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BEGINNER'S GUIDE to Overclocking your GPU (Galaxy GTX 670 @ MSI Afterburner)

hey YouTube what's up this is Brian is he just coming back to you guys today with a long awaited graphics overclocking tutorial okay and the reason why I haven't done this guy's for a long time is because of the fact that I don't really need to with my new Kepler GTX 670 okay so let me just first say that these graphics cards are amazing again the video have already introduced their automatic boost clocks which basically allowed oh they automatically overclock the graphics card for you when it needs it and it's going to keep temperatures pretty low it's going to think things really well it's a really good system guys but anyway guys I'm going to do this whole overclock tutorial for you guys today and I'm going to explain why I do what I do and things to look out for okay and let me first say guys overclocking and graphics card is a lot more sensitive and there's a lot more things to look out for as opposed to overlooking a CPU okay so with a GPU you've got a video RAM on board you've got a GPU you've got capacitors get all these things that are getting cooled with one big block okay and it's you know a lot more things can go wrong on a graphics card as opposed to a CPU which just got one CPU it's got its thermal throttling sensor built in so when it hits that throttle sensor it's going to shut off safety BAM pretty easy simple simple GPU it's only got two senses of thing on board so if something goes wrong on a little bit of the card and blows up bang you've lost what three or four hundred dollars whatever you paid for your graphics card so hey guys let's get into the tutorial two programs I'm going to make this as simple as possible and I'll try and make it as quick as possible but it's a very hard units a very long topic and I want you guys to watch the whole video so MSI Afterburner and msi combustor okay these are the two programs you're going to want I'm going to put them in the download description below so you can just click on download them and they will work with any graphics card guys so MSI yes MSI do make graphics cards guys but this program will work with any make at any brand of graphics card a galaxy I'm on a galaxy GTX 670 okay guys this program works fine with my graphics card okay no problems at all now the first thing you want to do is you're going to get these two programs you're going to want to download the latest driver version for your graphics card you will also want to run your graphics card in for a good two without changing any settings at all okay so let me just and first off before I start overclocking guys let me just show you why I haven't had the need to really overclock my GTX 670 okay so that's all the settings are normal let's just run a test here so we're going to put the settings on HD 720 HD with any analyzing off and basically this is going to stress my GPU okay so let's put it on the furry and Tessy test okay Ferrari and testing test 720p this is going to stress my GPU okay not my memory clock it's going to stress my core clock okay and let's run this test and let me show you why I love the new Kepler okay lets me just show you why again bang look at this 11:23 okay this thing is overclocking my graphics card the you know the normal clock the factory overclock I mean the factory clock on the factory overclock is like 900 and 980 okay so this thing is going a good 15 percent over or a good 20 percent over the factory clock okay and now I've got a link my galaxy card admittedly it's got an aftermarket cooling solution which is really good it's really quiet you cannot even hear it now and also it's got a really high overclock it's really good overclock I'm really happy with this okay but anyway let's go let's get on with the guide guys so let's move on so then first thing you want to want to do guys you want to want to test your graphics card you don't want to see what the base overclock is okay so now I know my base overclock is about 11 23 okay so it seems to be hopping between 11 10 and 11 23 and the reason for this is because it's reaching the max TDP here okay which is the thermal power design and basically that's the 170 watts for my graphics card every graphics cards difference going to have a different TDP power level mine is 170 watts okay so as what this means is is reaching 170 watts it's burning all the power and that's why it's going from 11:23 back down to 11 10 now the first thing is you're going to want to run that you're going to want to find out what speed you're going to want to find out if it's hitting that TDP and then you're going to want to find the temperatures now with the graphics card guys you probably don't want to go over 80 ok don't not go over 82 is I just don't like going over it and the reason being is because you have da da da da dun er memory on board okay and if we look at memory guys and in the past what fails a CPU or RAM I've had Ram Mackay fail on me two times now and I haven't even overclocked it I've had friends with faulty Ram I've never had a faulty CPU so the same principles apply to a graphics card guys memory on a graphics card will fail before a GPU fails account on the graphics card okay so now this is important and it's extremely important to watch out with this memory clock overclock as a put as opposed to the core clock okay and now the first thing we're going to do is going to say safe power limit and insert your card name here okay so let's go to Google let's find out what other people are setting this their power limits to and if you have a 7950 for example you type in 7950 what are people doing okay and 20% okay so people are doing 20% that seems to be a safe power limit for an ATI seven nine fifty let's have a look what people are doing for a GTX 670 okay and I'm in one hundred twenty two percent of a little bit too high for me one hundred and fourteen hundred fifteen percent seems to be about what I like to do for my card so let's put that in one hundred and fifteen is the first thing we're going to do in a raise this up to about 115 okay guys and we're going to apply and now as with all my overclocking tutorials guys I usually recommend safe settings and of course they're not nothing safe in the overclocking world but generally I recommend lower kind of over clocks as opposed to extreme overclock and this is because you know you guys if you're watching this you're obviously beginners and I don't want you destroying your hardware if you're a beginner guys stay low with your overclocked slow not learn the whole thing learn the whole game before you start going for extreme overclocked you know there are so many people out there who have blown up graphics cards blowing up CPUs because they just got into and they're like yeah man I'm going to drop yeah let's just max settings bang blow the friggin thing just you know to kingdom come and that's exactly what happens to somebody when they lose 400 dollar investments so if I guess 115 that's for me first thing going to do is going to apply that now the second thing we're going to do okay and this is what we're going to do fan speed we're going to whack that up and you can guys can do max I'm going to go 70 okay so you want your fans running and now listen okay just have a listen can you guys hear that that's a noisy fan okay so this is another reason why I have an overclocked my Keppler because you know you're gonna have noisy fans in the background guys and this is a big reason for me I hate playing games out the area like this is jet engine in the background okay now we're going to save that okay save that to one okay so this is going to be an overclock profile first thing you want to do is raise the power limit and you're going to raise the fans okay and the reason why we're raising the fans guys is because if we leave it on auto the graphics card may spike and then the fans kick in and at that time it can cause damage okay so the auto setting this can cause damages there's a little bit of lag there okay so we're going to want to leave that seven you want to keep our graphics card cool and then we're going to start our overclocks okay now first things first guys I've already tested my graphics card okay and I'm going to tell you now it can go up to about 140 and then it starts to artifact okay and let's for all purposes intent you may want to start off with 50 or a hundred okay a hundred should be almost every graphics card should be able to attain a reasonable hundred Hertz overclock on the core okay so let's apply that and now as we got our settings here before this is a nice GPU intensive test this one we're running right here and now let's watch this okay so bang we're already getting that 115 percent TD TPD thermal power design so I said TDP before done while so yes it's already hitting the TPD so that means I don't want to take my card any higher I'm not comfortable running my $400 graphics card any higher okay and the reason being is because yeah I'm just not comfortable I don't want to if something fails guys if you've had hardware fail on you you'll know how much of a pain in the ass it is to replace hardware and that downtime and all that stuff so yeah be very with overclocking but here we go guys GPU temperature is close it's climbing slowly which is a good thing it's a really good thing it means it's it's obviously you know if it was up to 70 degrees already and it was climbing it'd be pretty harsh okay now we're up to 12 so here we are we're up to a hundred megahertz about a hundred megahertz over our clock that we had before okay so even though we're at 11:23 before we were actually limited by the TPD okay so the TV the TPD was limiting our overclock before and I believe it's still kind of limiting our overclock now okay but anyway guys that's what we're getting now again 12:24 and it's pretty good overclock again now we can push it higher if we want to okay but what I want to do quickly now is since that was 120 megahertz over what we were getting before I kind of want to go back now and test how much we're going to run off stock okay at 115 percent TBD I want to see how much my graphics card is going to go to okay now if we run this on stock factory settings guys look at what we're getting the graphics cards saying this isn't a videos technology and this is how good it is guys it's saying alright we're going to give you a nice 1175 overclock without you touching a thing except just saying without you except raising the TBD and this is a really good solid level for your graphics card okay so if you guys don't want to touch anything other than one setting or two settings maybe just raise the fan speed and raise the power limit if you're on a GTX 670 660ti or if you're on a GTX 680 just hit those two settings and the video will do the rest for you so that's if you're really basic and you don't want to risk sort of stuffing up your graphics card but as you can see here it's a healthy overclock and we're only really getting another what 60 70 megahertz over what we were getting before so now what we want to do is we want to say okay well we're at 62 we're going to say 80 and this is going to be this core clock guys is going to be related to the power limit okay and I'm not and you're probably wondering oh well you haven't touched core voltage yet core voltage is for people who want to go bang or raise it higher than that and then they're getting instability problems core voltage may fix stability problems okay and for beginners guys we're not even going to touch this okay but if you want to you can enable it with these two settings in settings click on settings check these two boxes you can then enable this and it'll you can change the core voltage but guys if you're beginners and you're watching this please do not even bother touching your core voltage okay it is probably one of the quickest ways to destroy a graphics card and as it's a millivolts to it it's sensitive okay so don't you know if you guys are learning and you want to go higher than yeah please please by all means do your research and go higher but for for you guys I'm going to teach you a safe overclock one hundred and fifteen percent let's raise that back up to seventy now so we're going to raise this to eighty now and we're going to find out what our card is comfortable doing so there we go guys we're now we're still at the same level so even though we had a hundred hundred in there before we had a hundred megahertz in there before we've gone up to eighty three and we're still getting the same level so the TD the TPD is what's limiting our overclock okay and I don't you know I'm not comfortable really pushing my card any higher than that I did manage to push it before to a hundred and sort of 5140 but Neil we'll try that let's just give it a go so as you can see here up to 1280 and that's our max okay so at this TPD this is our max okay 1280 is what we're maxing out on okay so you know this test obviously this test test memory as well so I'm sure if we did another test we may be able to go higher but you know for games is going to give you a realistic level of what your cores running at okay so basically my max is 1280 okay I'm happy with that that's what I'm going to do I'm going to stick with that obviously I can go higher if I put up more power but guys I don't want to risk destroying my graphics card okay so there we go 1280 guys let's be happy with that so we just leave that at 100 and now we've found the core clock okay that's our core clock overclock okay that's what we're happy with going with okay so I'm happy rolling with that day-in day-out 4:7 overclock I'm happy with that setting now the next thing guys the next one is we're going to go to the memory overclock okay so this one guys this one here and I want to say to you guys this here is be very very very careful with memory clock okay it is the main reason in my opinion why graphics cards break okay and why they just you know why they brick is because memory clock okay memory is put a lot more prone to failure than a core okay a CPU or GPU okay a memory clock is way more prone and it's one of the reasons why a lot of graphics cards stuff up especially in the past because the RAM wasn't cooled sufficiently and bang and graphics card just fried or on a real hot day even people with normal graphics cards davin even overclocked they were getting fried greatly not fry but the graphics card were having problems and it's because of memory the memory wasn't cool but nowadays the memory tends to be cooled pretty effectively and so yeah let's straight away you know find out what people are doing on the internet guys for your particular card but for me a lot of people were going for 500 megahertz overclocks on the ram now to me that is just it's too much I don't like going I don't like overclocking my ram that much let's start off first with say a 300 megahertz overclock okay there's a 10% overclock on our memory on board now since my card is not an MSI card I don't have the feature for shader clock but if you have an MSI GTX 670 you will get another feature which is shader clock memory and basically these two settings you can tweak them but for these purposes of beginners guys just play with memory clock and be happy okay so now that being said guys we're going to do want to do a special test okay so when we get the memory clock here we're going to clock this back down to 0 because we're testing memory this time and we're going to go to settings guys and we're going to say let's whack this up to 4 MSA and 1080p ok so this time we're going to want to go higher reza's we're going to put on the anti stropping filter you know the the MSAA settings and this time guys we're going to do a rekt 3d 11 so DirectX 11 and leave it on torus so these settings here guys this will stress your a put that back on this is going to stress it depends guys if you don't play MSA for by all means put it on to I tend to play my games on two or four depending on the framerate so I'm gonna for this test let's just do 10 and sorry before we run this test let's just run it back down on zero okay so let's leave this on zero and zero so now this will be a Jeep hey get back to zero this will be a GPU test this timer cases coming up so this is going to be a memory test so let's get that on DirectX in GPU burnin direct3d 11 torus settings 1080p for msaa let's go guys bang let's see what now let's exactly see what's going on here TPD is not so it's not even reaching max which means our memory is starting to get a chugga K as memory is like oh my god I'm getting hurt here this is hurting me what are you doing to me Brian yeah you know you're chugging me man so the memory is now my GPU memory guys is now maxed okay and it's starting to chug so the GPU is actually fine even though it says 99% I don't know why the graphic the actual memory is starting to chug okay and now so we're finally we're getting average of 23 frames here guys okay and our GPU temperature is kind of climbing that's not climbing that much but the memory is getting stressed trust me now let's close that down okay so we're gonna exit that 23 okay note that 23 there we're going to drop this up so we're gonna Dre's this up 300 okay we okay I'm going to apply that let's go we're gonna save that so I should have saved it before as you did you do all the little increments you should save it and then you know after you sorry after you get the stable you should save it and then do your next one save it I did it just a little bit wrong in but anyway let's go guys let's practice this we got 300 megahertz this time and you're going to notice you don't notice a difference okay you're probably going to notice a increase so we've increased the che in case the memory clocks 10% guys so we've increased our memory clocks 10% and look at these guys were getting pretty much a 10% increase in our frames believe it or not so yeah this memory clock is working effectively and I recommend if you're playing at 1080p or higher res is goes and you love your msaa if you love turning that on then yeah you may wish to overclock your memory but be very very very careful with your overclock on the memory guys it is extremely fragile memory is what is going to make pretty much generally memories what's going to make your graphics card just going to kill your graphics card basically as you can see is GPU temp only 52 degrees but I guarantee you the memory is getting hot as it's getting stressed and we can see that with the average frames okay so tread really lightly with memory test guys personally for me I'm not going to overclock any higher than 300 okay I don't recommend you guys going any more than a 10% overclock on the memory okay of course you can go higher but over time guys fan speeds are going to get your fans going to get weaker on your graphics cards you're you know you know obviously memory if it gets hot on especially in summer so be careful but you know memory is going to be the one that's prone to failure not your GPU as much okay so anyway guys let's just say look this is doing pretty well let's say okay let's go up to 400 now some people are getting 500 that's okay but guys in the long run don't please I don't recommend going to 500 or even 400 I'd stay at 300 but let's go to 400 and we'll see obviously it should hopefully it should go up to 26 27 the average frames so obviously we're in clear increasing the memory clocks and we're getting results okay we're getting real results here so there we have it guys that is your memory overclocked now and so what we're going to do here is we're going to now go back to our settings and we're going to say okay well we got a 300 megahertz overclock on the memory it was pretty stable it was nice and we got a hundred megahertz on the core clock again and now this time guys of course if so back onto the memory clock if you're up to 500 and you're artifacting then drop it back down a little bit okay but for beginners guys I don't recommend running your graphics card below artifact okay I just don't recommend it okay you basically it's like your kids on the racetrack I'll go back to the racetrack example your kids on the racetrack he's got a smile and if your cards artifacting you're pushing your kid and you're saying look your six-year-old son's got a smile you're saying look keep running man and he's got a smile would you do that to your son no you'd say stop me and have a break and so the graphics card if it's artifacting it's struggling guys are you going to keep pushing your graphics card or keep it just below that level where you're pushing your graphics card are you going to do that I'm not going to do that because I know in time something's probably going to go wrong and since I like to have my hardware for two to three years I don't recommend you doing it so anyway guys if you want to though go up to 500 megahertz and then work from there if you're on a GTX 670 if you're on another card going to Google see what other people are doing getting with their cards see what the safe levels for your card is to start at and then go with that okay but for me I'm happy with a street I'm happy with ten percent man that's fine I want my card to run I want my card to run day-in day-out especially since it's holidays I play games a lot on my holidays and I want to keep a safe overclock so here we go let's apply this this is the final test now how are we going to do the final blend test okay the final test guys is we're going to go to here we're going to drop it down to say two obviously you can do the furry and terry test this is a it's generally it's a good test okay it stresses everything okay and now hopefully this time guys we should get the best frame rates that we've ever got so hopefully sorry we got to MSN I didn't really test it with MSA off but you know this is our final overclock guys and we're going to see we're going to get a nice average frame rate here I'm getting 41 and we're going to test that now as opposed to having no overclock at all and we're going to see which is better okay so anyway here we go we've got our memory gonna sit 3300 we got core at 12 67 nice overclock guys nice safe overclock some people aren't going to be able to obtain the overclock that I can get some people are going to go a lot higher just depends use the luck of the draw with graphics cards just as it is with CPUs some CPUs can go higher some can't and you know this is my overclock guys and I'm happy with it okay this is my nice gaming overclocked I probably will tune it down even a little bit less because I want to I don't like the having the fans so loud in the background yeah if you don't mind fan noise guys ball means you know copy my settings if you have a GTX 670 please ask me any questions if you want guys yeah that's about it so let's have a look guys 41 there GPU temps are pretty cool it's running nicely let's clock it down and see what we will let's see our overall increase in performance here okay as opposed to a researchers reset the whole thing so we're getting 41 on that test let's just reset ok so sorry will actually save our profile before we do that ok there we go let's save that save as 1 so that's our overclocked we're going to save that sorry I already did save it and then we're going to go back to default which is 2 so we're back to stock settings guys everything's normal let's run off same test variant a/c tests and this time we're going to see how much of a general increase we got out of our card ok what kind of performance gains we got out of just raising that TPD 15% ok and that's why I'm saying it's the most important thing is raising the TPD because that's the limit of how much power your cards actually using and just like a car engine the more you know the more fuel that's going into the car the more power it's going to produce and this is exactly what's happening with the graphics card the more power is going into the graphics card the more power is coming out to your screen so let's have a look at 37 ok that's about what we're doing at 37 as opposed to 41 you do the math that's over at 10% that's what's almost pretty much it's pretty much exactly a 10% overclock so basically guys we got a nice 10% overclock today and it was safe as it's pretty safe okay it's not going to burn your graphics card out admittedly the fan noise is annoying for me so I'm probably you know for all in all guys I'm most likely just going to keep my graphics card at the normal settings maybe I'll just increase the TPD up to a hundred and ten percent and you know guys that's that and that's why I haven't done this overclocking tutorial for a long time is because I've been really happy with my GTX 670 and the video have done a phenomenal thing with the Kepler series they've increased the power efficiency they've increased the frames or the power a massive amount and it just runs so smoothly every every game that I put through this thing no problems at all guys so you know you guys have obviously I'm not a Nvidia fanboy I love AMD to whatever's better value for money but I'm just saying this is a really good cut and guys yeah watch this okay you don't want to go over eighty degrees okay on any graphics card I don't recommend going over eighty degrees it's sort of a level that things can go wrong okay so what's your graphics cards guys and be sure to watch the temperatures okay so as you can see it's sort of fighting 79 80 it's sort of it's fighting itself and also the graphics has onboard fan control auto which once it gets to 80 degrees the fans spin up faster and cool it down better so guys I hope you enjoyed this graphics overclocking tutorial today if you have any questions at all please or if you've got important questions guys please send me a PM personal message if you've got things that really need to be addressed quickly if you want to know just little things or little things please leave a comment in the comment section below and of course guys if this graphics beginner's guide helped you out today guys please subscribe and thumbs up this video as it you know takes me time to do all the video and sort of get it all ready for you guys and if you have any anything else you want to know please let me know anyway guys peace out for now brownie Z bite
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