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Black Ops 3 Performance & Causes Of Stuttering - HOW to FIX it

so a lot of people have been having performance issues with black ops 3 and me myself I was trying to identify the problem so today I did some tests and the results were pretty immediate and pretty conclusive there are two settings in the graphics option menu which are causing horrible stuttering and they are order independent transparency and subsurface scattering so I want you guys to turn these settings off if you want to have a good gameplay experience in call of duty black ops 3 now today I'll also talk about my optimal settings and a little bit more on performance issues and maybe what Treyarch could do to improve this game so let's talk about that ladies and gentlemen welcome back to tech s city this is brian coming back to you guys today with a little discussion on the black ops 3 performance issues now in the past this has been known recently for us to get a release on PC with the cod series and it have performance issues and I'm kind of a bit over it I wish try och here's a message to you guys if you're making these games just take these settings completely out of the fucking game like seriously no one I think I speak on behalf of every PC player here but no one wants horrid stuttering in your games now the good thing about black ops 3 is that you can turn the settings down a little bit or turn off the culprit settings and the game will run as smooth as butter which is a good thing spiders say when ghost was released this didn't happen you would even turn it down to medium low turn everything off the game would still stutter so at least with black ops 3 you have the option there to have a smooth gameplay experience but I will emphasize that one more time Treyarch just remove these settings completely the order Tran independent transparency and also the subsurface scattering just remove them they're causing clearly they're causing big issues in the game at the moment on the PC just get rid of them everyone will be happy at the moment and also there's another thing I want to talk about that's the extra textures and the extra shadow quality now with these two settings I found that they did tax the vram a hell of a lot especially at 4k I got like an increase of like almost over 1.5 gigabytes of vram being used over high settings and I didn't notice much of a fidelity increase there in the graphics so what I'm recommending to people is if you want to play this game especially a 4k just drop the settings down to high and sort of turn off all these other tweaks settings I'll give you guys a look at my tweaked settings here and the game will be as smooth as butter at 4k and it will look really good now I don't know if you want to take these settings down to 1080p or 1440p as well but I'm guessing that they will run really well at those resolutions as well so if you want the best sort of optimized settings for playing black ops 3 at the moment then these are my settings here it's gen really high across the board with all the extra crap turned off and then you've got SM a a at one speed because I play at 4k if I'm dropping it down to lower resolutions I'll probably put that on to speed so there you generally sweetspot settings in terms of the graphics menu now for input lag on the mouse I turn mouse acceleration off I mean I shouldn't have that you shouldn't have that going on in your game anyway I've got my mouse speed it'd probably be about four and a half there and that seems to do me fine you you know you're welcome to try out your mouse settings but I generally have I'm having no problems with input lag I'm finding the game very responsive keep in mind though I do turn off vsync and gsync on this game and I also set my pre-rendered frames to one and I mean I mean it's not so fun though one thing I will lastly touch on is these server-side issues as well I noticed yesterday that there was some big lag issues but I'm guessing that's because I'm probably connecting maybe to someone else's computer as I noticed one of the players had had a ping of zero so I'm guessing that sometimes people will be able to host these servers from the player base and that means that you'll get input lag so don't confuse that with stuttering that's a different thing I mean the graphics or the actual hardware side of things where things are stuttering is different to server side or input lag and that and when this when these pings were going terrible I was getting some like you know teleporting and all that crazy stuff that comes with it so don't confuse that kind of stuttering with hardware based stuttering which is what we're looking at today but hopefully on the server side of things things will get pretty I mean I'd imagine that they'd be fixed up I mean I've only had that happen once so it depends on where you live in the internet connections and whatnot but I'm sure this is no different to every other game in that regard but honestly for what it's worth Treyarch I'd like to see you fix these things ASAP and really make this game a enjoyable experience for PC players as we do have a lot of face in the Treyarch side of things when it comes to cod anyway guys I hope this has sold some of your problems if it has please give this video a big fat like and I'll be coming back to you guys with more tech news and reviews and gamma-rays subscribe to check your city baby peas out for now bye
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