder sell but it
will be interesting to see at the time
because you have to add in the
motherboard price as well to when you
buy the CPU so if there's there is
actually quite a big discrepancy between
299 and 399 and it'll yeah I think
that'll be something that plays in a
little bit but right now both of them
are looking very high-end in terms of
the Mulla boards themselves Jamie go
through a few motherboards we got the
gigabyte X 399 up here and yeah you're
right that socket is just absolutely
massive that is really big of course
4000 pins like well you know like wool
we got here the X 299 motherboards as
well watch did you check out any other
2x2 nights MSI didn't have the X 3 9 on
boards on there booth as well as kind of
like one okay did you check out any of
the X 2 9 9 boards what was your
favorite there oh yeah look so and I
talked to a few people about them I the
one that's looking to me that I like is
the gigabyte gaming k7 I like that one
or gaming 7 I think it's called X 299
that looks quite cool some of the MSI
ones look great yeah I think that
they're looking very good the
motherboards on both sides to 99 and 399
are all looking awesome looks like
they're putting on a lot of cool stuff
on them I'm interested to see now the
fact that a lot of them are putting on
like MDOT two coolers and stuff like
these are kind of heat sinks and stuff
you put on them
yeah because in the past when people
have tested them usually not usually but
sometimes they would actually make the
make it worse you know pick them right
order so interesting that that's kind of
one thing that a lot of them have been
going for there seems to be RGB
everywhere on all of them as well yeah
that's true that is it for the X $2.99
the ITA I really liked what else yeah
difference that's funny is like how I
did that thing all straight from the
get-go as rock released an ITX board
this time that is really cool and I
really want to get my hands on one of
these that was the for me that was a
real killer point there from as rock
they just released the night I TX
version from there showing a 90 X
version from the get-go and look at the
m dot to support on that as well like
yes that's great I believe it can
support up to 3 m2 SSD yeah there it is
there so that's that's a win for me I
mean as Rock nailed it with a 90 X board
there so uses so dim of course because
if it's size constraints but looks like
you still be able to get quad channel
memory out of that with yeah yeah that's
I mean that would be one to do a build
with like that would be really cool to
do a build with this thing imagine
getting in like a really small probably
1080 and it is one of these with the
eight core something you'd have like a
mobile powerhouse like absolutely oh
yeah many every session yeah yeah take
that when you go to check events this
stuff and the other random videos like
crazy well that's well yeah man that
might my swap laptop that held me back
so much I was like damn I was ready to
chuck it out the window
oh man it would have got a real
durability test then I was just
prostrating to do because I was I'm I
was editing videos I just get like red
screens and stuff because it was just
running out of pay I didn't have enough
horsepower at all so yeah Steve had his
new MSI laptop
he was just loving it yeah and I was
just jealous the whole time so damn I
could run out run out the hotel and just
sees things got your laptop and then
start editing some videos
pretty good we should we shed a lot of
stuff like he brought a lot of good
lighting as well because I live stream
twice on the channel I don't know what I
would have done without his lights and
then I'm I brought my condenser mic and
my compressor over and like he tried
using his shotgun mic and it just echoed
it sounded terrible so I was like dude
use mine he's like okay and he was blown
away by how good this little combo
sounds man he didn't realize that for
like literally under $100 you can get
something that just gives out such good
audio so he was really shocked he was
like oh I got to get one of those tell
us the parts so yes Steve's lights look
really good when I was watching your
stream with was Steve um my girlfriend
saw and she was like wow Brian looks so
young like oh hey thanks man is like oh
what happened to Brian man you just know
that alcohol Muslim Thomas no I just
said to her as like oh you know it's
just Steve's lights make him look make
him look pretty young cuz I mean Brian
you know like you you're not so much a
young man I mean what do you yield 39
yes I know I'm 10 is 40 pretty soon man
some get knocking you know she's a 10:50
bro that's a you and your age jokes man
yeah you love them right my eyes I don't
know what is with you boys you complain
about like neck aches and stuff like
that and Steve was complaining that his
feet were sore and stuff I'm just like
the whole trip I'm just like dude oh you
guys are gotta get some magnesium or
something into your diet or something to
help out the bones and the uh what some
fish oil or some just get something
there to help out the rhythm you know
regulate this stuff cuz I was just on
fire man terms of like no back aches and
stuff like that you know you did see me
probably in one of the videos like
leaning over a little bit because like
my liver was just that sore what yeah
let's do this interview but our besides
Allison's doing it right you know ya
know they look good man now so Steve's
lights are armed I'm really cool I enjoy
that this dream you did with him as well
that that was really fun to watch but um
yeah with these with these motherboards
I would really love to check out the
asrock ones um there would be quite cool
so but both will be expensive but
one should be surprised by that
obviously at the these are aimed and
enthusiasts so they're going to be
expensive so don't expect them to be
cheap but um yeah I think there's going
to be a lot of competition there I think
a lot of people are going to really like
it the the extreme nine-nine's
especially would be very interesting to
see the coolers that people end up
putting on them water blocks and stuff
will be Wow um yeah it's good IMSI
offering the EK water blocks with their
so that'll be pretty cool yeah is going
to be crazy but that lots of ways in the
money yeah he was both of them are going
to be really hot they're going to have
high tea DPS probably and they're going
to be run hot these are going to be big
CPUs in terms of just size and but and
of course the UI nines are going to have
a thermal interface material instead of
being soldered down from what we know so
far all the thread reports will be
soldered down just like right all the
other rise of the CPU so that's good
that Andy's doing that it just seems
like right now AMD is listening it's
like Lisa is actually listening to what
sort of the enthusiasts want and what
the consumers want and it seems like
Intel I just not really are they they're
just kind of putting things out there
and just thinking it exactly will they
stick okay they have a but they haven't
listened for years dude that's the thing
that you haven't listened for years and
now it's starting to bite them in the
ass so it would go figure
anyway so the next up here we've got the
AMD cryptocurrency so f thorium f3m I
don't even know how to pronounce it I
think they think do you see CF Tech
spelt it wrong - um yeah I mean I didn't
hear about this currency until like now
the AMD graphics cards the rx even the
rx 570s are just completely sold out
they're all sold out RX v EDS are sold
out everyone's buying up these graphics
cards and mining f3m FS theorem a
theorem that sounds about right
a theorem so they're mining this new
currency apparently it's anti assic I
haven't really delved into how and why I
don't understand this stuff
the prices are going up the GPUs are
being used to mine death room f3m I give
up I'm just going to call Ethel they're
using it to mine Ethel and apparently
ether ether ether ether my using it
something a bit different yeah they're
using it to mine ether and the prices
are going up it's now I think two
hundred and forty dollars for one Ethel
that's insane and apparently bitcoins
like three thousand dollars a coin now
so currencies crypto currencies are just
going through the roof in 2017 so I
guess a lot of people are saying that
they're like I want some of this pie and
it's buying all these things out and
starting out mining farms again so it's
back in fashion and that's great for AMD
if they can sell yes really yes I mean
they should give vaguer out there ASAP
regardless like if people are buying up
all these cards for mining and you just
need to release Vega even if it is kind
of like early enjo material at the
moment just get it out there and just
get the sales come on ad take care of
yourself they put the frontier Edition
Vega GPU that that's going to be coming
out soon um and so they're loosely got
something but yeah it just seems like
it's you know we got to wait another two
months now and that's not for a bigot to
be released although it may be released
in two months time but all they've said
is that it will be announced in two
months time so it could be even longer a
lot of people are saying we probably
won't see vaguer until the end of the
year like q4 or something so yeah I'm
yeah they really need to it's just
taking too long
pretty much NVIDIA will go an entire
lifecycle the thousand series will do
its whole lifespan pretty much unopposed
on the high end yes yeah that's one
thing that's really annoying about it
like I was really hoping for Computex to
be like a huge launch of a vaguer and a
lot of other people were - I was really
disagree with that like I was like damn
man like okay we're delaying it again oh
and I thought I was like going to be
like me and Steve I thought we were
going to be like the only tech channels
that missed out on the initial launch
because we had we had to attend the msi
booth day one but apparently wasn't just
asked there's a lot of other tech tubers
there at the booth I met Dimitri and
evil at the booth oh yeah no I mean
they're really cool guys yeah they're
really cool and I met them at the msi
booth and then i think jay was there and
all I didn't see Paul's how about heard
he was there and then Wendell was there
there's so many people there it's like
well everyone else is missing out on the
AMD announcement I guess it's not that
important and it wasn't so I was kind of
a you know so spit I was really
disappointed I was at Vega coming into
this whole event like my biggest thing
that I was looking forward to was vague
or mmm because I you know I as much as
we talk about thread Ripper in the i9
series again anything for me anything
over a cause is really not that relevant
especially for gaming at the moment
especially in gaming so but yet that
here it is aimed a just release Vega I
get it out there people are just
snapping them up for ether so ether em
yeah that's a good point you series as
well the fact that these these high core
count CPUs if you're just someone that's
going to be playing games and you
shouldn't even be looking right now
anyways maybe in the future games will
be able to utilize this amount of cause
but for right now um maybe the six core
I suppose if you really want that would
be okay or you know potentially that a
core but beyond that um you don't really
need to be looking at these four if
you're just going to be doing gaming now
for people like myself and Brian and
other tech youtubers who need the gaming
performance well not so much the gaming
performance but the productivity
performance for rendering stuff like
that then these make a lot more sense
but even then there's always going to be
that value for money
one where you want to go for that gives
you that nice amount of performance for
the right price and on the i9 so far it
looks like it'll be that 10 core and
with the thread rippers as Brian was
saying earlier it looks like that lowest
12 core thread Ripper once we find out
the price
for it that'll be the probably the good
one to go for on that that'll probably
be really good very cool one thing I
might yeah my cell on my AMD cards on
eBay might be a good time huh yeah get
on that I can't do for them yeah get
some new camera gear man I'm dying for
some camera upgrades especially after
copy Tex
I saw what other people had and my jaw
just dropped am like man I wish I had
you know Shaq would record some videos
with that's kind of stuff so yeah yeah
it says my main goal is to get some
camera upgrades for the channel make the
content just that next level now so yeah
hey guys let us know let us know what
you think do you think I do Evan yeah
did you have a nice flight back bro was
that okay I did man I spoke to and ov I
spoke to an overclocker our case model
and overclocked so I was really cool we
spoke the whole way home so I'm going to
be probably dudes to work with some of
this like yeah the whole scene was just
so cool man like some of the some of the
modding scene it was just so cool to get
along with those guys man that's so down
to earth
so yeah Computex was amazing absolutely
amazing so I've got like a hangover from
not being there so it was just really
cool atmosphere everyone was into tech
everyone you know the nightlife was
great too man Wow Taipei the nightlife
was really good too yeah I heard Steve
told me about your exploits ah we'll
just keep that off the channel bruh yeah
yeah I know I know you should have
dragged him out with you man he was like
dude I tried to man I was like dude we
got to come out Steve you got to come
Ali it's not just for the partying and
the free drinks and the free amazing
food and the free everything but it's
for arm networking as well man the
amount of money I met the project
manager at Microsoft I walked at home
you know like this is just you know some
random YouTube scrub walking home the
project manager at Microsoft so I was
really cool man just like really cool
experiences the whole like trip was just
um it was just really cool like they're
just so happy man like that was just an
awesome trip something I needed to so
yeah that's good an asset in the chat if
people had any questions for us yes the
short shows I forget sir yeah just just
thought we'd go through a few ones if
people think if you guys have any
questions just let us know right now so
in a stir at GTX 1063 gigabyte versus rx
570 that's how to say I would say
depends on watch monitor around what do
we have gtx 1010 63 gig versus RX 570
i'm guessing is meaning out yeah but you
won't get it like now of those prices
the 570s
yeah they don't be sold out yeah like
you have to go with a 1060 now I mean if
you can pick up if you can pick up like
if you can pick up either of them for
cheap but get whichever ones cheaper I
think that's the verdict that I think
Steve and I both discuss this behind the
scenes or even discussed it on the
patreon live we did a patreon live and
actually we went through this for like
20 minutes I think just talking about
both our views and the end of the day it
was like yeah just get whichever one is
cheaper where you live because there's
so similar performance of course if you
can utilize free sync and that is a
massive selling point for you then go
with that but a lot of the people I
spoke to everyone I spoke to doesn't use
it no one uses gee single free sync a
lot other guys like it was like all my
friends were competitive gamers we'd
like to at least game the best we can so
we all turn that off all the syncing
technologies so just depends on it
depends different strokes for different
folks but yeah my advice would just grab
whatever one's cheaper they're both
really good cuz yeah there are people
put in brackets warped her home put in
brackets networking with a winky face
to networking with the winky face bro
you got to get in there so yeah yeah
look at some of those comments man that
would that people knew what was going on
people knew what was going on with the
yes man again
type a yeah I definitely knew what was
going on but um yeah son said I have two
times 783 gigabytes in play 1440p all
the time where you need six goats on
well I guess you say will you need six
gigabytes on a 1064 1080p gaming
generally you probably can't get away
with it but depending on the type of
game you might need to UM change some of
the settings generally you want four for
sort of four gigabytes of vram so kinda
like a good minimum I like to think even
at 1080p gaming once you go beyond you
know eyes we see a thing about 1440p
which is that going but beyond that yeah
you do want a little bit more yeah he
was saying 1440 okay I would say six
gigs would be plenty skeevy fine yeah
that's plenty like it depends on the
game even if you even if you run into
problems just drop some of the settings
I mean some of the settings just kill
the vram so just yeah they drop it a
notch that's what that's my always been
my approach just look at the game set it
up to what hardware you have so and
always get the best experience I mean
for me ultra like I've said this before
ultras always been a waste for me it's
always I've never really gained any
visual benefit out of it except my all
my hardware's just been taxed like like
it's like going to a country with
ridiculous tax rates but that little bit
better standard of living just a little
bit better do you want to sell it yeah
are you willing to sacrifice that that's
a question yeah does self so yeah we
might get out might get on out of here
I've got to test all those use parts
that I brought back I'm actually into a
video testing all the use parts that I
brought back I've also got to build with
a overwatch youtuber as well that's
coming to the channel there's a popular
overwatch youtuber and she needs me
she's ours she lives on the Gold Coast
and let's go yeah and she wants me to
build her a well she's got all the parts
sponsored now so she arm I'm gonna go
build the computer over to overclocker
everything it'll be the next PC
house-call episode so and then whatever
she wants to do on her channels hurt her
biz sir yeah yeah no that's that's cool
man dad what was the best thing you
bought that I use part what was the
thing you're most excited Steve Phenom
the six hi here yeah whoo I wanted to do
that so legit and a lot of people have
been asking me to do a build with that a
legit wanted to do a build with that and
the motherboard and I was just hustling
man those streets I was going hard
anyway it was just one shot they just
had it out the back they're like what
sounds like what's this they're like oh
I'm three board six core phenom I'm like
yeah let's talk prices and they came in
around 1800 Thai dollars which would be
like 60 or $70 like now look here's the
deal fifteen hundred boys or I walk and
then they're like ah yeah yeah yeah yeah
fifteen hundred is okay solo yeah yeah
cash bang out the door so yeah I got it
for about 50 us for the motherboard and
the six core Phenom so I was providing
pretty happy about that that was really
cool so that'll be a build for the ages
that'll be a good one to jot down how
well does it yeah and the yes man was
hustling and you should either be quite
a cool thing for you to do with the
video like if you ever not liked so much
a hidden camera but a camera it's not so
much in someone's face maybe partly
hidden or something and then you can be
like how didn't negotiate how to do the
yes man hustle and you can go into
places and and do some negotiations and
show how you get these good deals and
stuff is he only seems it yeah I'd love
to do that man like I've got to get a
camera man so I mean I need a camera man
holding that thing by myself I think I
think no I mean if they don't know if
they not like that are weird because if
maybe if you had a camera men with you
they may be like be a bit more reserved
or something I'm just thinking for the
sake of um yeah like that might be
interesting to some people to see how
how you go about it because you tend to
be able to get these pretty good well if
anyone has your like if anyone has a
recommendation yeah for something like I
I've got no idea what I'd buy what would
be something little that would be
inconspicuous and would be kind of like
people wouldn't notice but I could
record I'd be down for that any day of
the week or you can always just record
record a audio you know just have have a
small mic on you or something or be
holding your phone in your hands with
the recording going and then you can
just say like hey okay show show that or
something like that but um well do that
I ended up at this mall I ended up
walking to the top floor dude I just did
not care I was going into repair like I
think I went into Kingston's repair
warranty service place I just walked
right up to the back to do to the back
walked straight past the front check at
the counter and it's like dude I'm
looking for some use parts here's the
bag here like am i Osho pointing to the
bag and I'm like I pulled out some money
I'm like I want to buy and he's like
dude this this is a repair center man
how much like I don't care this man has
it made you don't stop used anywhere and
no place is off-limits saying they've
got a storefront it's open to the public
hey it's open for me to come in and just
hustle for some use parts is that your
philosophy Bryan is better to ask for
forgiveness than ask for permission
exactly man that's it no asking note I
come from the school of no ask II know
Getty man so yes something like dude if
someone comes up to me and they ask
questions man I'm you know I'm happy I
love that guys hustlin that's respect
you know so yeah it's the same just
though it's a world man you just got to
stop sitting down and and thinking and
just do do stuff that's good bro
I'm incorporating the 1990s Nike slogan
just yeah that's it
just oscillate yeah man so awesome so
where we closing off a thanks care for
joining us for episode 29 and I'll make
it thread on the forums this week so you
guys can drop some questions in if you
have questions and yeah we just had one
last question Bryan here from a a Steve
at a hardware unboxed and yeah okay
what Brian tell did tell tell them about
the cooler master pickup line crew so
they could know with what I saw didn't
tell me I don't they didn't tell me that
this is okay this is the story man this
is gonna are I will say this one it's so
oh it's it's bad but it's actually funny
okay so I'm at the MSI booth day one and
now this is my manager of like
coolermaster she's that she's the lady
that I talked to for samples and stuff
like I I didn't realize because she came
out and said like she came up to me at
the msi booth day one she's like hey
Brian was something like hey what's up
so you got me coming to the Coolermaster
party tonight I'm like that was like my
day off I was so wrecked I'd really been
drinking for days straight for that time
like six and a half and I was like look
I kind of need a night off tonight
and she said I my name's javi and I'm
like I didn't didn't click to me that
this was have area that the chick that I
was like I was talking with on email and
so I'm at the coolermaster booth like a
few days later doing the video forum I'm
so hey what's up you know you cuz I was
feeling better at that time you know and
had a day off and I mean I've been
partying a little bit bit so you know
you go on partying tonight like what's
up and she's like nah I'm um I'm I'm
wrecked I was like her day off she was
like I'm wrecked and I'm like oh damn
you know damn and I was like well that's
so cool you know we can bring the party
to my place
she's like I'm good a boyfriend overlay
all snapping and later
none of it low later Steve was like
Steve was like cuz he was there I think
Steve was like dude you do realize
that's the person sending you samples
I'm like oh my then it clicked oh my oh
that's that's a maybe like I've said
every one man when I'm single I'm single
man and until I find a girlfriend that's
you know hustling everything it's not
just used part to be hustling yeah sir
in those in those samples oh yeah I'm
having a bit of a try you know seven no
just sit sit
so I would say it was just displays the
funniest story valises I miss Steve was
laughing well yeah we did we had no idea
Steve made his own mistake and that's up
for him to tell the audience too so he
did he he he can tell his side of the
story as well he had an interesting
story to tell what that too wasn't just
me so at the end of the day I was the
dumb guy so it's just I was like I was
oblivious so I didn't know no one told
me so yeah because I thought it was
pronounced like it Xavier I like X
various so I didn't have any idea that
have E and Xperia so it did die I know
I've been in that situation before we
think here you kind of like imagine the
name would be pronounced differently and
then you sort of get taken back a little
bit yeah I didn't click it old man
didn't click but yeah it was good times
man that was just one of the I think it
was like the best there's definitely the
best business trip I've ever been on
so that was just insanely good I loved
it yeah awesome trip anyway you guys
jump onto the forums too if you got
questions tech CD TV slash forums if you
want to ask a question we'll be opening
up a new thread and also I bang the
microphone that's a sin on live stream
also guys head over to patron and if you
want to support a dollar a month you can
get access to livestream so yeah and the
content will be getting a lot better now
I'm going to pull my pull my ass back
into professional gear it's going to be
professional Yolo content coming out now
so it's all back it's almost good yep
the Mojo's the Mojo's back after that
trip to Taipei it's back 100% so right
dude yeah you have a good day yeah I'm
going to be checking out there I'm going
to be doing a be thrifty motherboard
review this week so rock on the good old
be thrifty bro that in
I say tomahawk Aaron's been going on
about you can overclock that you're
gonna get into it there you go
oh yeah did he take a look at it yeah it
should be okay way to go expert sauce
watch something you can't aim at sorry I
missed it
I was just busy as it's right now right
si si alright guys Lucy's later thanks
for tuning in this week and we'll catch
you in the next week of the tech lounge
peace out for now bye see you
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