BEGINNER'S GUIDE to Overclocking your Computer (Ivy Bridge i5 3570k / i7 3770k)
BEGINNER'S GUIDE to Overclocking your Computer (Ivy Bridge i5 3570k / i7 3770k)
okay guys what up this is Brian easy
here today and I'm coming back to you
guys today with K basically it's a
beginner's guide to overclocking okay so
I've had a lot of people since I made my
own overclock videos for Ivy Bridge I've
had a lot of people sort of message me
and say well this isn't a tutorial this
it doesn't you know it doesn't explain
to me how to overclock well today I'm
gonna give you guys the real basics on
how to overclock okay
so today I'm doing a super beginner's
guide to overclocking and more sooo
overclocking an Ivy Bridge okay so the
first half of this video is going to be
overclocking and Ivy Bridge specifically
the second half of this video will be
buying any sort of processor and
motherboard and overclocking that okay
so let's begin guys if you got any
comments to leave them in the comment
section below and I will get back to you
as soon as I can
now first off you want to get three
programs so you can download them in the
links below I've given the links below
these are three crucial programs for
overclocking in my opinion first one is
core temp which will show you your core
temperatures so we load that up actually
it shows that my CPU is idling now 30 32
34 27 so at the moment I'm on 44 4.2
gigahertz open up CPU Z okay so core
temp will tell you the temperatures and
also tell you the loads on your cause so
it's a really good program CPU Z will
tell you what overclock you are getting
and prime95 will be a stress testing so
we just want to stress test and I
usually do maximum heat so in place
large FFTs now before we hit the ok
button guys I just want to make sure you
guys do this okay before you overclock
anything install your OS and then go to
start menu
cute ah right-click on your local disk C
Drive where your Windows is installed
click properties and then I want you to
go to Hardware right click Corsair and
or decorate this left click it and then
click properties change settings and
then I want you to go to policies and I
want you seen usually these two will be
chip checked I want you to take them off
okay so enable right casing on the
device take it off because that way your
if your windows crashes it will not
corrupt any files okay so says will set
their fail not resolve I'll scrub them
ok so they're turned off now we can
overclock to our hearts content now in
place large F of T so I'll show you how
this program works okay so that's
running it's magic there around 4.2
gigahertz and we are getting temps of
around 65 degrees now Ivy Bridge
specifically it does run pretty hot ok
so ivory bridge is a hot CPU now the
reason why is a lot of people say is
because the heat spreader on it is
different to the Sandy Bridge the
predecessor I mean be sorry yeah the
predecessor to this model and the
apparently Sandy Bridge overclocks
better I haven't tried a Sandy Bridge
but anyway this is my I'm getting so I'm
gonna bout 67 66 degrees it'll probably
go high if I left it on for a few hours
so didn't be safe to say maybe 70
degrees would be my max and that's just
24/7 stable so that's what I'm getting
at the moment 4.2 I'm happy with four
point two degree four point two
gigahertz at the moment that's what I'm
happy with this is my everyday overclock
at the moment so I'm at one point one
two volts I mean sorry at one point yeah
one one volts and that's it for me
that's a good overclock now I'm gonna
show you guys from now how to get this
overclock okay so if you're running an
i-5 35 70k your results should be pretty
similar you should be getting around
about the same maybe maximum would be
1 1 5 and your minimum would probably
point 105 to this same overclock ok now
more specifically the i7 3770k if you
have that CPU I have had a chance to
test it I did test one at work it is a
better CPU like it's not it's not light
years better but it is more efficient
like it will overclock with less faults
because obviously when they manufacture
these CPUs they manufacture them on a
die and they take the best ones and
they're the i7s then if through
megabytes of caches faulty they then say
ok that can become an i5 3 570 K or if
it's not as fast as the i7 it'll say
that will become an i5 as well so they
do that and cascades down until you get
your crap cpu models so they're very
efficient and what they do so anyway
guys let's go so we've done that we've
installed these three programs ok core
temp CPU Z and prime95 and now we are
ready so I got 70 degrees in most you up
to 70 and now we are ready to show you
guys what settings to put into we're
ready to show you guys what settings to
put into baths so let's let's just
restart now now also another thing is
guys I want you to what I want you to do
is I want you to run your computer for a
little while if you have just built your
computer I don't want you to overclock
yet I want you to run for a few days
everything on the normal settings
because you want to know if you have any
you know any bad parts so basically you
want to find out if you have any bad
part so to do this you kind of I think
it ever know what's happening here my
you just sort of
something in the race so basically um I
guess in our inbox we press delete to
get the boss and yeah so what I was
saying before is is that yeah you want
to run your parts on your computer for
about maybe two days at leasts playing
games stress testing just on everything
on the Ordo to find out to make sure you
don't have any faulty parts cuz you know
you can't get a faulty arm you can get
faulty ram that's probably the most
common is faulty ran I've had faulty RAM
in the past I know a lot of my friends
had faulty RAM in the past
faulty room is quite common not quite
common but it does happen
so faulty sleepy open it had a faulty
CPU I have had faulty video cards but
that's after running him for a while and
so yeah well you can't get faulty parts
so it's best to run them in part your
parts in before you sort of overclock
now I'm on an Azeroth guys specifically
every motherboard manufacturer will have
a different will have a completely
different BIOS layout okay so I'm using
as rocks okay as rocks is really good I
love it
it is better it's basic and it's not too
fancy okay I've seen a Zeus's and it's
like you're in a cockpit in an aeroplane
it's pretty weird you got all these
fancy rev meters and graphs and I don't
I personally don't really like it
I love as rocks so today I'm gonna show
you guys what to do okay so you've
loaded up boss there's settings up here
main menu okay that'll show you what
you've got okay I've got an i7
I got a Z send me something extreme for
I've got an Intel i5 three five seven
you K
I have 16 gigabytes of RAM ok now let's
go to overclock Trina okay now if you
couldn't be bothered overclocking or
doing any settings you can just turn the
load optimise CPU settings on you can
turn them on they have a variety of
settings there
if you're really lazy but obviously the
difference between doing what I'm going
to do now and loading the manufacturers
overclocked settings is that the
manufacturers overclock settings is for
like the worst I fire that they have
come across so in other words it will
typically oh the vault your CPU and for
Ivy Bridge it's really not that good of
a thing so let's just let's just start
off again I'm gonna load up defaults
okay a load you ëif defaults off bang
there we go now because I always boot
from my hard drive first I'm going to
make sure that's boot option one hard
drive after I installed my OS now I want
to save all the boot option to save I
want my printer booting and I want to
print from my Buddha
we've got temperatures there CPUs at the
node 36 degrees motherboards at 37
that's pretty hot a little bit hot but
who cares it's nothing dangerous I mean
it's it's a hot day guys it's in summer
as I was saying before it's summer here
where I'm at and it you know your parts
are gonna get hot okay so your parts are
gonna get hot in summer and you want to
not run such a big you don't want to run
such you know high over clocks in summer
otherwise you'll heat your parts up so
let's go do it now we've gotta go
in your menu you want to go to overclock
Tweaker or you want to go to where your
CPU configuration is okay this is where
you have to get to whatever man you
whatever motherboard manufacturer are
using you have to go to CPU
configuration this will show you what
settings specifically to overclocking
that you're gonna have to change so you
have to change your CPU ratio okay
that's the first thing to change
all-cause okay protocol I don't know and
I'm not gonna bother with because if you
change per core then you're stepping
into a very different game of
overclocking because you just want to
say we'll look my computer's gonna use
two cores
let's say if it's sending these into
cause we can bump it up to four point
five but no
use all cores because when your
computer's working at its max it's going
to be using all cores anyway okay so
first off we're going to try 4.2 this is
what I had before okay so all cores four
point two done set in okay that's your
CPU ratio now we don't have to worry
about spread we'd have to worry about
speed step and we want to use intel
speedstep to you guys because it under
volts this setting here under volts your
CPU when it is not being stressed okay
and basically saving you power and
saving your cpu lifetime okay now these
settings here you don't have to worry
about them okay now you do have to worry
about any of these settings okay
internal PLL voltage turn it off you can
you know you want to get a stable
overclock so we're going down so we set
all core now we're gonna go down to
voltage configuration now so one setting
was to change was this one the cpu ratio
first okay we've done that we've changed
that in your mountain if you've got a
different motherboard guys it may be
different there may be a different name
for it it might be for instance your CPU
ratio all core may be called core
configuration it'll be something core
okay so now we go down to voltage
configuration this is the next part okay
power saving mode no I don't care about
that CPU voltage very important now it's
going to be called 'no it might be
called something different on yours okay
may be called core voltage it may be
called you know CPU line low and like
one load you know vol or some voltage
setting so it's going to be called
something to do with core CPU and it's
going to be voltage and it's gonna have
three different settings it's gonna have
auto it's gonna have offset mode and
it's gonna have fixed mode now today
this first half the video guys i'm just
gonna show you offset mode okay fixed
mode is for when you see when I first
got the IV bridge
I used fixed mode to find mice
overclock I didn't look at any other
settings on the web I did not look at did not look at anyone elses
settings I used fixed mode to find my
overclock okay so any CPU any
motherboard I pick up I will use fixed
mode first to find my stable level of
overclock so basically fixed mode what
fixed mode does is it runs your CPU at a
fixed level so we're going to get into
that later okay
with Ivy Bridge we want offset mode
offset mode is what this does is it
compares your voltage to the auto
voltage that the motherboard specifies
and then under volts or over volts over
that auto setting depending on what your
motherboard manufacturer has set for the
auto okay so offset mode basically the
reason why we use offset mode over fixed
mode in the end is because offset mode
will allow you to use that setting
before it'll allow you to still use this
setting okay the intel speedstep
technology which will under volt and
underclock your cpu when it's not being
stressed so it's really important I like
you know you should be using offset mode
basically when you found a stable
overclock now for Ivy Bridge guys load
line calibration see this here this
graph okay we've got vehicle and loading
now after using this for a while I do
set mine to level 5 okay because when
you load up programs they usually
they'll be like it's called a voltage
drop so straight away the voltage will
drop down now with this it'll sort of
give it that extra voltage when the
programs load but over time it'll
decrease the voltage so if you're stress
testing in prime95 or any other program
you will be using this okay to level
five and that way you'll get the least
volts available so now that's setting
level five okay for you you might want
to use when I'm doing fixed voltage I'll
use level one but I'll go into that
later offset mode okay done load line
calibration level five now for IV bridge
I've already tested these
okay and protested him quite extensively
I did I was able to go 2-1 but I found
that that was only for stress testing
okay when I was real-world applications
I found point zero six five worked the
best for me okay this is what this is
the overclock that I came to find that
was most stable for me okay this is what
happened okay but anyway for reference
I'm just gonna try zero point five okay
so let's try that first
basically that's 0.1 volt under the
manufacturers setting okay so let's save
changes and exit okay so we're at minus
point one volt now
so basically we're running pretty low
we're running we're running pretty
efficient now pretty cool so to speak so
yes my computer does boot pretty fast
why you can see me in the reflection -
hello it's my shiny Samsung monitor okay
now we are in Windows so let's have a
look now we've got the 4.2 gig overclock
and we're gonna load up core temp
straightaway we're gonna load up CPU Z
and we are going to load up prime95
maximum heat that's what we want now
straight away at 4.2 gigs I am my
voltage is 1.07 - at this speed so this
seems to be running pretty good okay now
you can run this program for a few hours
but I really what I've found is is that
you kind of have to load up games and
every day so once you've found your
overclock using these programs just use
your computer normally and if it crashes
says what I was going back to that thing
before you want to run your computer for
a few days on order to make sure you've
got no faulty parts okay so after we've
done this we are then finding that it's
running fine okay so nothing's failing
everything's running pretty good 4.2
gigs and a voltage in cpu-z
is showing that we're at one point zero
seven two which is pretty good okay but
I've found after I started using my
computer every day that I had to drop it
to zero point zero six five - okay so I
needed a little bit extra volts to
remain completely everyday stable okay
so the moment this is what we got and
we're running pretty fine okay so if you
go to Ivy Bridge yours is gonna be very
similar okay and I'm gonna show you what
you to do now okay
I'm gonna shut this down now we're gonna
shop all these programs down exit exit
pull temp tags at CPU Z and now we're
gonna restart okay so now if your
computer crashed when you were doing
exactly that
I'm gonna show you what to do okay so
you've computers crashed you're like oh
my god my computer crashed what do i do
well that means that you need more
voltage okay so if your computer's
crashed you need more voltage now we're
going back to our settings okay so our
computer has theoretically crashed
we're 4.2 gigs and we're crashing okay
now let's try so this is for me
if it's crashed now generally if it's
crashed really quickly before you've
even booted into Windows you generally I
would recommend going at least point
zero three volts up if you've crashed
say after an hour of stress testing you
are getting pretty close
so maybe just point zero five or point
zero one up from that minus one okay so
if we're at minus one and it crashed as
we're booting into Windows you'll
probably have to go about point zero
three up okay if you have just crashed
after an hour stress testing or two
hours three hours of stress testing then
I'd say go up one or point zero five
okay and you basically you incrementally
increase this offset voltage as you know
you get more stable so for me I
eventually I found my stable level at
four point two Giggs was 0.065 that's
what what was stable for me guys okay
offset mode level five now that is what
I save okay so now I go down to here you
can save the profiles okay so you can
save this one for point two okay so
that's saved
that's my fault points good overclock
now for me let's try four point four
okay so this time I haven't really used
four point four as much so I'm going to
try doing level let out four point four
gig overclock okay I'm gonna show you
how I get there level five offset mode
okay now offset mode same point zero
nine which is a little too low let's try
0.025 okay so I don't know what's going
on really old cause 44 and disabled that
one cause 44 okay so I did find for the
azeroth motherboards the auto setting at
four point four pretty much hit the
settings are out on the sweet spot it
was actually pretty damn good I was
impressed but now we're gonna go for a
manual overclock at four point four all
cores four point four
because since we were so rudely
interrupted by my camera overheating
that's a DSLR so you know they do ever
eat quickly if you'd be doing
you got all course 44 we've got offset
mode 0.015 and load line calibration
level 5 ok so let's go to exit Save
Changes and makes it so now we're gonna
boot into Windows and this is four point
four now I don't recommend going over
four point four gigahertz as it you know
the ivory bridges they run hot and so if
you go over 4.4 generally you start to
get on an inefficient banned way you
know then curve and so where you're
putting in more volts and you're just
not going the overclock so these things
I think this sweet spot is four point
four I would say an i7 would probably be
about four point six maybe a bit bit
better a sweet spot for an i7 377 k so
let's go let's load this up we're a four
point four now load up core temp we're
loading up CPU Z now offset mode is
going to okay so basically offset mode
is going to display different voltages -
you know - what's reading in CPU Z okay
so just realize in CPU Z if that starts
going over one point two then generally
it's getting pretty dangerous okay I
would not take mine over one point two
volts okay that's just me okay you can
you know you can say we can take it over
to one point three but yeah you know I
know I've read for a fact there's other
people on the internet that have over
vaulted these to one point three and
they're burnt out that process is okay
so I'm for me I'm max is one point two
volts now at four point four gigahertz
and as you can see there at four point
four we are getting around seventy three
degrees which is pretty good so it's not
bad okay this is four point four
gigahertz at 1.15 two volts okay so in
offset mode we're minus 0.015 I think so
that's that's there guys so that's what
okay that's my 4.4 gigahertz overclock
and now your results will vary but I
don't think they will vary that much so
where we go we crashed okay beautiful
you got that on camera which means we
have to vault more okay you got that
crash that was great I'm glad you saw
that okay so that's what's gonna happen
it's gonna happen a lot okay when you're
overclocking you know especially if it's
your first time so now we overclock so
we're probably just gonna set that to
we'll just try plus 0.5 I mean give it
0.02 as it wasn't see when we loaded it
we loaded into windows we styled up
everything we got a bit a stress test
out of it so everything was pretty good
for a little like one minute so
everything was alright for about a
minute so we're gonna start when I
normally and since we took off those
hard drive settings before we should not
have a problem with doing it so I should
be fine so we're loading into Windows
now 4.4 gigahertz at plus 0.05 volts
okay so we're in we're in Windows let's
load up core temp straightaway load up
CPU Z I he's still a bit heartbroken
he's still running a little bit hot on
idle my process is a bit heartbroken
maximum hate power consumption that's
what we want okay now this time we're a
little bit higher okay we're at one
point one six eight and yeah we are I'd
say would be where we're at now at plus
0.05 at 4.4 I'd say would be pretty much
near the sweet spot okay so our temps
are going up to about 76 degrees 75 to
go 70 degrees this is summer guys as
well I mean my icon I do have my air con
going it's about 27 degrees in here but
still I'm not gonna take my process at
any higher than this okay I just don't
feel comfortable doing it I want to use
this for a few years I wanna get a
couple years usage out of my processor
so I'm not too keen to overclock it over
the past 4.4 as I've done 4.5 but again
the voltages I had to go up to 1.2
- one I think ya 1.21 to get to actually
get my 4.5 gigahertz running stable
which was a bit too high for me so four
point four is a good sweet spot
I like 4.2 is it's you know it's less
stress for my computer so there we go
you guys we I think we are pretty stable
now okay at this voltage you know it
should be running for a few hours it's
getting up to 79 degrees yes if you
overclock your over bridge that's what
it will get up to 80 degrees you do not
want to push it past that I'd say that's
about max or what you want your Ivy
Bridge to be running up in terms of
temperatures so yes these things do get
hot the rumors are true they do run
pretty damn hot okay so there we go
we've hit 80 so these things run hot
okay guys 81 now that's so you can see
the difference between a 4.2 gigahertz
overclock in a 4.4 I mean we only got
200 makes higher that we're going like
literally almost you know 14 degrees
higher so you know this would be your
max you know 4.5 at pravinia max I
wouldn't go any higher than 4.5 so 4.4
is pretty good especially in winter and
be fine but yeah that's pretty hot no so
that's about stable okay so at 1.17
virtually and we're getting pretty hot
temps okay so you do not want to run
your process or any any more than that
in my opinion okay so there you go guys
that's the first half of this video done
that's overclocking your Ivy Bridge okay
now if you have any questions please ask
them in the comment section below and
yeah yoni how many questions put him in
the comment section below and I've got
subscribed to keep the Bryan easy-going
subscriptions really helped me guys so
thanks and peace out I'm gonna do the
next half of the video is over here so
that'll be overclocking Incivek that'll
be overclocking using other settings
okay this is when you're first by your
CPU and motherboard it'll be
overclocking using those cells okay so
anyway guys peace out for now
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