Bryaneasy's Gaming Setup 2013 / How to make a BUDGET PODCAST Studio
Bryaneasy's Gaming Setup 2013 / How to make a BUDGET PODCAST Studio
hey YouTube welcome to tech yes City
this is brian is he coming back to you
guys today with a look at my whole
gaming setup so a lot of people been
asking lately look what do you what do
you use the game and what you set up
like and I'm going to show you guys
inside my whole setup today again show
you all the equipment I use now I'm
going to break this video down into two
parts but firstly that moose let me say
that yes I am using this microphone it's
a bit crap it's not as good as my
condenser but I'm going to be moving
around my room so I need something
that's a little bit more mobile so this
thing will do the job and yet first part
of this video will be broken into the
gaming looking at my whole gaming system
and then the second part of the video
we'll be looking at making a how to make
a cheap podcast setup ok so how to make
your own little broadcasting station so
let's get into it guys without further
ado I will just take off my little my
little big logitech c920 which is one
hell of a webcam so I finally tweaked it
all and got it all working now this is
my setup here so as you can see here
this is what I use to basically I sit
down on this full office back chair
which is a necessity if you're gaming in
my opinion now this is my monitor the
samsung s 23a 700d now it's 120 Hertz
monitor so it's 120 frames per second
monitor as you can see it's absolutely
gorgeous its a bright glossy screen I
personally prefer gloss a lot of people
don't like gloss I love gloss and
there's a reason and you're probably
wondering a cable there's no like
there's literally no sunlight getting
into this room and there's actually a
reason for that and that's because if
there's sunlight bouncing off your
monitor makes it hard to see things and
it's really annoying when you're gaming
so there is actually a reason having no
sunlight in your room so as you can see
here i have a logitech let's have a look
at logitech g400 mouse now this mouse is
awesome it gets very versatile good
all-round mouse you can play RTS FPS
MMOs with this thing it's amazing i
recommended it i got it for about thirty
dollars as well now this is my razer
goliathus control edition best mousepad
I've ever owned I love it and in the far
right there on yep in the top corner
there it's the Logitech g600 which is
mm oh and I got a little souvenir my pen
holder from Canada pretty cool and that
is my pop filter for my microphone but
we'll go into that later we'll look at
the microphone all set up now the good
thing about a monitor guys if you're
going to do things make sure your
monitors bright okay I recently when i
upgraded to this monitor i learnt that
my eyes weren't as strained i was as
soon as i got this monitor I pain went
away all my eye pain completely vanished
and it's because the brightness this
monitor is amazing also another good
point about a monitor is that when
you're doing vlogs or if you want to
start videos this thing works is like a
very good lighting for your face so it
lights up your face really well so I
love this monitor and obviously any good
monitor that costs a few hundred dollars
is going to be as just as good as this
one so have a look around get yourself a
nice monitor and a whole point of this
video is obviously yeah work hard by
yourself nice things because nice things
are going to be awesome so this is a
mechanical keyboard cherry blue MX I
love this keyboard it is amazing and
yeah I love cherry blue MX's because I
tried them at the store loved them
bought this keyboard love it amazing
there's my 3d glasses and my tag heuer
watch because i am a boulder year that's
right well I pretend to be a bore I'm
not actually ball status yet let's have
a look around this room so there's my
posters there's my whole set up there my
all make games and boxes lying around i
sort of all put it together to make a
nice little backdrop for my youtube
videos and as you can see it looks
pretty cool while I think it looks cool
anyway there's another office back chair
that was lying around in my house why
should my friend gave it to me so I put
it up in this room so now when we talk
on skype two people can sit down so like
to my family and stuff let's move on to
the most one of the most important parts
and this is the gaming setup so this is
my gaming setup and as you can probably
tell already my tower is pretty much
positioned pretty far away from where i
actually game and there's another reason
for this and the reason being is that
because when i used to game with my
tower like right beside my feet i would
actually get sore feet and now i have i
got a theory and that's I think the
electro magnetic radiation is just
walking through my feet the whole time
so you know if you got a sore feet and
your towel is right next to you you may
wish to push it as like I did push it
all the way back and that might help you
if you've got sore feet who knows let's
have a look here I've got Z so straight
away before we go got these z four
speakers amazing I got these for eighty
dollars like three years ago they still
pump hard amazing speakers the base is
unreal on this little thing so basically
when I'm not using my headphones i use
this so if i'm talking on skype or if I
want to do stuff in this room and want
to listen to music I just turned to
these instead of using my headphones now
this is my case and now as you can see
it's you've probably never seen anything
like it it's a different case it's
called a deo tech and i got it for $35
ok and as i mentioned before i'm a big
fan of budget cases okay this has top
ventilation it's got top panel USB type
panel audio it's got the front mesh
there they r if you look at the rear
here it's got that nice cut out so i
could install the cpu cooler very easily
and if we move on to this side so i have
taken these side panels off today and
yeah it came with five fans there are
three of them led for thirty-five
dollars so if you guys look around you
can get some amazing deals so i
recommend it and now let's have a look
inside my case here so this is where all
the gaming gets done now inside the case
yeah there's as you can see here there's
a fan at the bottom ventilating all the
way through the top here so i've got
like an up so i got it coming pulling
air through the bottom and then wait
wait which one is that go on now it's
calling out at the bottom of the case
sorry this is pulling out of the top of
the case is pulling air out of the rear
of the case so this is my sis absolutes
to water block cooler it's a 90
millimeter radiator and I've clocked my
i5 3570k at 4.4 gigahertz now this is on
an extreme for motherboard now this
motherboard is amazing i recommend it
it's an awesome motherboard for the
money so you get all the features if you
watch some of my budget builds you'll
know how many features you get on this
board it looks amazing also my ram is
cfd 60 I got four by four sticks at 1600
megahertz ddr3 999 24 timings that cost
me about eighty dollars
and it was amazing ramp now let's have a
look at my video card this is my
favorite video card of all time the
galaxy gtx 670 now this thing is a beast
is got an aftermarket cooler on it it
overclocks extremely well and as you can
hear you'll probably hear no noise at
all like my whole system is pretty damn
quiet and that's what I like about the
whole system it's quite the fans are all
quiet everything runs really well even
overclocked so now this is my antec 650
watt bronze earthwatts now got this for
about fifty dollars now my next power
supply will be modular as you can tell
it's pretty messy here that's because
you've got too many cables and yeah my
next part my next pass play is going to
be modular that's why I do recommend
modular pass place if you can afford
them now two hard drives to western
digital blacks raid zeroed 640 gig
models they've been running for a long
time I love them in there that little
tray there is my corsair force 320
gigabyte SSD so and this as you can see
here the drive bay is very accessible I
like you know pull things out sometimes
and it's very easy to get them in and
out with the case like this obviously
the clips here they make they help
installing things as well over here one
terabyte backup drive and their use my
power board which controls everything I
recommend getting a power board and over
here is a white screen when I do product
reviews and stuff like that some weights
I mean come on Brody even lift now you
know you casually got to do exercise you
got to stay healthy guys radiation meter
there there's my socks two years ago as
massive earthquake in Japan and I got
one just out of paranoia oh yeah and
it's my green screen I hardly ever use
it and the reason why I don't use it is
because I need to spend money on
lighting and I don't want to spend money
on lighting at the moment because I
haven't really got a need for the green
screen so when I made it I was like oh
this is cool yeah it was pretty cheap
was like fifteen dollars there's my sony
DSLR camera which is amazing except if
you notice when i do product reviews the
audio is clipping and that's because
this audio it doesn't actually the ADC
doesn't have a level you can't control
the level of recording and i hate it so
i got to look into that you know maybe i
might have to buy another little pre amp
or something where I control the input
so it's something I've got to think
about with this so but for pictures it
is amazing it's amazing camera there's a
tamron lenses on it too so I love Sony
cameras the tripod and all thats all
there and there is my heat off so and
there's a spare bed if someone needs to
crash so let's get on to the audio part
this is part 2 year okay now this is my
whole basically my whole audio setup
I'll get show you that show you that now
this is a microphone stand which costs
about this cost me about twenty five
dollars and as you can see it's really
good so when I'm not gaming I can just
pull it pull it away to the left and it
won't be in the way and when I'm talking
gaming whatnot I can just pull it back
and it's really good looks good it's
awesome this here is my audio technica
ath / 05 hundreds amazing headphones i
recommend getting audio file headphones
if you can afford them i got these for
about sixty dollars and best one of the
best sets of headphones I've ever
listened to let alone purchased so let's
move on to the microphone the bearing of
b1 condenser microphone this thing is
amazing it cost me about $75 and the
quality is phenomenal this thing I love
this so if you want to make a podcast
setup i recommend getting these three
things and s XLR cable costs about five
dollars you will need to get that if you
get this condenser microphone good thing
about this condenser microphone is it
comes with a shock mount so this is this
mount here so when things should have
shake and stuff it kind of the
microphone can move on its own a little
bit so it won't make any noise and it
also comes with a case you can see that
case in the backdrop there that is the
case that it comes with very high
quality for $75 I got minutes amazing so
let's have a look at the mick pram this
is probably you're probably wondering
what this thing was like what's this
little thing here this is my microphone
preamp and this is what this thing does
basically you plug the condenser
microphone into it and it'll give your
microphone phantom power and this is
specific to condenser microphones and
now I recommend getting a condenser
microphone if you're looking to do a
podcast set up because cheaper amps will
run condenser microphones better than
dynamics dynamics require more
amplification and when you are
for more amplification off a cheap Mick
print like this you're obviously going
to get more noise okay so condenser
microphones are more sensitive and they
require less amplification than dynamic
microphones that's one of the reasons
why I'd recommend getting a condenser
plus my condenser just sounds epic
anyway so let's have a look at this
thing these are my settings are the
volume up to like I don't know maybe
plus 30 desvelado no levels there and
yeah all my levels are set I don't worry
I don't really want to play with it
that's why I'm not using my microphone
this microphone off this amp at the
moment because I don't touch the
Settings and this thing another good
thing about this is will amplify your
headphones okay so this will amplify
your headphones and give it a real juicy
signal from your onboard audio from this
thing so now i'm using the onboard audio
from a motherboard and as you tell us
it's always in my other videos the audio
is always good right so i recommend
getting one of these things maybe a 502
this is the xenocs 1002 so this is a
little bit more expensive but i managed
to pick this up forty dollars so very
cheap very very cheap now all in all
this cost me forty dollars the cables
cost me probably 5 and 5 5 i'm just
adding up the mass now fifteen dollars
twenty-five dollars thanks forty dollars
hundred dollars microphone eighty
dollars but one hundred eighty dollars
if you want to hold decent podcast set
up maybe one hundred eighty dollars if
you've really got headphones obviously
the headphones aren't as crucial as the
other pieces so maybe you know you can
get away with a t25 $150 roundabout
hundred fifty dollars cables nick cramp
and microphone standard microphone so i
recommend going with something like this
which will you know you'll get amazing
quality especially if you're looking to
start off broadcasting so overall I love
my setup I recommend it thoroughly so if
you guys have any questions about you
know my whole setup and if you want to
get things like I have then please ask
me questions i'll recommend things so
this is this model set up i don't really
need to upgrade at the moment anything
so i am thinking about doing has well
although people like upgrade has will
upgrade to has well I'm probably I'm
thinking about doing it just may be the
motherboard cpu and cpu cooler so let's
get back into it anyway so that is my
whole setup and that printer down there
is just a printer scanner but i forgot
the model name of it some cheap
piece-of-crap some cannon cheap thing so
there we go guys that's my whole setup i
hope you enjoyed this video and yeah i
think i've talked about everything I
could possibly talk about in my room see
if you have any questions please ask
call me plz comment in the comment
section below and if you have anything
like really urgent and please send me a
PM and I'll get back to you as soon as I
can now obviously yeah you want to if
you're making a cheap budget podcast
setup you basically just want to spend
about one hundred fifty dollars because
if you don't spend enough money you're
going to get cheap crap which you're
going to completely replace for instance
this microphone is my friend stand these
headphones I don't need to replace them
for a long time as opposed to the mick
cramp i will replace but it's only forty
dollars and i can probably resell it for
thirty dollars you know what i mean so i
haven't I been in lost ten dollars but
if you buy crap and it blows up you can
have to replace the whole thing so just
think about that so ultimately goes I
hope you enjoyed this look into my whole
room my whole hermit lab I call my home
at lab this is I love this place is
might let my solace I'm free here so i
guess if you'd like this please give it
a thumbs up and if you're a yes man or a
yes woman then please subscribe to tech
yessuh tea or anything in between which
would make you a yes transvestite now
he'll if you're a yes training as well
hit the sub button who cares you know
yes trainees would anyway guys I hope
you enjoyed this look my next video will
be OS optimizing your OS four games okay
so optimizing windows 7 pacifically for
gaming and my hope flatline theory i'm
going to show you you guys going to love
it so that'll be my next video and tech
talk as well i don't know which one when
i get time i'm going to make obviously
check talk i make that every week so
i'll do tech talk as soon as I can and I
will get you guys Tech Talk out and os
so the OS is like the next video I'll
probably do or tactile which other one
comes first the other one will follow
soon so
yes I don't know i rambled on enough and
there's nothing else I can ramble on
about so i hope you enjoyed this today
and ya guys peace out for now Rainy's
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